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In the work place

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I'm in correspondence with a guy who is into WS. We recently discussed whether we had or had carried out any fantasies in the work-place. I work as a secretary and general dogs body in a large dental practice. I told him about a young woman, a medical student in her early twenties, who came into the practice for a few months to gain work experience. Amy, a delightful brunette, but very ordinary and homely, a bit non-descript and quite 'virginal' looking. The aspect that interested me the most, was how milky white her skin was, and she had a layer of soft dark down on her arms. This led me to surmise that she might be quite 'hirsute' elsewhere..a dense thick dark bush for instance. Anyway, to cut a long story short, when she announced that she was 'just off to the loo', I made a point of going in after her. The seat was still warm, and there was a little pool of water on the seat. I thought that it might be water from the flushing, and dared myself to taste a little on the end of my finger. It clearly wasn't...as there was a sharp, acrid, bitter taste to it. After lunch our paths crossed many times, as she logged the patients details and asked me to create the data for them. Amy has since left the practice, but we continue to get interns and work experience medical students. Next week I am being sent to do some IT training at a local FE College and will look forward to using the Ladies on a daily basis.

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Sally,nothing tastes as sweet as strangers piss.I once found a few drops on a train toilet,from two young sexy geordie girls,and had a taste..Did you hear her going?

Not this time...the toilet is very small with a single wash basin, so it's a bit tight for two. I lingered outside until she had finished...;-) X

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure if the OP wanted women only stories, but here is mine:

I came into work early this morning just so I could pee on the carpet next to my desk. I didn't pee before I left the house knowing I would be full and it would be strong smelling. I left the lights off so people wouldn't realize I had come into the office. I went over to my desk, pulled my dick out and I let loose for what seemed like 30 seconds on the carpet. The sound of the pee splashing on the soaked carpet was incredible. As I sit at my desk typing this, I can smell my pee. I share the office with three other guys and one lady. I wonder if they can smell it too. Just the thought of them smelling it too is making me so horney! I think I will do it again tomorrow!

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  • 2 months later...

Well at one of my previous workplaces, this woman who I worked with would always ask me to go to the restroom with her (one of the restrooms there was unisex) She was a few years older than me and really attractive. I guess she liked hearing me go and for me to hear her go.

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I work in a chain restaurant, and we are almost always understaffed (if our managers would stop hiring so many irresponsible 16 and 17 year olds, maybe we wouldn't have this problem but that's a rant for another day). I'm often working on the cash registers, for 8 hours straight, and because I'm not quite as "girly" as most of the other female cashiers, they tend to drift off into the back to get something and end up on their phones back there for half an hour, or they'll spend 15 minutes in the bathroom fixing their hair and makeup, because they know I'll handle things at the registers. I pride myself on my holding capabilities, so I can easily go my 8 hour shift without using the bathroom, but I'll never forget the day, back in November, when my manager asked me to run a couple rolls of toilet paper into the bathroom because we were super busy and the person who usually tended to the bathrooms had called off that day.

So I was in there replacing the used up rolls of toilet paper with new ones when the door opened and a woman rushed in. I'd never seen her before, but she was wearing the same uniform our managers wear, black pants and a button down shirt in a pale pink striped pattern. (For all of you on here who like details as much as I do, now that I'm openly gay, I really take notice of attractive women, hence the details of her appearance that are going to follow). She was a bit taller than me, 5.7 I'd say, with a slim built and breasts that looked perfect in her tight shirt, shoulder length black hair spilling down around her face, and super gorgeous green eyes, that came face to face with mine as she pushed open the door of the stall in which I was replacing the toilet paper.

I'm not sure which of us blushed harder, but she was all nervous and stammering an apology as she backed out and went to another stall. She literally had barely locked the door when I heard her let go of what was obviously a very full bladder, and she peed loudly and forcefully for a solid two minutes. I basically stood there in a trance, fantasising about her right there in the middle of the bathroom at work, until I heard her flush the toilet and it sent me bolting back to the registers because I didn't want her catching me listening!

About an hour later, during which time I had been super busy with a continuous stream of customers, I looked around and realized my dark-haired bathroom companion was standing down at the other end of the area behind the counter where we prepare food, talking to my manager. As I watched, she started walking around, doing little tasks, cleaning up and straightening up things, etc., and it dawned on me that she was one of our new managers (thus the uniform of course).

