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Changing/Locker Room Peeing

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This isn't a personal experience of mine, but rather a link to a thread on a different site with 48 pages of anecdotes about women peeing in the locker room. Mostly of the pool, but some of the gym.


Having worked at a pool for a while, I've always been interested in these kinds of stories, and this is the best collection I've found so far. If you know of any others, or have your own to post, feel free to contribute!

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I always tend to find these things a bit ... false. Not sure why, but I think in my experience (in the UK) that behaviour is generally frowned upon. Certainly just doing it so openly anyway. Obviously I can't speak for the female changing rooms (unfortunately!!!).

Edit- just as an example:

Posted by Ms open on 2012-05-15 02:31:01

Does anyone have a recent esipode of teen girls peeing in changing room?

This seems more to be someone just wanting juicy stories, shrug. Like I said, to me it just seems false.

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With all these polls, they are not representative of a wide cross section of the community - they are only visited by people who search for "pee" or similar, so therefore, by definition, the people that answer these questions are likely to be people who either do enjoy peeing in naughty places, or at least fantasise about it. To say it is common is probably a vast exageration, but the few people that do post on those pages have some great stories to tell.

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I always tend to find these things a bit ... false. Not sure why, but I think in my experience (in the UK) that behaviour is generally frowned upon. Certainly just doing it so openly anyway. Obviously I can't speak for the female changing rooms (unfortunately!!!).

Edit- just as an example:

Posted by Ms open on 2012-05-15 02:31:01

Does anyone have a recent esipode of teen girls peeing in changing room?

This seems more to be someone just wanting juicy stories, shrug. Like I said, to me it just seems false.

I agree that some, or perhaps much of this is made up, but I like to think that there are at least a few true stories. It's more fun to think of them as true until proven otherwise, anyways. ;)

With all these polls, they are not representative of a wide cross section of the community - they are only visited by people who search for "pee" or similar, so therefore, by definition, the people that answer these questions are likely to be people who either do enjoy peeing in naughty places, or at least fantasise about it. To say it is common is probably a vast exageration, but the few people that do post on those pages have some great stories to tell.

That's another good consideration. Plus the people who are interested in this are more likely to be on the look-out, and especially women who frequent the pool could have plenty of sightings. It's also interesting that the polls span over 5 years, so it's not like there's a story every day or anything too absurd.

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Some of them do seem hard to believe, but...

I do remember when I was a teenager, it wasn't unheard of for boys to pee on the floor in the changing room deliberately. And some of the stories are more like lightly-used community pools, not busy British leisure centres, so you could get away with it, and maybe it wouldn't smell so much. I'd be amazed just on general principle if some people don't piss in changing cubicles at pools, just because there's enough privacy that you could get away with it.

And I've heard from people who can't imagine that anyone would knowingly pee in the pool and from those who think nothing of it and that everyone does it, so there's certainly scope for incompatible opinions.

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@Bill Thane: I've been "haunting" misterpoll for a while and the 3 polls by LouiseP (http://www.misterpoll.com/users/192136) are the most frequented I found (and still updated after all this time). Each poll is accompanied by a dedicated forum: click on "Messages" and you get the list of threads. The two polls you are talking about are the most interesting of http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/126889 for example, but there are a few gems in the others as well.

And yes, some users seem to specifically come to try and "shock" or "provoke"; funnily enough when they realize that people just nod and move on their contributions just dry up, which is a shame since even as fictions some "anecdotes" are enjoyable!

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I think that most of the stories on there probably are at least in the main true. They might be embellished a little, but the core is probably true (or at least, I like to think so). There is a very small core of regular posters on those message forums in the pee polls. They have quite a lot of stories between them, so I think it is likely that they make a habit of peeing in naughty places because they like it and they also probably look out for peeing. LouiseP is one of the most prolific posters and a lot of her stories are very believeable, so I have no reason to doubt them. I love her stories about peeing in stairwells and parking areas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its not very often I go swimming, (Ive never been one for going to gyms) mostly I will just go in the showers or the pool, but Ive peed in changing cubicals, normally aimiung striaght on the floor or against a wall and Ive also peed in a gap between some lockers.

Ps loved the polls, some great experiances on there

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  • 3 months later...
With all these polls, they are not representative of a wide cross section of the community - they are only visited by people who search for "pee" or similar, so therefore, by definition, the people that answer these questions are likely to be people who either do enjoy peeing in naughty places, or at least fantasise about it. To say it is common is probably a vast exageration, but the few people that do post on those pages have some great stories to tell.

