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Playing with pee - Pee-Games - Collecting Ideas for „single“ and multiplaysd


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Hi everyone! I‘m just surfing this forum with a more and more full bladder. I want to do something naughty again, but I have no idea what it could be…. What are your favourite things to play with pee….. alone or with frinds or with your partner? Did someone ever have had a pee party?

- One of my dreams needs more people: One person is laying on the floor, blindfolded and someone else lets this person drink some drops of pee…. The person on the floor has to guess whose pee it was. 

- Another idea would be the pee - car race. You need some lightweight toy-cars and put them on a table in a row. Every person now has to aim with the pee-stram on a car and try to get it over the finish-line first… A pee aiming game 🙂

- The stuffy-diaper game: evyerone can choose one or more plushies to use. The plushies must be put under the pants, maybe there is something to to once they are placed… maybe  jump 10 times or walk around for some time. Than everyone has to take place on a clear blanked and drink. It might be cool to play drinking games together for example. The winner is the one, who doesn‘t leak out for the longest time. So it‘s up to everyone building the perfect plushie diaper, hold as long as possible or just win every drinking game 🙂

- The aiming challange: Put about 10 things that can easily fall on a table or on the floor… maybe with a rising difficulty. No one by one can try to shoot as many things as he/she can to collect points. Maybe the things are not very close to the other so you have to stop peeing a lot of times and save your stream to hit as many as possible. 

Most of this games can also be played alone - maybe to practise 🙂 

Do you have other cool ideas? Are there some persons who would participate in „online challanges“? … We could chose things to do and than post pictures or videos of these actions…. Of course anonymous and without faces… maybe only the results? 


Have a wet evening 🙂 I‘m not sure if I should practice the pee-car-race or the „stuffy-diaper-challange“…. 

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As a solo challenge - or I guess it could work equally with several people into holding - playing Service Station Roulette. 

You could title it anyway you want, but basically if you’re on a long car journey, maybe at night when the roads are quiet. In the UK on the motorway as you approach the services there’s usually a sign saying 1 mile and also distance to the next.

So the challenge is to get yourself comfortably desperate, then decide if you can hold to the services after the next one.

If it’s 1 mile or 20 miles, then the choice is pee now or can you wait 20 minutes ?  (60mph is 1 mile every minute). 

And if you wait, then when you get there decide again - are you super desperate or can you hold to the next one ???

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10 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

As a solo challenge - or I guess it could work equally with several people into holding - playing Service Station Roulette. 

You could title it anyway you want, but basically if you’re on a long car journey, maybe at night when the roads are quiet. In the UK on the motorway as you approach the services there’s usually a sign saying 1 mile and also distance to the next.

So the challenge is to get yourself comfortably desperate, then decide if you can hold to the services after the next one.

If it’s 1 mile or 20 miles, then the choice is pee now or can you wait 20 minutes ?  (60mph is 1 mile every minute). 

And if you wait, then when you get there decide again - are you super desperate or can you hold to the next one ???

I did this once on a 500 mile/800 km trip. Sometime after the three-hour mark, I was starting to feel an urge to pee. Now, I wasn't desperate, but I could definitely feel my bladder filling.

The rest areas were about 30 minutes apart. There were 14 of them before I got home and I'd just passed the first one. Never one to miss a challenge, I thought I'd see how I could go before I needed to stop.

So, I set myself a goal to get past the next one, maybe the one after that and the one after that...  As the evening wore on, I'd gotten past four... five... six, then seven... eight and I still wasn't too bad. I was feeling a bit urgent as I approached the sign announcing the ninth, but clenched myself and was actually feeling a little better by the time I approached the tenth. Somehow I think I missed the 11th and I admit my pulse was racing as I drove past the 12th, but I was so into this challenge, now barely an hour from home. Maybe I really could do it, I told myself, as I steered past the next to last, one hand now starting to grab my crotch. 