Well, to cut through a bunch of unrelated crap, Kathleen turned out to be our new assistant manager, and she and I worked together for several days of her not talking to me, distinctly avoiding me when we were together, probably because of being embarrassed about the bathroom situation. Every time I spoke to her, she was cold and distant, to the point where I began to think she really disliked me. Weeks passed, and periodically I'd notice her running to the bathroom, a sight which usually sent me into fantasizing about her and provided good material for my alone time later on.

Then one night, I was working a closing shift and she was the closing manager. We were the only two females working, and as usual, she mostly ignored me and spent her time helping the guys out with their work. I didn't really care, just did my job and started cleaning up after we closed. I was nearly done for the night, when I heard footsteps and looked around to see Kathleen making her way to the bathroom at her usual rapid rate. I knew I could get away with listening this time, with no customers and everyone else busy cleaning in the back, so I went over to the bathroom door and listened as, once again, she let released what sounded like several hours of pent up pee. Honestly, if I had dared to touch myself right then, I'd probably have gotten off on the spot. But of course I ran back to finish my work, again not wanting her to catch me listening.

Note this last part isn't really about peeing, but I'm includng it as the closing to my story anyway... I finished my work, and my job's rule is that you have to check with a manager before you leave for the night because they've had issues with people not cleaning up and closing properly, so I went to find Kathleen to let her know I was done. She was back in the managers' office, and when I told her I'd finished cleaning, her response was short, and haughty, as if I was deliberately wasting her time by talking to her. I knew she'd gotten a reputation as being cold and nasty in the time she'd been working with us, and many of my coworkers hated her, although I wasn't sure if she was nasty or just shy and quiet mostly, and had never received anything but the briefest of words from her to say for sure. I said good night and turned to walk away, when she called my name and stopped me. I was surprised, and even more so when I turned back around to find her watching me with a weird look on her face. I can't explain it but suddenly I felt this electricity in the tiny office, coming between us, and my mind flashed back to her desperate pees and I so badly wanted to ask her about it. Instead, she grabbed me, pushed me back against the wall just like I've always fantasized about a girl doing with me, and kissed me, hard. Afterwords, I just stood there in disbelief, and she was blushing again as she me kinda awkwardly that she'd thought I was cute the first day we met, and that she'd seen me watching her run to the bathroom all the time. I never did get to talk about peeing with her, because we were interrupted by another coworker, and I later learned that she had put in her two weeks notice and was leaving because everyone disliked her and was unkind to her at work, so I've not seen her again and likely never will... And I'll always regret not taking a chance, in case she was into pee too.

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Gee,@AngleGirl it has been an age since we have heard from you.

I certainly am happy to see you back, and I bet that the others who remember you are also glad.

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Gee,@AngleGirl it has been an age since we have heard from you.

I certainly am happy to see you back, and I bet that the others who remember you are also glad.

Thank you, bpb! I'm glad to be back... It has been far too long, and I'm looking forward to catching up with you all! :)

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Thank you, bpb! I'm glad to be back... It has been far too long, and I'm looking forward to catching up with you all! :)
I'm glad you're back. It really has been far too long.
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I suspect that the coldness is a front for a whole load of emotion and passion inside. Some people adopt such a persona at work just to be professional.

But I also suspect that the fact of her being supposedly disliked is an excuse for her departure. She quite possibly may be an ambitious career woman who has got the hots for Angelgirl, and fears where this could lead. I wonder if she is in fact leaving just to guarantee that her career comes first, possibly fearing the consequences of others finding out about such things if she continues.

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Steve, I know I've discussed Kathleen with you before, and I definitely think you're right that she was putting on a front for the emotions inside of her. She was very businesslike and professional at work, very clean and organized, and a really hard worker, I have to give her that, so her job obviously mattered a lot to her.

Kevin, I don't have an epilogue to my story, however there is something else of interest related to this that I can share...

About three weeks before the kissing incident in the office, a coworker of mine told me that she and another manager with whom she's good friends, had somehow stumbled across websites offering escort services from... You guessed it... Kathleen. She worked under an assumed name, but her pictures were all there, naked of course, and she worked in several states in the Southwest as well as NYC as recently as two years ago. One website listed all her services, and although her orientation was listed as heterosexual, the list of services included couples so she was quite possibly bisexual. Also on the list was "fetish-play" which is too broad to be certain to include pee, but nonetheless, she certainly had lived an interesting life. And I suspect her past caught up to her, as it was going around work in the days before she quit, that she'd been an escort and my coworkers were calling her by her escort name, Mistress ______ (Don't want to publicly identify her here) which had to be incredibly embarrassing.

