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Cutting/Weight loss (What have you tried, what works)

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Greetings all. I have always been up and down depending on my lifestyle and what I'm taking. Weight loss can be an emotional topic but other peoples candid stories and advice has helped me greatly. I also think it should be worth being honest about what kinds of drugs and methods some of the people you see may be using.

Things I have done that work:

Adderall 60 mg IR (tens throughout the day) and Cardio: Intense cardio 3x per week, jogging 4 miles a day every day and eating clean. I was drinking 6-12 beers a night do to anxiety from the adderall. Takeaways, I was young and dumb I was so undernourished due to lack of appetite that I had splitting finger nails and my skin sucked but... I did have a six pack and was horny AF.  Moral: drugs are baddd M'kay

Snake diet: Cole Robinson is a Canadian madman with some questionable views but his core idea of water fasting with an electrolyte mix worked great for me. Believe it or not I went from 240 to 200 in a month while being a bed rotting, depressed goblin due to just drinking saltwater. I think fasting can be helpful but would keep it shorter than what I did. Fasting is actually really great and I cannot recommend it enough. Just don't over eat on the other side. Nice vegetable heavy meals to fill up your tummy work great. 

Walking 8 miles a day doing hard labor.  Worked in drilling, drank a six pack everyday, took testosterone and Anavar. Felt great, looked great, had all the energy and was so pissed of they made me a key guy. I was kinda a dick.

Currently. Cut out beer (unless I am on a pee mission), Test and Anavar with walking (I'm out of shape trying to get back to running) Things are working just slower than my more extreme experiments of the past.


I''m pretty jealous of people who just cut out soda and Mc'Douglas and seem to just get to were they need to be. I eat clean AF and make my own food. It is not processed but I recognize that as I age I can just pound food like I used to.


Closing Notes: I see people looking at influences etc who are IMO definitely on drugs and feel bad for not getting the unrealistic results that drugs can bring. At the end of all my silliness I ended back up at the basic advice of eat less than you burn, eat clean and add test and Anavar if you want big results.


TLDR: How did you lose weight, what worked for you.  (keep salt and hate to digestible levels plz)


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Back when I worked and was moving around a lot intermittent fasting worked best for me. I'd have breakfast at noon and be done eating by 8 pm, and I lost nearly 30 lbs. But then after a stressful move, a car accident that left me more or less couch bound for a while, and dropping my hours and eventually quitting my job, I gained almost all of it back. Even with fasting I just wasn't expelling enough calories, and with the stress eating my bad food habits came back so I had to start from the ground up again.

1. I had to fix my portion sizes and work on not stress eating and eating when I was bored.

2. I figured out that I didn't need go eat lunch unless I got hungry, which is rare. 

3. I had to figure out how to get exercise in when I am not a fan of leaving the house. 

4. I had to let go of my scale. 

Once I had figured all four of these things out I found I lost weight and became happy with myself.

My favorite type of exercise is to walk. It's how I lost weight in high school, it's how I lost weight working at the grocery store, and it's how I'm losing weight now. I started at first just pacing my hallways, but eventually my family bought my a small, folding treadmill that fits perfectly in my tiny condo. When I worked I was getting between 15k and 20k steps a day, and with my day to day activities at home I can get at least 5k in, so I set my goal to he 10k steps a day minimum 5 days a week. 

As far as the scale goes, I stopped using it entirely. Body weight fluctuates daily, especially since I am a woman that gets a period regularly. One day I could be on track and the next I'm retaining water because my period is coming up and the scale could go up two pounds. I found myself obsessing over the numbers and it wasn't good for me. I've seen people say the best way to measure weight loss is by seeing how your clothes fit and by pictures. I was curious last month and did a side by side in the same outfit I wore in October (a month after my car accident and about 3 months before I started walking on the treadmill every day) and I can visibly see I've lost weight. Not only in that outfit but in my pajamas that I made tiktoks in over last summer.

