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Everything posted by MissPiss

  1. My girlfriend Ashley Dobbs and I love to do pissing cam shows. I will see her end of May and we have our Skype all set up. Not sure if you are looking for free shows though or not. . . we do charge a fee because we have to set the camera up in the bathroom and that is how we earn our living. So if you are interested in setting something up for end of May let me know : )
  2. I have often sold my own peed in panties to special fans and customers. . . however. . . but by the time my panties arrived they did not smell sweet. The urine turns to an ammonia smell after a few days. So I would be interested to know how you can send panties that still smell like sweet pee.
  3. Hey guys, Just wanted to let you know that I am planning a little visit to see my best friend Ashley Dobbs. We are gonna spend some well needed quality time together, hang out at the pool, go shopping and maybe even hit a few restaurants during my stay. But the best part is. . . we are going to make custom pee videos for anyone who is interested. Please PM me to discuss : )
  4. One time I was at a house party with over 200 people. There was a live band, tons of alcohol and it was so much fun.. I must have drank over 6 beers within the first hour and felt the strongest urge to pee. Unfortunately there was only one available bathroom in the house but I didn’t think I could wait. I noticed there were 3 portable pottys in the yard but there was no way in hell I was gonna use one of those nasty things. So I casually snuck into one of the bedrooms and decided to pee in a closet. I kicked off my flip flops, took off my shorts, then sat my ass down on a little step stool an
  5. As a young girl I was not aroused by pee "sexually" but more mentally. I got off being naughty and promiscuous. . . my peeing activities never effected me in a sexual way until I became an adult. What about you?
  6. Lets not forget. . . what I post (fact or fiction) is something I would really do : )
  7. First date I peed on his lap! Last weekend I went on a date to the lake with a new guy I met and some of his friends. When we first arrived we found picnic area to unload all our stuff and start cooking. My date was sitting on a log drinking beer so I came over and joined him. After about 6 beers each I got a little Liquid courage, started feeling frisky and sat down on his lap. I gave him a hug, kissed him on the cheek and told him how much I enjoyed his company. He told me that he likes me too and hopes we can go out more often. So I rested my head on his shoulder and sunk deeper into his
  8. Yes my blog is free : ) http://pee-pee-fetish.tumblr.com/
  9. hahaha That's funny. I too once pissed all over the floors in a dressing room.
  10. Wow. . . I have been enlightened : )
  11. 50 shades of yellow . . . love the title. You just inspired me!
  12. Oh yes I have a story to share but I am not sure it will be allowed on this forum : )
  13. So I just got an email from a fan asking me why I haven't made any new pants wetting videos for my site. I told him that I have already made many and I'm trying to change things up a bit. But he still wants me to make more. So now I am curios . . . does wetting pants ever get old??? I suppose I could pee in some new jeans I just got in order to make the same "pants wetting" scenario fresh and new. What are your thought on this? Does seeing a girl pee in her jeans ever get old??? MissPiss
  14. Did you read the part about “Cold Diuresis”???
  15. What sets this place apart is it's a genuinely friendly place for the fans. . . I hope you don't let greed for making money turn this place into another piracy fueled tube site.
  16. The screen shot was not taken from my site. But I felt it was too hot not to share : )
  17. I have some videos of that *wink*
  18. Women pee more in the winter Did you know that people especially WOMEN tend to pee a lot more in the winter time? Yup it’s true!!! There are many factors that cause urination to increase during the cold winter months and there are many reasons and studies to prove it!!!. During winter people consume a lot more hot beverages to keep warm. Even if you don’t drink hot caffeinated drinks you still have to pee a lot more because of “Cold Diuresis” In cold weather, your body tries to keep your core warm by constricting your blood vessels and reducing the flow of blood to your skin. This proces
  19. Last night I dreamed that I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom to take a nice long pee. About 10 minutes later I woke up and realized my bed was soaking wet. OMG I couldn’t believe I actually pissed my bed!!! Yup you heard me right. . . This grown woman had a pee accident in her very own bed??? I thought to myself, Oh well I already peed the bed and the damage is done so I might as well enjoy it. So I just laid there in my comforting warm bliss and fell back to sleep. I enjoyed the feeling so much I even peed a little more. hehehe MissPiss.com
  20. Oh I would get a lot m,ore than just snaps. . . I would video tape that shit!!!! hahahaha
  21. Peeing while driving - has anyone tried this? I actually tried this once for my younger 21 year old sister after I picked her up from college. She just got done drinking with all her friends and now I was driving her home for the Holidays. It was very late at night (or I should say very early in the morning) so no stores or restaurants were open. And the worst part was. . . there was not a gas station around for miles. My poor little sister was so desperate to pee I thought she was going to wet her pants. I told her to just pop a squat and piss on the side of the road but she refused. She
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