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Lessons in magick #2 The Gods

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26 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Ok, @spywareonya

You have told us about Kali and her first born.

Who is next in the pantheon of gods and goddesses?


you are right...

I have had difficulties in focusing, the next one is The Firstborn's  sister and wife, I'll write soon about Her


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The third of the Gods, and second Goddess, is the Second Born of Kali, twin sister of Satan, and wife to Him. Since the Gods are beyond physical boundaries, they can marry between siblings, and many historical accounts describe the fact that, in origins, human kings did the same not only because of the need to avoid widespreading of power, but also to actually imitate Them (not that They endorsed, but when a cult becomes religion, people can fall in the error of thingking that they hear from the priest everything they need to know about the Gods and so they stop actually listening to Them, and warp Their teachings with time).



We could call her Frigg, or Freya, because Satan is actually the entity the Vikings worshipped under the name of Odin, we could even claim she is Lilith, because in the mythology, Lilith was the first wife of Adam, who refused to gave up her argument about sex parity and therefore fled from Eden, mating with Satan, but christian mythology scrambles things a lot, addressing to Satan a negative name and more than anything a lesser role for what concerns power: when Witches talks about “Satan” they are referring to a complete and not-exclusively-kind revelation of the entity that Christians address to as “God”. So it would be unfitting to call her Lilith, because the “Lilith archetype”, the Seductress, goddess of vicious sex and umpredictability, of mastering of the unconscious, is a different and much younger deity of which I will talk subsequently. So, though we Witches uses the name of Satan to describe the chief of Earth, it is not a secundary entity on powerscale, so a wife of Satan for us has to mean the same for a christian that a wife of God


And Frigg from viking tradition is good. We could also call Her Gaia, and maybe Gaia is even more fitting, because even if people think that Gaia should be Kali because Gaia is the first thing to have ever existed on a spiritual stance, that is not true, because before existence (symbolically and mythologically speaking), there was the darkness of death and not-yet-life, and Kali rules upon THAT. Kali rules along the Laws of Existence and Death, commanding over every God and Goddess, but beside taking the dead by their hands, She doesn’t have a distinguishable portfolio, so Gaia, Goddess of Nature and of daily life, sometimes overlap it, and is more a fitting name for Kali’s first daughter. Using greek mythology, we could say that Gaia is Kali’s daughter, and Kali Herself is Nyx (Night), female counterpart of Chaos itself.


So, what does She do?


Gaia/Frigg is the Goddess of the actual “flesh of existence”. She rules over the processes, both physical and psychical, that ultimately produce/ARE “Life”. Every portion of Life, both that of humans and the one of animals and plants and even bacteria, is under Her patronage. Even the processes leading to death, but there She interlinks with Her Mother (and with some of the younger deities, some of which actually patronize some very particular kinds of death).


Her main power when relating to a Witch is to teach her how to blend and control the opposites in order to manipulate things and Fate, yet without enabling disruptive processes. I am not talking about plain manipulation, which falls under the control of a younger Goddess, it is something different, and though the difference is subtle, it is also paramount.


Manipulation requires the mastering of the setting you are acting within. What Gaia teaches is “not-to identify oneself with an idea, a point of view, any philosophical stance (beside those endorsed by Them that separates Good from Evil), and instead perceiving ourself as the Balancing point between opposites, picking a bit of this and bit of that to actually craft situations, in which both people and chances will move without ever knowing they had been willingly crafted by somebody (you)”.


This must always be done without pointless selfishness, Life is not (not always at least) a zero-sum-game, it’s not that you win only if others lose, Gaia teaches you about that, and about the intermixing and interdependence of all things, like we and Environment.


Gaia teaches us also about an incredibly deep and powerful Truth, often misunderstand by people.

Because of Freud changing his mind at least three to four times in his life, and Jung coming after trying to solve the riddles, people now mistake “Eros” and Life-Drive, and “Thanatos” and Death-drive.


It is a terrible mistake. Eros is the drive to “be there and act”, Thanatos is the drive to “refrain from”. Life-drive is the drive to live, but not on the mere guise of the instinct, is some kind of meta-conscious WILL, pondered upon self-esteem and enthusiasm. It needs a perfect balance of action and refrain from action: for example Wiseness about refusing a bloke offering you bad drugs is a form of Thanatos (refrain from acting); beating a wife because she upsetted you is a form of Eros (acting along a drive). As you can see, Thanatos not Always is bad, and Eros not Always is good, they are not plain synonyms.


We need both, fear and desire, marvel and pain, to grow up.


