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Pay Toilets

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I’ve talked about this a few times in the shoutbox but I wanted to make a thread and possibly hear peoples opinions. I did some Christmas shopping this weekend and one of the first things I did was have a wee. The toilets I always use are pay toilets that require you to put in 30 pence before you can use them. I don’t really mind paying this because they are some of the cleanest public bathrooms I’ve ever used, there is always toilet roll, and it isn’t that much money I guess. But it got me thinking.

The reason for charging to use these toilets is usually to cover expenses such as cleaning and toilet roll, but I know that I don’t always use public toilets to relieve myself. I’ll sometimes use them to fix my hair or make up, wash my hands and just generally freshen up. Wish this there is no cleaning needed, and no toilet roll used. So what am I paying for? I’ve basically paid 30 pence for the use of a sink and a mirror.

When I went this weekend I of course took my daughter with me, she’s too young to be alone, which cost me 60 pence. However she didn’t need to use the toilet, she was merely with me so I could keep an eye on her. Again I’m paying for nothing. I still don’t mind because as I said, it isn’t that much money. As we was leaving we walked past a couple of women, one who said “30p, 30 bloody p!” clearly annoyed or surprised by having to pay. And the woman in front of us was confused by the turnstile we go through to leave saying “I’ve never had to pay to have a wee before”

So, what are your opinions on pay toilets? Should they be abolished, or are they a reasonable idea with them being clean and well stocked. By pay toilets I don’t mean the ones where you put in some money and you have 15 minutes to do your business before the door opens anyway and exposes you to the world. These are usually indoors and has somebody who can convert change for you.

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I’ve talked about this a few times in the shoutbox but I wanted to make a thread and possibly hear peoples opinions. I did some Christmas shopping this weekend and one of the first things I did was have a wee. The toilets I always use are pay toilets that require you to put in 30 pence before you can use them. I don’t really mind paying this because they are some of the cleanest public bathrooms I’ve ever used, there is always toilet roll, and it isn’t that much money I guess. But it got me thinking.

The reason for charging to use these toilets is usually to cover expenses such as cleaning and toilet roll, but I know that I don’t always use public toilets to relieve myself. I’ll sometimes use them to fix my hair or make up, wash my hands and just generally freshen up. Wish this there is no cleaning needed, and no toilet roll used. So what am I paying for? I’ve basically paid 30 pence for the use of a sink and a mirror.

When I went this weekend I of course took my daughter with me, she’s too young to be alone, which cost me 60 pence. However she didn’t need to use the toilet, she was merely with me so I could keep an eye on her. Again I’m paying for nothing. I still don’t mind because as I said, it isn’t that much money. As we was leaving we walked past a couple of women, one who said “30p, 30 bloody p!” clearly annoyed or surprised by having to pay. And the woman in front of us was confused by the turnstile we go through to leave saying “I’ve never had to pay to have a wee before”

So, what are your opinions on pay toilets? Should they be abolished, or are they a reasonable idea with them being clean and well stocked. By pay toilets I don’t mean the ones where you put in some money and you have 15 minutes to do your business before the door opens anyway and exposes you to the world. These are usually indoors and has somebody who can convert change for you.

As you say,there has to be a cover for paying the cleaners etc,but maybe it would be fairer for women,if you paid at the cubicle.Then if you are only fixing your hair etc then youre not using the paper and toilet.Men probably should pay on the door,as we generally go in for actual business...Maybe,the council should run them,then it would be a public amenity and paid for by council tax,maybe that would be all round fairer..The ones in town where i live,as you pay,someone always tries to sneak in with you,but i dawdle through so it locks behind me quickly!!Im not paying for some guy to pee free.Where are these loos that open after 15 minutes anyway?:wink:

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Pay toilets are OK as long as they are clean and decent. I have used pay toilets which, as you can only discover after paying, are pretty disgusting. Smelly, with pee on the floor, cubicles and urinals in a state of disrepair etc. With some pay pay toilets, when you leave you feel that it had been worth what you paid, but others you feel ripped off.

As for paying to enter the cubicle, this is how it used to work - put a penny in the slot to unlock the cubicle door. Though this was rather unfair on women as there was (normally) no charge to use the urinals in the Gents. So men did not have to pay to pee but women did.

