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Life,and the Universe in general.


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I think on here we have an excellent collection of (dirty)minds.So how about we have a spot where we ask those scientific,or anything really questions that occur to you as you go through life.You may be sat on a bus,and ask yourself"how many species of butterfly do you find in the UK",for instance..(answer about 55-60 odd)but you get my drift.

Heres one i thought of;We have blood groups,in which certain groups cannot be transfused with certain others.But i wondered what is the evolutionary advantage of this,to our ancestors?Why did this evolve?How come that in this case,we dont have incompatible sperm and ova?Like why dont A+ men produce likewise sperm,or women such eggs?At what point in our embryology do we develop our blood group?Why is it NOT passed on genetically?I was different from my parents,who were different from each other,and only 1 of my 2 siblings is the same as me.

So,one for our geneticists here.If we have any.:smile:

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  • 1 month later...

@fannywatcherOkay, this was an interesting question that actually made me do research. I'm no geneticist but, here is what I uncovered.

1) There is a general consensus among most scientists that the reason for different blood types is mostly a mystery. Some speculate that it's a reaction to diseases. Certain blood types are more resistant to some diseases than others. There is a correlation with ethnicity and blood type as well, with certain ethnicities more likely to have a given blood.

2) With regard to sperm and ova, the reason that people with differing blood types can still reproduce is because the antigens that cause a blood type to be attacked by the immune system of someone with different blood are only present on red blood cells and not sperm. Therefore, an immune response usually does not occur. 

3) As far as what type of blood a person produces, there are many possible combinations that can be passed to a child. For example, a man with A or B can still carry a recessive O that may get mixed with the mothers recessive O blood and create an O type baby. 

4) Our blood group is determined soon after fertilization, which is why doctors offer a blood test to women to determine blood type and whether she will need medication to stop her immune system from attacking the baby's blood. Otherwise her body will kill the baby or it will be anemic and born with defects.

5) To your question about it being passed on genetically, there are too many variations possible to simply say that dad is AB, therefore, he will pass AB blood. Nature decides this randomly, as he could also pass A itself, B itself or the O, since A and B are equally dominant but O is recessive among both.


You should read up on it, I found it very interesting. Thank you for the question.

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  • 1 month later...

One thing is certain about life here.

Whatever becomes of humanity, whether we become extinct somehow, or evolve into something else, life of any kind on this planet cannot last forever. Earth life will have to find a new home at some point, whichever species happens to be top dog, if it is to avoid total extinction.

This is because as the core of the Sun converts ever more hydrogen into helium via nuclear fusion, it is getting gradually hotter. Within about 1 billion years or so it will be giving out so much more heat that our oceans will have begun boiling away, thickening the atmosphere and triggering a runaway greenhouse effect. We will become like Venus, where temperatures today on the surface are up around the 470 C  mark, and are hot enough to melt lead. 

And if we can survive that, in about 5 billion years as the Sun's core exhausts it's supply of hydrogen it will swell up into a massive red giant star, totally engulfing the orbits of Mercury and Venus and probably the Earth too, so our planet will be slowly vapourised. If we escape that fate, the red giant phase will end with much of the Sun escaping into space as gas, with just a small white dwarf remaining, getting ever cooler. The vicinity of the Earth then will be as cold as the surface of Pluto, only a few tens of degrees above absolute zero.

At various stages life might find a suitable home elsewhere in our solar system. As the Earth grows too hot, Mars might cease to be too cold and we could make that planet habitable. Later during the Red Giant phase, the moons of Jupiter or Saturn might suffice. But eventually the entire remaining solar system will be way too cold. For life as we know it to survive we'll ultimately have to relocate to planets around other stars.

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21 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

One thing is certain about life here.

Whatever becomes of humanity, whether we become extinct somehow, or evolve into something else, life of any kind on this planet cannot last forever. Earth life will have to find a new home at some point, whichever species happens to be top dog, if it is to avoid total extinction.

This is because as the core of the Sun converts ever more hydrogen into helium via nuclear fusion, it is getting gradually hotter. Within about 1 billion years or so it will be giving out so much more heat that our oceans will have begun boiling away, thickening the atmosphere and triggering a runaway greenhouse effect. We will become like Venus, where temperatures today on the surface are up around the 470 C  mark, and are hot enough to melt lead. 

And if we can survive that, in about 5 billion years as the Sun's core exhausts it's supply of hydrogen it will swell up into a massive red giant star, totally engulfing the orbits of Mercury and Venus and probably the Earth too, so our planet will be slowly vapourised. If we escape that fate, the red giant phase will end with much of the Sun escaping into space as gas, with just a small white dwarf remaining, getting ever cooler. The vicinity of the Earth then will be as cold as the surface of Pluto, only a few tens of degrees above absolute zero.