When we fail at mastering them and mixing them in a balanced way, our life becomes so miserable that we really would prefer to die, and THAT is the death-drive. When we are possessed by the death-drive, all looks miserable to us, and we become so negative that we can demolish somebody’s happiness with a single glance of our disgusted-of-life eyes (the so called Evil Eye). Witches try to help those people but everybody is responsible for himself, so we do what we can but we have our lives to take care of in first place!


Sometimes those people do evil things but this doesn’t mean they are evil, they are just terribly sad. This is not an excusation: we do not ABSOLVE them from their sins; but make FORGIVENESS possible, which is important in order to evolve above the level of brute beasts we had been until now.


Gaia teaches us how to mix them and to remain out of the game like a Referee in a match in the meanwhile, balancing them and using them without indetifying ourselves with them.


This makes possible to do anything without the slightest feeling of shame because we ponder our every action, ask our own moral guidelines what they think about our actions, and act accordingly. That’s why I have very rarely any regrets in my life, beside the fact that my cardinal sin is anger and I am quite prone to it.


Everytime we need a diferent angle of perception to sneak away from being too rigid in being ourselves, it’s Gaia’s touch that we are searching.


She also is in itself the mix of all things of life, the explaination about why Existence goes the way it does. She is all apparent contradictions which are not contradictions anymore when you look at them from the right perspective.


My favourite example are the two index finger: first put them one next to the other in front of you, not touching alongisde their side, I mean in the air, hands detached a feet between each other. You see two fingers. Now, put one of them in front of you, ad the other one aligning with it (very close to the other one to avoid the Doppler effect)  between the first one and your face: you see the front one only, two fingers but you see one.


Every opposite is one if seen from the right perspective. And every opposition is useful in keeping life Balanced.

Edited by spywareonya
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Only a brief window today before work.

My female best friend has left and I need porn, lol.

Will be dropping her home from work late this evening, but should have time after work tomorrow to read this properly.

Then will respond on Sunday. Time is so short. 

Thank you in advance for what I know will be a fascinating read.


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4 hours ago, steve25805 said:


Only a brief window today before work.

My female best friend has left and I need porn, lol.

Will be dropping her home from work late this evening, but should have time after work tomorrow to read this properly.

Then will respond on Sunday. Time is so short. 

Thank you in advance for what I know will be a fascinating read.


it is more directly useful in daily life than previous knowledge, which was useful more in shaping a mind-set that to directly act. It will be cool for anybody who read it. A kiss!!!

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So Frigg/ Freya/Gaia oversees - guides maybe? - all processes of life, and is the goddess of all things living, including us?

And when you say she teaches, does that mean she communicates with us? And how do we listen and learn?

I think I understand that not all impulses or drives are good and that therefore refraining from acting on them can be better.

And the blending of opposites in order to craft a particular situation. Is that applicable to - for example - politics? You stress that one should not have fixed ideas, but a political ideology can be deeply believed in because it seems in accord with one's own personal values. 


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13 hours ago, steve25805 said:

So Frigg/ Freya/Gaia oversees - guides maybe? - all processes of life, and is the goddess of all things living, including us?

the vital processes in entities, more than actual entities themselves


13 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And when you say she teaches, does that mean she communicates with us? And how do we listen and learn?


Spirits communicate through the trance

powerful ritual induces deep hypnosys conditions which are a bit threatening because they make us really wide and before the entity can start speaking, ALL our unconscious surfaces

if you summon a more common entity you are ALSO subject to tricks from ghosts and other not-exactly-good spirits that wants to know who you are since you just proved you can see them; but when summoning the Gods, nasty spirits are too fritghened, nobody would disturb a magician summoning Them

when the communication begins, the exact sensation is very hard to explain: you feel like in a void filled with dense and filled-with-thoughts black light, like a light shimmering on oil, and you feel that the entity is that very abyss

you feel studied, listened but also judged

you esk a question, and then you, from instant to instant, likely feel like you were waking up (keeping the trance is very difficult) yet while "remembering" the answer, but it is just a partial sensation/communication, you must keep the trance to really obtain an information


the funny thing is that also hallucinations from deep unconscious portrays themselves like that: only a very skilled teacher can tell you if you contacted a God, or just your sould, which is great anyway, but not that much if your actual intention was to summoning somebody


13 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I think I understand that not all impulses or drives are good and that therefore refraining from acting on them can be better

yes, though not to keep us innocent or avoid doing things we would regret of having done, the point is NOT to mantain a misconception of purity

in the eyes of the spirit, purity is almost the opposite of what it is for us

we cosider purity refraining from our dark side, they consider the lack of skilfulness in Mastering it the utmost impurity

we become the more and the more pure in their eyes the more we contact and get seasoned about dealing with our darkest instincts

refraining from action is something holier than simply remaining innocent, is the actual  will of the soul to avoid ill-action in itself, protecting the one in front of you from Fate-unrelated doom

13 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And the blending of opposites in order to craft a particular situation. Is that applicable to - for example - politics? 


