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Experience Project is closing down.

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As of 21st April 2016, Experience Project is closing down. Here is their full statement......


Nearly a decade ago, we started Experience Project with a mission of harnessing social media to bring empathy and understanding to all, through the power of anonymously shared human experience. Since then, tens of millions of experiences have been shared by hundreds of millions of people. Users have gotten married, saved each other's lives, and entertained and comforted each other late into the night. Every single day, we've been privileged to see community members find connection to ideas, feelings, and people that changed their lives.

However, many important things have changed since 2006 that risk both our ideals and our ability to deliver on them.So, it is with heavy hearts that we have decided to pause this chapter in Experience Project history and regroup for the future , rather than risk our beliefs, and more importantly, our users' trust. We've struggled mightily with this decision for a long time, and pursued every reasonable alternative, but we are confident that it is the right thing to do at this time. For details on what this means for your account, please see Next Steps below. To read more about the factors leading up to this difficult decision, please continue reading below.

We created EP to provide a safe, private place online to share the experiences that mattered most, and to deliver it fairly and reliably to every user, however and wherever they were comfortable. Doing good for the world was not a side effect, it was the goal.

Over the last decade, while social media has evolved from Blogger to Snapchat, and become increasingly focused on pictures, short text, and individual popularity, EP remained focused on anonymous, long-form text stories from everyday people who were recognized for their experiences above all else. From day one, privacy of our users has been paramount , and we have never allowed names, phone numbers, or addresses. This approach bucked every trend, and challenged our ability to build an advertising-based business, but we passionately believe it provided the foundation for some of the most meaningful relationships imaginable. And you are proof that we were right! But there is no denying that the way people expect to use social media today is markedly different than it once was, and as the primary use has moved from web to mobile, our hallmark attributes like long-form stories are not aligned.

But, there are deeper, and more troubling trends than formats. Online anonymity, a core part of EP, is being challenged like never before. Governments and their agencies are aggressively attacking the foundations of internet privacy with a deluge of information requests, subpoenas, and warrants. We, of course, always support proper law enforcement efforts, but the well-documented potential for even abuse, even if unintentional, is enormous, and growing.

At the same time, scores of new laws require compliance with intricate, sometimes contradictory, data privacy regulations for each country, territory, and even state. For example, today there are nearly 30 different agencies that can decide whether sending data, for example, a private message from your inbox, between Europe and the US is "proper."

Finally, the sophistication of "bad apples," as few as they thankfully are, has increased dramatically. They are better able to cover their tracks and evade user bans by using mobile and encryption networks, and they use information to exploit the trust of others through social engineering. These advances, of course, relate to the first point about increasing government information gathering, in an ever escalating game of cat and mouse.

None of these are insurmountable problems, but they require immense resources to address reliably, effectively, and safely at scale. Those are outside the reach of all but a tiny handful of massive companies like Facebook and Google.

So it is with these themes in mind that we have come to the conclusion that it is better to freeze what we have today, instead of letting it erode, and affect our ability to deliver value, safety, and to respect our users' trust and expectations.

What does this all mean? In practical terms, this means that on April 21st at 4:00 pm PDT , we are going to be pressing "pause" on the site. At that time, we will not allow new registrations or the posting of new content, instead freezing the current library of experiences. We have built tools that will enable you to export your contributions , or delete your account , and will leave those tools up for the foreseeable future. As it should be, what you want to do with your content is up to you. Most stories on EP are timeless, and if you leave yours up, they will undoubtedly help countless others. Over time, we hope to determine how to better realize our mission in the future.

Experience Project is a very big idea that you have made a reality. The need for it -- for empathy, for comfort, for making sure no one ever feels alone -- is as critical as ever. Thank you for being part of this journey with us, and we hope that we can say "welcome home" again in the future.

With love and appreciation,

Your Experience Project Team

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Yes I saw this. Not sure about anyone else but to me EP was pretty much a waste of time. Seemed like 90% of "people" on there were guys looking to hookup with a girl.

Many of the profiles were fake and often time smelled of underage activity. Girls under the age of 17 looking for or talking about sexual activity. I met one lady on there who seemed genuine and we kept in contact for a while but then she moved and we lost contact despite many attempts to contact her. Other than that the entire site was a complete waste of time...at least for me.

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Yes I saw this. Not sure about anyone else but to me EP was pretty much a waste of time. Seemed like 90% of "people" on there were guys looking to hookup with a girl.

