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The girl who loved to pee

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What follows below is a mostly true story. Some of the incidents I've embellished, some I've changed to protect identities and some things, well, they happened so long ago that I don't remember now what exactly took place. While there may not be enough “action” to satisfy a great many of you (and you know who you are!), I want you to know that most elements of the story really did take place.

I'd seen her at our hiking club meetings and out on the trails several times before, but had never gotten to talk to her alone until this evening when she came up to me as most of us were heading for the doors. So, I was a little surprised when she asked if I had any plans for the weekend. She hoped to get out of town for the weekend and wanted to find someone to spend a day with hiking around in the mountains.

Her name was Joanne. She'd just turned 23 and had been living in the city since starting college. She was a little taller than average, slender, with green eyes and light brown hair that came to her shoulders. Standing alone, she was what I considered attractive, yet I'd never really taken a good look at her before, perhaps only because she wasn't, well, striking. Good looking she was, but not the flashy kind of person who stood out in a crowd.

While I'd only joined this group about six months back, I'd come to attend every meeting since. Quickly, I'd become one of the more active members, most every weekend either signing up for the group hike or setting off independently with a couple friends from the club. In the past month I'd led one of the groups, sixteen of us for a day hike, but this week I was looking forward to something a little more solitary. An overnight trek with no more than one or two others sounded more interesting, but I hadn't made any commitment.

That is, until she singled me out. She had remembered me from the group hike three weekends before and must have thought I'd done a good enough job of keeping everyone from getting lost and safely bringing us back to the trailhead at the end of the day. Somehow, she figured me to be a good hiking partner and wondered if I could show her one of my favorite trails this weekend. It wasn't a date, she said, but it felt as good as one to me. She gave me her phone number and told me to call her on Thursday evening. I did and plans were confirmed to meet Saturday at eight.

The morning came and we met up at the agreed location, an all-hours restaurant where the food was passable, the coffee good and the booths comfortable enough for long conversation. And, it had a large enough parking lot where we could leave a car until we returned in the evening. In barely ninety minutes we got to know a great deal about one another.

"Call me Jo-a-NEE.” She drew the word out to three syllables. “When I was I growing up I couldn't say Joanne. Besides, I had a best friend named Ann and didn't like it when the neighbor kids called us Ann and Jo-Ann. Guess I fixed them, didn't I?"

I shared a laugh with her. I liked her and kept revising upwards my assessment of her, as I looked her over while we ate. And talked. I tried to be the good conversationalist and mostly listen.

There wasn't a lot to her, maybe a hundred twenty pounds, one twenty-five tops, but what there was was very nice. Her arms were a little thin, but toned and what I’d noticed of her legs were similar. I guessed almost a B-cup, a tiny waist and not much in the ass, either. Still, she was more than capable of inspiring lustful feelings within my 24 year-old body.

My thoughts must have been easily read, as she told me she had a boyfriend back home, a couple hours away, but only saw him once in a while. It sounded like she'd known him for years, a nice guy it seemed, and one who thought the world of her. What I didn't hear, though, was the passion in her voice when she talked about him, nor see a sparkle in her eyes. Perhaps best I just file that away for later.

In less than a couple hours we had become quite comfortable around one another. We finished our coffees, got up and, yes, visited the restrooms on our way out. I paid the bill and we walked to our cars.

There was no need for us to take two vehicles, so I offered to drive and she took me up on it. She grabbed a backpack from her trunk and climbed in with me.

We rode most of the way in silence. For the moment maybe we had run out of things to say, or maybe we were just enjoying the scenery that was getting better each passing mile. In little more than an hour we had left the suburbs, entered pine forests and reached the start of the mountains. Another twenty minutes and we were pulled over in the park’s lot. We got out, put on our packs and walked to the trailhead. There, to the side of the board describing the trails, was a portable toilet.

Joanne looked over at me and asked, "Mind if I pop in there for a quick one? Need to use it, too?"

"No, I try never to unless I absolutely neede to. I'm don’t think I’m a germophobe, but I am all too afraid of catching something."

"Yeah, I don't like them either, but all that water and coffee just wants to come out. If I go now, maybe I can get a little further up the way before we need to stop again."

She ducked into the potty. I didn’t know if it was by accident, but she never bothered to latch the door. It was open a few inches and while I couldn’t see anything, trying to be the gentleman, I turned my head away. Still, I could certainly hear the sound of pee hitting plastic.

It didn’t last long, no more than fifteen seconds or so, but it had enough of an effect on me that I needed to adjust my shorts. I was still tucking in my shirt when she came out.