Politic is considered by the Gods the highest point of a thinking race. But 2018 one is still too human. Politic will forever be made of different interests clashing, because it represents the clash between humans, which is safe to a certain extent. Yet we could make it much less hot-headed and blend different thoughts


13 hours ago, steve25805 said:

You stress that one should not have fixed ideas, but a political ideology can be deeply believed in because it seems in accord with one's own personal values. 


Good ideas can be believed for wrong reasons, by bad people

sometimes we perceive ideas which holds a 5% of righteousness to be utterly trash just because it is the banner of bad people, and used badly


Politic MUST refer to deeply believed value, some of them are the tenets that divide Right from Wrong!!!

but sometimes we could also study the ideas of our opponent, yet without stopping to think their would use them in an ass-hole way ahaha


The Gods are extreme-left-right-wing-totalitarian anarchists who reject-yet-use capitalism

ahahahahaha try to solve that riddle ahahahahaha

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So I guess selling your 'soul' in an effort to be a billionaire, for instance, would be a bad thing, going on the period of servitude before rebirth. Would you be aware of this? Some people have claimed to have caught glimpses of their previous life, like a waist gunner in a bomber over Germany, fragments of a previous reality, would you also relive the period of darkness?

Understand that I'm not going there, ok?

I have everything I need, and with money, I could have better things, but it's not like it's the end of my world if I don't have them. Some people I know always want more, the best phone, the best car, the best house and the best place to live. It's like an obsession, one person has even got on my girls case, saying they could have better things. We get blank looks when we say we're comfortable with what we have, lol.

I'm also guessing that there would be an inherent danger in this, for someone untrained, right?


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7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

the vital processes in entities, more than actual entities themselves

I understand.


7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

Spirits communicate through the trance

powerful ritual induces deep hypnosys conditions which are a bit threatening because they make us really wide and before the entity can start speaking, ALL our unconscious surfaces

I do not feel ready for that.....and would need to be in the right head state for it, which would require a period of relaxation which I rarely get much of.

7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

Good ideas can be believed for wrong reasons, by bad people

I get that. Not everyone who espouses the same causes as me are necessarily good people.


7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

The Gods are extreme-left-right-wing-totalitarian anarchists who reject-yet-use capitalism

I'm more of a left wing social democrat type with socialist sympathies. Any chance of a coalition? lol


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1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

I do not feel ready for that.....and would need to be in the right head state for it, which would require a period of relaxation which I rarely get much of



mine was just an explaination!!! you would need ten years just to understand who to kick back some unconscious stuff that manifest when trying to get that deep!!!



1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

I get that. Not everyone who espouses the same causes as me are necessarily good people


this also is true to the opposite

I do not like right wing but sometimes, in some countries, they are the only ones who got the guts to say things as they are


I have Always believed in the European Community but some thoughts among those who led to Brexit are not wrong, some Europe Comm boss is really a Fourth-Reich officer in disguise

anyway, I'm mostly left myself

1 hour ago, steve25805 said:


I'm more of a left wing social democrat type with socialist sympathies. Any chance of a coalition? lol


yes, obviously!!! LOL

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8 hours ago, Scot_Lover said:

So I guess selling your 'soul' in an effort to be a billionaire, for instance, would be a bad thing, going on the period of servitude before rebirth. Would you be aware of this? Some people have claimed to have caught glimpses of their previous life, like a waist gunner in a bomber over Germany, fragments of a previous reality, would you also relive the period of darkness?

Understand that I'm not going there, ok?

After ten years of rituals, I have quite a good memory of my most-recent previous life, I have done marvellous things, and a bit of an error near its end

I don't talk about it serenely


8 hours ago, Scot_Lover said:

I have everything I need, and with money, I could have better things, but it's not like it's the end of my world if I don't have them. Some people I know always want more, the best phone, the best car, the best house and the best place to live. It's like an obsession, one person has even got on my girls case, saying they could have better things. We get blank looks when we say we're comfortable with what we have, lol.