At various stages life might find a suitable home elsewhere in our solar system. As the Earth grows too hot, Mars might cease to be too cold and we could make that planet habitable. Later during the Red Giant phase, the moons of Jupiter or Saturn might suffice. But eventually the entire remaining solar system will be way too cold. For life as we know it to survive we'll ultimately have to relocate to planets around other stars.

Before all of that, much much before, we will all be dead of environement poisoning and scarceness of resources. The same solution that will make us avoid human destruction will also be the solution for the final problem of the Sun Death in 5 billion years from now.

We must eliminate psychological stress through the de-censoring of fetishistic sex. Once will we had done that, our unconscious will be lighter. Then, we will de-censor violence, learn to control it, substituing MORAL with ETHIC.

At that point, human society will be very different, enormous social problems will disappear from our single consciousness and thus from the global one. At that point nations will stop to wage war against each other and all economy will be directed toward genetical implementation and the development of space ships and new-level weaponry.

We will leave Earth and colonize other planets, even without atmosphere, our technology will terraform them. We will conquer the galaxy, in the end meeting more ancient race, winning war against them and later establishing truce and eventually a never ending peace, or simply making peace from the very beginning.

In the end, a galactic Federation will rise, and at that point, our collective technology will investigate the paranormal, deciphering the quantistic functioning of the immortal soul, thus becoming immortal entities made of pure energy. At that point, WE will be gods bringing life to sterile planets, helping bacteria to become apes, and apes to become humans, and humans to become gods, and the cycle will continue, filling the Infinite Multiverse with Life.

That is the REAL SECRET we Witches guard, the secret project of the Gods. But first of all, we must eliminate social disconnectedness through eliminating world-dividing morals, starting from demented furious sex. We got half a millennia to change: the Gods had been clear, we will not survive longer, unless we re-set our social and moral psychology. 

Edited by spywareonya
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9 hours ago, spywareonya said:

Before all of that, much much before, we will all be dead of environement poisoning and scarceness of resources. The same solution that will make us avoid human destruction will also be the solution for the final problem of the Sun Death in 5 billion years from now.

We must eliminate psychological stress through the de-censoring of fetishistic sex. Once will we had done that, our unconscious will be lighter. Then, we will de-censor violence, learn to control it, substituing MORAL with ETHIC.

At that point, human society will be very different, enormous social problems will disappear from our single consciousness and thus from the global one. At that point nations will stop to wage war against each other and all economy will be directed toward genetical implementation and the development of space ships and new-level weaponry.

We will leave Earth and colonize other planets, even without atmosphere, our technology will terraform them. We will conquer the galaxy, in the end meeting more ancient race, winning war against them and later establishing truce and eventually a never ending peace, or simply making peace from the very beginning.

In the end, a galactic Federation will rise, and at that point, our collective technology will investigate the paranormal, deciphering the quantistic functioning of the immortal soul, thus becoming immortal entities made of pure energy. At that point, WE will be gods bringing life to sterile planets, helping bacteria to become apes, and apes to become humans, and humans to become gods, and the cycle will continue, filling the Infinite Multiverse with Life.

That is the REAL SECRET we Witches guard, the secret project of the Gods. But first of all, we must eliminate social disconnectedness through eliminating world-dividing morals, starting from demented furious sex. We got half a millennia to change: the Gods had been clear, we will not survive longer, unless we re-set our social and moral psychology. 

That is so close to what I always believed. The purpose of life being to combine matter with spirit to evolve eternal souls whose purpose is to develop over millennia and millions of years into higher beings, that each of us eventually become a God-like in another universe, or perhaps this one? But not omnipotent and all powerful as Christians imagine God to be, but still living within and constrained by the laws of physics and nature.

Also, when I contemplate the actual miracle that life truly is - I mean consider any living creature and what an impossibly complex manifestation it is, and consider ourselves, capable of thinking about and contemplating all this - can it really be something destined to be confined to this one tiny planet in our vast universe? This leads me to consider two things. The first is what I have long suspected to be a major part of our ultimate destiny, colonising the universe, and perhaps reaching out to connect with other global arks of life that have developed on other planets around other stars. Which leads directly to the second consideration. How can it be that in this vast universe, ours is the only world with life? I feel sure there must be other worlds with life out there. In fact, I suspect the primary purpose of a universe is to develop life where matter and spirit can come together to gradually evolve higher beings, some of whom might ultimately kick start new universes. But the timescales involved are vast, so vast that we would struggle to comprehend them.

I have a question, though. Whatever is the future for life here in the very distant future, what will happen to the Earth Goddess when the Earth is no more as a home for living things and the Sun ceases to shine? Will she move elsewhere too? Will she become some kind of cosmic entity?


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7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

 But first of all, we must eliminate social disconnectedness through eliminating world-dividing morals, starting from demented furious sex. 

I have often wondered about this, having an interest in psychology and studied the psychology of serial killers, albeit only through the medium of books and documentaries.

Some humans seem to be capable of using sex in highly destructive ways, with a total lack of compassion for victims who are just playthings. They can harm themselves too, but often project outwards doing harm to others.

