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Friends with Piss Benefits?

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I'm sure you've all heard of 'friends with benefits', but have you ever had a friend (or anyone) you participated in piss fun without actually having any kind of relationship?

I can't say that I have, but it's a fun idea. If you have, I'm sure we'd all like to hear how it came about. If you haven't, would this be something that interests you, or would you rather have piss fun within a loving relationship?

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I have a friend whom I've met in real life who once sent me a vid of herself pissing on the bathroom floor. Nothing has happened in real life though.

Can I ask how her sending you the video came about? I'm sure many people would be interested to know how that kind of thing even comes up in conversation, let alone getting to the level of exchanging a video. Sounds great, though!

If you were both into it, how come you didn't try to take it any further?

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Can I ask how her sending you the video came about? I'm sure many people would be interested to know how that kind of thing even comes up in conversation, let alone getting to the level of exchanging a video. Sounds great, though!

If you were both into it, how come you didn't try to take it any further?

Well I actually met her on a pee fetish forum way back - PS actually - so the peeing stuff was right out there in the open right from the start. We got chatting and became online friends, with some flirting involved which led to the video. Turned out that she owned a holiday home less than 50 miles away, so eventually we met up, but only really as friends. Mentioning our fetish in real life is a barrier neither of us has felt able to cross, partly because our interests are so different. She is into desperation and dominance, I am more the naughty pisser. So we have always connected more as friends than potential piss partners.

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Been married twice....of course had pee fun with both wives. One girl I was dating for a while. Other than that most of the girls I had pee fun with were simply friends who indulged me...wasn't really in a serious relationship with any of them and only one of them did I have any other type of sexual contact with. I'm not counting a girl I met online and had a online romance with who also peed for me over the phone on many occasions.


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I've done this with several female friends
I have too. While this isn't all the time, it's not all that uncommon. Long hours spent on the trail or in small boats, enjoying the company of only nature and one another usually yield a comfortable familiarity, not to mention full bladders. As they say, "pee happens."
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  • 3 months later...

Thought I'd bump this thread. I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else had has pee experiences that weren't necessarily sexual, perhaps either out of necessity or just because it appeared to be perfectly natural.

I've had a few that seemed as innocent as child's play (along the lines of you show me yours and I'll show you mine). I'd like to think I'm not the only one that enjoys good clean wet fun.

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Watching one another can be great fun. Why not go on a long walk together and explore the outdoors? Maybe you can show off what you're good at and what you like to do.

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I certainly wish you a lot of, er, opportuni-pees. :)

There's so many things you can do, seeing who can make the biggest puddle, pee the longest, furthest, highest (if you beat him, be sure to let us know) or maybe help with each other's aim.

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from fetish sites etc ive had some girls send me pee clips...Have become quite friendly with some. Never asked about meeting in person though...We should try and organise local meets/munches for us lot! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am metrosexual that means i also have female friends. One of them i know over 15 years. She is not into pissing but she enjoys it when i help her pissing. One the other side, which woman doesn't want a man who take care of her needs?

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Im passive about this,i would be quite happy to simply just stand in the same spot as a girl about to pee,and just enjoy it for that,i wouldnt need to touch or whatever,as long as i saw the event.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw this thread last night and said I'd post in it but damn if I didn't forget

I do have a PFWB, as I like to abbreviate. Well, she's more of a FWB who's really submissive and will indulge in my kinks of desperation, holding, and letting me watch her pee. We don't get to hang out like that often but usually when we do it's a fun time. There are some ups and downs. On the downside, she's got a relatively small bladder, which is good and bad, because it means it doesn't take her long to need to pee, but at the same time even when she's at her limit, her pees don't usually last more than 10 seconds. She's on the larger side, which I like, and it's cool because she can use just her thighs to keep holding. Ironically, having to use her hands makes it worse! She's also terribly self-conscious about her weight, and she won't let me take any photos or videos of her doing anything because of it. Still though, she's suuuper submissive so it always makes for a good time!

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