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Wet Carpet magazine

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Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Laura and I am getting on a bit now. But back when I was young and a highly attractive blue-eyed blonde in the early seventies, I'd joined this hippy commune. There were still a few of these around back in the day. We lived the free love ideal, no fixed relationships, sex with whomever we felt like if they were willing, threesomes, foursomes, moresomes, lesbianism, it was all good. A major philosophy of our group was that sexual shame was part of the straight society that we rejected, that shame was bad and repressed our souls and was part of how straight society controlled us. And that as long as we did no harm, whatever felt good, was good. That anything goes, basically. And that all forms of judgementalism were bad. And we believed that it was an important stage to true freedom and enlightenment to lose all our sexual inhibitions, and that all forms of sexual pleasure were a sacred gift from the creator.

All sounds like pretentious bullshit now, I suppose. And I guess it was. But we were young and still naive yet very freedom loving, and living by such tenets seemed real cool at the time. Sexually, people just did whatever felt good, although consent was always important where more than oneself was involved. And this led to some interesting things. Like the time one girl got up onto this table and popped a squat there in front of many of us, and unashamedly started pissing on it. The rest of us just watched and approvingly admired this impromptu show, grinning at the sight of her pee flowing off the edge of the table onto the floor.

Another girl reached out with her hands, placing them under the squatting girl, relishing the feel of hot piss splashing through her fingers. People just laughed or grinned or made approving comments. It was actually sexy as fuck.

I guess pissing on that table was just something she felt like doing at that moment. So she did!

And no one was in any way phased by this. Just seemed totally natural at the time.

You never knew what was going to happen next in that place. Anything really did go.

I myself increasingly became known for my habit of peeing everywhere. You see, that girl pissing on the table like that had really turned me on. So I really wanted to do stuff like that too. And in our mini-society, there was no shame, no inhibitions, and no one judging anybody else's sexual behaviour. So yeah, I several times squatted and peed on tables. And on floors. And on carpets. Yes, I even peed on the fucking carpet in front of everyone in the communal room! And I was fortunate in that one of the guys who loved watching me the most was more than happy - indeed eager - to clean up after me. I think that floated his boat, lol. Which suited me just fine, of course.

A few times I actually stood and pissed against some random wall. One time, one of the girls let me piss on her bed. She joined me too. Both of us were just squatting upon her bed together, giggling as we pissed on it.

That whole time in my life was a real fun time.

But things change and life moves on. I got pregnant and had a baby girl. Which gave me a whole new perspective. I couldn't see how a child could healthily grow up in an environment of no inhibitions, no shame, anything goes, no judegementalism. I realised that the commune philosophy wasn't the right one to raise a kid in. I worried about where that could lead. So I left, and established a more conventional relationship with some free-spirited and open minded guy - he had to be that way because I couldn't abandon the ideals of that commune entirely. He was a good guy and helped me raise my daughter - Emily - as if she were his own. We are still happily married today - because yes, we did eventually tie the knot. We raised our daughter the right way, teaching her to be a good and kind person. And we protected her from all sexual stuff in a way she never would have been in that commune. She eventually, as we all do, reached the age of sexual awakening on her own, losing her childhood innocence only when she was ready to and started hanging out with boyfriends. We did, however, still raise her to be non-judgemental about sexual stuff and to be at ease with the full gamut of consensual sexual activity.

After leaving the commune, I myself have ever since occasionally taken pleasure in just pissing in some random place, usually the bathroom or kitchen floors which I have cleaned up afterwards. A few times I have been really bad and peed on the floor in the cubicles of public toilets. In my own home I have also - albeit very infrequently - peed on the odd carpet here and there. I haven't made a big habit out of this because I have to clean it up myself at some point and it's a hassle. But it's never ceased to be good fun. Now in my 60s, I still do it sometimes. Only yesterday, I peed on my bedroom carpet beside the bed, lol.

Emily grew up to be no innocent, either.

By the late nineties Emily was a young woman in her early 20s, going to medical college, but actually working as a stripper to earn good money to fund it. We were slightly taken aback at such a choice, but she's an adult and can make her own choices. We don't judge. Anyway, in spite of mostly working at the seedier joints, she made more money stripping than almost anyone I'd ever heard of, which intrigued me. She was a highly attractive blonde - like mother, like daughter - which explains some of her pulling power, but why all the seediest joints I really had no idea.

Until, that is, she was arrested for lewd behaviour by undercover cops, and the truth came out. It seems she is like mother, like daughter, in more ways than just her looks. Because she had become a star attraction by including pissing in her stage performances! Her modus operandi was to go through the stripping routine, but then stand, squat, or semi-squat - the exact details varied to keep her performances fresh - and basically just piss all over the stage in front of her audience! And if the guys in front were really appreciative she might even stand at the front edge of the stage and start spraying her piss on them! Not all of these details were made public but she herself told me about it once I knew.