Of course, as soon as I saw the exit in my rearview mirror, I knew my quest was lost. The occasional grab now turned into a squeeze. I still had 20 minutes to make it to the next stop when I felt a couple drops escape. I told myself it really wasn't that long and I almost believed it. That rest area couldn't come too soon.

Finally, I saw the sign for it. I was now clenching and squeezing and probably a half dozen other things. I took the exit ramp, pulled into the parking lot and ran out of my car, only to find the restrooms weren't working. There were a few other cars in the lot, but at this point I didn't care if anyone saw me. They'd probably never see me again. While I was disappointed I didn't make it home, I was very relieved and pleased to see the huge puddle I left under one big pine tree.

I yet to have another journey as challenging and fun as that, but I can't say I haven't tried.

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It is huge fun to put on briefs or panties and to lie on your back in bed and pee in them in bed! Just relax, and let the pee flow when it wants to come out! Feel the joy of it flowing over your hips, pooling underneath you, and flowing down your legs, wetting the bed! You will be very aroused, and if you masturbate once you have wet the bed, you will have a very strong orgasm! 🥰🥰 

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On 7/2/2024 at 11:18 AM, WePe81 said:

Hi everyone! I‘m just surfing this forum with a more and more full bladder. I want to do something naughty again, but I have no idea what it could be…. What are your favourite things to play with pee….. alone or with frinds or with your partner? Did someone ever have had a pee party?

- One of my dreams needs more people: One person is laying on the floor, blindfolded and someone else lets this person drink some drops of pee…. The person on the floor has to guess whose pee it was. 

- Another idea would be the pee - car race. You need some lightweight toy-cars and put them on a table in a row. Every person now has to aim with the pee-stram on a car and try to get it over the finish-line first… A pee aiming game 🙂

- The stuffy-diaper game: evyerone can choose one or more plushies to use. The plushies must be put under the pants, maybe there is something to to once they are placed… maybe  jump 10 times or walk around for some time. Than everyone has to take place on a clear blanked and drink. It might be cool to play drinking games together for example. The winner is the one, who doesn‘t leak out for the longest time. So it‘s up to everyone building the perfect plushie diaper, hold as long as possible or just win every drinking game 🙂

- The aiming challange: Put about 10 things that can easily fall on a table or on the floor… maybe with a rising difficulty. No one by one can try to shoot as many things as he/she can to collect points. Maybe the things are not very close to the other so you have to stop peeing a lot of times and save your stream to hit as many as possible. 

Most of this games can also be played alone - maybe to practise 🙂 

Do you have other cool ideas? Are there some persons who would participate in „online challanges“? … We could chose things to do and than post pictures or videos of these actions…. Of course anonymous and without faces… maybe only the results? 


Have a wet evening 🙂 I‘m not sure if I should practice the pee-car-race or the „stuffy-diaper-challange“…. 

The blindfold game would be fun. But a must be right from the tap 


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On 7/2/2024 at 4:18 PM, WePe81 said:

Hi everyone! I‘m just surfing this forum with a more and more full bladder. I want to do something naughty again, but I have no idea what it could be…. What are your favourite things to play with pee….. alone or with frinds or with your partner? Did someone ever have had a pee party?

I fancy getting one of those childrens' bath toys. The ones that attach to the side of the bath, and have a funnel at the top and things that spin and move when water flows through them. It would be a test of aim as well as flow rate.

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How about the sneaky pee challenge? I have posted a related story before in another thread. But always a nice memory.

My gf and I played this a couple of times. Either of us first spent some time alone in the hotel room. The partner would hide in the bathroom or go for a walk outside, before allowed to join. The deal is that the person alone in the room sneakily marks a number of spots (depending on the size of the room and the volume in our bladders we usually did between five and seven) that the other than has to find and then add his/her piss of course. 

We always made it a fun competition, i.e. adding a time limit of 10 minutes or so. And to win making it a requirement for the detective to pee at every discovered spot for at least 10 seconds or in total not less than a minute. Also undressing step by step as a reward for the finder is a nice variant to get ready for the fun that usually follows as a couple.

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