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(Maybe) I'm back

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1 hour ago, Blue Dreams said:

Hey! I already had an account here once, where I called myself Wetling. For those of you who don't know me, I might as well just link my original introduction. It looks like my old account got deleted after I became inactive, but fortunately my posts were not. I actually don't know if I'm going to be allowed back, so if not, the mods can just delete my account and I won't sign up again. I think most people liked my posts, but some had a problem with me speaking my mind and being political, so I became a bit of a pain in the ass for the moderators, and I didn't feel welcome anymore. But this wasn't the only reason for me leaving. I also got a new boyfriend (although I was already close to him before), and wanted to concentrate on real life and thought that maybe I could go without this… surfing for pee content. But truth is… I still like to caress myself to your naughty stories, and even more, reports of what you've done, so I was still visiting regularly. It just turns me ooonnn so much… 😳 Of course I didn't stop being a pee addict, nor did I try to. It's a part of my sexuality that only ever seems to get "worse", if you could call it that… and it sometimes bugged me that I couldn't reply and participate in interesting topics on here anymore. Regarding the political opinions, I will try and hopefully will be able to cut back on that, just ignoring things I don't like. For that matter, I can't guarantee that I won't turn my back on the forum again and most likely I won't be as active as before. Sometimes I was edging for hours while surfing the forums, rubbing and peeing myself all the time. It was great fun, but also not healthy, especially when it resulted in me being tired for the entire day at work. I mostly managed to integrate the kink into my life without it distracting me too much, like I can keep my panties wet without constantly wanting to touch me. But that doesn't work while I read and write about it. On the other hand, I liked the appreciation of my lifestyle by the members of this forum, telling me that it's hot instead of feeling alienated. Whenever the subject of pee comes up in real life, there's an undertone of distaste, which is hard when you feel totally different yourself. Not so with people on here, and I had some really good conversations to which I came multiple times. ☺️

Having a boyfriend again affects my life more than I would have imagined though, and I still struggle with it sometimes. I was missing the intimacy of a relationship, but also had gotten used to a lot of private time, and sharing the filthy things I do makes me feel extremely vulnerable. Anyway, we definitely love each other, even though we don't live together yet. So I still have my own apartment. He doesn't go all-in for pee, but accepts me the way I am, never showing the slightest resentment or trace of disgust. He kisses and touches me even when drenched in piss, and we have great sex on my bed, whose mattress is saturated with my dried pee as well. It was so hard for me to open up like that and I'm happier than I can say that it all turned out like this, yet I still feel insecure, like I can't believe that someone in real-live just accepts what I do as a given and says "ok".

Anyway, I'm still home alone sometimes, and I get horny, and I'm touching myself while reading naughty stories, and I'm still willing to share that part of my live with you. So maybe… I'm back. Feel free to comment and ask whatever you like.

Welcome back it's good to see you've made your way back aboard in your own tim

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It is wonderful to have you back on here, if I remember well we've joined peefans more or less at the same time. The fact that you're open minded and say openly that you like the content people post here is great, and if you want to hear my personal stories (which I've got quite a few hehe), don't hesitate to reach me!

In all cases, welcome back 😄 

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Hi and welcome back.  I can understand something of your difficulties and I think the truth is we all have to do trade offs in life.  I'm in a relationship with a lady who is fairly broad minded but doesn't know about my pee interests.  However I know her predecessor didn't understand or approve, so I err on the side of caution.   

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Posted (edited)
57 minutes ago, Adyguy6970 said:

However I know her predecessor didn't understand or approve, so I err on the side of caution.

It's so sad how some people can ruin trust in everyone. 🫶

Edited by Blue Dreams
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