Side note: it's been two months since I last saw Kathleen, and I still wonder what might have happened if I'd taken chances at work. But she was 15 years my senior, and my manager as well, and my workplace is openly homophobic, but I'll always regret not getting to know her a little better.

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Life is full of missed opportunities. If I had acted on but a small fraction of the situations I encountered in my twenties, who knows where I'd be today. Over the years, I suppose one gains experience, hopefully wisdom, in dealing with these things, but I doubt we ever master them. Though there will always be pangs of regret, the what ifs that keep coming back to wake you from a good night's sleep, in a workplace situation it's almost always best to err on the side of caution.

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Angel Girl ,

I do feel for how you had felt for Her . As it was cruel for your co - workers to have treated Her in such disregards . In what she did . Mainly behind closed - doors and no bodies business either . Though that's how it can happen at times. No matter how hard you try to hide it from others . It was bound to have eventually be found out . Which it was. I do feel sorry for Her . As well as for you. In that it might have been a good relationship for both of you to enjoy in together.

have you thought about trying to contact Her and to let Her know that you did care about Her well being . In trying to become a friend to Her . As it seems to me . That she might need that friendship now . To help her get through in getting re - employed again and back on Her feet .

Kevin, I have considered contacting her, yes, but am unsure how to go about doing so. A search of her name has revealed no address in the phone books or online, my coworkers don't know where she went, if she had another job, etc., and the only way I could get her info is to go through company files and hope hers was still there, which is against our rules anyway. I hope one day to cross paths with her again, perhaps when I'm a bit older and more on her level (not that of employee/manager).

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I'm in correspondence with a guy who is into WS. We recently discussed whether we had or had carried out any fantasies in the work-place. I work as a secretary and general dogs body in a large dental practice. I told him about a young woman, a medical student in her early twenties, who came into the practice for a few months to gain work experience. Amy, a delightful brunette, but very ordinary and homely, a bit non-descript and quite 'virginal' looking. The aspect that interested me the most, was how milky white her skin was, and she had a layer of soft dark down on her arms. This led me to surmise that she might be quite 'hirsute' elsewhere..a dense thick dark bush for instance. Anyway, to cut a long story short, when she announced that she was 'just off to the loo', I made a point of going in after her. The seat was still warm, and there was a little pool of water on the seat. I thought that it might be water from the flushing, and dared myself to taste a little on the end of my finger. It clearly wasn't...as there was a sharp, acrid, bitter taste to it. After lunch our paths crossed many times, as she logged the patients details and asked me to create the data for them. Amy has since left the practice, but we continue to get interns and work experience medical students. Next week I am being sent to do some IT training at a local FE College and will look forward to using the Ladies on a daily basis.

That's a totally hot story. I honestly don't know what I would do in that situation, but it is exciting to think about. On one hand, I know the risk of getting something terrible like HIV or hepatitis from drinking pee is practically zero, but a toilet seat is not exactly clean either and you might get a GI bug. On the other hand, the thought of tasting that pee is too much to handle.

There were a couple of times when I entered a unisex bathroom, only to see that the woman before me had forgotten to flush her pee down the toilet.

One time was when I stayed in an apartment with four studios on one floor sharing a single bathroom. There was a cute, 20 something brunette who stayed down the hall from me. One day, I went into the bathroom right after her, and saw that she had forgotten to flush. The toilet water was dark yellow with her concentrated urine, which had started to settle into a darker layer at the bottom of the bowl. A single crumpled up wad of toilet paper was floating in the toilet with one of her pubes stuck onto it. It was an incredible sight! How lucky could I be! Surely it was nothing but bodily waste to the brunette, and spared its fate of going down the drain only by a careless oversight, but the sight of it was as good as gold to me. The aroma was intoxicating. I took some photos which I still have to this day. All the pee had made it into the bowl though, so unlike your story Sally, there was no chance to touch or taste it. I wasn't about to reach into the actual bowl of toilet water. So I enjoyed it for a while, got my photos, then had to give it up to its eventual fate, and flushed it down. Took a video of it going down though.

Sally, being a woman, you must see pee in the women's toilet bowls much more often. Does that turn you on at all? Have you ever felt tempted to snap a photo like me?

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