No other living creature that I have ever heard of on this planet seems capable of using sex so destructively, gaining gratification from the abuse and/or destruction of others. A male dog does not ejaculate whilst ripping a female dog to pieces, nor does it kill a female dog to have sex with her body. A male cat does not torture a female cat to death as part of it's sexual urges. Only humans seem capable of such moral and sexual depravity, debasement, and total callousness and lack of compassion, plus inherent destructiveness.

Some creatures have been observed incorporating what we would regard as fetishistic activities into their mating practices. For example, male giraffes taste the urine of females as part of their mating rituals, whilst chimpanzees of opposite genders have been observed urinating on each other. But most species - with the only exception, I think, being a particular species of spider where the female kills and eats the male after mating - do not incorporate suffering or death into the sexual act. This is pretty much a warped human development.

The moral depravity involved is quite shocking. 

I sometimes watch on the Reality channel an American documentary series called "Killer Couples", which, as the name suggests, features couples - mostly a guy and a girl - who kill. Sometimes the motive can be greed, or revenge, or the desire to eliminate a problem person or a love rival. But the worst examples are those couples who kill for sexual pleasure.  

One couple became so sexually fixated upon mutual harming that they frequently did harm to each other with knives as part of their sexual gratification. They developed fantasies about threesomes but could find no willing partners. So they developed fantasies about kidnapping an innocent and unwilling victim, and raping and killing her. Their ultimate victim was raped, and stabbed by both a total of more than 60 times in a frenzy of lust, with the female admitting she'd never been so turned on as they kissed over the body of their victim.

Only last night a couple were featured who travelled around the USA kidnapping mostly prostitutes and torturing, raping, and ultimately murdering their victims, all for sexual kicks whilst under the influence of amphetamine-based crystal meth.

The moral and spiritual degeneracy of such sexually destructive behaviour - combined with an utterly shocking degree of callousness and lack of any form of compassion for the victims - is truly shocking, and apparently unique to us as a species. Very fortunately, only a very tiny minority of us ever become so debased as to descend to such depths. Such souls have a major pit of debasement to climb out of if they are ever going to progress into being better beings. Not sure it is possible in all such cases, and that some of these souls might be lost to the dark side inhabited by demons for all eternity. Though some might recognise in time the utter wrongness of everything they did and atone for it through hardships in successive lives and thus eventually develop in a positive spiritual direction. The existence or absence of any genuine remorse is, I suspect, going to be the deciding factor in whether a soul can turn itself around after descending into such darkness. 

One other thing I have noticed. There does appear to be a frequent link between such sexually  depraved behaviour and the use of amphetamine based drugs. People under the influence of amphetamines seem to experience heightened sexual arousal combined with a short-circuiting of any moral qualms that might have existed, with fantasies becoming more extreme. Though only if the impulses being exaggerated already exist.

There was a case in the UK nearly a quarter century ago where a group of three men and two women, all permanently high on amphetamines, kidnapped a 16 year old girl  they knew - Susan Capper - because of some minor and largely imaginary grudge in order to ill treat her as a punishment. But the barbarity escalated as they all started getting off on it, with the victim being burned by cigarettes, scrubbed with wire brushes, teeth pulled out with pliers. Eventually, they decided it would be a great idea to take her somewhere and burn her alive. But the victim lived long enough to name them. What began as simple revenge for some minor thing morphed into something much worse that they got a sexually sadistic thrill out of. And amphetamine abuse was central to it. I suspect they might never have succumbed to such dark depths were it not for that.

I myself in my younger days took speed sometimes. A primary source of pleasure for me with it was that it heightened sexual pleasure. It also made me obsessed with enjoying that pleasure through masturbatory acts, and made my fantasies more powerfully vivid and more extreme, though in my case they were largely pee-fetish  based. You become so hooked into the fantasy that you don't think of such things as morality, consequences, what others will think of you. More than once on speed I ended up pissing everywhere in my own flat, imagining girls to be present and participating. When it wore off there was like a feeling of "Oh fuck. How the hell do I clean all this up before I get visitors?" But on speed you don't stop for a second to worry about that. So I can understand through personal experience how those with truly dark - and possibly normally repressed - sexual urges can be facilitated by this drug into descending into truly dark behaviour.

This is an often not well understood and seriously under-estimated potentially harmful aspect involved in the use of some types of drug.

Much is known about how widespread were atrocities and barbarities committed by German soldiers in World War 2. What is much less well known is that they were often liberally supplied with amphetamine-based tablets to keep them awake and alert for long periods. The former is probably connected to the latter.

Amphetamines can apparently act in some cases as a gateway drug when it comes to opening Pandora's box in terms of any inner sexual depravity.

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4 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I have a question, though. Whatever is the future for life here in the very distant future, what will happen to the Earth Goddess when the Earth is no more as a home for living things and the Sun ceases to shine? Will she move elsewhere too? Will she become some kind of cosmic entity?

WOW ENORMOUS question.