Djinns accept souls in payment, they do not exactly abuse people but are awfully heartless bosses

For example, a deranged female magician could ask to have wet dreams with an actual male ghost, perceived as real (like during certain dreams that makes you wake up almost convulsing) and the Djinn could order you to fuck her in her dream, utterly without your consent

The Gods never would, anything of the like

They are honourable even before than strict about rules


8 hours ago, Scot_Lover said:

I'm also guessing that there would be an inherent danger in this, for someone untrained, right?

it depends

magick is ALWAYS Dangerous because unless you are VERY careful, evil entities could become interested in stopping your Path through destroying your life

A new servant of the Gods is ALWAYS a permanent threat to evil, because evil can looks fascinating only to people who are confused and craving for wrong things: those who learn the Truth of the Gods will find such a perfect Balance, such true answers, that will be very difficult that it could fall prey to evil and misconception

Also, if you work for Them in a life, you will be blessed also in ALL subsequent ones, and you will have charisma, that kind of ultimate charisma of those who KNOWS that Life works perfectly and there is nothing to be depressed about on the philosophical stance

so evil entities do everything they can to disturb a new servant and turn him away from the Gods


it is anyway true that if for any reasons somebody starts from nothing but does ALL he is told to protect himself from bad toughts that can be harnessed by evil against him, on the theoretical level no evil entity would dare to attack somebody who's under the patronage of the Gods, unless he himself drag evil entities to himself through crisis and Vicious doubts (that anywya Surface in the mind of anybody who is really willing to accpe Their critics about the life-style he kept until his Initation)

years ago I had contact with a Djinn, it was mild and quick but I clearly remember his overall attitude, like "I don't fuck (in the meaning of "dealing with") people who smells like that (the mark of the Gods)", he was almost fearful, and believe me, a Djinn would rather die ten thousands time than appear weak or fearful


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as soon as my main PC will be fixed (next weekend) I'll write a new post about the Gods

next one will be Satan's and Gaia's first born, a male, and a REAL BADASS

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This is the fourth God, the Firstborn of Satan and Gaia, and Harbinger of His Great Father. Talking about Him can be a problem, because He is the most ferocious of all Gods, not exactly a God of War, which would imply some strategy and discipline, a role indeed embodied by a younger God (His own secondborn, to be precise), much more a God of conquest, assertiveness, untamed fury. This entity, which we could call "Crio", according to Greek lore that sees the Titan Crio as the fury of Nature embodied, is among the most powerful of Them all, and really hard to grasp.


The first problem when dealing with Him is that he takes the one He's speaking to very seriously, without the parental attitude of all other Gods, so He doesn't restrain His power, which is felt by the mind as a storm of thoughts overwhelming the mind, yet with a single thought indeed mirroring itself unto infinity: "POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAARRGGHHH!!!!!!"


This entity is not irrational at all, anyway. He is perfectlyself-controlled, and is a great enthusiast. He's main office is to teach the Pathwalker that there is nothing wrong in having personal desires, unless they are used to hide an anguish or a flaw under the golden cloak of not-really-happy-satisfaction. He teaches how to make false balances to blow up and emerge victorious from the following chaos, and He also helps overcoming personal empasses about lack of hope, enthusiasm, or sexual stamina. He is a divinity of pure fire, is worshipped in everything that has to do with fire and light, but in a ferocious form, He is not the gentle sunlight that make your skin tanned, he is the blinding light of when you wake up on the beach after a little rest and the exploding sun pierces through your sunglasses.
He is very aggressive, but not on an un-polite stance, His attitude is that of an Alpha-male, not at all ashamed of being the boss, nor of acting according to it. He's not protective, but he gives tools to people, He gets angry if petitioned for help by people who wants things got fixed up by others without their own partecipation, and has little patience.


What puzzles more with Him is that, as already said, He is not parental at all. He can be indee a father figure, but that kind of (not exactly a human feature) conceptual father that will never be surpassed, like God to an angel in christian perspective. He doesn't want submission, is a sublter thing, He wants all to know that He DO bite, and He bites hard, and spare none, because He plays hard, and doesn't simply let you win just because theorically speaking you are one of His protegees.


He is a God of enthusiasm, hope, possibility, making the impossible to happen, creating new iters through destroying the old order, and self-assertiveness. He is patron to all those who are, or are destined to become, imporant in wordly matters, helping them putting that power in service to the Cosmical Good. Funny enough, though being perceived as a tyrant (He does NOT relinquish his chieftain unto anybody), what He hates most are actualy dictatorhips, and love to help people break their own chains, as long as the ones helped by Him show Him to be willing to learn His lesson: every chain is partially accepted in the unconscious, so, to be free, you have to understand first why you did complied to be a slave in first place. This embarasses people a lot, I have had great crisis while undergoing Initiation with HIm, because He spares none and just tell you thhe Truth. He is never sardonic, He's a God of Good, but can be so sharp that He's perceived as tactless.


