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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2017 in all areas

  1. As promised, my next endeavour was to pee outside somewhere while wearing a short dress with no panties underneath, just casually laying on my back in the nice sunshine. This one really excited me because I had never done anything like it before, and I like to keep things private so doing things in public gives me a huge thrill. This was one of my most daring adventures for a couple of reasons, which I will explain throughout the story. I've tried to include as much detail as possible so this story is a rather long one, just a little warning. Without further ado, enjoy! It was an absolute
    5 points
  2. Well, others have had a go. So this is me. Most here are very familiar with my peeing interests. But my non, peeing interests also include psychology, UK politics, true crime, history, World War 2, and cosmology, amongst other things. So this thread is a chance for anyone to ask me anything at all - pee-related or not. I will answer honestly and as fully as I can, with the proviso that I of course will not give away the kind of personal information that might risk compromising my anonymity. So feel free to ask me anything.
    2 points
  3. I can't say I have really :( Some of the sightings posted I can relate to, such as girls squatting in an alley or peeing on a beach but most things written on here are too extreme or naughty for me to try.
    2 points
  4. I guess I like to cook, I don't dislike it but I'm not very adventurous, never have been . I know what I like and I'm reluctant to try new things. I love love love pasta though, my all time favourite food. I can't really pinpoint an exact moment I knew I was into pee. It was definitely my early teens that I realised that sort of thing and I started looking online for content. I was so easily satisfied back then, even a gif with just three frames would excite me and if I came across a few photos it was like finding gold. I'm much more picky now, especially about quality. I hadn't told
    2 points
  5. Ask me anything! From pee to pasta and everything in between.
    1 point
  6. This sub-section is a way of bringing members of the community closer together and learning a little more about each other through a simple Q&A system. Any threads in this section can be used to ask participating members any questions you wish - pee or otherwise. Please remember to be respectful and avoid asking anything too private/personal - 'what's the naughtiest place you've ever peed?', or 'what's your favourite TV show?' would likely be appropriate questions, 'what's your full name?' would not. This is light-hearted fun, not an interrogation. If you'd like to receive questions,
    1 point
  7. Hi everyone.. it has been a while since I posted, I had a lot of things going on but now, let's get to business. I started camping this year and I always have the same spot since I know the owner. Not far from where I am located, there is a double outdoor potty, you would be amazed how women have more fun then men when peeing. On each side and behind it, there are thick bushed and the view is quite awesome because I get to see under (which is not only pee at times). It is not very clear but I do get to see some pussy/pee. I have seen so many women, including my girlfriend :-) and her
    1 point
  8. The other day I had a friend come over. We were just hanging out, smoking a couple cigarettes, catching up, typical girl talk. I get my phone out to google something we were talking about and it automatically pops up on this website, seeing as I forgot to clear it out the last time I was on. She noticed and chuckled. "Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed!" I said while I swiped the website away. "Don't be," she said "You're into water sports too?" "Yes I am, always have been. You?" "Me too. What do you like?" I could feel myself getting wet. This girl is so hot and I've always had a hi
    1 point
  9. As I'm sure you know, the 'naughty peeing' aspect has always been my primary interest anyway, so this would almost certainly be the avenue I would want to go down even if there weren't any restrictions. I perhaps am naive to think it would be as easy as this, but in my head all we would need for such videos is a paid model (there are online sites to arrange bookings) and a video camera (potentially a cameraman, but honestly these days anyone with a good camera can produce a high enough quality video). I haven't looked too far into this, but it's definitely not something I've completely ruled o
    1 point
  10. Two?! Greedy! :P I kid... Like above, I discovered it in my early teens. It actually all started with me peeing in the sink, hopping onto the sink in the small single bathroom we had, just a toilet and basin. Peeing somewhere I shouldn't gave me a thrill and I liked looking over my shoulder, seeing my stream flowing into the sink in the mirror. It was easy to clean up too and nobody knew. I had a brief period where I enjoyed covering the toilet with paper and peeing through that, a faint patter before my wee soaked through. I think that's why I don't bother punching out the middle of
    1 point
  11. Steve, as much as anybody, you should know that life often imitates art.
    1 point
  12. THAT is certainly one thing we can both agree on. But, I have known some women who could do everything a male could (and then some) without one. Okay, maybe not quite the distance and height. I, too, think that Freud was reading too much into the psyche of children. Most likely, he was only projecting his own neuroses.