This almost a Coven Secret Steve, so I'm divulging it not whithout a little shiver.

The Gods will leave this world with us, remaining our leaders, in the end conquering the universe through us, Their soldiers. For every enhancement we undergo, they are enhanced the same way, it is a new level of un-selfishness, because Beyond certain points, whatever you give, you immediately make room for something to fill the space and obtain exactly the same you gave plus a little, but in the end much meaningful, 10%. Same if you GAVE: everytime somebody you patronized obtain something, a 1% of that something will ends up in you, not despoling him of a complete 100%, I mean more of a strong current, bringing profits toward the both of you. So in the end She will become a cosmic entity, THE cosmic entity, much likely.

Since the Gods are living entities and not spiritual beings from a phylosphical stance, you will have no prolem in accepting that (since I know you would have asked) NO, other planets with intelligent life does NOT have Gods on them. Maybe little spirits, they are everywhere, but entities like the Gods, no, only on Earth. They are the real reason sometimes aliens come here around to study us: our race is evolved alongside this quantistic entities for millennia, which secrets do we hold in our DNA, unknown even to ourselves?

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3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Some creatures have been observed incorporating what we would regard as fetishistic activities into their mating practices. For example, male giraffes taste the urine of females as part of their mating rituals, whilst chimpanzees of opposite genders have been observed urinating on each other.

It's because the sexual utilization of urine is not a fetish, is Nature. We humans are no differents. We so called piss fetishists are the normal ones, those who shun it are brainwashed and so "perverts"

3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

a particular species of spider where the female kills and eats the male after mating

it's just because they need an enormous amount of food for the larvae

3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

amphetamine-based crystal meth

it can change persons behaviour to a still un-explored degree. Dangerous even on a spiritual level.

3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

The moral and spiritual degeneracy of such sexually destructive behaviour - combined with an utterly shocking degree of callousness and lack of any form of compassion for the victims - is truly shocking, and apparently unique to us as a species. Very fortunately, only a very tiny minority of us ever become so debased as to descend to such depths. Such souls have a major pit of debasement to climb out of if they are ever going to progress into being better beings. Not sure it is possible in all such cases, and that some of these souls might be lost to the dark side inhabited by demons for all eternity. Though some might recognise in time the utter wrongness of everything they did and atone for it through hardships in successive lives and thus eventually develop in a positive spiritual direction. The existence or absence of any genuine remorse is, I suspect, going to be the deciding factor in whether a soul can turn itself around after descending into such darkness.

Indeed. I'll just add something later, but onlt to expand, not to modify.

3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

There does appear to be a frequent link between such sexually  depraved behaviour and the use of amphetamine based drugs. People under the influence of amphetamines seem to experience heightened sexual arousal combined with a short-circuiting of any moral qualms that might have existed, with fantasies becoming more extreme. Though only if the impulses being exaggerated already exist.

There is an explaination, a spiritual one I mean, very dark, it's what I just wrote I'll add later

3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

This is an often not well understood and seriously under-estimated potentially harmful aspect involved in the use of some types of drug.

Agree 100%

3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Much is known about how widespread were atrocities and barbarities committed by German soldiers in World War 2. What is much less well known is that they were often liberally supplied with amphetamine-based tablets to keep them awake and alert for long periods. The former is probably connected to the latter.

AGREE 200%.

3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Amphetamines can apparently act in some cases as a gateway drug when it comes to opening Pandora's box in terms of any inner sexual depravity.

Now Steve, the add I was gonna write.


And beware, because this problem is the ULTIMATE one, and you must, please don't perceive me as pushy, but you must trust my words and don't change the slightest nor re-iterpretate them 'cause here the slightest difference from the road is deadly. Alex took EIGHT YEARS to fully recover from a ritual where he tried to contact these levels of existence, ok?


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Deep in the uman soul there is a level, where it all started, the bacteria level, whose Dharma (behavioural tenets of being) is "Eat, re-combine food's DNA, and grow". It is an immediate prosecution of the unanimated matter level, whose Dharma is "Gravity, magnetism, collision, who cares, add more matter/energy, the more, the better". That level is directly a manifestation of the particle facet of energy, while the wave facet of energy (you know energy is both a wave and a particle) has as its Dharma "Go forth". You can understand that without any moral addition, we are talking about pure hunger and predatoriality. The mind and the souls developed in order to find a way to control such energy, enriching it with the capability to love and spare. It is more than a moral implementation, because transdimensional energy is capable of controlling itself, choosing actual  patterns of movement (quantistic stuff from Freemasons friends), so in the end, pure uncontrolled energy must become able to do the same thing, evolving from crudely material 3-dimensional energy up to more-dimensional energy, capable of thinking. The problem is  born when people started to believe that an energy capable of thinking will be more merciful, and there it comes all problems, more than anything else, my favourite, the one about people asking me piss vandalizing deeds, and all the rumors about us Witches being satanic murderers, or secretly worshipping a  predatorial morality

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4 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

@spywareonya, I would never try to contact any levels of existence which are in any way debased or evil, I assure you.