The last important feature of Him, and one of the most important things an occultist will have to ponder about, is what we call "The Wild Hunt". The Wild Hunt is a mythological feature presented in many religions, everytime possessing a different explaination, and has its core in the Norse Mythology. According to Vikings, Odin was in need to keep His Heinerjahre (the souls of great deceased warriors) fit and "in shape" for the forthcoming battle of Ragnarok, the Norse interpretation of the Apocalypse. Beside this, demons would have overwhelmed humans unless their numbers are constantly kept under surveillance, so, putting two things together, He told the humans through some Wise admonishing the people, that in those night with both full moon and fog, He would have opened the gates of Valhalla, unleashing his bloodthirsty protegees. They would have roamed the Earth, killing all they encountered, so to keep themselves trained, and also in order to rid the world of monsters, so to make life for humans easier. The problem is that in their intoxicated state (the Berzerk fury), they would not have done any difference between a monster, and a human challenging the prohibition of venturing out in such nights. They would have delivered strikes blindly.


This myth find some truth in a behaviour of this God, an act that is among the hardest to understand, indeed He actually told me that the inner Balance and knowledge and wiseness and carefulness necessary to perform it are totally beyond the reach of humans by now, so I am mentioning this just because it is useful to reflect about it.


From time to time, this entity fly out from His lair, and simply breath fire (He always appear as a dragon made of pure fire, or better we should say "a flame in the shape of a dragon") unto everything He encounters, wreaking apparently pointless destruction all around.
The real reason behind this, and you can feel it is something really otherwordly compared by our unconscious so stained by negativity and grudge, is that in the world of spirits, death is perceived differently from us, is a test to see who's watchful and who's boisterous, who's quick and humile and who's too committed unto himself. All those spirits who are killed by Him are purified from their sins and are quickly reborn, while in the meanwhile other life will take the place of the previously incinerated one. Those who escape prove they did not need to be purified through death and rebith, and keep on with their lives.

Edited by spywareonya
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6 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

This is the fourth God, the Firstborn of Satan and Gaia, and Harbinger of His Great Father. Talking about Him can be a problem, because He is the most ferocious of all Gods, not exactly a God of War, which would imply some strategy and discipline, a role indeed embodied by a younger God (His own secondborn, to be precise), much more a God of conquest, assertiveness, untamed fury. This entity, which we could call "Crio", according to Greek lore that sees the Titan Crio as the fury of Nature embodied, is among the most powerful of Them all, and really hard to grasp.


The first problem when dealing with Him is that he takes the one He's speaking to very seriously, without the parental attitude of all other Gods, so He doesn't restrain His power, which is felt by the mind as a storm of thoughts overwhelming the mind, yet with a single thought indeed mirroring itself unto infinity: "POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAARRGGHHH!!!!!!"


This entity is not irrational at all, anyway. He is perfectlyself-controlled, and is a great enthusiast. He's main office is to teach the Pathwalker that there is nothing wrong in having personal desires, unless they are used to hide an anguish or a flaw under the golden cloak of not-really-happy-satisfaction. He teaches how to make false balances to blow up and emerge victorious from the following chaos, and He also helps overcoming personal empasses about lack of hope, enthusiasm, or sexual stamina. He is a divinity of pure fire, is worshipped in everything that has to do with fire and light, but in a ferocious form, He is not the gentle sunlight that make your skin tanned, he is the blinding light of when you wake up on the beach after a little rest and the exploding sun pierces through your sunglasses.
He is very aggressive, but not on an un-polite stance, His attitude is that of an Alpha-male, not at all ashamed of being the boss, nor of acting according to it. He's not protective, but he gives tools to people, He gets angry if petitioned for help by people who wants things got fixed up by others without their own partecipation, and has little patience.


What puzzles more with Him is that, as already said, He is not parental at all. He can be indee a father figure, but that kind of (not exactly a human feature) conceptual father that will never be surpassed, like God to an angel in christian perspective. He doesn't want submission, is a sublter thing, He wants all to know that He DO bite, and He bites hard, and spare none, because He plays hard, and doesn't simply let you win just because theorically speaking you are one of His protegees.


He is a God of enthusiasm, hope, possibility, making the impossible to happen, creating new iters through destroying the old order, and self-assertiveness. He is patron to all those who are, or are destined to become, imporant in wordly matters, helping them putting that power in service to the Cosmical Good. Funny enough, though being perceived as a tyrant (He does NOT relinquish his chieftain unto anybody), what He hates most are actualy dictatorhips, and love to help people break their own chains, as long as the ones helped by Him show Him to be willing to learn His lesson: every chain is partially accepted in the unconscious, so, to be free, you have to understand first why you did complied to be a slave in first place. This embarasses people a lot, I have had great crisis while undergoing Initiation with HIm, because He spares none and just tell you thhe Truth. He is never sardonic, He's a God of Good, but can be so sharp that He's perceived as tactless.


