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Trump....can of worms I know but he's gone too far

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11 hours ago, Pete2304 said:

This is what I've been saying all along. I said on here when was officially nominated as the republican candidate that the keys to the White House were now Hilary's. Was talking today about Spitting Image (satirical political based comedy programme, ran in the U.K. For years) and even they couldn't have made up this situation. You just couldn't write it. I'm half convinced I'm going to wake up at some point and tell people about this weird dream I had where a bigoted, narcissistic, alleged perpetrator of a string of sexual assaults with a somewhat questionable state of mental health nearly became president of the United States.

I know, lol. This is political comedy sketch writer's gold. But it's really fucking happening!!!!

But at the moment, only he is the joke. Let's just hope and pray that he doesn't get elected, otherwise the great nation of America will become the joke.

And externally he'll be a threat to the security of the entire planet, and America's standing within it, whilst internally he will create division and strife unprecedented since the Civil War.

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I suspect that the Republican establishment was afraid to oust him for fear he would go independent like Ross Perot and split the right-wing vote, thus handing the presidency to the Democrats.

You might consider that about ten years ago, Toronto voters wanted a change in city politics and elected Rob Ford. We got off with little worse than severe red-faced embarrassment. Imagine if -our- clown had had access to the nuclear go codes, or half a dozen other critical government mechanisms.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night I listened to the radio as the results came in and I have to say that I'm in shock.  Although the outcome was predicted to be close - as indeed it was - I never actually believed the American people would actually elect Trump.  As it is they have and it looks as though we have some very 'interesting times' - in the meaning of the Chinese proverb - ahead of us.  I am only thankful that here in Great Britain we have a secure and popular constitutional monarchy and are therefore spared presidential elections.  Thankfully we only have General Elections to contend with.  

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Good, I remember the 80tis and this time I feel free, in germany Franz Josef Strauß was "the man", and it was a free world, here, in the 90tis the boarders open, and slowly, like poison snakes the stasi comes in our land, with that more and more the aborigines in our land loose her rights, and migrants got more and more rights, I hope now it became better.

From 2014 to now it was NOT aloud for the christians to put up a christmas tree in Berlin on a public place, what was before a hundret of years tradition.

I ask myself, where Im living now? In Germany, or in a isllamic kalifiat ???

and of course thats the fault  of obama too !

This endless migration MUST have a stop NOW and YET.

a good healthy !!! mix of people in  every country is a enrichemnet, but what happens the last years is a invasion ,.... a invasion without war,

but the war comes,  for sure in your own countries, because the invasion.


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You know, I kind of wish Egwalrus was here right now to say "I told you so".

I cannot believe they actually went and did it.....overlooking totally the obnoxious character of the man in order to register a protest against the Establishment. And in consequence they have just put a racist, sexist, sociopath with a short fuse into the Whitehouse with access to the nuclear codes.

The world is about to become a much more dangerous place. Only racists have much to cheer.

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Will reply later when I have more time. Had no phone the last ten days (robbed outside my local supermarket, life is just a ruddy bed of roses for me right now haha) but there's so much I have to say on this one. Long and short though I do note the orange one seems to no longer be planning a blanket ban on Muslims entering the US, to abolish Obamacare nor have Hilary imrisoned. Wonder how long until some of his more "passionate" supporters become upset. 

Politicians sometimes lie to get into office, we all know this. However it's one thing to promise to cut interest rates by 2% and then when you get in have to admit you can only manage a 1% cut but a whole different set of lies when you've promised to build a 1900 mile long wall, imprison a former First Lady and rebuild the countries health care system only to then distance yourself from the lot once the votes have been cast. 

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  • 2 months later...

OK, so now he apparently pays hookers to pee on him in Russian hotel rooms.  Why does our fetish always get dragged in when people want to smear someone?

They did it to Hitler too (also proven false, after a long while).  It seems the only thing anyone who doesn't share our interest can do is laugh at us or call us criminals.

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