I would be highly reluctant to do anything without being sure of what I was doing.


it wasn't about  evil Steve, there lies the problem, but a need a minute to find the right words, it is terribly difficult

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7 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

It's because the sexual utilization of urine is not a fetish, is Nature. We humans are no differents. We so called piss fetishists are the normal ones, those who shun it are brainwashed and so "perverts"

The narrowminds are the real perverts for rejecting us? I like that. Thanks

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3 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

The narrowminds are the real perverts for rejecting us? I like that. Thanks

I was here on this forum to first of all assure everybody of this from a charismatic scientifical stance. A great hug. Now I'm writing to answer to the other thing, the one about violence, but Steve it's subtle

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6 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


it wasn't about  evil Steve, there lies the problem, but a need a minute to find the right words, it is terribly difficult

Well I will not try to contact any levels of existence until or unless I know exactly what I am doing and know my head is in the right place for it.

So don't worry. I will never perform any rituals of any kind without extensively consulting you if you are still here, or others if you are not. After previous bad experiences with Ouija boards I am frankly reluctant to do anything occult at all, so don't worry about me. It would in fact take a lot of persuasion from someone knowledgeable to even begin to ease my concerns and talk me into it.

And incidentally, I haven't touched drugs for a very long time and will never ever again take amphetamines, so do not worry about that either.



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6 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Well I will not try to contact any levels of existence until or unless I know exactly what I am doing and know my head is in the right place for it.

So don't worry. I will never perform any rituals of any kind without extensively consulting you if you are still here, or others if you are not. After previous bad experiences with Ouija boards I am frankly reluctant to do anything occult at all, so don't worry about me. It would in fact take a lot of persuasion from someone knowledgeable to even begin to ease my concerns and talk me into it.

And incidentally, I haven't touched drugs for a very long time and will never ever again take amphetamines, so do not worry about that either.



Writing now, just a minute

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Violence Steve, was the start of all, the collision of countless particles who’s Dharma ( fitting way of rightfully exist) was to “go forth” and “mas hall together”.

More than violence it was a dance.

In the end, beyond certain levels of evolution where we already will have explored emotions, Art, technology, society and everything else, we will revert to the same lifestyle. The Overgods outside the universe does nothing during all their day than shaking, creating and destroying everything around them.

So what makes them different from a serial killer on drugs? If the Gods are predatorial just like demons and a Dharma based on Sattva (rules and morals) is just a stepping stone along the path, if a Dharma based on Tamas (crude realism and visceral instinct) is both the lifestyle of savages and of the Overgods, so what evolution is all about, what is LOVE all about?



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1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

Violence Steve, was the start of all, the collision of countless particles who’s Dharma ( fitting way of rightfully exist) was to “go forth” and “mas hall together”.

More than violence it was a dance.

In the end, beyond certain levels of evolution where we already will have explored emotions, Art, technology, society and everything else, we will revert to the same lifestyle. The Overgods outside the universe does nothing during all their day than shaking, creating and destroying everything around them.

So what makes them different from a serial killer on drugs? If the Gods are predatorial just like demons and a Dharma based on Sattva (rules and morals) is just a stepping stone along the path, if a Dharma based on Tamas (crude realism and visceral instinct) is both the lifestyle of savages and of the Overgods, so what evolution is all about, what is LOVE all about?



I have a lunch date in 35 mins so will have to return to this later. I have some thoughts but no time to write at this moment. Thank you for all your insights


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The point Steve is that for a bacteria, the Sun is hellflames. We are empowered by it by they are destroyed by it. Beyond actual evil, that is mind-ill insolence and uncaringness toward the tenets of self-sustainable evolution, the truth is that in the universe nothing is good or bad in itself, it’s just that we call bad what we perceive as unbearable to us. You think that the cells of our skin would understand what could be so amusing in two friends boxing together without real violence, just delivering some blow to train themselves?


Far beyond our evolutionary level Steve, entities which are killed undergo reincarnation in a matter of seconds, not centuries, and are reborn empowered. Death becomes a gift: “Why training? It’s boring! I prefer to die and be reborn enormously empowered! Make way, I want to be the next who dies, it’s my turn, you fucking selfish!”



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But again, how we avoid to turn all this, that is true on a philosophical stance, into a blood-splattered hell, an actual abattoir for souls?


It’s because, just like bacteria killed by the sunlight we humans love so much, every specie got a limit beyond which pain becomes unbearable. We should never give pain to anything beyond that limit, and though we should be able to perceive also wrong deeds from others as a challenge, still we CAN turn a peaceful life into something good for evolution, making it passionate and using tranquillity to explore our darkness in a controlled setting.



