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Strange private messages (again)

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The same messages Miranda21 was sending to people they wern't really strange, just the similar thing

Excellent detective work. I did some research and you're spot on! 'Genna21' has now been banned.

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  • 3 months later...

Could you please elaborate on what kind of messages you're getting? The '21' thing is obviously highly suspicious, but if the member is just asking lots of random (but harmless) questions, I'd first recommend asking them to stop or visit their profile and click 'ignore'.

If you feel it's more harassment, or unsuitable questions, please provide some proof so I can investigate this further. This kind of thing obviously won't be tolerated, and anyone doing so will be banned.

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Ok, I started two conversations by saying this, so I'll stop. I realize that's annoying for members... Sorry! But about Rachel21, I told the moderator that I was not sure about this profile. First because of the 21, and no one here have a profile pic that shows his or her face...

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It doesnt really bother me if i get messages,just dont answer if it does.Im more in favour of just having either male or female symbols,as opposed to a question mark,but thats just me.

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