Thinking of the automatic ones which you pay and have 15 minutes before the door opens, I do not know why they changed the bowl design in the newer (JC Deceaux) models. In the first generation the bowl may have been an unusual shape but it (in my experience) was very comfortable to sit on (in fact these were the only public toilets I have been happy to sit on). In the second and third generation the bowl is shaped like a 'normal' toilet but it has no seat and is not very nice to sit on. (The first time I used one, even though I only needed to pee, I sat down just to see what it was like)

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I’ve talked about this a few times in the shoutbox but I wanted to make a thread and possibly hear peoples opinions. I did some Christmas shopping this weekend and one of the first things I did was have a wee. The toilets I always use are pay toilets that require you to put in 30 pence before you can use them. I don’t really mind paying this because they are some of the cleanest public bathrooms I’ve ever used, there is always toilet roll, and it isn’t that much money I guess. But it got me thinking.

The reason for charging to use these toilets is usually to cover expenses such as cleaning and toilet roll, but I know that I don’t always use public toilets to relieve myself. I’ll sometimes use them to fix my hair or make up, wash my hands and just generally freshen up. Wish this there is no cleaning needed, and no toilet roll used. So what am I paying for? I’ve basically paid 30 pence for the use of a sink and a mirror.

When I went this weekend I of course took my daughter with me, she’s too young to be alone, which cost me 60 pence. However she didn’t need to use the toilet, she was merely with me so I could keep an eye on her. Again I’m paying for nothing. I still don’t mind because as I said, it isn’t that much money. As we was leaving we walked past a couple of women, one who said “30p, 30 bloody p!” clearly annoyed or surprised by having to pay. And the woman in front of us was confused by the turnstile we go through to leave saying “I’ve never had to pay to have a wee before”

So, what are your opinions on pay toilets? Should they be abolished, or are they a reasonable idea with them being clean and well stocked. By pay toilets I don’t mean the ones where you put in some money and you have 15 minutes to do your business before the door opens anyway and exposes you to the world. These are usually indoors and has somebody who can convert change for you.

The biggest Problem I can see with paying to use a Loo is when one is bursting for a pee or (even more) and you don't happen to have the right change. Some things just cna't wait while you hunt out change. All in all I think free toilets are a must for councils to provide, after all we pay quite enough coucil tax already don't we.

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I am in favour of them. Like you say, Sophie, it doesn't cost much. But it does pay for cleaners. We have some pay toilets in Plymouth City Centre which have replaced the free ones that used to be there. Only costs 20p, but they are immaculately clean and far far better in that respect than the free ones were. 20p is a small price to pay for that.

Plus the cleaners are female and one of them is a fairly attractive woman who looks only about 30 years old. I once had the experience of peeing in a urinal alongside other guys whilst this lovely lady was in there too, cleaning the floor only feet behind me. Was interesting and mildly erotic. Well worth 20p. :)

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This is interesting because over here they don't exist. I don't think there's a law against it, but with so many free toilets existing, a pay toilet would never make any money.

As for just fixing your hair and such, I doubt it matters. You have to consider the cost of the space, the facilities, including real estate, and there's still cleaning regardless. Whether you do your business or not (even if not a soul uses it) someone must come by and check on it. That also takes time. This is all called overhead. All of these costs exist whether a customer uses it or not. Overhead is always factored into a price. The actual incremental cost of a few squares for you to wipe with, the water for you to flush and wash up with, along with taking care of your waste is miniscule in comparison to the fixed costs of having the toilet there. In essence you're paying for the convenience of it being there, not the cost of you actually relieving yourself.

Over here that cost is usually born by a business, as customers expect it. Or the government, as taxpayers expect it. Being that it's been that way for over a century, we're not likely to ever see pay toilets become common.

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All in all I think free toilets are a must for councils to provide, after all we pay quite enough coucil tax already don't we.

Some councils, such as Westminster in London, do not provide any free toilets at all. Those which still exist cost 50p a pee. Though there are free urinals, both fixed and 'pop-up' but these are only for men and provide minimal privacy.

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I’ve talked about this a few times in the shoutbox but I wanted to make a thread and possibly hear peoples opinions. I did some Christmas shopping this weekend and one of the first things I did was have a wee. The toilets I always use are pay toilets that require you to put in 30 pence before you can use them. I don’t really mind paying this because they are some of the cleanest public bathrooms I’ve ever used, there is always toilet roll, and it isn’t that much money I guess. But it got me thinking.

The reason for charging to use these toilets is usually to cover expenses such as cleaning and toilet roll, but I know that I don’t always use public toilets to relieve myself. I’ll sometimes use them to fix my hair or make up, wash my hands and just generally freshen up. Wish this there is no cleaning needed, and no toilet roll used. So what am I paying for? I’ve basically paid 30 pence for the use of a sink and a mirror.