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Deep in us, remains a memory for a level so deep where we care only for evolution, power, passion, and not limits. It is the level people de-censor when asking me piss vandalism, and that is not only de-censored but also mindlessly unleashed when people take drugs and kill. That level and its crude realism are not bad in itself, beware what I'm gonna write,


The capability to be tactful, vigil, to understand what is fitting or not, to understand that at our evolutionary level we all want to experience LOVE, the desire love and to be loved, the choice to avoid being uncaring to all of this, THAT is Good: 


Good is not gentleness or human goodness, Good is fittingness, and for our specie, fittingness means what we want most, and that is LOVE.

Not only, but Love is important even beyond our level, also for those entities who returned to a lifestyle made of violence, because on a more mature and spiritual guise, Love is the backspine for the capability to understand that something striding along his own path could not be fitting to be devoured just because passed near you. It is Dangerous to contact entities that live at that level because in their opinion, eating something will make it undergo rebirth empowered, but they are not mad, and can understand our desire to live, to remain in contact with the ones we love, to avoid leaving behind unfinished business.

For example the Gods are like that, they are predators. But they also understand all of that. Is beyond empathy: empathy means the capability to refrain from what Others fear. But a parent afraid of your wrong friendship will do bad empathizing with your desiring to hang out with them, and should indeed be a better parent if he grounds you from getting out.

They actually RESPECT our little lives, understanding they are all to us, and THAT is the ultimate form of LOVE.

People on drugs perceive the predatorial half, but not the loving half, and thus make their acts evil, because Good is BALANCE. Not on a vulgar behavioural way, in spirit: it's no use of refraining from violence if you don't understand why would it be wrong to deliver it unfittingly!

People must come to realize that respect is not simple refraining, but the capability to understand howp precious life is to all who possess one.

Drugs destroy this capability.

We Witches know that Overgods just destroy and devour, not because they are evil (Love and fittingness is a teaching from them!) but because they are at the level of pure energy, and pure energy destroys.

Deep in ourselves, we are turned on by such a Majestic, aloof and cruel behaviour.

When we pee on somebody's properties aren't we enacting the same?

Still, though we Witches know about their lifestyle and recognize some similarities between them and the Earth Gods, much less evolved and more calm than them but nonetheless predators, still we never do anything stupid, why?

Because though we are ready for everything because the Ultime Good (the overgods) is too, still we acknoledge that even beyond being capable of all, the greatest teaching of Good is FITTINGNESS.

For humans, exceeding cruelty damage the soul, make our life miserable. We must avoid it, being careless is not fitting, is inhuman, is evil.


Edited by spywareonya
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@spywareonya, thank you for all that. These are difficult concepts to grasp and I have insufficient time right now to devote the necessary thought. I have to prepare for work in 30-40 mins.

But will attempt to share my initial thoughts.

The physical reality of atoms and molecules, planets, stars, and galaxies operate through ordered and understandable rules of physics.

But there are two keys to understanding this I think.

Firstly, there is much violence inherent in the physical universe when atoms smash into each other at great speed inside stars, destroying a part of themselves as they fuse into new elements, turning a part of themselves into immense amounts of energy. Stars, planets, asteroids and galaxies collide or rip each other apart. Some stars destroy themselves through massive supernova explosions, and others collapse into black holes which violently devour everything they come close to.

And secondly, underlying this violent but ordered reality, at the quantum level, is literally chaos. The smaller the scale the more inherently chaotic and unpredictable reality becomes. Order is literally built upon chaos as well as being inherently violent.

But we and all sentient beings - gods too I would presume - differ from such natural physical violence in the world of matter by the very fact of our sentience. An atom smashes into another atom not because it makes a conscious choice to do so, but because the laws of physics dictate that it should happen. We however can CHOOSE whether to be violent in any given situation or choose not to be. Free will and free choice sets us apart from pure physical reality, and is essential to us learning and developing and being able to understand and comprehend. 

You talk of violence being neither good nor bad in itself - but just something that is. I think that is what you are saying. But that love - and anything that equates to love, eg compassion and empathy - is of primary importance in the big scheme of things. I think that is what you are saying. Within that framework, whether violence or destruction is itself intrinsically good or bad for us depends upon whether it is fitting for the circumstances when viewed from a position of empathy, compassion, and love. Is that the gist of it?

Empathy and compassion underlies my own moral code. I fundamentally believe it to be wrong to do to others what I would not want them to do to me, and that to inflict pain or suffering is wrong - unless in a consensual sexual situation where a masochist wants you do it. A case perhaps where violence can be performed with love? Not my thing, but I support to the hilt any consenting sexual activity between adults which others might enjoy. Empathy and love are in part built upon an understanding of how others can feel, and thinking how you yourself might feel in that situation. This is a very powerful part of my conscience, my inner moral code, a powerful feeling based upon love and compassion that hurting others for any reason is wrong, unless consensual. I cannot contemplate doing it without feeling bad or guilty. 