The last important feature of Him, and one of the most important things an occultist will have to ponder about, is what we call "The Wild Hunt". The Wild Hunt is a mythological feature presented in many religions, everytime possessing a different explaination, and has its core in the Norse Mythology. According to Vikings, Odin was in need to keep His Heinerjahre (the souls of great deceased warriors) fit and "in shape" for the forthcoming battle of Ragnarok, the Norse interpretation of the Apocalypse. Beside this, demons would have overwhelmed humans unless their numbers are constantly kept under surveillance, so, putting two things together, He told the humans through some Wise admonishing the people, that in those night with both full moon and fog, He would have opened the gates of Valhalla, unleashing his bloodthirsty protegees. They would have roamed the Earth, killing all they encountered, so to keep themselves trained, and also in order to rid the world of monsters, so to make life for humans easier. The problem is that in their intoxicated state (the Berzerk fury), they would not have done any difference between a monster, and a human challenging the prohibition of venturing out in such nights. They would have delivered strikes blindly.


This myth find some truth in a behaviour of this God, an act that is among the hardest to understand, indeed He actually told me that the inner Balance and knowledge and wiseness and carefulness necessary to perform it are totally beyond the reach of humans by now, so I am mentioning this just because it is useful to reflect about it.


From time to time, this entity fly out from His lair, and simply breath fire (He always appear as a dragon made of pure fire, or better we should say "a flame in the shape of a dragon") unto everything He encounters, wreaking apparently pointless destruction all around.
The real reason behind this, and you can feel it is something really otherwordly compared by our unconscious so stained by negativity and grudge, is that in the world of spirits, death is perceived differently from us, is a test to see who's watchful and who's boisterous, who's quick and humile and who's too committed unto himself. All those spirits who are killed by Him are purified from their sins and are quickly reborn, while in the meanwhile other life will take the place of the previously incinerated one. Those who escape prove they did not need to be purified through death and rebith, and keep on with their lives.

Wow, that is a lot to ponder. Will take a few days to reflect on it fully so may keep popping back with random questions borne of such reflections.

So is Crio a fierce god of destruction, but not mindless destruction? But a destruction that purifies and makes way for new? You say that sometimes he comes out and kills all he meets but that paragraph seems to suggest that it is spirits he kills rather than material people of flesh and blood. Is that correct? And the spirits killed - does it take a god to kill a spirit, because I always thought that our souls are also spirits and that they are immortal. But the killed spirits are quickly reborn renewed? I believe in physical reincarnation, in the sense that our physical bodies die but our spirit lives on to eventually return in another physical body. But your last paragraph seems to suggest the possibility of spiritual reincarnation too, that spirits too can be killed to be reborn anew, and that Crio is the one who can make this happen. 

Forgive me if I am not grasping it properly because I am a bit tired at the moment. More might occur to me after some time reflecting.

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4 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

So is Crio a fierce god of destruction, but not mindless destruction? But a destruction that purifies and makes way for new? You say that sometimes he comes out and kills all he meets but that paragraph seems to suggest that it is spirits he kills rather than material people of flesh and blood

until here is correct

5 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

And the spirits killed - does it take a god to kill a spirit, because I always thought that our souls are also spirits and that they are immortal

no no no no no

souls are utterly undestructible, nobody would make a scratch on it, not even something ten thousands times more powerful than the Gods

spirits are entities with a soul, and a body made of electricity instead of matter like us

souls are not spirits, souls are transdimensional, 5 dimensional seeds, it takes an evolution lasting billions of universes to have these seeds to blossom, creating a 5-dimensional god able to create big bangs out of thin air, which is the goal toward every living being of every universe is heading to, the final evolution point of all being

Beyond that, there are entities higher than 5 dimension, utterly different, all powerful, chaotic and ferocious, totally transcendent comparing to us, and much more similar to the Overseers… and very few 5-dimensional gods venture that far in terms of evolution...

so when I talk of spirits reborn, I mean that their soul attain a new body made of energy, that simple

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6 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


souls are utterly undestructible, nobody would make a scratch on it, not even something ten thousands times more powerful than the Gods

spirits are entities with a soul, and a body made of electricity instead of matter like us

souls are not spirits, souls are transdimensional, 5 dimensional seeds, it takes an evolution lasting billions of universes to have these seeds to blossom, creating a 5-dimensional god able to create big bangs out of thin air, which is the goal toward every living being of every universe is heading to, the final evolution point of all being

Beyond that, there are entities higher than 5 dimension, utterly different, all powerful, chaotic and ferocious, totally transcendent comparing to us, and much more similar to the Overseers… and very few 5-dimensional gods venture that far in terms of evolution...

so when I talk of spirits reborn, I mean that their soul attain a new body made of energy, that simple

Ahhh, I am grasping something now I think. Spirit and soul is not the same thing. A sprit is a being with a "body" made up of energy, but like us has a distinct soul which is transdimensional and immortal. The "physical" aspect of a spirit, it's energy, can be killed but not it's soul. So spirits differ from us in being beings of energy rather than of matter, but like us have an extra-dimensional immortal soul? And Crio can kill these spirits but their souls live on to be born anew?

