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    • Luca pushes Zack a bit further… but an unexpected surprise leads to more humiliation than he’d planned on. Chapter 3: The car -- Luca's perspective -- Luca was starting to push Zack further and further in public. Seeing Zack pissing himself on the sidewalk, illuminated by the streetlight, was one of the hottest things he had ever seen. It was exhilarating. But now he wanted more. He wanted to see Zack standing in a crowd of people pissing into his pants, almost crying from humiliation as a dark stain on his pants incriminated him. So with this fantasy in mind, he became less nice about letting Zack have frequent bathroom breaks when they were in public. This particular day was sunny, and they were at a small music festival downtown. Zack was wearing blue jeans that Luca had seen him wet before, and he knew that they turned much darker when they were wet. He hadn’t let Zack pee in almost 2 hours, and he knew that he had been chugging water since it was so hot out. He could see Zack pushing his legs together uncomfortably. Then Zack leaned down to Luca’s ear. “Luca,” he whispered. “I really have to go.” They were standing in the middle of a crowd watching some guy strum a guitar and sing, and Luca didn’t think he was very good.  “Poor baby,” Luca responded in an unsympathetic voice. “Now hush, I’m trying to listen.” Zack looked around the crowd and then down at his pants, and Luca felt a rush of excitement from how helpless the bigger man’s expression was.  “Luca, seriously…” he said. He’d brought up the idea of more public wetting to Zack already of course - he wouldn’t make him do something like this without asking him first. But looking at the crowd and hearing the stress in Zack’s voice, he decided that this may be too extreme. At least not yet… He looked up at Zack and smiled.  “Alright. Let’s go home then, and you can go when we get home. Sound fair?” he asked. Zack looked relieved by this, and he nodded.  “Yeah, alright.”  Luca drove a small red sedan that Zack barely fit into the passenger seat of. They were about 20 minutes from home when there was no traffic - but given the festival, Luca had a feeling they wouldn’t be so lucky. Lucky for me though! He was right. They hadn’t gone a mile before they were at a standstill and Zack let out a loud groan of frustration. As they inched forward in traffic, Luca made a point of stopping and starting a bit too fast, the car lurching every time, and Zack glared at him.  “I know you’re doing that on purpose.”  “Doing what on purpose?” He flashed his best innocent smile at Zack, who was glaring holes into him. It would have looked intimidating if his face wasn’t bright red, or if he wasn’t desperately squirming in his seat and bouncing his legs. Zack just glared harder, and Luca shrugged and turned back to watch the road. -- Zack’s perspective -- It felt like they had been in traffic forever. He checked his watch and saw that it had been about 20 minutes. They would be home by now, and Zack would be pissing in a toilet, if it weren’t for the traffic. But instead they were stopped in the middle of the interstate, lurching forward a few feet at a time and almost making him lose it every time the car stopped.  Luca had left a little too much space in front of him, and another car cut in front of them. Zack reached over and slammed down on the horn, and Luca laughed.  “So rude!” he teased, and Zack just glared at him as he let the other car in front of them. Then he lurched forward again and Zack lost it.  It was a trickle at first, just barely leaking into his pants, but he couldn’t stop it and soon a loud hissing sound filled the car as he started to piss himself. The crotch of his pants darkened, and he immediately tried to cover the dark spot with his hands. It was unlikely that anyone in the other cars could see, but he couldn’t stop thinking about them looking over through the window and seeing his soaked pants. The piss quickly formed a warm puddle under his ass on the seat before running down the sides and front of the seat, down his calves and into his shoes. It pooled on the floorboards and still he was pissing, regretting all the water he’d drank as he flooded his pants.  Luca, of course, was watching him the whole time with that same obnoxious shit-eating grin he always had when watching Zack make a fool of himself. Zack tried to glare at him but he knew it just looked pathetic - face red, pissing himself, and with his cock completely hard and tenting his pants. Finally his stream died down and he was left sitting in a cooling puddle of piss. Usually after he wet himself, he would get out of his wet clothes right away. Then Luca would either give him a blowjob or ride him before they cleaned up the mess and Zack tried to forget what had happened. But this time all he could do was sit in the mess, soaked and rock hard, and wait. -- Luca’s perspective -- As soon as they were free of the traffic, Luca started to speed home. A part of him wanted to drive slowly just to leave Zack sitting in his own puddle for longer, but he was also desperately horny from seeing him wet himself and he wanted to fuck. He rubbed his legs together, completely hard, and didn’t even notice that he had started to go 90 in a 70. That is, until he heard sirens behind them. He turned to look at Zack, whose eyes had gone as wide as saucers. Then he grinned.  “Heh, whoops…” “Don’t ‘whoops’ me! You did that on purpose!” Zack snapped. Luca smiled at him.  “I didn’t actually… I just wanted to get home and ride you. But this is even better!” He pulled over and happily rolled down his window as the cop walked up to the car. He could see Zack desperately trying to hide his accident with his hands, but he couldn’t cover it up, and Luca actually thought that having his hands there was even more incriminating.  The officer that approached the car was a middle aged woman with dark red hair, and Luca gave her an apologetic smile as she walked up. “Afternoon, officer.” “Good afternoon sir. License and registration please.” “Sure, here you go.” Luca reached over Zack to open the glove box and pull out his registration before giving the documents to the officer.  “Are you aware that the speed limit is 70?” the woman asked. She looked bored and impatient, like she didn’t really want to be here, and Luca wondered if he might be able to get them out of a ticket. Heh, sorry Zack… He looked down and rubbed the back of his neck, pretending to be embarrassed.  “Ah, I’m very sorry ma’am… we just had a bit of an accident in the traffic and got in a bit of a rush to get home. It won’t happen again.” He glanced at Zack, and the officer’s gaze followed his until it landed on Zack’s soaked crotch. Her eyes widened and she turned a bit red as she immediately looked away from the accident and back at Luca.  “Right… well, I’ll let you off with a warning this time then…” she said, clearly feeling quite a bit more awkward now. “I just need to go run these documents real quick then I’ll let you go.” She hurried back to her car, and Luca turned to smile at Zack, who looked like he’d just seen a ghost.  “I’m going to fucking kill you…” Zack mumbled, though Luca thought that he could hardly kill him if he couldn’t even make eye contact with him. Luca just grinned and gave him a peck on the cheek.  “You love me,” he replied. Then he squeezed Zack’s bulge and rubbed it slowly, delighted when Zack instinctively jerked his hips up. “And you love this… I bet it turned you on even more when she saw you, hm?” He released him and looked back over right before the officer approached the window again. He collected his license and registration. “Have a nice day, sir…” the officer said, before quickly making her exit.  “You too!” Luca called after her, before he rolled up the window and drove home. 
    • hopefully you can at some point I would definately do something like that in the evening or just do a shimmy over to give it some air before i let go
    • An amazing naughty pee in a train! https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5607497/pissing-and-squirting-in-a-busy-train-during-the-day
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