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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Well this is slightly original - but not unknown. The laws of averages and normal distributions coming into play here. To put it another way, today we get to give a very personal Happy Birthday serenade just to @MrSonata Have a great day sir!!!
  2. Happy Birthday today @Thibs123 & @james35794
  3. Can you perhaps post a link to some of the youtube channels / clips you found @MachineONO? I'm sure there would be some interest, even if the peeing clips are buried with lots of other content.
  4. Almost all of the clips on that link are friends only, which is a shame. It is a very popular night-life city, and has a huge student population. The law of averages alone sort of means if you get enough drunk people together there are likely to be some leaks. I've posted in the past about a VERY public pee I witnessed, and saw a wetting on the same night. Although the latter was a possibly homeless, and likely a drug addicted lady and not half as arousing as you may imagine.
  5. Goooooooood Morning Peefans... And a very Happy Birthday to: @Peeguy38743 @Bobby Acacia @peefun123
  6. Here's something for all you Birthday folks today... Yes - that's for you @Rob57 @Jeromeft @ludeguy1995 @pokeherpee
  7. More Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday wishes go to @bbb_666 @yyyy @weeziefb123 Have a great day !!!
  8. Not so many birthdays to celebrate after a peak earlier in the month - but we celebrate nonetheless. Happy Birthday Wishes. @Desman Dread @Jonas
  9. I think the weirdest one I can remember from recent times, I dreamt I was at an outdoor party, like sort of a fete or a school fair sort of thing more than a party. And lots of real life friends were there, so I was spending time chatting and so on. There was a pizza chef who had an outdoor table, preparing pizzas to order and cooking them. He needed to take a rest break, so I stepped in and started making pizzas for the people waiting. And you know those dreams where you're running but not getting anywhere - being chased or whatever - it turned into one of those scenarios. A queu
  10. And there it is.... I said it. And only this morning @Sophie said it too. We as a website exist to promote Pee... our love of it. The positives and the fun of it. The common thing that unites us. Tall, short, young, old, any country, any continent. And any gender. We won't tolerate any abuse aimed at individuals or groups. And the site is aimed at being a light-hearted and fun place, not full of political and other views. This is NOT the place to be bleating on about your perceived gender stereotypes. Sorry - I used a few long words there. This is NOT the place t
  11. I've moved this post - was in Men pissing - but why should the guys have all the fun... So, like @TylerHasFun says - Who's a good piss role model??? Tell us all about it
  12. Please can we keep to topic... which in this case is images of random sexy girls.
  13. And today - some more celebrations: @barkdog @ifucksluts @dher18 @clovep1369 @Silver Maasing @Olivander @sammi99 @255nwa Have a great day all !!!!
  14. ^^^ Yes, my credit card did take quite a hit. Anyway, back to today and more birthdays to celebrate: @goldenprincess333 @grv @Funner @winsome311 @peeetalia @Daniel Baker Have a great day folks !!!
  15. @2talljj @rex parkinson @snepav @Camaron @johnsmith1884 @cinchip666 @Barr and a certain Gosling - all get to celebrate birthdays today. 🎁😁🐥🪿🍰🍻 Sorry folks, only the gosling gets an in-person celebration - it’s a milestone one, now where’s my credit card.
  16. Let’s do some Saturday celebrating for: @shumester @famasan @PheliXXX Have a great day all!!!
  17. Not quite sure what conclusions you’re going to draw from your survey… I mean, I’ve seen more people peeing in public and wetting in public in the UK, than when I’ve been in Spain. But I’ve seen zero people in Japan, China, Czech Republic, Russia and all the other places I’ve never been. Does that mean UK is the place to be? And that nobody pisses in public in Russia? Surely not?
  18. Having just read your Live Action Thread @sunny.puppy - just wondering if you're thinking towards a 'solo' activity to fulfil your own desires, or whether you're looking towards an outing where your girlfriend can also enjoy watching you being deliciously naughty too. (I can understand if your girlfriend doesn't share quite the extent of passion you do - equally it's awesome if it's a joint activity). I only ask from the perspective that if you're making it a duo trip then perhaps that can sway things a little - staying in a hotel for the weekend is more viable for two perhaps? Giving
  19. So... there's this rumour going round... that it's your birthday: @humphrey36 @Meh12 @g1psy_ @paul11 @Tyrone101 Is the rumour true? Should we look out for the signs, wild partying, lots of noise and some enthusiastic peeing ??? Have a great day!
  20. @sunny.puppy - I love your way of thinking. There are a few threads in this Pee Talk & Questions that may help, although you may need to go back a few pages to find them. An example here. The obvious ones are inside a hotel room or a carpeted shop changing room. But I appreciate you may well like something more personal to you. I totally get what you mean about a rug or carpet, and your logic of not wanting to leave to much evidence or need for cleanup. One thing to watch out for, apart from other people seeing you would be places which have security cameras. So for
  21. @Zogan @whiteboy67 @Draig1 @Blackpanth3rman Your mission... should you choose to accept it.... is to have an AWESOME BIRTHDAY !!! Have a great one!
  22. [Moderator's Note - The member making this original post was last active on 11th November 23, the day of this post. So four months later and the OP hasn't been back to read the follow-on posts. We hope they will come back, their membership is still open of course).
  23. That's the one - although I nearly deleted this post when it popped up the 'Facebook sign in' screen (close that and the clip plays).
  24. Now every birthday is special, right? And no single birthday is more special than any other - also true ??? Decide for yourselves as we light the candles for @MissAutumn @sillyme @goodcunt @dorte1 @Davepipe75 @eheol @lamo94
  25. Wonderful Sunny - all wonderful. And as far as that trashcan goes - please consider yourself encouraged.
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