How did I manage to learn so much without grasping this before?

You are awesomely fascinating and interesting in relating all this and I enjoy it when my eyes are opened in this way.


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7 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

when my eyes are opened in this way

This is why I share this stuff

I live so serenely having an explaination for everything and anything, I want Others to be as serene as me

love you Steve

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Ok, so where did all this start? Did someone make 'contact' and became enlightened?

I've been reading about the ancient Indo-European pantheons (language groups), and all of the people, even though widely separated by distance and language, all have the same basic thing in common. Thunderstorms (Big Bang in the air) and lightning, and to a lesser extent, hammers/axes and oak trees. All of these figure predominately, in a multitude of languages, from Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman, Finland, Celts through to Iceland. Thor/Donar/Thunar is also the common name here, and stayed this way for ages. Jupiter/Zeus were among the first of the 'kingly' gods, placed on top of mountains to rule over the land, and although they threw lightning bolts, they left hand to hand blood work to the lesser gods Ares/Mars.

Most of this comes from Prose Edda, and it's pretty much taken with a grain of salt. There was no writing this long ago, and the only thing to survive from this time period was stone carvings, no wood, no fabric of any kind, only stone. Consequently, stone is the only thing we have to go on, everything else is traced back to what it may have been like, based on the stone work that survived.

Coincedence? Or was it some phsycological thing that primitive people needed to believe in, something that explained a force of nature, something they could name to lessen the fear?


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4 minutes ago, Scot_Lover said:

Ok, so where did all this start? Did someone make 'contact' and became enlightened?

I've been reading about the ancient Indo-European pantheons (language groups), and all of the people, even though widely separated by distance and language, all have the same basic thing in common. Thunderstorms (Big Bang in the air) and lightning, and to a lesser extent, hammers/axes and oak trees. All of these figure predominately, in a multitude of languages, from Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman, Finland, Celts through to Iceland. Thor/Donar/Thunar is also the common name here, and stayed this way for ages. Jupiter/Zeus were among the first of the 'kingly' gods, placed on top of mountains to rule over the land, and although they threw lightning bolts, they left hand to hand blood work to the lesser gods Ares/Mars.

Most of this comes from Prose Edda, and it's pretty much taken with a grain of salt. There was no writing this long ago, and the only thing to survive from this time period was stone carvings, no wood, no fabric of any kind, only stone. Consequently, stone is the only thing we have to go on, everything else is traced back to what it may have been like, based on the stone work that survived.

Coincedence? Or was it some phsycological thing that primitive people needed to believe in, something that explained a force of nature, something they could name to lessen the fear?


complicated, Scot

Indoeuropeans is recent stuff, no more than 5000 thousands years ols

the Gobekli Tepe site is 10 000 just to make an example

The  Gods are real Scot, They are scientifical beings which are nothing related to the instinct of Man which is about explaining natural forces, which goes under the name of "superstition", and is not bad uh, but is not occultism

occultism is exploring why something unexplainable by science of a certain age could indeed be scientifical if we expand to most futuristic interpretations

the Gods had been contacting people since the dawn of history, I have no clue about who had been the first, very likely They simply kept trying an trying until somebody answered the Call

They communicate through telepathy and can invade people's dream with visions if in dire need, maybe They started like that...

different populations added their own folklore to the original source… but in the beginning, there was nothing but nameless and folklore-less and superstition-less direct knowledge of the spiritual/quantistic world through Their infos… and in the end, it will be so, once again, with all religion discarded since recognized as a mix of folklore and superstition, and occult becoming the more and the more un-necessary since reabsorbed and superseded by science

we will talk to Them through machines, not life/sanity-threatening rituals aimed at violently awake people's latent psychic powers

and They will be recognized as the only Gods Earth ever had

worshipped by everybody, They will help us exploring and controlling the universe, mixing spiritualism and scientifical materialism

and the world will be perfect, and all will be revealed by science (in greek, "revelation of all" is spelled "apocalypse")

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a real chronology is complicated, because They apparently contacted different groups on their own


Gobekli Tepe was the first Badarian (common ancestors of Egypt, Sumeria, and India, and loosely of all European, North African and Asian spiritual traditions) settlement, but African Congo Virunga Region gave rise without the slightest contact with these people, to a local tradition, which holds exactly the same beliefs

same said for South-American precolombian religions

The Gods want humans as friends, protegees and soldiers, so They did Their best to contact us, every time it proved possible

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I think it's time for a bit of infos


The first official history religious culture was the Ubaid, in modern Turkey, yet originated in Yemen, 10 000 years ago

it gave rise to the Badarian culture, who set out for Egypt, and was probably the real builder of the Sphinx (and maybe of the Pyramids too), and also to the Sumerian culture in Iraq. Also the Dravid in India stemmed from there. According to a real analysis, the key core elements are really the same.