When I went this weekend I of course took my daughter with me, she’s too young to be alone, which cost me 60 pence. However she didn’t need to use the toilet, she was merely with me so I could keep an eye on her. Again I’m paying for nothing. I still don’t mind because as I said, it isn’t that much money. As we was leaving we walked past a couple of women, one who said “30p, 30 bloody p!” clearly annoyed or surprised by having to pay. And the woman in front of us was confused by the turnstile we go through to leave saying “I’ve never had to pay to have a wee before”

So, what are your opinions on pay toilets? Should they be abolished, or are they a reasonable idea with them being clean and well stocked. By pay toilets I don’t mean the ones where you put in some money and you have 15 minutes to do your business before the door opens anyway and exposes you to the world. These are usually indoors and has somebody who can convert change for you.

Very interesting topic Sophie.I think its wrong how councils dont provide adequate loos in towns and parks,they are all privately owned.(also i liked how you told us you went for a wee,and said "wee".)

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I am in favour of them. Like you say, Sophie, it doesn't cost much. But it does pay for cleaners. We have some pay toilets in Plymouth City Centre which have replaced the free ones that used to be there. Only costs 20p, but they are immaculately clean and far far better in that respect than the free ones were. 20p is a small price to pay for that.

Plus the cleaners are female and one of them is a fairly attractive woman who looks only about 30 years old. I once had the experience of peeing in a urinal alongside other guys whilst this lovely lady was in there too, cleaning the floor only feet behind me. Was interesting and mildly erotic. Well worth 20p. :)

Must have been fun.Reminds me of a trip I took up the motorway in central Italy once many years ago. Needing a Pee I pulled into a services to use the facilities. Imagine my delight to find a youngish woman cleaning the chinas. I put this down to the continentals having a different attitude on this sort of thing, so it must be natural to them. I decided to enjoy the moment and went to a china more or less next to her, got my nob out and started my pee. The darling carried on with her cleaning but openly watched my cock pissing, not even attempting to be subtle about it. As she was so obviously enjoying watching me, I got a huge kick out of it too, making sure I pulled my foreskin right back for her so she got a really good look at my helmet shook the drips off, and put it away. We exchanged smiles with each other and I went on my merry way. I have often wondered if she dived into a cubicle after I left to rub her pussy.

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There's a dire shortage of public lavatories in my home city, but the one's in Shopping Malls are not too bad. I often travel to London with my job, and hold on for dear life because I hate going on a train. Then I'm thwarted at Euston Station, so I will often wait until I'm near a museum or gallery, they are often well-appointed!

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There's a dire shortage of public lavatories in my home city, but the one's in Shopping Malls are not too bad. I often travel to London with my job, and hold on for dear life because I hate going on a train. Then I'm thwarted at Euston Station, so I will often wait until I'm near a museum or gallery, they are often well-appointed!

Not to sound over the top... But, you're too darn cute to have to hold your wee longer than you like.

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There's a dire shortage of public lavatories in my home city, but the one's in Shopping Malls are not too bad. I often travel to London with my job, and hold on for dear life because I hate going on a train. Then I'm thwarted at Euston Station, so I will often wait until I'm near a museum or gallery, they are often well-appointed!

Sally,why dont you like going on trains?Each to their own of course,just an interesting wee related topic..Is it the unisex aspect of it,like Starbucks,where i once was lucky to follow after a lovely brunette,and although she had cleaned up after her wee,no drops etc,just the thought of her squatting in the same bowl,not 2 mins before was quite erotic.

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Sally,why dont you like going on trains?Each to their own of course,just an interesting wee related topic..Is it the unisex aspect of it,like Starbucks,where i once was lucky to follow after a lovely brunette,and although she had cleaned up after her wee,no drops etc,just the thought of her squatting in the same bowl,not 2 mins before was quite erotic.

That reminds me of an encounter I had in the Trafford centre a couple of years back, i called into a small coffee shop on the second floor for a drink and to use the toilet, the toilet door was locked so I waited for the person to come out. When the door opened this gorgeous looking girl in her late 20s wearing a white top and spray on jeans came out, "anyway" to the best part i walked in to the toilet shut the door turned around a there was piss all over the seat and the floor. She must have stood hovering over the toilet and missed her aim, i took a few photos with my phone but they didn't turn out to good then rushed back hoping she would be sitting in the cafe but unfortunately for me she wasn't

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She must have stood hovering over the toilet and missed her aim...

From what I've heard, most don't really put an effort into how well they aim. As long as they don't have to sit in someone else's mess, they don't care where theirs goes because there's usually already a mess. They don't even think twice about it.

