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So very hot!! I like to go into public bathrooms anywhere, (preferably the single occupancy ones, but I can play anywhere), and use the trashcan or sink to pee in. When I use the sinks, I try to get it all over the faucet so I can watch it waterfall down into the bowl, and I like soaking the paper towels in the trashcan. Then I'll leave a little puddle on the floor next to the toilet or urinal.

It's fun to pee in elevators also. Once, I was staying overnight in the hospital with my sister, and at like two AM, I went out for a smoke. On the way back in, I decided to relieve myself in the vacant elevator. Left a big wet spot right in the middle of the floor lol

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Guest UnabashedUser

Wife and I have pissed in elevators, car parks, and on the beach together. Risky, forbidden, and erotic fun. Elevators tend to have cameras though, so you have to be extra discrete. Between parked cars is pretty safe though.

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Guest UnabashedUser
I second the suggestion of peeing in between (or on!) car

Wife Bonnie is darned accurate performing the half-squat moistening of a front auto tire if it's turned outwards. She can almost sit on it. I oft wonder if the car pulls to the side as the brake pad is surely drenched by the time she's through.

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15 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

I would never enter a public bathroom!!!:')

peeing outside is much more hygienic:8_laughing:

but if I was to, I'll do exactly the same!!!

Floor pee forever!!!:pissing:

I'm definitely with you about the outside part. I'll only enter a public bathroom if there are no other options, or I'm beckoned there. ;)

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A few years back I was on a day trip with a girlfriend. We'd been on the road a few hours when we were feeling that familiar urge, first her, then me. (Amazing how the power of suggestion works when someone says they have to pee.)

Now, the only thing was we were out in the country, though on a well-traveled road. I wasn't seeing any exit signs and was starting to get anxious. Finally, I see one saying "Rest Stop 2 Miles Ahead," and we both breathed sighs of anticipated relief. 

We pulled into the parking lot, opened doors and hopped out. Looking around, we found there were no facilities. But, at least there were woods and into them we went a couple dozen or so steps. We might not have seen much of each other before, but shyness is no match for bursting bladders.   

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Totally agree about preferring to pee outside rather than using public toilets.  I do use them if I'm in company as they don't understand why I would rather pee outside, but if I'm alone, then using a public toilet is a very rare situation.

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