While I have to agree that most of those who post stories on these pages must have some sort of fascination with this, the results of their polls are at least somewhat accurate in my view. I first searched on the topic back more than 10 years ago when I overheard my teenage sons speaking about pissing on the floor of their school gym locker room. At the time I was concerned they'd get in trouble if they were to get caught. Not wanting to ask friends, family members or certainly not school coaches, I took to the internet. When I first started seeing the voting on my poll and the comments left I was in disbelief. I then went to mothering and parenting web sites and got similar responses. I noticed a book at the local bookstore, "Do you do it with the lights on?" which asked, "Do you pee in the shower?" 75% of women said yes. The Today show brought up the subject and 3 out of 4 hosts admitted they do and their poll showed about 80% of us do so. I presume they were speaking about private showers, but are we any more clean in public restrooms than our own? If we are surrounded by strangers we might be hesitant to do so, but if you're alone or with close friends? I later asked the boys coach hypothetically what would happen if he caught boys doing so and he just laughed and said, "that's fairly common for boys, don't worry about them." Later when my little boy went to swim lessons I witnessed moms allowing and even encouraging boys to pee on the floor, instead of taking them to a restroom. My 70 year old father didn't seem to see a problem with it and my mom said, "oh, I'm sure all guys do that honey, I'm sure your brothers did and I know your father does.

Now I'm sure not everyone does this and I'm sure there are places where many are hesitant to do so, but I'm sure that when no one's looking most people do pee there. The local pool mens dressing room and the school showers...



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This isn't a personal experience of mine, but rather a link to a thread on a different site with 48 pages of anecdotes about women peeing in the locker room. Mostly of the pool, but some of the gym.


Having worked at a pool for a while, I've always been interested in these kinds of stories, and this is the best collection I've found so far. If you know of any others, or have your own to post, feel free to contribute!

I use to work in a sport centre with a pool. There was many lifeguards working there at the time of course and I do recall there was a changing room for them with a few lockers and it was also a small storage place for cleaning products with a floor sink. And I was told that there was a few lifeguards that did pee in that sink. Some even told me that eventually they will install a toilet when they get tired of it. So yes, I can say that this does happen. The womens lockeroom often smelt like pee because some would pee in the showers. That would never happen on the men side.. from what I was told.

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I use to work in a sport centre with a pool. There was many lifeguards working there at the time of course and I do recall there was a changing room for them with a few lockers and it was also a small storage place for cleaning products with a floor sink. And I was told that there was a few lifeguards that did pee in that sink. Some even told me that eventually they will install a toilet when they get tired of it. So yes, I can say that this does happen. The womens lockeroom often smelt like pee because some would pee in the showers. That would never happen on the men side.. from what I was told.

I think guys also pee in the shower,and the sink,but thats mainly because we can,in emergency,a bit more tricky for girls to pee in the sink,discreetly anyway!

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While I have to agree that most of those who post stories on these pages must have some sort of fascination with this, the results of their polls are at least somewhat accurate in my view. I first searched on the topic back more than 10 years ago when I overheard my teenage sons speaking about pissing on the floor of their school gym locker room. At the time I was concerned they'd get in trouble if they were to get caught. Not wanting to ask friends, family members or certainly not school coaches, I took to the internet. When I first started seeing the voting on my poll and the comments left I was in disbelief. I then went to mothering and parenting web sites and got similar responses. I noticed a book at the local bookstore, "Do you do it with the lights on?" which asked, "Do you pee in the shower?" 75% of women said yes. The Today show brought up the subject and 3 out of 4 hosts admitted they do and their poll showed about 80% of us do so. I presume they were speaking about private showers, but are we any more clean in public restrooms than our own? If we are surrounded by strangers we might be hesitant to do so, but if you're alone or with close friends? I later asked the boys coach hypothetically what would happen if he caught boys doing so and he just laughed and said, "that's fairly common for boys, don't worry about them." Later when my little boy went to swim lessons I witnessed moms allowing and even encouraging boys to pee on the floor, instead of taking them to a restroom. My 70 year old father didn't seem to see a problem with it and my mom said, "oh, I'm sure all guys do that honey, I'm sure your brothers did and I know your father does.

Now I'm sure not everyone does this and I'm sure there are places where many are hesitant to do so, but I'm sure that when no one's looking most people do pee there. The local pool mens dressing room and the school showers... [ATTACH=full]54519[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]54520[/ATTACH]

We need some pictures of inside a ladies toilets...

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We need some pictures of inside a ladies toilets...

Agreed. I have yet to see a single picture of any ladies peeing in the locker room. With all of these stories where they say that tons of them do it, I find it kind of hard to believe that there isn't a single picture of it out there. Does anyone have any?

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