Well, she actually got a couple of months' jail time for that in the end, and hasn't gone back to that particular career option since, thank fuck. After all, no mother wants to see her daughter in jail. Instead, she resorted to hosting "private parties" - inviting many of the guys who used to watch her stage performances - during which she'd put on a pissing performance of some kind in her own home. Officially no money changed hands of course to keep it legal, but unofficially I am sure it did. She was quite open about telling me much of this - after all we raised her to be open-minded and non-judgemental, and I myself had admitted by now to my pissing activities back in the commune days, so she knew I'd be ok with it.

She did actually still manage to gain her nursing qualifications, though she had to relocate to do so to avoid the scandal. And she thereafter began her career in nursing. The "private parties" stopped then.

But as the internet took off, she discovered a new fun way of making a bit of cash on the side. Avoiding face shots to hide her identity, she began selling clips of herself online, pissing all over the place in her own home. And that includes all over the carpets, the beds, the furniture, the floors, the walls. I have looked at some of these clips myself purely as a matter of interest. I have no sexual interest in my daughter of course, but I can see why she has such a following. She has learned that the naughtier the place, the more she can sell the clip for, or the more clips she can sell. And yet, when I visit her I very rarely smell anything pissy. Fuck knows how she keeps the place so clean with all that pissing everywhere thing she does, but she manages it somehow.

She is 40 now, still nursing, and still making cash on the side selling clips of herself pissing. And thus far, not one of her patients has ever realised that the attractive middle aged blonde nurse who takes their pulse or whatever is actually someone who sells clips of herself pissing on some carpet, lol.

Anyway, hope you liked that letter.


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  • 2 weeks later...

(4th wall here... the typo's are intended)

Maaaan... I wasnt shure I was goin post to this but fffukit, YOLO!! rite? kek :woot:

Seriously, after reading some of these posts, like most ya sound like the ladies form my grndmas red hat club.... no h4t0r, but y'alls old. :tongue: Watevs, I got here from a weird thread on my MMO forum. I go by g4m0rghrll (gamer girl since I know think that loooks like gibberish :dead: ) thats my game tag and I use EVERYWHERE :) MMORPGs, fighters, LoL... anyway. So lets start dis ting. The prequel heres the thread I mentioned, bout what to do when ur stuck n a match at have to p3333. I totes explained wat me a my bae do over there, but thought ya might like it to.

So the other day my bae, such a sweetie, were both gamers living in a sh!tie apt, we both work and go to school but thankfully his paycheck covers the rent and I work for our expenses. Whichs is fine except... gamers...... so I do a bit of cam work on the side and sometiems some other stuff for money. I try to pick up mostly girls, cause bae likes that :wink: Back to the storie, the other yesterday were both playing stuff just hangin at home for a evenin Id the laptop and my Xbone controller playing some Skullgirls OL and he was fussing with our new handheld, a android device with emulators, trying to get Starcraft 2 working. He strolls over starin at the handheld like, "Babe? Can ya help me out?" Im, "Wat? Im fightin here!1?" "C'mon, I finally got this running and I was testing the wifi. I got in the lobby and immediately got a match... except I gotta piss before I even in the lobby 20 mins ago." "Dude! Fuk... thatll? Hang on." I pull off this sick massive hit combo string... so pwnd! I wished have seen the n00bs face! :tongue::tongue::tongue:

I toss my controller on the bed and reached in his shorts to pull out his wonder snake (just like the game... it gets longer with every apple he eats :hilarious:). Actually thou I only do this cause he long enough to not get in my way,,, I can suck on his head wile he stands nex to me, looks like I gota straw or a headset. "go slow, dont drown me :drowning:" "yeah, I know... how much I gotta say sorrie?" "A phew gor tines (dick in mouth :thumbsup:)." I pick my Xbone elite up and go to get a nother n00b to frag. "tawt ud ta goo?" "Dude just rushed my base, concentrating." "GRRRmmmm...." At this point Im a match n sukin his hed as I get mor intence. "Take that Bitch!! Colossus spawn in the nik of tiem. UHN UHN UHN~" Hes thrusting on that last part... :sneaky: "Woooh k, babe here I go."