Maybe some of the ladies could chime in and say whether this is normally the case or the women I know are just messy.

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Sally,why dont you like going on trains?Each to their own of course,just an interesting wee related topic..Is it the unisex aspect of it,like Starbucks,where i once was lucky to follow after a lovely brunette,and although she had cleaned up after her wee,no drops etc,just the thought of her squatting in the same bowl,not 2 mins before was quite erotic.

Here's a thought for you fannywatcher, you say she didn't leave any drips for you, perhaps if there had been drips it might have been from the bloke before and already there when she went in. Just a thought!!

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There's a dire shortage of public lavatories in my home city, but the one's in Shopping Malls are not too bad. I often travel to London with my job, and hold on for dear life because I hate going on a train. Then I'm thwarted at Euston Station, so I will often wait until I'm near a museum or gallery, they are often well-appointed!

The pub on Euston Station has toilets which can be used - I suppose they rely on it being out of the way and not sign posted to avoid lots of people using it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The pub on Euston Station has toilets which can be used - I suppose they rely on it being out of the way and not sign posted to avoid lots of people using it.

I was travelling through Belgium last year and stopped at a services with a pay only toilet but had got rid of all my euros and hadn't even English coins. I decided to go in the bushes at the edge of the carpark. There was an English woman with a couple of kids entering the bushes. I loitered a bit then the kids came running out and stopped at a pic nic bench. I carried on towards the bushes and as I entered the woman came out, I continued along a fairly well trodden path until I saw a large puddle, not even drained into the hard soil yet and a tissue. I added to It my self the went back to my companions. They had all peed behind the restaurant skip. I think paying to pee will have a much more liberalising effect on outdoor peeing, I wonder if this is what the powers that be intended ?

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I always happily pay for a nice clean toilet. The fact they have turnstiles to keep out undesirables and are usually staffed and clean makes it a no brainer.

The only pay toilets that annoy me are the ones in (s)wanky bars where there is a guy there expecting a tip. I find that more offensive than just sticking money in a machine.

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There's a dire shortage of public lavatories in my home city, but the one's in Shopping Malls are not too bad. I often travel to London with my job, and hold on for dear life because I hate going on a train. Then I'm thwarted at Euston Station, so I will often wait until I'm near a museum or gallery, they are often well-appointed!

McDonalds is always a good place I have found.

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There's a dire shortage of public lavatories in my home city, but the one's in Shopping Malls are not too bad. I often travel to London with my job, and hold on for dear life because I hate going on a train.

A few times I've been caught short when the loos on the train are all out of order. Other times the loo has been smelly and blocked, leaving me having to piss in the sink. I've no objection to using the sink - when I was a student I had a sink in my room, and if you think I left my room in the middle of the night to pee in an actual toilet, you're mistaken - but being locked in a small smelly room I'd rather avoid.

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Oh wow could this become a trend.Make all the toilets pay ones, so we go back to nature and piss in the countryside.

Brings a whole new meaning to 'Bird Watching Hides' doesn't it!

Isn't that why free toilets were provided in the first place.

Its a public health issue that's why they are called public convenience.

30p seems excessive we usually have to pay 20p

Once paying becomes the norm you are at the mercy of the provider

It was the same when they started charging for parking people said Ok its only 20p but look at it now its a cash cow for councils.

Some councils are now closing Public conveniences with notices that local businesses have agreed to public use of their facilities.

I believe the council should provide free toilets as a right.

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Isn't that why free toilets were provided in the first place.

Its a public health issue that's why they are called public convenience.

30p seems excessive we usually have to pay 20p

Once paying becomes the norm you are at the mercy of the provider

It was the same when they started charging for parking people said Ok its only 20p but look at it now its a cash cow for councils.

Some councils are now closing Public conveniences with notices that local businesses have agreed to public use of their facilities.

I believe the council should provide free toilets as a right.

We have one public toilet for miles around in our area, and that belongs to the local supermarket car park. Admittedly it is free, is kept reasonably clean and has soap and hot water hand washing facilities, but there are times when it's closed, Sundays for example. The result is that the back stairs between floors have smelly piss puddles, as you say, a health issue. Not so bad in the country side but in towns, not so good!

I agree with you one hundred per cent, we have a right to expect our town councils to provide adequate FREE facilities, after all we pay enough council tax.

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The views expressed are interesting, given the fact we are all pee lovers.

Closing Public Toilets would give so many opportunity's to observe desperation and open air relief.

I have a very strong toilet fetish but you have to consider the effect on the elderly and children and for me their convenience takes precedence over my voyeuristic desires.

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