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Steve 25805

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Well, others have had a go.

So this is me.

Most here are very familiar with my peeing interests. But my non, peeing interests also include psychology, UK politics, true crime, history, World War 2, and cosmology, amongst other things.

So this thread is a chance for anyone to ask me anything at all - pee-related or not. I will answer honestly and as fully as I can, with the proviso that I of course will not give away the kind of personal information that might risk compromising my anonymity.

So feel free to ask me anything.


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Great to see you have a large number of varied interests outside our common one.  I'm talking about cosmology, of course. It's nice to know someone who can have his head in the heavens while his eyes are looking at the floor.

I do have a few questions for you.

1.   What school of psychology do you subscribe to - Freudian, Jungian or another?

2.   Who is your favorite UK politician? It can be from the past or a current one.

3.   If you could back in time, what era would you choose?

4.   What do you consider the principal reason that Britain ended up on the winning side of World War 2?



Edited by glad1
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11 minutes ago, glad1 said:

Great to see you have a large number of varied interests outside our common one.  I'm talking about cosmology, of course. It's nice to know someone who can have his heads in the heavens while his eyes are looking at the floor.

I do have a few questions for you.

1.   What school of psychology do you subscribe to - Freudian, Jungian or another?

2.   Who is your favorite UK politician? It can be from the past or a current one.

3.   If you could back in time, what era would you choose?

4.   What do you consider the principal reason that Britain ended up on the winning side of World War 2?



I do not subscribe to a specific school of psychology. I think there are merits in both Jung and Freud. I guess I am more with Freud on the overwhelming influence of the subconscious and childhood development upon the people we become. Jung accepts all this but places a larger amount of emphasis on our aspirations for the future upon our development. I guess I am more with Freud here, believing that our aspirations are often more a product of what our past has made us, more than a contributory cause of who we are today. But I have never really accepted the concept of penis envy in girls. I just don't believe in that.

My favourite current UK politician is Jeremy Corbyn. Past would include Tony Benn and Clement Attlee in peace time, or Winston Churchill in time of war.

If I could go back in time as my current age (52) I'd like to visit early 40s Britain. With a lifelong interest in World War 2, I'd like to experience the atmosphere of it myself, albeit at an age where I'd be considered too old to actually go off and do any fighting and being shot at. That would kind of suck! If I could revert to being 20 again, I'd most like to visit the flower power era of the late 60s, probably a great time to be young.

Britain ended up on the winning side in World War 2 because, firstly, the RAF, the naval dominance of our navy, and the English Channel saved us from invasion and defeat in 1940. Secondly, because Hitler's impatience and hubris at being thus thwarted  resulted in him laying into the USSR.  And thirdly, after months of US naval assistance to us in the Atlantic, Hitler used the opportunity of the Pearl Harbour attack as a chance to vent his irritation by declaring war on the USA, As a result - due to Hitler's own foolishness - after surviving the initial onslaught we thus found ourselves allied to the two most powerful nations of the day, destined soon to become rival superpowers. We won too by riding to victory alongside them.

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You make some very good points and I concur with most all of them.

But, I disagree with you on the matter of penis envy. From my observations in the field (not to mention trails, beaches, boats ...), I find most women seriously wish they had one, if only for when their bladder is full.  

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Well, THAT kind of penis envy I can definitely believe in. A penis is certainly convenient when it comes to peeing everywhere, lol.

But on the serious point, I don't believe that most girls suffer anxiety when they realise that they differ from boys or that this is the catalyst for intense competition with the mother for the affections of the father. And I certainly never experienced what Freud postulates as the opposite - castration anxiety - when I realised that only boys had a penis. I think Freud was inferring way too much from physical anatomical differences that mostly elicited only curiosity in younger kids, whilst becoming a sexual focus in more hormonal and lustful senses only beyond puberty. And by then most girls and boys are intensely glad that the opposite sex exists and is anatomically different from them, rather than feeling in any sense anxious about it.

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17 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Well, THAT kind of penis envy I can definitely believe in. A penis is certainly convenient when it comes to peeing everywhere, lol.

THAT is certainly one thing we can both agree on. But, I have known some women who could do everything a male could (and then some) without one. Okay, maybe not quite the distance and height.

I, too, think that Freud was reading too much into the psyche of children. Most likely, he was only projecting his own neuroses.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Steve, what are your thoughts on UK politics at the moment? Based on your favourite politician answer, I'm guessing you're not exactly happy with how things are, and I don't think many would dispute that Brexit is a bit of a mess. Would be interested to get your summary on things. 

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On ‎02‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 0:01 AM, Admin said:

Steve, what are your thoughts on UK politics at the moment? Based on your favourite politician answer, I'm guessing you're not exactly happy with how things are, and I don't think many would dispute that Brexit is a bit of a mess. Would be interested to get your summary on things. 

I am as you might have guessed a bit of a lefty. I think of myself as a left wing social democratic social libertarian with socialist sympathies and values.

I think our country is in crisis - particularly in the areas of housing and jobs - with the wealthy and propertied elites getting ever richer off the backs of the rest of us. The millions of little people are handing over ever larger chunks of their incomes to the property rich, and to various large corporations charging us for essential services, with productive hard-earned money being leached out of working people. We have an economic model that depresses pay and takes ever more away from most hard-working people and concentrates it into the hands of a relative few, whist depending totally upon the millions to continue spending ever more. This is being sustained only by ever vaster personal borrowing but is not sustainable in the long run. An economic rebalance is necessary to avoid an eventual catastrophic collapse.

Insofar as Brexit is concerned, I myself was torn. I recognised why millions of working class people wanted to get out. They saw company after company abusing freedom of movement rules to use cheap migrant labour en masse  from Eastern Europe to keep pay low even as the cost of living rocketed. Yet at the same time, the increased numbers were being exploited by landlords to drive up rents. Working class people were thus hit by a double whammy  It is they who have borne the brunt of all this. But for too long on the left their legitimate concerns about this were mistakenly dismissed as racism by a New Labour elite who'd hopelessly lost touch with ordinary people. Which is ultimately why so many working class people drifted towards UKIP and arguments in favour of leaving the EU. It was essentially immigration that won it for leavers, but not as is often assumed for racist, xenophobic or cultural reasons, but for primarily economic ones.

I recognised this and the desire of millions who felt forgotten to use the referendum to make our leaders sit up and listen. But at the same time I feared - and still fear - for the loss of our workers' rights as a result of departure from the EU.

Corbyn becoming Labour leader - like the Brexit vote itself - is another manifestation of the forgotten and angry millions acting to make themselves heard again and have their concerns addressed. The media - staffed almost entirely now by members of the affluent classes because unpaid internships effectively bar entry to anyone else - never saw this coming and were hopelessly blind-sided because they too are no longer in touch with the millions of ordinary people. But Brexit and Corbyn have together shifted the terms of debate back towards the concerns of the electorate as a whole, and not some imaginary political "centre" to the right of Margaret Thatcher, dreamed up by our wealthy elites. And by a media that is in bed with them.

Anyway......enough said. Or I'll bore you to death, haha.

Don't get me started on politics or you'll get more of this, hahaha.

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  • 1 year later...
On ‎7‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 5:51 PM, steve25805 said:

I don't believe that most girls suffer anxiety when they realise that they differ from boys


Pussy has a hypnotizing shape which is the reason why bisexual girls are many more than bisexual boys!!!



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