    1 point
  13. You make some very good points and I concur with most all of them. But, I disagree with you on the matter of penis envy. From my observations in the field (not to mention trails, beaches, boats ...), I find most women seriously wish they had one, if only for when their bladder is full.
    1 point
  14. I do not subscribe to a specific school of psychology. I think there are merits in both Jung and Freud. I guess I am more with Freud on the overwhelming influence of the subconscious and childhood development upon the people we become. Jung accepts all this but places a larger amount of emphasis on our aspirations for the future upon our development. I guess I am more with Freud here, believing that our aspirations are often more a product of what our past has made us, more than a contributory cause of who we are today. But I have never really accepted the concept of penis envy in girls. I jus
    1 point
  15. Great to see you have a large number of varied interests outside our common one. I'm talking about cosmology, of course. It's nice to know someone who can have his head in the heavens while his eyes are looking at the floor. I do have a few questions for you. 1. What school of psychology do you subscribe to - Freudian, Jungian or another? 2. Who is your favorite UK politician? It can be from the past or a current one. 3. If you could back in time, what era would you choose? 4. What do you consider the principal reason that Britain ended up on the winning side
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. What a great story, Sophie. I'm glad you finally took advantage the great weather to entertain something you've long wanted to do. The possibility of getting caught must have been thrilling and I'm sure your husband is giving thanks for what happened in the park. Oh, and, as I was sitting down to read this, my bladder was practically screaming at me. But, by the time I finished, I seemed to have a more pressing need.
    1 point
  18. I most familiar with, as well as have my greatest interest in, the physical branch of sciences - physics, chemistry, earth sciences and astronomy/cosmology. Even as a child, I was fascinated with the stars and wondered what exactly was out there. I had an uncle who worked on the space program, who I'm sure was a big influence on me. In fact, had I made a few different choices and paid more attention to what was happening in the classroom than what was outdoors, I'd likely be there today. While I know a great deal about the subject, at least compared with the average man in the street, the
    1 point
  19. At the very very beginning, I didn't even know this was going to become a forum (as the original WatchGirlsPeeing.com domain frankly suggests). However, when I eventually decided upon the idea of it being a community site, I would definitely not have predicted the position we're in a few years later; 110,000+ posts and 16,000+ members, and still growing every day. Having said that, this site took off relatively quickly. I remember that just a few months in and the site already felt quite active, which inspired me to devote more and more time to it. I've always believed this site had a lot of p
    1 point
  20. I would love to watch a show like that. I can imagine their area getting a little too soggy so they start hopping up onto the kitchen counter and peeing in the sink. One of the women find it too difficult to climb up so she squats and pees on the floor instead. We had been dating for about a year and having sex for about 3-4 months when it was brought up. Before then I had noticed him watching me while I was using the toilet with him there, subtly peeking while stood at the sink. So I started showing him more, I love an audience. Casually opening my legs wider, that sort of thing.
    1 point
  21. It seems you're really onto something with the toilet-free house concept; I completely agree that's right up there with my own top fantasies. I think many of us would love being a fly on that wall! I realise you wouldn't want it to be any sort of reality (reali-pee?) TV, but damn that would be a good show to watch. One more question for you Sophie - how far into your relationship did you and your husband first mention the topic of pee (as something sexual)? Having had the 'pee talk' myself before, I'd be interested to hear roughly how the conversation went. For example, was it you who bro
    1 point
  22. I'd have to say my absolute favourite so far is peeing while squatting on my kitchen table. It gave me a thrill like nothing else. And in the grand scheme of things it wasn't even that naughty! I think it was the combination of going somewhere I shouldn't, being watched by my husband and a camera, and the fact it was actually requested by someone. I like the idea of having something set up by a company or something where a bunch of women and I spend the week or weekend at a house that has no toilets so we have to improvise. We haven't met each other before but we all share an interest
    1 point
  23. Lovely account! Beaches are always good for sightings, even if it's women only going waist deep into the water thinking it isn't obvious. I had a sighting a couple of years ago that still sticks in my mind. I had been on the beach all day trying to get a tan and it was starting to get late and a little cool so people were packing up to go home. A woman a few hundred feet in front of me stood up giving me a wonderful view of her pert bottom in a tight black bikini. She was stood with her legs parted ever so slightly but nothing unusual. I was watching her, enjoying the view as she be
    1 point
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