Looking straight at me with her gorgeous eyes, she gave a smile and exhaled, “Ah, better!” It sounded so sweet coming from her, but I kept having these naughty thoughts.

We set out on the trail. It took a few minutes before my erection subsided. In its place, I became aware of a certain fullness. Visions of Joanne peeing were getting me to the point where I needed to do the same, despite my excitement. As we kept walking at a leisurely place, slowly climbing, so did the pressure within me, seeming to build with each passing minute until finally, after a little more than an hour on the trail, I gave in.

“Can we stop? I could use a break,” then added, “My bladder, too!”

I took off my pack, set it down to the side of the trail and started to walk into the woods.

Joanne gave a soft laugh and called out at me, "You're not pee shy, are you"?

I stopped in my tracks. I suppose I still was, but something about the way she said that told me I needed to get over it right away.

"I'm not." She flashed a grin at me, and then continued, "Tell you what. I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I need to go again, anyway".

I was amazed by her directness. Here I was thinking she was this quiet, reserved person, maybe a little on the serious side, when she came out with this part of her that I wasn’t quite prepared for. I had to give her a lot of credit, though, for she turned what could have been an awkward moment for us into, literally, child’s play.

With that, she took a couple steps further off the path, then pulled her shorts and panties down to her ankles. She didn't even turn away from meas she dropped into a high squat, spread her knees apart and I saw, well, everything. She had a small patch of fine pubic hair, almost golden, which failed to conceal the most delicate pink lips. Knowing I was watching, she still made no attempt to hide anything. Yet, I was a little surprised when the first few drops trickled out. Another five or so seconds later she pushed out a steady flow.

“Say. You promised you’d join me”, as she continued to pee. Hers was a thin, clear stream that fell a foot or so ahead of her.

I couldn’t believe what I did next. I was barely three steps away as I pulled my manhood out of my shorts, pointed it in her general direction and let go. Apparently, her openness and my need must have overruled any inhibitions, as well as the arousal, I had, and the arc landed about two feet in front of her. She must have thought it was funny, for she broke into a laugh as she squeezed out her last drops. She remained squatting while I finished, my stream now falling further from her.

As she pulled up her shorts, she remarked, “I can see we’re going to have a great time together. Was that as good for you as it was for me?”

Making sure she was looking right at me, I replied, “Probably better.” I held my stare long enough for her to know I really liked it.

We continued on along the path, still climbing for another good hour until the forest opened into a rocky clearing. Walking over to the overlook, we took off our backpacks and sat down on edge of the rock, hanging our legs over the side. Pulling out from our packs what passed for lunch, we ate,and drank in the view.

We had finished our first water bottles about half an hour ago. Having worked up a sweat on the climb, I knew I needed to replace the water lost, so I reached over and grabbed the second one, taking deep swigs as I washed down the meal. I noticed Joanne doing the same.

We sat there, about three feet apart, enjoying the warming sun and the clean mountain air, and talked.

She asked me why I had joined the club. I tried to give her more than a superficial answer.

“I’ve been living and working in the city almost six years now. Much as it provides me with a good living, I don’t like the traffic, the noise, the pollution and too many people trying to get to the same place at the same time, so I regularly need my escape to the country. I grew up in the suburbs, in half a dozen towns not much larger than yours, and there were always places where I could explore the outdoors. I like to exercise, do healthy things for myself and get my fix of sunshine and fresh air. Besides, I’m not sure I’ve found a nicer group of people. And, you?”

“I came for college five years ago, so I’ve been here almost as long. Of course, I could always go home for weekends, and usually did for the first year or two. But, between my course loads and finding work, I stopped going back as much. And, once you’ve lived in a big city, there’s something about the smallness of these little towns that’s just so… well, small.”

I interrupted, “Oh, I must agree. Over fifty years ago, Thomas Wolfe, who grew up just a few hills over, said it in ‘You Can’t Go Home Again.’”

“Yeah, what a great book. I read that, too, a couple years back when I was trying to sort out what I was doing and what I was feeling. I love my parents and don’t ever want to break their hearts, but I know I can never go back to their way of life. Yet, in many ways, I’m still that small town girl, say “hey” to people I meet, even if I don’t know them and have kept almost all the values I was raised with.

From the time I was I grade school, I’ve been into health and fitness. I was little, but worked hard and got myself strong. For many years, I was one of the smallest in the class. Then, at about twelve or thirteen I had a growth spurt, and got to be almost the height I am now. I played soccer, softball, basketball and was captain of our volleyball team my senior year.

