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First Experience (Senior Year HS)

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Wow,  what a great first experience and such descriptive details.   It is obviously etched into your brain for life!   I hope you had some other experiences with her later and that you will share those with us as well.

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To answer the questions: unfortunately, we ended up going our separate ways after High School. Believe, me, I wish we'd gotten to know one another sooner. Her mom passed away soon after she graduated, sadly, and she got married not long after. Twas many moons ago, dust in the wind, etc etc...






HOWEVER...she's divorced and by all accounts single, and lives close...like 30 minutes close.  She's in nursing now. Still looks amazing, STILL has a kickass figure. One of those females who reveals a different side to her beauty as she ages. Finding this site made me think of her and look her up. I've never truly un-kinked my kink in real life. It was a non-starter in relationships, closest i've gotten is staying in the bathroom, back turned, while they were on the toilet. Prostitutes and such are a non-starter for me as i have something you might call a 'consent fetish.' The only experiences that turn me on are those in which the girl involved is choosing to involve herself in, not doing for money or any ulterior motive. Weird, huh? Probably why the whole wetting/omo thing does nothing for me.

ANYWAY, what do you guys think? Should I test the water? Imagine if I closed the loop with the very girl who got me started down this path. Is destiny knocking? Tell ya what...one encouraging post and i'll friend her on social media. I mean, we WERE friends and she was comfortable enoug to...well, you know.

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13 hours ago, Ducex777 said:

To answer the questions: unfortunately, we ended up going our separate ways after High School. Believe, me, I wish we'd gotten to know one another sooner. Her mom passed away soon after she graduated, sadly, and she got married not long after. Twas many moons ago, dust in the wind, etc etc...






HOWEVER...she's divorced and by all accounts single, and lives close...like 30 minutes close.  She's in nursing now. Still looks amazing, STILL has a kickass figure. One of those females who reveals a different side to her beauty as she ages. Finding this site made me think of her and look her up. I've never truly un-kinked my kink in real life. It was a non-starter in relationships, closest i've gotten is staying in the bathroom, back turned, while they were on the toilet. Prostitutes and such are a non-starter for me as i have something you might call a 'consent fetish.' The only experiences that turn me on are those in which the girl involved is choosing to involve herself in, not doing for money or any ulterior motive. Weird, huh? Probably why the whole wetting/omo thing does nothing for me.

ANYWAY, what do you guys think? Should I test the water? Imagine if I closed the loop with the very girl who got me started down this path. Is destiny knocking? Tell ya what...one encouraging post and i'll friend her on social media. I mean, we WERE friends and she was comfortable enoug to...well, you know.

You totally should man. She’s been out of your life for this long, st the very worst she’ll just be out of your life again. 

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On 2/16/2018 at 10:09 PM, Ducex777 said:

To answer the questions: unfortunately, we ended up going our separate ways after High School. Believe, me, I wish we'd gotten to know one another sooner. Her mom passed away soon after she graduated, sadly, and she got married not long after. Twas many moons ago, dust in the wind, etc etc...

HOWEVER...she's divorced and by all accounts single, and lives close...like 30 minutes close.  She's in nursing now. Still looks amazing, STILL has a kickass figure. One of those females who reveals a different side to her beauty as she ages. Finding this site made me think of her and look her up. I've never truly un-kinked my kink in real life. It was a non-starter in relationships, closest i've gotten is staying in the bathroom, back turned, while they were on the toilet. Prostitutes and such are a non-starter for me as i have something you might call a 'consent fetish.' The only experiences that turn me on are those in which the girl involved is choosing to involve herself in, not doing for money or any ulterior motive. Weird, huh? Probably why the whole wetting/omo thing does nothing for me.

ANYWAY, what do you guys think? Should I test the water? Imagine if I closed the loop with the very girl who got me started down this path. Is destiny knocking? Tell ya what...one encouraging post and i'll friend her on social media. I mean, we WERE friends and she was comfortable enoug to...well, you know.

Hi!  That was a nice experience you had.

I have to agree with the others and try to get with her. And if you do, how comfortable would you be, talking about that memory and explain about your mess and how it made you felt?

I can maybe see a possibility, depending of the approach of course.

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I thought it was a great experience and I’m glad you shared it with us, 

I too got into the pee fetish a little late, 28 years old I began to experiment with it and I just turned 29 lol,

i think my hubby officially has a pee fetish or he associates it with hot sex, maybe both lol 40/60 maybe :p

i say go for the girl, but be warned nurses work long hours, my mom is a nurse so I got to know by watching her 

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Love that recount of the experience. Very heartfelt. 

As to contacting her, as others have said, go for it but I feel you should consider a few things, the first being that you have to prepare for the possibility that she may not remember you or be interested, depending on how many years have passed, and what you meant to her. You said you were only friends, so from her perspective, you may not have held much relevance to her. I know, harsh, but a real possibility.

Second thing is, if she's receptive to communication, you have to make it clear very early on, that you intend to be more than friends this time around, assuming that's what you want. Women write guys off as friends very quickly, quicker than most guys realize. You have to pursue her. Attractive women don't usually stay single for long, so if you drag your feet, she will be taken soon.

Third thing is the possibility of children she may have with her ex. If she has kids, know what you would be getting into, having to step up and be a father figure, and dealing with her ex if he is still involved as a parent. Additionally, depending on where you live, you may be on the hook for child support if you date for a while and the relationship ends for any reason, as the law may see you as the father if the real father isn't involved with the kids.

I've known guys that have been ruined by failing to consider these things so I do apologize for the devil's advocacy, but with that said, go for it! Honestly, you'd regret it until your last breath if you don't try.


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Welp, we're 'friends' in the social media sense. I haven't made a conversational overture yet, but plan to soon. She's already 'liked' a few of my dumb posts (pretty rapidly after I posted them I might add) so I don't think initial talk will be a problem. 

Brutus: believe me, I've considered everything you've laid out, and appreciate your candor and the fact that you remain encouraging. Not gonna lie, we were pretty good friends for a while and I think the possibility of becoming something more was definitely in the air if graduation had not gotten in the way. She had this spectacular personality and was FUNNY. I have no idea how she fell through the cracks, it was like she didn't realize how attractive she was. She even wore the stereotypical big glasses for most of high school until she switched over to contacts the last year. She was different in a big way, into vintage things (her baggy t-shirts featuring Elvis, Grease, and the Carpenters) and just kind of kept to a small group, shying away from male attention and holding no court for jocks etc. I kinda slipped in as the vaguely subversive stoner type who could say funny shit. If that husband couldn't hold onto her he didn't deserve her. Oh, and kids aren't a problem for me in the least. I've got none of my own but my public-sector job (not to give too much away) involves a good deal of contact with them. I like kids. Her ex is remarried anyway from what I understand.

And as for our topic at hand, i'd have to be an idiot to bring it up right away. But once my spidey-sense detects that degree of mutual comfortability we once had you bet your ass I'm bringing it up along with the effect it had on me. 

For shits and giggles I'll also tell my second experience, not that it can hold a candle to the first. I was seeing this girl in college and was fooling around in her dorm. Well, that day happened to be the day that some high school kids were visiting for the night and the bathroom was occupied to the hilt and she had to go badly. Well, it took some convincing but I talked her into pissing in a Solo cup for convenience's sake. She hemmed and hawed ('this is horrible,' 'you better not tell anybody') Unfortunately she made me turn around while she slid out of her panties and, squatting on teh floor, let loose into it. The sound of it, along with the sight of the full cup and her pouring it out the window was more than enough for me and she got the business that night with extra vigor, and the next morning too. 

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