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Best UK Spots To See Public Peeing?

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Where in the UK have you had most success seeing people pee in public?

I would guess festivals (Glastonbury etc) would perhaps be some of the best options, but I wondered if anyone had any other places in mind...

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Festivals are definitely good for sightings based on what I've seen on the internet - but I've never been to one and I don't really think I could make an excuse to leave the family and get to get to one.  However, I have seen plenty of people peeing in several large cities on a Friday or Saturday night after drinking.   There seems to be an abundance of men peeing outside in alleys or side roads (including me) and even on some fairly busy roads as well.   The women seem to be a bit more reserved but I've still seen plenty.   Best opportunities are either when they are queuing to get into nightclubs, having already been drinking in pubs or after the clubs kick out near taxi ranks for fast food places.  If you see them leaving the queue then there is a fair bet they are off to find somewhere to pee.

Having said that - I had a disappointing evening on Friday this week when I was in Sheffield.  I saw loads of men peeing, but only one woman.   The one female sighting that I got was pretty poor really - She was in her thirties I would say and with a male friend.   They were near a piece of grass with a few trees.  She said to her friend.  Wait there - I am just going to go behind that tree for a minute.   I circled round and approached from the side, but the tree obstructed the side view.   I went to pass a few feet in front of her, but the ground was really wet and she heard my steps squelching in the wet grass/mud, so she stood up and pulled up her trousers.  I didn't get to see much.

However on other nights I have seen some pretty brazen female peeing outside clubs etc. - most of them reported on this forum somewhere.   One fairly recent one that is worth a mention was a lady in her twenties who had been in a fast food place.  She came out of the door, turned to the left, sat on the door step of the adjacent property in full view of passers by, traffic and waiting taxis.  She spread her legs and pulled her knickers to the side before spraying a torrent out onto the pavement.  I had a good view of her pussy and the thick stream arching out and splashing down noisily.  She continued unabated as a couple of people walked past and stepped over her increasing puddle.  Finally the flow fell back towards her and stopped.  She let her knickers fall back into place and I saw them get a few wet spots as they soaked up the remaining drops.  She stood up, straightened her skirt and went back into the fast food place as if it was the most normal thing in the world.  No sign of any embarrassment or any thought of discretion.   No attempt to find a quiet alley or similar.  Just needed to pee, so did so.

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  • 2 months later...

The best locations I have found have been in Brighton and Newcastle, unsurprising with the amount of hen do's and hedonists .  I live in London, though have our ladies here seem more reserved, yet to find a spot that always yields sightings. Festivals are great for sightings in better lighting, though much harder to grab a longer coy look.  My all time favourite is the notting hill carnival though I haven't been in several years now.

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  • 5 months later...
On 06/10/2017 at 12:42 AM, wetterisbetter said:

The best locations I have found have been in Brighton and Newcastle

I've had some great results in Newcastle.  Girls there seem very relaxed about peeing in public.  On a Friday/Saturday night, they go out with next to no clothes on regardless of the weather and they get very drunk.   I have seen girls pee in quite public places without worrying about hiding.   One girl just came out of a fast food outlet and peed on the pavement right next to the door with people both inside the food place and people on the street.   

Brighton, I've seen a few girls peeing - mainly on the beach at night time.  They queue for the night clubs or drink outside and head down the beach for a pee.  The best one was when a mixed group of male and females were drinking sat in one of the boats that sits on the lower promenade as part of a museum.  One girl got out and squatted right next to the boat with plenty of people around.  She didn't make any attempt at all to hide herself.  She could have gone the other side of one of the small buildings on the beach so that she was away from the walkway, but she didn't.   She was in a well lit place and fully exposed herself as she flooded the floor.   I had a totally clear view of her pussy issuing forth her pee flood.

I get to go to Brighton a few times a year - have you got any recommended places to look @wetterisbetter?

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  • 8 months later...
On 8/1/2017 at 4:54 PM, owlman76 said:

I was just finishing off and I heard a hissing sound, I turned around and she was stood in a puddle." oh, I needed that" she said, I looked at her and she laughed, "well you were having a piss, and I needed one too, so I did it in my pants"

Awesome... especially that she was so open and relaxed about it...  did she mind you trying to get her drunk every time you went out after that night?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wish someone in my area would share their toilet needs with me! 🙂 That would be so hot to see 😢 

Unfortunately there’s CCTV everywhere so can’t do anything naughty, can’t sneak into the girls’ toilets, and everyone is a good boy or girl here, never see any outdoor wetting or squatting 😢 

And no-one wants to discuss it in any way

Edited by Mkbigboy
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