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Everything posted by Sephora

  1. So the main reason why I was not on in a week, 2 of my girl friends from France came to stay at my place for about a week which I had took time off to act as their guide and spend time with them. Aboit 3 hours north from where i live, we visited an impressive water fall which you can either take a chair lift or walk up the path to cross a bridge for pedestrians above the water fall which eventually leads up to a nice restaurant. During are climbing expedition, one shouts out that she needed to pee, that the sound of the water fall did not help her cause. So we waited on the side to let a
  2. A confession from a canadian lady..... "Once I was at work during a week I was practically alone except for 2 others which both were on the second floor while I was working on the main floor which I had no choice to be there since at the time, my boss was on vacation. Part of my work was filing clients folders back in the storage area in the basement. I was there long enough to get an urge to pee and there are no toilets in the basement. Instead of risking peeing myself, I decided to go in the last row pulled up my skirt and pee where there was a carpet. Part of it was quite soaked u
  3. To be honest, it was a beautiful day, i would have sat outside all day and occasionally pee in a corner.
  4. This park has cement benches, a small statue in the middle with an asphalt path and it' between 2 buildings. On each side to the buildings has some tree's and bushes which is where I see people, mostly men, that go pee. I was wearing a dark navy blue suit and pants, honestly, I didn't check my pee as I was more focused on talking and hurrying up. We were 5 total, I know of 2 women in their 40's and the others were in their 20's. While 3 of us were peeing, the other 2 waited and after, we switched since it's a smaller corner.
  5. Oh yeah, we were safe to go back in at 10h15 this morning, if thats what you are refering to?
  6. 2 females, there are more females working at this company. Yes, about the employee that i talled about before. It is a little creepy and i was the only one to noticed him. I presume he licks pee because of a conversation he had with his ex and noticing when he goes in after some come out. Then there was that confusion when a service call was made to pick up a mess. This almost confirms that he is into it.
  7. It has been 53 minutes since I started working and the fire alarm went off, forcing us to evacuate the building which we are still waiting to get the clear from the fireman. From what i was told, a fire started in the kitchen which no one is hurt. That being said, we are still waiting outside and with no restaurants open at this hour, me and 4 other women, ended up peeing next to a wall of a building in a park, which i got to meet 2 newer employees. I swear on my life, that janitor Justin, i caught him going to pee exacly where we peed. I knew it, this guy has a pee fetish, i mean why go
  8. Seriously, when I use to work as a lifeguard at the indoor pool, the head janitor has said that the womens lockeroom was always grosser than the men. And its true, and at times, i probably didn't help the cause. Even today, the womens lockeroom at the gym can be gross at certain hours, which i gave up taking a shower there.
  9. Thong and jeans, this is why I went outside, where it's dark. Thongs do not hold nothing Obviously, there must half been a slop in the floor to go that far, For the employee, I just told him something was leaking lolol I guess in a way yes. It's a good thing that half went in the toilet too. Thank you!
  10. It has been a while since I posted something which happened last night. Yesterday, me, my husband and a friend decided to go watch the recent movie of Avengers, which I thought it was quite good. Just before entering, we decided to take a few tokes, then we grabbed a combo popcorn and drink, which the cup size are quite large. This movie was at least 2 hours long and towards the end, the urge to pee starting to hit me and I was holding it in, hoping the end would be there soon. Then at the end my husband and his friend decided to watch the end of the credits, I just left because i had to
  11. Sorry to go off topic, if men have a full bladder and sneeze, do you ever wet yourself? To me, it's the most annoying thing
  12. Nice story Brutus and no its not hard to believe as i can relay to this. If we need to go badly, there is pressure against the bladder, even more when squatting, i can confirm that. And once it starts, the relief feels good.
  13. Yes, more than average, my sister is 5' 10 almost 11 inches
  14. Jason Momoa, omg he can ask me to do anything to him 🙂 🙂
  15. Hahahahah omg, wow, talk about research. I am 5 foot 9 inches, more toned and it can be somewhat loud, squatting or sitting. Now your saying that pregnant women its hit or miss. great!!
  16. If i was going to add a small list of actors i do find hot, they would be: Tom Hardy Chris Hemsworth Jason Momoa Michael Fassbender
  17. That is an interesting story Brutus. Do you know or anyone else knows if the womans build and size might effect the way the pee? Personally, i can't tinkle even after trying.
  18. I look for a place to go asap. Too many accidents has happen to me.
  19. Well someone defeat me. Congratulations! 😊
  20. Thank you so much for accepting me at the start when i first came here for information regarding a fetish my husband want me to try and you have been a great help.
  21. I haven't been on recently because of issues regarding me posting personal pictures, public and private, which my husband found out. He did not approve and it caused big issues on between us. I want to apologize to everyone about the confusion for posting a fake picture and story like I have with the soil story. I went the wrong way about it to finally find out if he was using my account and i am very sorry to everyone. Unfortunately, I won't be able to post personal pictures of myself or take video requests anymore for protecting our personal lives. I hope everyone understands
  22. I think it's a wonderful idea! Now we need to get the most participants.
  23. Squatting, i am not good standing up.
  24. Oh, I have not seen this post, is the challenge still on?
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