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Smaller Pee Forums?


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(A very late response, oops)

Yeah, I am struggling to find many other pee resources that are forum-based. Quite a few of the old ones seem to have slowly faded out.

In terms of ones fairly still active, it seems there's just the big 3 of Omorashi (but key focus on wetting and hentai etc), peesearch and peefans. 

Would still be great to know of any other pee forums people still use if there are some out there. 🙂 

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39 minutes ago, Admin said:

(A very late response, oops)

Yeah, I am struggling to find many other pee resources that are forum-based. Quite a few of the old ones seem to have slowly faded out.

In terms of ones fairly still active, it seems there's just the big 3 of Omorashi (but key focus on wetting and hentai etc), peesearch and peefans. 

Would still be great to know of any other pee forums people still use if there are some out there. 🙂 

In the past, that guy Sathuta was scanning the Web looking for friends to invite here

For a little time, an english-speaking Jap guy signed in after a Sathuta's invitation...

Maybe he knows something...

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I had an old style BBS at my site for years.  It was quite busy for a long while, but I had to perform damage control daily.  Between trolls (we called them "flamers" back in those days) and spam, it became too much for me.  I'd had enough.  On my board there was no uploading, but one could post a pic by entering the URL of said pic in a box on the post page.  Or, they could also enter a URL to a website.  I actually encouraged webmasters to post links to their sites.  But...I still had to deal with hell.  I finally said, "enough."

I also had a chat room for quite a few years.  Same thing there...not worth the trouble.  Unlike this site, I had no one to help me moderate my chat or message board.  I was on my own. 

So now, my site is non-interactive.  However, I do have a link to the Pool chat room.  That room is owned and operated by someone else.  They can deal with whatever problems arise in running it.  And, they do a very good job!  You should check it out. 

Lastly, according to the survey I've been running on my site for over 14 years now, Movies, Photos, & Stories are the top 3 things people like at pee sites.  Forums and other things are way down the list.  I trust these findings as, like I said, this survey has been running for over 14 years now!  Check it out at the link below.


I think Pee Fans will continue to thrive because it's, well...a great site!  But, it's an exception to the rule.  Most pee forums will eventually die, sadly.  Just my opinion.  I could make a list of past forums a mile long, really. 🙁


Edited by 2prnot2p
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3 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

Movies, Photos, & Stories are the top 3 things people like at pee sites. 


3 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

I think Pee Fans will continue to thrive because it's, well...a great site!  But, it's an exception to the rule.  Most pee forums will eventually die, sadly.  Just my opinion.  I could make a list of past forums a mile long, really.

Thanks again for the kind feedback, but your poll data backs up why PeeFans is still growing whilst other forums have died out. The full site tagline is 'Pissing Pictures, Videos, Stories & Chat', so we have the 3 things that were voted most popular. In fact we have all 6 of the poll options on this site, meaning we can appeal to audiences wanting different things (or someone looking for everything in one place).

That said, I believe you'd get different poll answers if it were worded a little differently. You're right, not a lot of people set out thinking they want a message board - that's just the medium, not the content. However, I am certain (and polls on this site over time back it up) that a lot of people really value the social and communication aspect. Although we have an abundance of pics, vids, and stories, I don't think we'd get anywhere near as many visitors if it weren't for the ability to talk to each other (either live chat, forums and private messages). Being the hub that brings pee fans together to connect is what people probably like most in my opinion.

So, why have so many past forums died out? In my opinion it's really down to the owners losing interest or simply not having the time to run it properly. If the owner doesn't use the site any more it stops developing and improving, and the issues start to pile up, members get put off as well. Naturally they end up migrating to a 'better' place, which causes activity to decline further on the original forum. It makes sense there wouldn't be 100's of pee forums, because the forums that are most active are the ones that everyone else will want to be a part of too. Forums in general are somewhat dying due to social media , but for a private topic like this I believe there is still as much value as ever in a dedicated private community, as long as it continues to modernise and adapt. 

We try to keep pushing the limits at PeeFans for this reason, as if you're not moving forwards you're often falling behind. For example, you mentioned the spam being an issue with your forum (and others), which is why PeeFans has brought in a wide range of anti-spam technology to stay ahead of the game. Likewise, when I knew I wouldn't have time to manage the forum for a while, administration changed (and luckily now that I have time again I have been able to return). This links in nicely with the thread about what people would like to see next at PeeFans though- although you mentioned not wanting anything to change, further down the line it's likely people will want something new, and my job is to be proactive in making that happen. 🙂 

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You're so right, Admin.  All of your points are spot on.  I do think people value the sense of community.  I guess what I meant was that there are many who are more concerned with the movies, photos, and stories.  But, as you said, you have plenty of those here too!  The main thing I don't want you to change is the format.  So many of the typical php boards are not very friendly looking.  So, I should have said that this particular interface is excellent.  I love it and I think others do too. 🙂

As for spam, I didn't mind pee-related posts.  But, I would get spam like, "Win a free trip to Las Vegas!"  LOL!  That I didn't like.  That stuff had to be deleted often. 

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