But I am aware that deep down inside of me I like most people have a capacity for cruelty and violence. I think anyone who is fascinated by documentaries like "killer couples", or who enjoy reading novels about the hunt for fictional serial killers, and stuff like that are maybe tapping into that at a safe distance. We gain some level of interest out of watching or reading docs or books about such things, without in any way advocating even to ourselves that such things are ok. We can still harbour strong emotions against such behaviour and feel angry at those who do terrible things, and deep compassion for their victims, and luridly experience fascination without morally condoning it. The genie remains safely trapped in it's bottle, fully corked by feelings of compassion and love and empathy which are essential foundation stones for our consciences. Violence that does not transcend our moral code built upon compassion, love, and kindness - shooting a wild animal about to attack our child, whipping a masochist who loves it and wants you to do it, punching a knockout blow to someone you catch who is attempting to sexually molest a loved one - all scenarios where violence can be fitting because it can be motivated by love. Violence done for base pleasure, however, with no care for the victim and only done for fun, is wrong. It is not fitting.

Some drugs, notably amphetamine in my experience, can heighten sexual arousal, open the mind to deeper thoughts normally lurking deeper down, whilst blocking and suppressing moral codes and reasoning. People would be capable of enjoying things under it's influence that their consciences would not permit normally. Though in the case of sexual violence, for a full on killing for kicks type behaviour to ensue would require at least a fantasy desire in that direction. Most of my de-conscienced sexual lust behaviour under that drug manifested itself in an exaggerated interest in all things peeing, because that was always my main interest. Someone whose main interest is BDSM, sex slavery or controlled violence in consenting situations could dangerously lose all limits where violence is concerned if they got heavily into amphetamines. It is a dangerous aspect of that drug which is much under-estimated by society at large.

Wonder what you think about my thoughts? 

That used up all my spare time so I must go now.


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Ok, it is a bit complex to explain, because you are both right at 100%, and still un-complete too.

Violence in atoms is the consequences of the primal quantistic nature of existence, whose main Dharma is to "go forth". Dharma transcends morality, in the guise that it cannot be surpassed. Plants got a soul too, and scientists are starting to uncover they got a brain too, and that for example they are scared by the sound of vacuum-cleaner. A vegan kills living beings and thinking/feeling beings like somebody who shamelessly endorse eating animals. We cannot avoid to kill in order to feed: we can only try to do it in the most fitting manner, whatever it may be. Pee is the same, you can chose how and when but not if to do it or not on a permanent degree. Dharma is such: inherent implication, like the fact that once upon a month I got my period.

Violence is not [only] due to the absence of a mind in the matter, it is caused by the fact that matter was born along multiversal Laws that ALSO BUILD THE SOULS AND THE MINDS. We will forever be pushed toward violence because violence is a Will of the Overgods, it's ultime aim is to force entities to look Beyond the fear of Death, discovering resistence, firmness, honour, courage, and hope. An entity which detach himself totally from his fear of dying can die with a scornful laughter and remain conscious during his transformation in a ghost (first) and transmigration (later). Ever heard of martyrs?:')

Since violence is inherently part of the Good, we can only chose when and how applying it, and there it pops upto Balance, the instinctive gentleness you Steve posses, and that people who got less must develop. Love is another cosmical archetype, and tapping into it is helpful in this crusade to enhance our instictive gentleness and caring attitude.

Studying violence from afar like reading stories about Hannibal the Cannibal is good to decensor, but there is a notification I feel I must do, and the fact is that to kill in fitting way, you must be driven by both the natural desire to absorb other's life force, and the morality to understand when it would be unfitting. Among humanity, Killing somebody is almost NEVER fitting, therefore those killers are evil, but beware, NOT because they KILL (many Witches works as spies for Governements and poison drugdealers after luring them sexually) but because they are uncaring to the fact that their victim did NOT deserve to die. Killing is no big deal for the Cosmical Good: but being uncaring to the Worth embedded in a living being is a (forgivable but nonetheless) ABSOLUTELY a grave sin.

And while one day we will de-censor violence and re-discover the predator within us, IT WILL REMAIN WRONG FOREVER to kill sombody if his Death is not utterly fitting!!!


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So the point is that whatever dark desire we posses in our worst fringe is part of the Cosmical Good from Its violent face (unless it smells like grudge or repression, in which cas is simply a pent up frustration), the Good is not to feel not it, but to understand that and exactly identical value on the Cosmic scale is inherited by the capability to understand that things (animated and inanimated) are to be loved, and spared unless they actually must die, to stop being evil around or to refuel our belly with food.

It is NOT moral to hide our unability to love things like we love a son under the Golden cloak of "it is wrong". Nothing it itself is wrong, destruction and Death are the privileges of God.



Yet, when you love something for real, you would never damage it, HERE, that is goodness: love EVERYTHING so much that you would actually never ever would dare disrespect it.




