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Please sign this if you feel as passionate as i do!!

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I’ve made a petition – will you sign it?

Click this link to sign the petition:


My petition:

Hold a General Election to refresh the UK Government in the wake of Brexit.

The decision to leave the EU has come about, & the UK needs a strong and decisive leader to carry us through the negotiations over the next 2 years. The conservatives' leader proved that his party are incapable of doing this and have appointed in an undemocratic manner a person of similar tact.

Theresa May is now the leader of the conservative party and consequently will be a carbon copy of the 'Iron Lady' that destroyed this Nation in the 80's. She has proved that she is not against deportation of current EU nationals, and only wants whats best for her own party and not the Nation as a whole.


Click this link to sign the petition:


I started this up because i feel that the way things have been handled over the last week or so hasnt been in the right manner and shouldnt be taken in an undemocratic way. The conservatives are clearly ''bought out'' dicks that like to politically inbreed within their own party. When really it should be the people of the UK who choose what happens next.

So, if you feel the same way as me then please sign the petition!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry but I won't be signing the petition. I happen to think that Theresa May is a good Prime Minister and has the best interests of her country at heart as, indeed, did her late predecessor. A General Election at this stage would simply be a distraction and a side show. If the polls are to be believed, all it would achieve would be to rob Labour of a hundred seats and increase the Government's majority. We have a sufficiently weak and fragmented opposition as it is without weakening it further. Possibly the only good thing that might come out of such a scenario is that it might finally convince Mr Corbyn that he is NOT a leader and needs to go before he wreaks further havoc with the Labour party.

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Erm,so do you AGREE with Brexit or not?Your statement is a bit confusing...Im for Brexit extreme.In which we build a series of gun positions along the coast line of the UK and sink any unauthorised ships,or dinghys,especially dinghys,that enter British waters.We make all existing immigrants reapply for citizenship and deport any that fail the test.

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Thanks. I'm for 'commonsense Brexit' - ending our formal membership of the European Union whilst still being very much a part of Europe and continuing to trade with it. A sensible policy on immigration is part of that. We need to welcome those who have legitimate reasons to be in the United Kingdom whilst having the power to remove them swiftly - and without interminable legal argument - if they choose to abuse our hospitality. We also need to extend a special welcome to those with specialist skills which are in short supply.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Erm,so do you AGREE with Brexit or not?Your statement is a bit confusing...Im for Brexit extreme.In which we build a series of gun positions along the coast line of the UK and sink any unauthorised ships,or dinghys,especially dinghys,that enter British waters.We make all existing immigrants reapply for citizenship and deport any that fail the test.

Sounds like the ravings of the BNP to me, blowing economic refugees out of the water with no questions asked, often firing upon women and children for sure.

Fortunately, however, Hitler did not win World War 2 and in consequence we do not behave like Nazis.

Edited by Guest
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But by what criteria would anyone be here "legitimately"?Anyone could simply decide they dont like the weather in somewhere like Uganda,leave,and then say"Oh if i go back to Uganda ill be prosecuted for marrying an Ostrich"" or something stupid like that.We should not let anyone live here just because they might want to.Even so called "refugees" should have strict criteria for gaining asylum.Maybe is the war they are running from,something WE actually started,or is the "man" of military age,and clearly a deserter of some kind.Just because we arent at war,doesnt mean we should become kind of refuge for deserters.

Edited by Guest
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But by what criteria would anyone be here "legitimately"?Anyone could simply decide they dont like the weather in somewhere like Uganda,leave,and then say"Oh if i go back to Uganda ill be prosecuted for marrying an Ostrich"" or something stupid like that.We should not let anyone live here just because they might want to.Even so called "refugees" should have strict criteria for gaining asylum.Maybe is the war they are running from,something WE actually started,or is the "man" of military age,and clearly a deserter of some kind.Just because we arent at war,doesnt mean we should become kind of refuge for deserters.

Doesn't mean we should put gun posts all around our coasts and shoot them on sight either.

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But by what criteria would anyone be here "legitimately"?Anyone could simply decide they dont like the weather in somewhere like Uganda,leave,and then say"Oh if i go back to Uganda ill be prosecuted for marrying an Ostrich"" or something stupid like that.We should not let anyone live here just because they might want to.Even so called "refugees" should have strict criteria for gaining asylum.Maybe is the war they are running from,something WE actually started,or is the "man" of military age,and clearly a deserter of some kind.Just because we arent at war,doesnt mean we should become kind of refuge for deserters.

I don't think anyone is seeking refuge in another country because they don't like the weather. If that were the case there wouldn't be anyone left living in England!

As for deserters, what a ridiculous comment. If ISIS were in control of where I lived I would do everything in my power to get myself and more importantly my family out of there and to safety.

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