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Everything posted by Ivy1989

  1. As long as u two exorcise in each other’s turn in’s, it can be so awarding
  2. Yeah that and if in a skirt we can hide it too, I pee more then I post
  3. I’m partial to my fellow blondes though =}
  4. You get so much attention from naked pee pix, obviously I’m in the wrong profession on here :0 (can u loan me a pee pic, male or female will work lol ?)
  5. ITs a good forum to share things with ppl that’s into the same thing, makes the world feel bigger
  6. The lady in the pinkie sweater is my favourite
  7. Kelley clarkson - whatever doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger
  8. And the layout was similar so it was easy to use
  9. I was looking for a new forum, the last one I was on, the ppl were kinda snubby
  10. Girls can pee anywhere too, don’t let her fool u
  11. As long as someone enjoyed it other then me
  12. Maybe he liked the wetting part lol I’ll never know, not that I care
  13. Jan 15th 2018 After a daring feat of holding for 9 hours, I really had to pee, I really had to pee like now, but being the stupid idiot I am, I decided to go further being extremely risky , where I was almost caught, and I did get a panic attack, omg It was a little past noon, and I went into a clothing store debating if I should go through with it, I almost chickened out, but with my juices flowing and being tired, common sense no longer existed, It was a beautiful grey skirt , that goes past my knees, it looked actually really good on me , before I knew it I was
  14. this one will be the first one and this one i can add peeing, though i'm trying to move and swing as I pee without pausing, that part is hard, but i'm gonna wow my hubby to be , i have a pole in my room and lights, if he doesn't get into my fetish after, then i'll resign this forum and never pee again lol (myself)
  15. torn between this song or LEGS from the same artist, Legs I think i can strip too better wearing sexier attirement, I have another song i plan to strip too when I get married, being a stripper for years you can almost visiualize how to dance to any song, if it has that sexual energy
  16. Back in 2015, when I was engaged to my ex, we were on a ski trip in Vancouver BC, though he never skied but at least took me so i could, we were staying at the Sandman Inn, and I remember one night particuarly, pounding across the hall of a young attractive female and she was wasted, and she kept trying to get into the room, yelling she has to pee, she has to pee, Elijah (my ex) and I went out and to see if we can maybe let her use the bathroom here then from behind I saw pee rolling down her jeans and her ass and back of the legs were completely soaked and the carpet was pretty wet, she was
  17. I don’t know what Chloe looks like but I found in my experiences, the hot enough woman can make guys like almost anything, especially if it could lead somewhere, I’m kinda doing that experiment with my fiancée, at first a “lady doesn’t pee herself” now he’s like “I would like to see you pee yourself upon marriage (not my stages accidents lol, but just for him) I’ve. Seen similar things in ppl I know but to trend it, I did what ppl want fetishes and what not, but to have my own and attract attention that wasn’t there b4 is hot for me
  18. I hope when I marry he’ll be open to cum on me, if he won’t do anal maybe he’d jizz on my butt? Lol something about having hot jizz shoot on your naked body is oddly weird lol, I’ve had cum showers b4 back in my wild days
  19. IM a bisexual female too, feel free to PM me
  20. Holy crap ? and to think I’m new to the Christian aspect of spirituality, religion is confusing-.-
  21. Jan 13th 2018 not much of an experience worth sharing but here it is, i needed to cash from the bank, I could of easily gone through the drive thru but decided to go into the lobby that’s open, I needed to pee, enough, and I was waiting in line, behind someone, that was fine, the mat was wet and there was enough noise, so I spreaded my legs apart enough and peed, right onto the mat, as I waited, glad I went bare legged lol, then after I was done I edged forward and the gentleman was done, he was older, greeted me with a smile commenting that he’s sorry he’s slow , I told him I don’t
  22. It’s hard to say what your fetish it, due to fear of ridicule, it’s a risk
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