I joined this club partly for the exercise I would get, but mostly for the social side of it. I haven’t made a lot of friends since I moved to the city, and have lost touch with most of the ones back home, so I thought I’d try this group and broaden my contacts. I’ve found a lot of folks I really like here. Who knows, I might even meet the right guy”, she paused for a couple seconds, as if she wanted to say more, then changed direction.

“You’re right about it being a good group of people. They made me feel at home right away and encouraged me to join in on the hikes, trying to partner me up with others of equal ability. And, on the trail, they’ve always been so helpful, women and men alike, giving me words of advice, sharing food and water or looking out for me when I was hurting or tired. I’ve come to think of them like family or long-time friends. Heck, I’ve gotten so comfortable around them that when I’d have to pee, I never thought twice about just squatting, pulling my shorts down and letting go. Funny, I hadn’t done that in years.”

She stopped, as if to let those words sink in. “Speaking of peeing, I’ve got to go again.”

In that excited voice of hers that I was starting to find most attractive, she made it sound like she was looking forward to it. I guess she was.

” Since we’re here, why don’t I just go over the side? I’ve always liked to see how far I can pee down a mountain. You want to join me?”

All that water I’d just drank was starting to want its way out of me. Without hesitation, I said, “Sure.” Then, after glancing side-to-side, quietly added, “You don’t think anybody’s watching?”

She giggled. She had already pulled her shorts and panties to her knees, then lifted her legs back up on the rock. I followed her lead.

I must have started peeing first, for she looked over at me and her giggle grew to a full laugh. Watching my effort, she pushed out her stream towards mine. For a moment there were two falling pee trails, barely a couple feet apart and making a splash on the rocks far below.

But, it was over far too quickly. Our bladders empty, we silently sat there half a minute, maybe longer. Then I turned to her. “That was fun. I’d never known a girl could pee so far.”

Another giggle. We pulled up our shorts and stood up. Grabbing our packs, we got back on the trail. We were now almost to the midpoint of our hike. In another mile it took us to the other side of the ridge, then followed a path almost parallel to this one that would take us back to the trailhead.

Her bladder must have been really small, for we had to stop again in barely another hour. I probably should have joined her once again, but I did get to watch. She stepped a few feet off the trail into the woods, where the ground quickly turned into a deep bed of pine needles

“Oh, I love these pine forests. I love the quiet, the solitude and they smell so great, especially on a hot day. And, I can pee here as hard as I want and never worry about the splash.”

She pulled her clothes down again, but this time she turned away from me. Then, she leaned way forward and sort of pushed her ass, her cute tiny ass, towards me. There wasn't very much of her, but everything was there, it’s just there was nothing excess anywhere.

From where I was standing, I had a great view. I could see her lips open as she bent and noticed her urethra twitch when she let go the first drops.

“I always used to love doing this,” she said as she pushed out her stream. It was another tight pencil of a flow, almost straight down, but this time there was more power to it than I’d seen before. Had she stood up she likely could have peed past most men. It didn’t last more than about ten seconds, but she hovered there another minute as she let the last drops fall to the ground.

Even if my bladder had been full, I don’t think I could have gotten anything out. I was highly excited, but hoping Joanne didn’t notice the bulge in my shorts. At least, not just yet.

On the hike back to the car she filled me in about herself a lot more.

"I was tiny as a baby and never easily put on weight as a child. I was always small, especially around the middle. I guess having a tiny bladder was just part of my makeup. Early on, I learned to accept the fact that I had to pee a lot. It was such a natural event for me that I never developed any shyness about it. Of course, I was told there were some places where I couldn't just let go, like in church, when we went shopping and social events at neighbors. But, even where there wasn’t a bathroom around, there was always somewhere I could just wander off to and drop my pants, whether the woods that backed up to most houses or among the trees in the park in town."

I was more even more curious now. "Given that you couldn't hold much, didn't you have lots of accidents growing up?"

"When I was little, I'm sure I did. But, by the time I got to school I'd learned how to deal with it. Pee early and often became my motto."

"But what about those times when you had to hold it?"

"Surprisingly, there weren't many of those. Because I'd regularly empty out my bladder, then just sit and relax myself down there when I was done, I’d be able to hold long enough until I found some spot where I could relieve myself. I could always make it through class and, if I were out somewhere, never failed to find a place. We lived at the edge of town and had a big yard that went back to a field where we always played after school, on weekends and all through the summer. I’d be out there with my friends and when I’d have to go I’d just set down and pee, just a few feet away from them, boys as well as girls, from the age of five or six until my early teens. Sure, I was called Joannee Peepee a few times, but I never wet myself. Oh, there may have been a couple drops on my panties when I almost didn't make it or pulled them up too quickly, but my clothes stayed dry."