Unless it's evil, therefore destroy it. We can also love the animals we kill for food, it requires moral strenght and emotional firmness but it is the right way to live. It is a different angle of perception, and the real reason we Witches are White magicians yet are perceived as black (beside some so-called witches which are indeed black magician and should be exectued):

because we know that the Cosmical Good issued  prohibition about disturbing the life of something that deserves not to die, yet in itself we are not against violence, only against unfitting use of it. Remember that it is fitting to kill for food: an hypothetical alien entity manifesting under the disguise of a thunderstorm and feeding on the lifeforce of those it thunderstrike, could (it is made of energy, it is more evolved than us) kill us in perfect respect of the Balance. Fate would take our hand delivering us to the paradise between reincarnations, and then we will be reborn in a better life, without much upset. It could sound heartless interpretation but instead I find it heart-touching and greatly reassuring and relieveing. If I'm killed by somebody who shouldn't have killed me, I'll be greatly indemnified and his soul will undergo punishment. If I'm killed by an hypothetical more-than-human predator, the contact with its evolutive level will boost up my own evolution. I win in any case. 



And after ten years speaking with the dead, I actually believe the things I just wrote.

Edited by spywareonya
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@spywareonya, I believe what I write too, though I have room for doubts sometimes, so my beliefs remain open-minded, and prepared to shift in response to new information or insights.

A philosophical question. When you talk of violence or death that is "fitting", do you basically mean when it is either necessary - as in when we kill something to eat it - or deserved in some way? Which leads to the question, where do you stand on the death penalty, where those found guilty of terrible crimes are put to death? Do you approve? Because I have always been an opponent of it mostly for pragmatic but partly moral reasons relating to concerns about the fate of the wrongly convicted.

You seem to view death more broadly than me. If someone is killed without it being a necessary thing in some way but for base reasons, their soul will benefit from it by being compensated positively in the next life, whilst the person or people who killed him or her will be punished for it. I tend to believe this too. That karma basically transcends this existence and runs on into future lives. We ultimately pay the price for any wrongs we do and reap the rewards from any good. You seem able to take this to it's natural conclusion and view premature death as ultimately something positive for the victim's soul. I must admit that whilst grasping the logic of that, I struggle to see the death of an innocent in such positive terms, because so much potential is lost in this life, so much grief, anguish and mourning being caused in this life. I do very much have a "this life" perspective on such things, believing that whilst we live now, the here and now of our current lives should define what we view as right and wrong, and how we should feel about it. Any positives from a premature death beyond this life is a future consideration in the afterlife and in our next life, but whilst here it is this life that matters most. I see the longer term picture of course, but too great a broad view could tempt us potentially  into not fully understanding the enormity of a life prematurely snuffed out for evil reasons in this life. In short - from a  "this life" perspective, I struggle to see death as a positive, though in terms of killing to eat I do see it as necessary in that sense.  I tend in short - from my "this life" perspective, to view premature death as a bad thing, an evil thing even if sometimes a necessary evil.

I know you will home in on that. How can anything necessary be evil? This is what you are probably thinking. How can premature death not be a bad thing for the victim of it, however necessary, is my thinking. A fundamental philosophical difference between us? From your perspective, how can anything necessary be evil? From my perspective how can premature death not be a bad thing, however necessary? For you a "necessary evil" is a contradiction in terms, a logical impossibility. For me an evil thing can still be a necessary thing, eg killing another creature in order to eat and sustain life. Sometimes it is necessary to do bad things to survive, we have evolved that way. That is my perspective. I think from yours, anything necessary to survive is fitting and natural and therefore incapable of being bad.

I will have to think some more about all this when I have more time.

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This is amazing, I don't know what to add, but I'll be watching this thread. 

All of us value life, doesn't matter what it is: a spider will be caught and put outside, a snake is just prodded with a broom with an occasional "Fook off out of it" thrown in. We hit a small kangaroo one night, didn't hurt it much, just knocked it aside, but the girls were devastated, cried over the poor little bugger, it's just the way we are. As for a 'God' we are on the fence, neither believe or disbelieve, but if there is 'He' is well overdue for a visit. All three of us think we'll meet E.T first, I know we are not alone in the universe, time and distance work against us out here in the "suburbs" of our galaxy.

The last week has been a bit harsh on us all, I have been diagnosed with a degenerative bone condition, trying to take medication for it made me feel worse, so I gave them up. A care plan has been set up, I need to do some work to slow it down. Another thing happened that highlighted the frailty of us humans. A guy we knew, a 50 year old, had had a mild heart attack, he was treated and cleared to go home. A couple of days later, his wife found him dead in his garage after mowing the lawns. We know death is part of life, but geez, how much closer do we have to get? 

As for drugs, nothing apart from a drink or two, none of us have smoked, none of us have taken weird chemicals, no interest in it. We may look like babes in the woods, so be it, lol.

We have a game we all play, it's on PS4 (2 of them) and on PC and Alienware luggable, called No Man's Sky, it's the closest thing to exploring a galaxy, we all have our own place, name our discoveries and generally get lost in it. This is what we'd like to think the galaxy is like, travelling, exploring and meeting new species. 

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