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Oh there is no official line from the Catholic Church to say that rape is acceptable. Don't believe it's in the book either. Still, you accused all Muslims of believing in a Peadophile God so was just pondering where that leaves the Catholic Church after so many allegations, and subsequent convictions of Catholic priests on child abuse charges. By your logic, the only conclusion would be that Catholics are condoning paedophilia. Must remember to add Catholic Priests to the do not admit into the UK list.

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Show me where in the teachings of the Catholic Church (or any other Christian or Jewish denomination) where rape is accepted. Show me where any other religion says that someone leaving that religion should be killed.

i dont kow off the top of my head but there are instances where rape is accepted, young girls werre generally the only war trophies to survive biblical genocide, rape victims were forced to become wives of the rapist and pay a hefty dowry to her father.

it depends on your historical vision of what a child is, until the advent of modern medicine (jesus believed disease was carried through words and didnt believe in washing) the average age of those who survived childhood wasnt great and obviously took brides who were of child bearing age however young that was, women were property anyway so hadf very little bearing on the situation.

have you heard of the first commandment? thou shalt have no other gods before me, apposticy has generally led to death, i think if a holy book says you can get put to death for wearing a poly-cotton shirt or eating prawns its safe to say they wont allow you to leave. in fact i very much doubt anyone would have passed the criteria for entering heaven in millenia.

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Egwalrus, you can't keep including all Muslims in the same bracket as the minority of extremists who are committing crimes in the name of Islam. I have said time and time again on this thread that the vast majority of Muslims despise and condemn the actions of ISIS. As I've also told you, one of my Muslim friends came out with the line of "I wouldn't spit on them if they were on fire".

Now there have been Christians both throughout history and in the not too distant past who were both radicalised and in my opinion, mentally unstable and have committed crimes in the name of Christianity but they don't represent the 99.9999 percent of Christians who just want to live a good life and look after their family.

What I'm saying is logical and you surely are able to see that?

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You go out onto the street and ask 1000 people who are practicing Muslims if they believe that anyone who doesn't practice their faith should be killed and I'd be amazed if you found one who said that was how they felt.

You cannot, Egwalrus, argue that ancient texts from the Koran are an excuse to discriminate against Muslims but that ancient texts from the bible are irrelevant. Well, you can argue that, but there's just no logic behind it at all.

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I'm not attempting to change your view, truly I'm not. I'm merely trying to show you that the majority of people in the world aren't bad, regardless of their gender, religion, heritage or anything else.

How would you feel if you had been born into a Muslim family and despite the fact that you hated terrorism, we're now being told you couldn't do things or travel to places that anyone else could because of where you were born? That's not something we have any control over. All anyone can do is try and live their life in the right way.

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Cult. Exactly. Cult. You've hit the nail on the head. The extremists are part of a cult. A cult that uses the excuse of religion to justify its actions. However cult was how the Waco lot were defined and they simply aren't a representation of wider society.

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I haven't gone out of my way to dislike all your posts on this subject or any other. You clearly are well respected and have a good standing and plenty of friends here so I didn't feel the need to try and make your profile appear in a bad light with a huge number of disliked posts but one look at mine and it would appear I've done nothing but upset people and yet if you took out all the dislikes that you've put on there, it would be a somewhat different picture.

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I will though, concede this much ( it is ok to see that there are two sides to an argument). I don't know where you live but can only assume, it's towards the southern part of the states and as such your interaction with Mulisms is probably limited in main, to what you see on TV.

The UK is more diverse, largely in part because being a much smaller country, it's the case for probably the majority of working people that they have visited at some stage, pretty much every major city we have and as such things are different here.

The Muslim friends I have, came as a result of me working in Oldham in the NW of England, a town that has an almost 50/50 split of Muslim and non Muslim people. As a result many of my colleagues and customers were Muslims. Some of them I couldn't stand, some of them I liked but it wasn't their religion that dictated my feelings.

You won't have ever or ever will be in that situation and I do appreciate that and it's no slight on you that you haven't.

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But when you work with people 14 hours a day, 6 days a week, you can get a pretty good idea whether or not that person is alright or not and when they have had your back enough times and saved you from enough bollockings from the boss, you can be pretty certain that person doesn't want to murder you for not being a Muslim.

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There have been several public rallies here, and they get quite violent, make the news with the running street battles and the amount of police present. They are probably equal in terms of numbers, and the pro-Islamic are not backing down. There are enough here to warrant concern, but no one seems to see it. They have taken to calling Australians "racists" and it was pointed out that racism can't be used against religion, discrimination can, but as for being racially vilified, no, it just doesn't work. How can you be called a racist for something that is, basically, a man made idea?