"What about later, in college, when you were drinking or out on a date? I thought for a long time that the women I went out with never peed."

"I'm afraid I didn't have much of a social life. I knew that alcohol would get me in trouble, in more ways than one, so I almost never drank, and when I did it was only a beer or two or a couple glasses of wine. Any more than that, and I was certain I couldn’t control my pee. I had worked so hard to not have an accident growing up, that I wasn’t about to start now.

One time, early in my freshman year, I went a party, you know it was my first taste of real independence, and got the closest to drunk I’ve ever been. On the way back to the dorm, walking with a few of my new friends, I realized I couldn’t make it. Nice thing about those wooded campuses. I just walked over to a stand of trees, pulled my pants and panties down, sat on the grass and peed. At first the girls looked at me as if I was crazy, or just crazy drunk, which I probably was. But, they must have had the need, too, as they all joined in before I got my pants back up. Guess that says something about women always pee in groups, doesn’t it?

I never had that many dates, but I had no problem about running off to use the restroom if I needed to. If we were outdoors, I’d just take a few steps and go as I always did. Funny, how guys could get all awkward. It was if they hadn’t seen a girl pee before. Or, at least weren’t supposed to. Heck, Greg has never even watched me.”

“Your boyfriend?”

“Um, yeah." Then, after catching a breath, she added, " And, we’d gone out since our last year in high school. Before that, actually. He took me to junior prom and senior prom. Our families always told us we looked so good together.”

There was something just so sweet about Joannee, so naturally nice. I was beginning to seriously like her. Whoever this Greg was, he was one lucky guy. Or, maybe he didn’t have a clue.

I was enjoying this conversation with her. Just having it must have built up my confidence. The way she had opened up to me made me think I could ask her just about anything. So, I gave it my best shot.

“I don’t mean to be out of line, so please don’t take this the wrong way. You’re so uninhibited about peeing, I can’t help but wonder, does it do anything for you, well, sexually?”

“I’m not sure I follow you. Peeing for me is just that, a natural body function. I don’t think it’s any different for me now than when I was a little girl. Although, I could see how much you enjoyed watching me. Actually, I kind of liked the way you aimed towards me and when we peed off the rock together. But, it reminded me more of what I did among my friends growing up. It’s been nearly ten years since I last did that.

And, no, you didn’t say anything wrong. It’s just that I’m still sorting my emotions out and I guess I'm a little too inexperienced in that department to give you a good answer. You've got to realize I grew up in a small Southern town. We were all a bunch of God-fearing people and I was raised believing I was supposed to save myself for marriage.”

She paused, then continued, “I’m not so sure now."

"Surely you’ve...” my voice trailed off, purposely.

"Well, I’m finally okay with giving myself pleasure, but only once in a great while, like when I really can’t get to sleep. And I have come pretty close to going all the way, well, almost second base a couple times, but..."

I cut her off, "With Greg"?

She shook her head. "He's a nice enough guy, and I love him dearly, but I really want something more. He’s all too happy still living in the small town we grew up in and I’ve had this taste of a much bigger world.”

She went quiet. Perhaps she’d told me everything she’d needed to for now. We were almost to the car before she spoke again.

“Guess I need to pee before we head back or I’ll likely never make it home.”

Glancing over at her, I replied, “I’ll keep you company.”

“I thought you might like to,” making another giggle. She stepped off into the pine needles again. I immediately followed.

Once more she took her shorts down, then her panties, only now she pulled them over her shoes and held them in her hand. Totally naked from the waist to her feet, she faced me, making sure I got the full view. I couldn’t help but stare at her loveliness. Only the fact I, too, now had to pee kept me from being totally aroused.

Now that she had my attention she did't even bother to squat. She took a deep breath and, as she exhaled, almost immediately began to pee. I pulled open a leg opening of my shorts and joined in, emptying my bladder into the puddle she was, no, we were, making.

It was an interesting conversation on the drive home, as we were still pretty stoked by the day’s events. I probably did most of the talking, but it was Joanne who seemed to hold up the conversation.

