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Thoughts on astrology

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Many people - our own resident spiritually knowledgeable @spywareonya being one - believe totally in the efficacy of astrology. That the planets and their positions relative to us and to each other can have an influence on our moods and upon our lives.

Others - seeing no scientific basis for this whatsoever - believe this to be total nonsense. At best a relic from a superstitious past.

For a long time I was unsure and am still open to persuasion either way. 

I do believe that the daily horoscopes in newspapers are bullshit mostly, and certainly very rarely were of any relevance to me. How could they be when my star sign horoscope for the day was simultaneously meant to apply to a twelfth of the entire population?

And yet I once had my birth chart drawn up which was specific to me, and it was an incredibly accurate representation of who I am and my personality traits. Amazingly so in fact. And others I have known have obtained similarly accurate results. 

Which was definitely food for thought.

So I thought to myself - how can astrology actually work scientifically? By what mechanism? How can material objects many millions of miles away - separated from us by the vacuum of space - and emitting very little in the way of radiation of any kind in some cases - actually influence us? Is it theoretically possible in any rational sense?

I believe that in the future, science will expand to understand the paranormal, extra dimensions, the afterlife and suchlike. At one time lightning was considered utterly paranormal and attributed to the Gods, but now we understand it scientifically. Science will expand it's knowledge to gain a greater understanding of other things currently beyond rational comprehension. And the process often begins with insights and Eureka! moments, upon which theories are built.

Is it possible to construct a theory that explains or supports the efficacy of astrology? One day there might be. We should not rule it out. In the meantime I have been doing some thinking over the years, and taking my own beliefs as a starting point, it IS possible for me to see how astrological phenomena and influences might work.

I believe that there is a sub-atomic and/or extra-dimensional spiritual life force that permeates the entire universe. It is the stuff from which our souls are formed which interact with matter in the form of our living bodies so both can evolve towards some higher future. Life exists in my opinion so that matter and spirit can come together, each helping the other in a process of ongoing physical and spiritual evolution. I believe that this life force is particularly strongly concentrated in all living things especially, but also anywhere where there are large accumulations of matter. Everything everywhere is connected via this all encompassing subatomic and/or extra-dimensional life force. Everything can influence everything else on this level.

Now the planets are large enough conglomerations of matter for the lifeforce to be particularly strongly focussed there, yet - in astronomical terms - close enough for the influence of this to be felt perhaps? And because matter interacts with the life force and the planets have different chemical and atomic compositions of solids, liquids, and gasses, then it kind of makes sense that they'd have their own spiritual/life force/subatomic/extra-dimensional characteristics. And that being linked with us and in our own stellar neighbourhood, can influence our lives and development? Especially in our deeper, more spiritual, levels?

Thinking like this, it is possible to see a rational basis for the efficacy of astrology. 

Ultra-rationalists might well think I am talking out of the wrong orifice, and that is their right of course. But I suspect there might well be something in it. The fact that @spywareonya believes so totally in it is very persuasive to me, since she has an uncanny inner perception that has startled me with it's understanding many times now.

Would be particularly interested in any response to these musings from her, though anyone is welcome to add their thoughts. 

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Don't know what to make of this one, lol.

There has been a few times where I've had a feeling something was going to happen, like driving in traffic and get an overwhelming urge to get off the highway, like Turn here now. If I get these, I just do it, and think about it later. Other things that happen pretty regular are hits of déjà Vu, lots of 'I've been here before' type of things. Unfortunately, nothing to do with several million dollars of lotto winnings though, rofl.

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2 hours ago, Scot_Lover said:

Don't know what to make of this one, lol.

There has been a few times where I've had a feeling something was going to happen, like driving in traffic and get an overwhelming urge to get off the highway, like Turn here now. If I get these, I just do it, and think about it later. Other things that happen pretty regular are hits of déjà Vu, lots of 'I've been here before' type of things. Unfortunately, nothing to do with several million dollars of lotto winnings though, rofl.

Astrology and psychich perceptions are similar but not one and the same

The mind can process quantistic informations, resulting in pre-perceptions

Astrology is being influenced by deep energies that goes Beyond the individual will, is more about Fate

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  • 3 weeks later...

At this point in time, I stopped believing in astrology. A couple of years I did a lot of research on this topic, and came across a site which talked a lot about the traits of each zodiac, and I started to study the traits of other zodiac's as well. I figured out that a lot of it was interchangable, and that a lot of traits associated witch other zodiacs are traits I had as well, while some of the traits associated with my zodiac where "totally not me".

Then there is the point about everything being related to the planets. And that is what totally broke the straw for me. When I was a kid, we had 9 planets - Pluto being on of them. I am not going into the discuassion of wheter Pluto is a planet or not. I just did not care as much about it's state, and it was a video of the US-American astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson talking about this topic at google when it came to my full attention. He explained it very well, I did listen, I did understand why Pluto has been reclassified and... just carried on. Unlike many US-Americans who apparently went batshit crazy about this. (If you do care about astroNOMY, check it out: Neil deGrasse Tyson: "The Pluto Files" | Talks at Google. Its very interesting (at least to me), and gives a lot of background-info as well.)

Long story short: the question is, why are certain objects withing our solar system planets (as far as astroLOGY is concerned), while others aren't. Planet Ceres being the perfect example... 😉 - buit if you've seen the video, you know about it. 😛

Anyway: if zodiacs have any meaning, any influence over us, I have no reason to believe it is related to any object in our solar system. But then again I doubt it has any other influence over us but through our own thoughts.

That being said: I think my zodiac is the coolest of all twelve there are. 😛

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Since astrology was first developed in ancient times, the earth's orbit has evolved somewhat, meaning that the traditional dates and signs are no longer even accurate. The dates for most signs are out by about a month or so.


If there were any truth to astrology, you'd need to be checking under a different sign!

From the article, here are the correct dates:

Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.

Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.

Pisces: March 11-April 18.

Aries: April 18-May 13.

Taurus: May 13-June 21.

Gemini: June 21-July 20.

Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.

Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.

Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.

Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.

Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.

Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17.

Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.

Edited by MrTickle
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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 6:47 PM, WantonLee said:

Long story short: the question is, why are certain objects withing our solar system planets (as far as astroLOGY is concerned), while others aren't. Planet Ceres being the perfect example... 😉 - buit if you've seen the video, you know about it. 😛

Anyway: if zodiacs have any meaning, any influence over us, I have no reason to believe it is related to any object in our solar system. But then again I doubt it has any other influence over us but through our own thoughts.

real astrologists are occultists who study the quantistic effect of ALL bodies

I think you just skipped my own post just a few above of this, I explained it for good

Astrology works, if you know how to use it, but from the sources you quoted, let me tell you you just stumbled upon a pile of shit

On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 3:01 PM, MrTickle said:

Since astrology was first developed in ancient times, the earth's orbit has evolved somewhat, meaning that the traditional dates and signs are no longer even accurate. The dates for most signs are out by about a month or so.


If there were any truth to astrology, you'd need to be checking under a different sign!

From the article, here are the correct dates:

another quite ridiculous concept

Virgo is as large as half the zoodiac by itself, signs bear no real connections to the constellations, they are just a name to describe a 30-rough-days portion on the year. indeed constellations exert a degree of spiritual PH but is really mild on Earth, what really matters is the angle between Eart and its orbit, and it doesn' change with Equinox precession



Sorry guys but Astrology is an occult science and has NOTHING to do with bullshit on the web!!!

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  • 1 year later...

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