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Do I have the right to be pissed off?

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About 4 house down from our new home lives a friend of ours which has been friends with my BF for over 10 years. My man decides to talk to and starts the conversation like this: did you know, ____ (his friend), had a few golden showers with his wife? So i responded, really? As he goes on about it. Then I ask him: and what did you tell him about us? Then he tells me: well i didn't go into details but said that we had tried it. What the hell?? The last thing I need is gossip going around of what we do. I told him to shut up and stop talking about our sex life. :mad::mad::mad:

Am i exagerating here to be angry??

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Sephora ,

No .. You have the right to be angry with your B/F is talking about . What the 1 of you do behind closed doors and in private . Even with those friends . That you know who enjoy pee as well as you and your B/F.

What your b/F said to his other friend . He shouldn't have . Without consulting you and getting your consent in the first place .

What your B/F did was a mistake to go behind your back like He did but , be kind to him . Because he didn't know that you didn't want him to talk to anyone outside your circle of friends that kno you and your B/F in regards to pee play you have with them at times .

Yes , Your B/F is in HOT water with you now and might be resigned to the couch / even worse be kicked out of the house

Then again knowing you . You might want to kick him in the ass / even the balls may be :eek: :arghh: :sneaky:

it's your call Sepphora , on what type of punishment . My Dear Queen might met out on your Man Servant :doctor:


Well, I don't think I wanna go to the extreme with this, because in a way I do talk about my life with some people that I don't know and live far from me. But I am mad and it's going to be manual sex for him for a while because it is such a turn off.

Besides his friend, I don't really care about him, I just tolerate how an idiot he is and also how he treats his wife. He's the type that, I look good, the women always check me out type.

:stream:on the idiot


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Yes, you do have the right to be pissed off. I posted about my threesome relationship once, without my girls permission, and they left for 3 days. The came around eventually but it caused some considerable tension for a while. Everything I do now is run by them, if they don't like a part of it, it gets changed until they are happy to post it. As for talking to anyone outside of our relationship, this is as far as it gets. None of our friends know, none of my family know, except for an estranged sister, (and she only knows of the 2 girls, nothing about the other) but she is out of the country for months at a time.

I would have the same reaction that you're having, you wouldn't be alone in this either.

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Sephora you have every right.The main thing is on WGP we are all anonymous.So on here we can discuss sexual issues etc.For all we know we could live next door to another WGP member and not realise it,which is fine.But theres no way i would tell anyone in my street about my sex life,(or lack of).On this youre correct.x

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I would be very upset! What goes on in the privacy of your home, behind closed doors and windows is PRIVATE. It's nobody's business and shouldn't be discussed with friends and neighbors. Fannywatcher is right, here we're all anonymous (pretty much), and free to discuss our private interests without anyone judging us. You don't want to get a "reputation", and be the one that people point out and say, "Hey, that's the girl that likes to pee on her boyfriend". Not that there's anything wrong with that. In a closed circle of friends, it may be different. I know we girls and guys do talk among our friends. I think the two of you need to sit down and discuss this calmly. You need to make your feelings known. I suspect that your BF was so excited about having his fantasy fulfilled that he was just busting to tell someone about it. Telling a neighbor wasn't the best idea. Maybe you should invite him to join you on WGP. He can share his adventures and get it out of his system. In the mean time, I think most people here would find it exciting, and it would be anonymous. He wouldn't even have to tell us he's your partner. Don't be too hard on him, I'm sure he meant no harm, and don't allow this indiscretion to come between the two of you.

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I would be very upset! What goes on in the privacy of your home, behind closed doors and windows is PRIVATE. It's nobody's business and shouldn't be discussed with friends and neighbors. Fannywatcher is right, here we're all anonymous (pretty much), and free to discuss our private interests without anyone judging us. You don't want to get a "reputation", and be the one that people point out and say, "Hey, that's the girl that likes to pee on her boyfriend". Not that there's anything wrong with that. In a closed circle of friends, it may be different. I know we girls and guys do talk among our friends. I think the two of you need to sit down and discuss this calmly. You need to make your feelings known. I suspect that your BF was so excited about having his fantasy fulfilled that he was just busting to tell someone about it. Telling a neighbor wasn't the best idea. Maybe you should invite him to join you on WGP. He can share his adventures and get it out of his system. In the mean time, I think most people here would find it exciting, and it would be anonymous. He wouldn't even have to tell us he's your partner. Don't be too hard on him, I'm sure he meant no harm, and don't allow this indiscretion to come between the two of you.

Well said Crissy.The way we talk to friends,colleagues,lovers,neighbours,relatives,are all very different.On here,i can say,yes,i once went through a phase of visiting escorts,something i cant say to anyone else in my life.Im assuming on WGP,the members while maybe not approving,wouldnt judge me on it.Peoples sexual habits arent really intended for neighbourhood gossip,in the way that we can discuss on here.

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I think we're unanimous in our agreement. I've been in hot water many times for discussing private matters in the wrong environment (I'm a slow learner), but even I wouldn't discuss our sex life with anyone but the closest of friends and only with express approval. Your BF was way out of line on this one.

FW ... Don't just visit escorts. Take them out, let them escort you. I hear they can be a lot of fun. :p

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I agree that it is totally wrong for anyone to speak of such private things. Like all of us here, I may be into pissing and would be happy to give and recieve golden showers. But I wouldn't want it becoming common knowledge. I wouldn't want the world and his uncle knowing all about it. Family and work colleagues all gossiping, commenting, sniggering and judging behind my back, would seriously piss me off.

So I understand totally why you'd be pissed off, Sephora, and you have every right to be pissed off.

Maybe you should make your boyfriend aware that if he gives you such reasons to be pissed off, he's never going to get pissed on anymore.

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  • 2 months later...
I would be very upset! What goes on in the privacy of your home, behind closed doors and windows is PRIVATE. It's nobody's business and shouldn't be discussed with friends and neighbors. Fannywatcher is right, here we're all anonymous (pretty much), and free to discuss our private interests without anyone judging us. You don't want to get a "reputation", and be the one that people point out and say, "Hey, that's the girl that likes to pee on her boyfriend". Not that there's anything wrong with that. In a closed circle of friends, it may be different. I know we girls and guys do talk among our friends. I think the two of you need to sit down and discuss this calmly. You need to make your feelings known. I suspect that your BF was so excited about having his fantasy fulfilled that he was just busting to tell someone about it. Telling a neighbor wasn't the best idea. Maybe you should invite him to join you on WGP. He can share his adventures and get it out of his system. In the mean time, I think most people here would find it exciting, and it would be anonymous. He wouldn't even have to tell us he's your partner. Don't be too hard on him, I'm sure he meant no harm, and don't allow this indiscretion to come between the two of you.

Yeah, just a typical unthinking male!

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