“You must think I’m a freak the way I carried on today. The truth is I never learned to be embarrassed by my body or bodily functions. While I haven’t peed in front of boys since I started high school, when I’m outdoors it’s so easy to let my guard down. Sure, what you and I did today was more than anything I ever played as a child. I actually surprised myself today being as bold as I was, but you have to admit it broke the tension, didn’t it? I could tell right away you were enjoying it, but it wasn’t until we were walking down to the car, after you mentioned it, that I was feeling something sexual myself. And, that’s not something I normally allow myself. While that last little display was for your benefit, I’ll have to admit I was getting turned on, too. When I get home tonight, I am going to have to take a long, cold shower.

You and I are hiking buddies, and we’re fast becoming good friends and I think, in time, something more, but you have to realize I’m not ready to go down that road just yet. I feel it’s not so far away, but I’m going to need to take this thing very slowly. Meantime, we can still have a lot of fun together, plenty of exploring ourselves, if you’re inclined, and you can take it as a very good sign we’re so comfortable to pee around one another.”

I pulled into the restaurant parking lot alongside her car. Before I could get around to open the door on her side, she was out. I walked over to her and stood between the cars.

She got her key out and unlocked her door. As I held it open for her, I spoke. “I know this wasn’t a date, but I had a great time, and I really would like to get to first base with you,” setting myself up for a good night kiss.

“Oh, you definitely got to first base. And, I’m so looking forward to us doing this again.”

I was expecting just a kiss or two on the check, but she met me fully face-on. My arms wrapped around her slender frame and we embraced. She might not have been the most experienced kisser, but it didn’t matter. We held onto one another, our lips joined, for at least a minute, and I thought I felt a spark pass between us.

As she was getting into her car, she called out, “I’ll see you Tuesday night. We’ll make plans for the weekend.”

Funny, she never talked about Greg after that.



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While there may not be enough “action” to satisfy a great many of you (and you know who you are!), I want you to know that most elements of the story really did take place.

I must admit it was not too arousing, probably because the "exciting" scenes are a bit too spaced out for that and maybe not that detailed...

... but it was a very sweet story, and I liked it a lot.

I am very glad I got to read it.

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Working long hours and very tired so having a break from stories at the moment. Am too tired to appreciate them. But when I have some time off during the week, Glad, I will read and review your story and any others I have neglected this past week. :thumbsup:

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Well, my last day off was somewhat distracted by someone with a very small weeny.

Anyway, I have finally gotten to read this story and it seriously rang true which added to the thrill. Though all the non-peeing detail which accomplished that also added to it's length without adding to the pees. The pee scenes were very good and instantly believable, but sometimes when I read something erotic I can be a lazy reader, not wanting too much non-peeing detail and wishing to get to the action quite quickly.

If you love lots of scene-setting detail leading up to some excellent and wholly believable pee scenes, this story definitely hits the spot. But if you want a story that gets to the action more quickly without too much non-peeing detail fluffing it out, this might seem overly long.

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Well, my last day off was somewhat distracted by someone with a very small weeny.

Anyway, I have finally gotten to read this story and it seriously rang true which added to the thrill. Though all the non-peeing detail which accomplished that also added to it's length without adding to the pees. The pee scenes were very good and instantly believable, but sometimes when I read something erotic I can be a lazy reader, not wanting too much non-peeing detail and wishing to get to the action quite quickly.

If you love lots of scene-setting detail leading up to some excellent and wholly believable pee scenes, this story definitely hits the spot. But if you want a story that gets to the action more quickly without too much non-peeing detail fluffing it out, this might seem overly long.

Thanks, for the excellent compliments and criticism, Steve. As a science writer, I'm expected to go into detail in my articles. Besides, I frequently get paid by the word.
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Thanks for writing this @glad1. It was an excellent account and I think the non peeing details all add to showing how the relationship developed over the day. If you had only included Pee scenes then it would have just been a list of very enjoyable pee exploits whereas adding the other details made it much more of a realistic account of what went on that day.

You leave us wondering where the relationship went after that. I presume that you had other hikes with Joanne over time and would be interested to know how your relationship progressed, but it is obviously your own life and it is up to you how much you want to share. Thanks again for the insight into this first day out.

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  • 11 months later...
On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 4:00 AM, Alfresco said:

You leave us wondering where the relationship went after that. I presume that you had other hikes with Joanne over time and would be interested to know how your relationship progressed, but it is obviously your own life and it is up to you how much you want to share. Thanks again for the insight into this first day out.

I actually have two other chapters to the story, the last of which I published today. As far as my relationship progressed, let's say that I got past first base.

And, no I haven't shared everything. I'm told a gentleman would never piss and tell.


Links to the other two chapters:




Edited by glad1
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