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Everything posted by Sephora

  1. I went out with my hubby xmas shopping for my nieces and we decided to eat in a local sport resto bar. My hubby took this picture of me with excitement, which I was on my second and he expected a golden shower and yeah.. I will leave it to your imagination *wink* lolol
  2. Same here, and i am waiting for an order I placed online except we are having issues concerning the massive delays cause by the mail strike. After that, i will need to catch up on cooking and baking... soo much to do!
  3. Its a snow flake really. Thank you F.W.
  4. Last night with a couple of friends I haven't seen in a year. After having lunch at a resto pub, we ended up, well me and 1 of the friends ended up peeing right next to her car in the underground parking lot. Actually we sprint waled there, it was too cold to pee outside, like -26c cold.. Why so cold? it's only end of November !!!
  5. I have tried once, its okay really.. need getting use to. I have seen a few do it. The restaurant owners took them out because of too many complaints. I guess some are not ready for it.
  6. I am not sure if 99% is acurate. I can tell you that most women don't talk about it as much as men would. I must know about 3-4 friends that has talked about peeing a peeing experience on or with their boyfriends. As others are not into it and have their opinions about it. I remember one of them said the men who are into peeing can't be stimulated with normal sex anymore. I am not sure where she gets her information. However I can tell you that is completely false. Walk in shower are amazing, i hope one day we can get one. It sounds like you guys are having fun and that's what's important
  7. Yeah, it's not eveyone that see's and feels the same way. From what iI have been reading, some are just doing it for pleasing the other. I strongly believe that it can improve with people that are less open minded. I do remember the first time I was approached by my ex. There was no build up for me, instead it was thrown as a demand.. i want you to pee in my mouth! For me, its a turn off. I'm not saying buy me flowers and an expensive supper. However I am open for getting a bottle of wine lololol
  8. Oh my!! This is an eye opening early this morning. 😁😁 *wistle*
  9. My husbands sister (my sister inlaw), had a small fire in their house which was caused by bad wiring from a samsung dryer. So, for a few weeks, we asked them to come and live with us while the house gets repaired. The bathroom is quite busy at night and while she was in the shower. The urge got to me this weekend and I decided to wait. After 15 minutes, the pain started to get to me. My hubby really wanted me to use him, i could have went outside and pee in the cold snow, however I decided to use him since the offer is there and went to our bedroom, which I asked him to be quiet because the ou
  10. Does peeing in urinals, tilted forward count as standing up? If so, for a while I have seen a few.
  11. I thought everyone would have it at the same place no? For me, it's above the virgina mound.. lower abdomen area.
  12. It is not something I keep track of. In my case, I do believe it's every 2 hours, I presume drinking between 1 to 2 litres a day will have that effect on me lolol
  13. Circumsised is nice to look at, my husbands is uncircumcised and it does not bother me.. as long as it works and keeps it cleaned.
  14. Sorry if I have not replied lately, I was very busy. I have notice some areas give out a seat cover however I had not use it. Personally, I pee sitting down at home, at parents and people I know very well. I do not sit un public toilet even if it looks clean. I don't want to sound gross but some people has pimples on their butt and just the thought of it is gross. This is why I squat and hover. I am not an anti germ freak, I just find many people discusting. I see and hear what goes on in public bathrooms (making an eww face right now lolol).
  15. Lolol what are you aiming for in there? I try to avoid peeing at home because i don't want to pick up the mess.
  16. I agree with you! Well, I should or should be getting the results in 3-4 days. It is nerve wracking however, I say to myself, I can't control what might happen and I will learn what needs to be learned.
  17. I am a responsible head of my department. However I do consume weed after super and I do find they are extreme with this. I am allowed to my private life outside of work. So I peed in a cup this morning, crossing my fingers that nothing will be said. A colleague at work said she ate a lot of asparagus the night before lolololol She doesn't do drugs or drink but was annoyed that she still had to do it.
  18. A friend of ours is a welder and their boss said, if you are caught, you are fired on the spot. I hope so, I just don't know why it's affecting me, i work in the office all week.
  19. As the law currently stands, companies still have the right if they suspect. There was an employe that was fired last June for coming to work stoned and it caused an incident with another employee which he is still on the csst. So, is it to scare employees.. not sure. I lnow the police officers have a 0 tolerence if caught.
  20. In the begining of Octobre, all employes received a notification saying that, with the new laws, which the goverment legalized cannabis in Canada, everyone must take a drug test. So I stopped consuming for over 3 weeks and I have been drinking 2 litres of water ever day, not that i wasn't drinking it in the first place, and my sister in law, who was recently hired last August, and smokes weed, was concerned and I gave her this advice so that she can flush out any traces of drugs. We both had a talk yesterday and she told me since 3 weeks, she hasn't seen her pee as clear and is constantly runn
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