I think what it really comes down to is calories in and calories out.

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  • 2 months later...

Losing weight, dieting, exercising, being overweight - and anything to do with it is a touchy subject.

Slim people often accuse fat people of eating too much and not getting enough exercise, which is all supposedly their own stupid fault. But it is not always as simple as that. Some people through mental illness might feel a compulsion to comfort eat whilst others might lose their appetite altogether.

Lots of people might get plenty of exercise in their jobs. But others might work long hours in non-physical work like driving or office working, yet at the end of it all be mentally tired with little time to exercise. Time constraints due to work pressures can heighten the need to grab something quick to eat and limit the time available to cook good nutritious food. It also does not help poor people in western countries that most of the cheapest and quickest foods are processed junk full of fat.

I know the role of metabolism is greatly underestimated too. Both as a child and as a young man up to about the age of 30, my metabolism seemed to be such that I was one of those lucky people who could eat whatever the hell I wanted without ever putting on much weight. Sadly, beyond 30 this ceased to be the case. 

Edited by steve25805
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  • 3 weeks later...

I`m a big lover of treating myself with sushi and burgers, so weight control is one of the things I have to deal with. I`ve tried many diets and working out, but what actually helped me to lose about 70 pounds is counting calories.

So I`d say the key to success is:
1. Don`t change your diet in a radical way, you`ll get tired of it too fast
2. Don`t harm your organism by eating too little
3. Don`t workout too much if you don`t like it, your food consumption is way more essential in weight control and it`s scientifically proven
4, You can eat anything. Literally anything. And lose weight. Learn how to count calories, this is a very important skill which would help you stress less when you`re travelling or hanging out with friends and you ordered a takeout, for example.
5. Get rid of liquid calories, switching to Diet Coke helped me a lot.

Edited by Daniel_defo
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Counting calories and exercise seems to work for me. It works best when I limit my intake and just try to get in some cardio most days where I work up an actual sweat. I do not have a 6 pack and still like to have a few beers on the weekend and have a little dessert or sweets here and there, but when I do have those things I try to account for that in how many calories I have eaten that day and it seems to help. Not a fan of fad diets because it never feels like something I can continue to do and always fail at it or get bored with it at some point…I also try and make my goals small and easier to attain, that way when I do reach it, I can celebrate the win and make a new goal, or if I fail, I did not fall that far from where I was and it doesn’t feel like a huge failure so it is easier to get back up and try again. All easier said than done and certainly something you have to stay consistent and conscious about, and something I have struggled with and fluctuated with all my life…so staying positive and trying not to make excuses as to why you can’t do something always helps too. Oh and couldn’t agree more with Bacardi, definitely hard to do but certainly helpful. 

On 6/25/2023 at 7:57 AM, Bacardi said:

1. I had to fix my portion sizes and work on not stress eating and eating when I was bored.

2. I figured out that I didn't need go eat lunch unless I got hungry, which is rare. 

3. I had to figure out how to get exercise in when I am not a fan of leaving the house. 

4. I had to let go of my scale. 

Once I had figured all four of these things out I found I lost weight and became happy with myself.


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  • 3 weeks later...

First there is NO magic pill , anything sold on the Internet of TV is just a waste of money ..

First get rid of all the sugar , not even in coffee , black coffee is a good weight reducer in moderation.

Exercise is very important .. you have to burn more calories than you take in , simplest physics.

Lots of vegetables, virgin olive oil is best to cook them in 

At least 3 small meals each day , it kicks your metabolism into high gear , starving will make your body store fat 

And A snack at night NO SUGAR  ,,A small snack , nuts,  grapes ame NO prepared diet meals they have more salt than than the Atlantic ocean 

Salt makes you retain water . ...?? This worked for me I lost about 25 lbs in 3 months , I had a beer belly and I don't drink , but you have to stick with it , no cheating , no back stepping 


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