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At least for me, a girl smoking in and of itself isn't a major turn on. But if the girl is smoking while peeping/pooping or what have you, that can add a certain charm to it. I like that the smoking implies a certain level of casualness to the whole thing. She's just cool and comfortable and having a smoke while casually alleviating herself. I can dig that.

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I personally am a non smoker, and my younger day were in a non smoking world.

When I see a pretty girl smoking I can just feel myself loosing interest in her, and placing her in the smoking category.

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Thanks for your responses so far.

For me, I do tend to find myself only dating girls who smoke & tend to put myself in a position where I can observe them (eg. Outside a bar) without trying to look too pervy!

I've only really opened up about this to one girl & she was very positive. More than happy to include her smoking in our sexual repertoire.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a love hate thing about it, hate in that it smells rank, tastes rank and has no health benefits.

Love in that it can be a very Sexy act, and look very hot. I've viewed a few videos of smoking sex and love the idea of a real sultry girl smoking and pissing somewhere she shouldn't and showing no remorse or composure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Actually I find smoking to be a HUGE turn off. A picture a a beautiful girl peeing would be rated a 9 or 10 in my book. If she was also smoking, she would fall to a 2 or less

Whilst perhaps I wouldn't lose quite so much interest, I too find it a turn off. I understand where you're coming from with the whole smoking thing, but for me it just doesn't matter who's smoking: I just find it quite gross.

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well you will miss us smokers when taxes go up over the board when they ban them eventually

And on the flipside, taxes wouldn't be needed to fund the huge amounts of treatments, sick pay and welfare bills caused by smoking related illnesses.

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i think we still pay over at the moment, but again on the flipside we die earlier, no long term old age costs, pensions, nursing, housing etc plus the western diet, a more fish based oily diet would lead to dramatic reductions in smoking related diseases as seen in japan, which has the highest instances of smokers in the industrialised world but some of the lowest instances of smoking related diseases, but higher than average bowel cancer rates

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thats before you remove everything that gets bundled into smoking related diseases, the government will not publish data on how carcenegenic filling a car with unleaded petrol has been suggested to put you at the same risk of contracting cancer as smoking 20 cigerettes, just about everything about modern life is toxic

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  • 8 years later...
On 12/29/2014 at 9:42 PM, EagerFemaleLoo said:

As well as pissing my other big fetish is watching girls smoke.

Anybody else into this?

Same for me. From a rational perspective, it might be dumb, but you know... people aren't always rational, and I am neither.

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