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What things do you value the most in life?

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I think many people on this site value quite a lot of other things in there lives besides their pee fetish. So if you feel comfortable talking about the things that you value the most, then on this site tell us what things you value the most in this life and the world. It can be all kinds of this from family and friends, to health, good food, sex, movies, your pets, to your spouse, the kids if you have any, alcohol, music, sports, good TV shows, laughter, your religious beliefs, spending time with those you are close to, traveling, researching stuff online, writing, reading, dancing, singing, etc. I personally like many of the things which I just listed above in this long paragraph. 

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Interesting question. My wife and kids first. Kids have left home now but I'd still do anything to help them if they needed me. And K is and always will be the greatest love of my life. After that, I guess the rest of my family. I've been incredibly lucky (given you can't choose them) that we all get along. Friends both online and not (lines get blurred ... I have long-term friends I've had since before the interweb was invented who I now only communicate with online, and friends I've made online that I have met face to face). I value my relatively good health more and more as I get older. Laughter. Sex. The natural world. Walking in the countryside is my therapy. Cask beer, single malt whisky, tea, coffee, cheese, curd tarts. Travel (though it's more limited these days). Cricket.

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What I actually value most in life is my alone with myself time. I am a natural introvert and loner in a job that requires constant social interactions and conversations. My time alone away from all that is most precious to me. 

I also value personal happiness and security a lot, and of course my close friends and family. When it comes to material things I am not a hugely materialistic person. I would choose happiness over wealth if I had to make such a choice any day. But of material things, the two things I value the most are my laptop and my car, but more because of the happiness they help to facilitate than any desire to possess them for their own sake.

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This is such a hard question right now considering that I really don't know myself anymore. I mean... I don't think I ever really did, but I used to be way happier. What really makes me any semblance of happy is cycling. I love cycling like people love running. I am genuinely in a much better mood when I get on a bike and go. It's a little hard to do now since I don't have a good road bike. I have a good Turin Super Willy CX frame with 700x33mm tires, but it doesn't challenge my legs, so every time I get on an actual road bike, I feel like I'm riding for the first time and my legs are screaming. My GoFundMe for a  Cannondale SystemSix will be up soon lol.


But if you ask me what I most value in life, it's building things. It's seeing a project through, start to finish, and having it work perfectly in-line with your vision. This is unfortunately not what I get to do every single day. I try my best on the weekends but alas, chores and errands often get in the way. Gotta keep a clean house and just try to re-balance life on the weekends, so I don't have too much time. I think one of the things I struggle with the most is the balance between getting a project to work and debugging a project when it doesn't. I high-key get really anxious when my project doesn't work (does anyone like...poop a lot when they get anxious?). It drives my brain to go in a million different directions, I get frustrated, inner rage, quit. come back to the project, repeat process until I finish it. I remember getting really into building this one rocket. I took up some space in the basement, a small desk and just went to work. I was young so I had the luxury of time, it took me about two days to build, hardly looking at the directions. I loved the feeling of not feeling like I had somewhere to be, something to do, something to manage, and not running out of time in the day to do things. It worked the first try and I lost it in the sky. I was really happy about it working, like REALLY happy. That feeling is really hard to come by, since it feels like I have the weight of keeping my life together on my shoulders 24/7. Over the years, so much happened, so many failures and so few successes, so many set backs, I kinda just lost track of who I was and what made me happy. I don't truly know if what I wrote down here makes me truly happy anymore. Maybe I don't try hard enough to be happy...idk. But to sum it up, I guess I love building things and solving problems. It's a value that I wish carried me further in life, but shit happens I guess...

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  • 4 weeks later...

What I cherish most ? The love I have for my GF of six years , She died , I lost my whole world , all the money I have I would gladly give it away for just one more day with her. We did everything together,even the pee stuff we talk about here . N one ever loved me as much as She did , and I her.

 I had a very exotic , nothing showing photo of her on a recliner couch .like from the 1900 s I had it blown up full life size , but in black and white 

Ever so classy ,and talk to her every day .to me its like missing the very air I breath 

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