Many of the profiles were fake and often time smelled of underage activity. Girls under the age of 17 looking for or talking about sexual activity. I met one lady on there who seemed genuine and we kept in contact for a while but then she moved and we lost contact despite many attempts to contact her. Other than that the entire site was a complete waste of time...at least for me.

In terms of meeting people, yeah maybe.

I was never there for that, but simply for the erotic peeing confessions and supposed experiences. Am certain that quite a few of them were pure fiction. But if you viewed them simply as pee stories that just might be true, there was some good stuff there, eg the lady who persuaded a guy to piss all over the backseat of her car so she could film it and who fantasised about having a guy pee all around her house. Or the girl who claimed to see via her bedroom window a neighbour and her friend peeing on the carpet.

This kind of stuff was good, but very much good in the past tense. Because once they started deleting all the adult material, the site lost all it's attraction to me.

Before that, what you got very much depended on what exactly you went looking for. There were once a great deal of naughty peeing (allegedly) true stories and confessions. When I went looking for that I often found it - before all the deletions began.

In the last couple of years the site has been decidedly crap.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i kinda agree about all the guys just looking for a hookup. ugh. i wasted a lot of time trying to get some to back off. but most got the hint if i ignored them enough after telling them i wasn't on EP for that. but, i liked the exposure to many genres of people and interests (outside of pee), and meeting the several genuine ones. the format for me was pretty easy to use, and the app made it super convenient. kinda sad to see it go, but there were things needing improvement, like the ability to add pix, especially. at one point i had over 1000, only to get suspended for a bit. when i came back my albums and many stories were gone. =( even though i had enough points to get more pix, it never let me add them, and not truly knowing (though i had a hunch) why i was suspended made me scared to add more stories. i'm actually pretty happy about the improvements made here, despite my sucking at the internet!

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I am a little bit sad, because EP was where I found out there were others who shared my love of pee. I was searching on Google one day, I don't know what I was searching for, but one of the first page results was from a woman who said she liked to pee in her diapers. I thought WHA? WOW! and clicked on it. The rest is history. Wheeze, groan.

When EP started tightening up I lost interest, plenty more fish...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was so sad to find out this was happening. Other than some non-fetish site about peeing stories that I started going on at a very young age (~12, honestly before I even knew the word "fetish") EP was the first site that I found arousing stories and material on related to pee desperation.

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I was so sad to find out this was happening. Other than some non-fetish site about peeing stories that I started going on at a very young age (~12, honestly before I even knew the word "fetish") EP was the first site that I found arousing stories and material on related to pee desperation.

There used to be great peeing stories there to suit all tastes.

But sadly, instead of attempting to enforce the over 18s rule for adult content, they thought it a better idea to start deleting that content, encouraging those who disapproved to report it to them for that purpose. More and more of my own postings disappeared, as did those of many others. Some members even got banned for trying to post further adult experiences.

Thus the main attraction of the site was eradicated. They didn't seem to realise that many of those contributing to the adult content also contributed to a lot of other content there as well, so they lost much of that too.

It was this more than anything that killed that forum to such an extent that they no longer thought it worth the candle.

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I too am a veteran of EP and its eventual demise, when it happened, came as no surprise to me. A mixture of first ineffective (dare I say non-existent?) and, later, idiosyncratic moderation effectively killed it. It was good in the early days but everything has a life and I think its time had come.

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I WAS on EP and had about 10,000 or so fans/friends on there. I posted a decent number of my personal pics, including my pee pics, some of which even you all on here haven't seen yet. I really enjoyed that site for quite a long time and, actually, it was EP that opened my hubby and I up to the idea of swinging. Neither of us knew much about it. We were open about being with another girl, but the idea of couples swapping was foreign to us. The first couple we ever talked to was actually another member on here, @calicouple. They are a hot, young couple who are also into pee and we made a connection with them, set up a cam "date", and had some online fun with them! That was the first time the thought even crossed my mind about being attracted to another couple. My hubby actually made a connection on there, too, with a girl who had just moved to Denver with her husband and they wanted him to come over to play with her. He did, it was fun, they still chat once in a while, etc.

From that end, EP was great! But, then my content started getting deleted by them and finally they deleted my profile all together. No warning, just gone. I never went back, but luckily we had found this site a few months prior to that happening and I wasn't too sad to see that go. I'm happy to be able to engage with you all on here in mine and my hubby's one and only real fetish (I don't think swinging counts as one) and, it's pretty cool that calicouple made their way here, too, so we can continue our connection with them!

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My thoughts, too, about EP. You could have conversations on most any topic, not just pee, and I thought I made a lot of friends there. Even if they were only virtual, what we talked about was real.

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