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5 hours ago, swekiss said:

I love that too. When it's a proper pee of course. If it's just a few drops it doesn't feel like the sigh is real, but in combination with a big pee it's hot as hell 🔥

What if it is with a big pee that's being released outside or somewhere naughty? 😛 

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On 6/28/2024 at 12:41 PM, Liketowatchhim said:

I had an ex who would whip it out and sort of moan but but like in a natural sense kind of like when your thirsty and you drink and you say “ ahhhhhh”.     Then he would shake it and put it away. 

Would love to see a man unzip pull out his penis what I call the wiener slot and pee and make the “ ahhhh” noise.   Then shake it and put it away.      When I masturbate I often take myself to that memory.  Wish so bad I had it on video


So guys if you want  o to share a story or video please do.   If you want to say I’m weird that’s fine.     I know I’m not that weird because I see weirder things on her all the time 

Your candidness in sharing your desires is sexy and sweet! Many men, including myself, give a soft “Ah” as they’re urinating. It just feels so good! Weird? Well, don’t let it bother ya! I’m a guy who occasionally enjoys relaxing in public restroom stalls listening to men relieve themselves at urinals. I love the sounds of clanking belt buckles, zippers and urine being discharged into urinals! I even adore the sounds of farts that occasionally go hand-in-hand with pissing! And of course, like you, I swoon over their soft and sometimes whispered “Ah!”  

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