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Thoughts on Bill Cosby?


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Just because Bill Cosby played the roll of a decent family man on TV does NOT mean he is that way in real life. It's just acting after all. No different than if an actor plays the roll of a doctor. In real life he is not a doctor and knows NOTHING about medicine. So why is everyone so freaked out and shocked about Bill Cosby latest sexual abuse/harassment accusations???? Because obviously we all (including me) fell in love with his PRETEND character on TV. Just a reminder that TV is not real.


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Im fed up of hearing these things that happened 30 years ago,if i were a famous star,id be trying to hide my salami as often as i could,in as many women as were up for it.Trouble is i bet,30 years later they see the guy now,and think"oh my god!I swallowed his cum,how disgusting he is!"I would have a rule,that said any sexual violation claims against anyone,must be made within a year of the offence..

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My thoughts are this...it's a shame they are dragging him through the mud...if he did something illegal and they have PROOF then go to the police and have him arrested. If you don't have enough evidence for an arrest then leave the man alone.


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As i said,maybe there needs to be a legal time frame,you can bring sexual assault charges.30 years is taking the piss a bit!(Taking the piss,is an old British phrase,that just means having a laugh,or just ridiculous-its not a sexual phrase..)

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Interesting how they wait so long. Maybe they just forgot about it. Now that he's back in the public eye, it jogged their memory and they just remembered. I'm sure they wouldn't bring up these allegations just for the money.

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Interesting how they wait so long. Maybe they just forgot about it. Now that he's back in the public eye, it jogged their memory and they just remembered. I'm sure they wouldn't bring up these allegations just for the money.

Then again,if a girl is sexually molested,surely she would want retribution sooner rather than later,how can you forget for 30 years a guy feeling you up?I think Cosby was quite full of himself anyway,imagine feeling up the wife of Lou Ferrigno-the Incredible Hulk!No,i say there should be a time limit on such allegations.In that everyone,man or woman behaves differently when in 20s,to in their 40s or 50s.So if a girl went into his dressing room at age 21,obviously when shes age 48,she would look back on HERSELF with disgust,and try to gain her self respect by then trying to have the now maybe 65 year old guy prosecuted,as when he was only 40,she found him sexually attractive..

Not justifying rape here,or sexual assault,or justifying Bill Cosby,or any other "celebrity",but just there has to be a sensible time frame surely?

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To my mind,rapists and child molesters should have their dicks dipped in acid.But where a girl has perhaps put herself in a position,as with a "celebrity" for example,and maybe some sexual activity occurs,she cant then 30 years down the line,filled with regret and disgust,come out with spurious accusations..If they ALL did that,there would no one on TV anymore!

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These stories don't pass the smell test. A black guy raping white women in the 80's would have charges brought against him. And all credibility gets lost when a lawyer wants a $30 million payday by setting up a $100 million settlement fund. All I know for sure is that a man accused of date assault from a city down the road from Mr. Cosby's house committed suicide probably figuring that if Cosby was getting this treatment he had no change of a fair trial.

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