From there, these cultures, expanded all around, from Egypt to all North Africa, from Iraq to all the Middle East, and from India to China, Indonesia, Australia, and Japan.

Japanese "indigenous" occultism is identical, but let me stress this again IDENTICAL, to African and Babylonian stuff.

In the end, Siberian settlers enriched their own occult stuff and developed a different kind of culture, less based on personal  freedom, chaos or fatalistic acceptance of consequences of freedom (like Ubaid stuff) and more focused on disciplined war and conquest. It wasn't necessarily a dictatorship at all, simply a different organization, and these were called "Aryans", from Ary which means "Light", since they were the first light skinned humans to veture out of Russian territories

these were indeed the so called ProtoIndoeuropeans, but their culture was not born out of thin air, and modern discoveries found the missing link to the Ubaid culture after their detachment from the original middle-east cultural sources (beware, there is difference between migrations of people, and simple cultural contacts uh, Aryans existed from the Neolithic, it was their well--defined culture that was born later!)

All European stuff comes from them, both Greek and Viking, and Celts and all other stuff


of all cultures of Earth, only two big groups did not come from the Ubaids: the Mbangala, in the Virunga volcanic regions of Congo, and the American stuff

the Congolese indigenous witchcraft is Always a pain in the ass for anthropologist, because the Mbangala were unapologetic cannibals, exterminated by Welsh in the last century, and their culture shares links so deep to the original sources from Egypt and Middle East that it was quite easy to simply say they took something from them, through millennia, but it seems that indeed they came upon the same identical concepts though remaining utterly isolated

to me, but it is a personal thought, that is simply not true, because the Mbangala were famous for adding to their own faith any cultural and religious infos obtained from prisoners, and that they were even willing to avoid eating somebody who got enough stories to tell, so, if you ask me, a cultural contamination actually took place

yet is not that a problem to me was it like it seems (that contacts took place but only after the isolated birth), because it would indeed be even more fascinating to discover that people without mutual contacts came upon exactly the same myths, too detailed to be only archetypical stuff

the last root are the Mexican Aztlans, who later gave rise to the Aztec empire, and also to the Incas and Mayan culture; Native Americans instead draw their culture from (you are authorized not to believe me but genetical analysis leave no doubts about it) Aryan invader that surpassed the Bering Pass and from Siberia reached Alaska, bringing their warfaring and even cannibal culture and giving rise to the myth of the Wendigo, a men-eating werewolf / werebear from the far North, ancestor of all legends about both vampires and werewolves

somebody is starting to claim, and it could be indeed true, that the Aztlans had been influenced by the Aryans too, because though building a culture of their own, the Aryans brought along their Ubaid/MiddleEast roots anyway, and indeed in the Aztec occultism there are passages which are terribly hidden and fiercely guarded that are IDENTICAL to the Sumerian Mythology, really IDENTICAL

Mexico and Iraq? There's a fucking Ocean in the between!!!


And this is a short summary of all I piled up in fifteen years of researches, also thanks to some Freemason friends willing to share infos usually not exactly revealed to everybody

All started in the Persian Gulf, 10 000 years ago, with the Ubaids

they were the first people contacted by the Gods, who later patronized most recent cultures as the first ones simply died away


but in its core, all magickal stuff of the world share a common essence, which is nothing linked to the superstitious interpretation of natural forces, and is indeed a very precise set of infos about Gods identities and relationships

Witchcraft is simply a timeless secret tradition, maybe 10 000 years old or maybe re-born and re-dead many times during History, that aims at re-discover the original truth of the Entities we call The Gods, behind and Beyond all religions or traditions, and scientifically explain the supernatural

that's why I studied and got trained in ALL occult currents of the WHOLE world and of ALL History, so to catch the parallelisms between each current (except black magick which I fight against and has no history, only isolated suckers praticed it throughout History and were hunt down like the human-turds they were) and compare them to psychology, genetic, and quantum physic.

An that is why my stuff sticks together and has no blindspots, since when a current is missing, another one offer the answer if you know enough stuff to fill in the holes (and can avoid errors through asking the Gods directly! it's Amazing to hear Them talking about people who existed 5000 years ago like They were telling you stuff about your neighbour)


for any doubts, ask away!!!

Edited by spywareonya
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I have the majority of tomorrow off, will give all this a serious read and serious thought then, when by brain is fresh. 

This is all so fascinating.

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20 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

I have the majority of tomorrow off, will give all this a serious read and serious thought then, when by brain is fresh. 

This is all so fascinating.

write when you can, there is no hurry!!!

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