I've read all of the relevant tomes, King James Bible, The Koran (heavy going that was), The Book of Mormon, even have The Epic of Gilgamesh here somewhere, and none of them, that I could see, specifically say "kill any who don't like you". The Koran is pretty much open worded, you can interpret it in anyway you see fit, and the bad guys do this well.

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Every religion has a bible of sorts that can be interpreted and twisted if people choose to do so, and naturally the radicals go down that route. 99% of rational people realise that a book written thousands of years ago has little or no relevance today.

If you ask me, we should almagamate the lot of them and bring out a new bible. The 2016 book of all faiths. A book that contains a code of conduct that we should all abide by, no matter what your religious, political or any other beliefs are. In fact, I will volunteer to write it.

This new 2016 book of all faiths won't be a long book, it will simply say this: Just try not to be an arse hole

If everyone read it and went it, we'd all be a lot better off, in every way.

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I haven't gone out of my way to dislike all your posts on this subject or any other. You clearly are well respected and have a good standing and plenty of friends here so I didn't feel the need to try and make your profile appear in a bad light with a huge number of disliked posts but one look at mine and it would appear I've done nothing but upset people and yet if you took out all the dislikes that you've put on there, it would be a somewhat different picture.

Don't let dislikes or shit like that bother you. We all get them when we come to this part of the forum. Walrus has gotten quite a few from me in here, lol. Goes with the territory but it means nothing.

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My view is that ive nothing against any religion per se,but Islam is a backward 3rd world kind of religion that needs leaving in the 3rd world.It obviously cannot fit in to the affluent lifestyle we enjoy in the civilised West.If anyone wants to believe that women should walk around looking like Jawas from Star Wars,or that men have the right to beat,or even murder their female relatives for looking at other men,or that animals should be tortured to death by being left to bleed to death,or that non-muslims must be killed because of that,then I welcome them to go live in such backward countries,practice without fear their beliefs,and leave the rest of the world in peace..

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If you met the friend I mentioned above and he sat there and told you how disgusted he was with terrorism, how he hated them committing atrocities in the name of Islam what would you say in reply to him?

I would say,you know what pal,maybe you should try another religion,as yours doesn't seem to be working that well.

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Its complicated i guess.I dont really like to down anyones beliefs or morals,as long as those beliefs dont affect too many other people.The trouble with Islam,is that it has too many non Muslims willing to defend it,when as we have seen,its adherents can misinterpret the teachings.If Muslims want to follow their religion to the letter,then we in the civilsed west ought to be encouraging them to perhaps go live in a slightly less enlightened country,where maybe they still burn witches at the stake for instance.But you have to be a real left wing student to think that our western civilisation and Islam can co-exist peacefully for long.

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I wonder why in the first place someone calling themselves "Islamic Rule",is viewing basically a pornography site?A bit hypocritical?Surely all those pictures of "filthy western whores" must offend the big guy upstairs?It seems just about everything is offensive to him,even football..What?

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Its complicated i guess.I dont really like to down anyones beliefs or morals,as long as those beliefs dont affect too many other people.The trouble with Islam,is that it has too many non Muslims willing to defend it,when as we have seen,its adherents can misinterpret the teachings.If Muslims want to follow their religion to the letter,then we in the civilsed west ought to be encouraging them to perhaps go live in a slightly less enlightened country,where maybe they still burn witches at the stake for instance.But you have to be a real left wing student to think that our western civilisation and Islam can co-exist peacefully for long.

What you have just said is bigoted to the extent of probably being illegal should you post that on a social media account etc. Maybe people aren't rushing to defend Islam, more a case of defending anybody's right to be treated in an equal way, regardless of their beliefs.

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To strike a conciliatory note,everyone should have the right to their own faith and beliefs.But also other people have the right to mock or question those beliefs.Its called "GET A LIFE,LOSER".When Islamic murderers are willing to shoot a whole office full of artists,simply because they drew a funny picture of their Fuhrer or somebody,then there is a clash of cultures indeed.In the UK we had a programme called "Spitting Image",in which politicians,and even H.M the Queen herself were pilloried,by being represented by a rubber dummy.I dont remember any Royalist supporters storming the TV studios and AK 47ing the production team...No,believe what you will,but be prepared for much piss taking..

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