Im rite in the middle of a combo n thank gawd I was sucking in at teh moment... he floods my cheeks and then flexes to lessen the torrent.:stream: After a few sexs (leavin that typo!!1! Holy sh!t :bored: perfect! :laugh:) we get a rythmn going of release and swallow until hes empty. I vacuuum the last few drops out and he instinctively starts thrusting again... Ive seen enough hentai to know where this is going.:tongue: I keep an eye on my match as he jams his c0ck in my mouth, he rest his handheld on my head so he can multitask better. I feel him getting bigger and harder and further down my throught. Unfortunately, I cant focus and my opponent pulled a cheap grab and that ended the match. Since I lost... Im pissed... I clamped down on his d1ck and go to town. if he made me lose I sure as hell going to make it hard for him to pay attention.

Sure enough hes breathing hard and swearing as I lick his balls with the shaft all the way down my throught. :finger: Less that a min later hs legs r shakin n Im swollowin again. "Oh fuk babe! That was perfect! I came just as I blew up his base. I definately owe u latr." I lick his head clean n put it back in his boxers. "Dam rite ya do... I lost my win streak cause of u." :cry: "Ahhh, sorrie..." "Yeah just get the Fuk out of here... and log of I need the bandwidth to play LoL."

Soooooo thats what we do.... dam strate. Prollie this weeknd itll be my turn to pee on him.


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Well it's certainly innovative, Hentaixt and really does come across as being individual. And it has a certain youthful character about it to be sure, and even sounds a bit ghetto. Which is interesting.

Probably an age thing, but I didn't find it quite so easy to read with all the typos and youth speak. Maybe that's just because I am not 18 anymore, and left that age behind a long time ago. :laugh:

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Well it's certainly innovative, Hentaixt and really does come across as being individual. And it has a certain youthful character about it to be sure, and even sounds a bit ghetto. Which is interesting.

Probably an age thing, but I didn't find it quite so easy to read with all the typos and youth speak. Maybe that's just because I am not 18 anymore, and left that age behind a long time ago. :laugh:

Thanks, since you know how I usually write it was a bit of challenge leaving all the intentional "typos." I had to actually go back a few times and ghetto it up as you said. ^_^ I expected it to be hard to read for some, but this was an experiment on writing in a style not just a new little scene to enjoy. I'm not saying I'm as young as portrayed here... but I still accomplished my goal of giving this thread an epipen. ^_~ No offense to you or the other writers, I do still love the stories... but was getting bored with the "past my prime" starting lines lately. ~_~

I've written 1 more for here... also a bit different from my usual fair. I'll post it later, over the weekend. I appreciate the kind words as always. *bows*

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Wet carpet.

My name is Sarah and I am in my late twenties. I work for an IT company and do a lot of it from home, which means I can pick my own hours. I like to work in semi darkness in the evenings with just enough light to see the keyboard, with the computer screen then looking really bright. And with my curtains open I can then see the moon and stars outside on clear nights which is very soothing. I guess all this makes me a bit weird.

My window also overlooks the bedroom of the couple in the house opposite. She is an attractive blonde in her mid 30s I'd guess and married to this guy a bit older who works as some manager in some offices somewhere. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of one or the other - or both - undressing, occasionally seeing them naked, when they neglect to close the curtains. This distracts me from my work, as I take in the view. Being bisexual I enjoy watching either.

Of course, I have other interests too which is why I subscribe to this magazine. I love reading the letters from women with tales of pissing all over the place - carpets, floors, sofas, beds, the lot. And I love fantasising about it. But somehow, whilst reading about it and fantasising about it always seemed ok, doing it seemed like crossing a line, making it real. And for a grown woman like myself to just piss on the floor on purpose or something like that? Well, it's just "wrong" somehow, isn't it? A bit disgusting and pervy! And what would people think if they found out?

Well, something totally mind-blowing happened late in the evening a couple nights ago. There was some sort of party going on opposite. Could tell by the muffled laughter and beat of the music. But then all of a sudden the bedroom light flicked on as the woman in her 30s and her husband tumbled in, looking slightly the worse for wear. And a second woman, perhaps about 40, came in with them, closing the door behind her.

They were all laughing drunkenly, as the guy unzipped and unbuttoned his trousers and let them drop to his ankles. I thought "What the fuck!" But what happened next was a massive "What the holy fuck!!!!" Because his Mrs took hold of his dick, aiming it almost.

And he started pissing!!

Right there on their fucking bedroom carpet!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

And they were both laughing, as was the other woman stood there watching in fits of laughter. Was this really happening?

He peed for ages as well and even from my distance the massive puddle on the carpet was obvious.

Then, amidst more hysterical laughter, his wife stepped out of her footwear, then her jeans and panties, and popped a squat in the corner. And then she too started pissing. And that lasted for ages too, with another massive puddle on the carpet

After that, more words were exchanged and then their female friend also stripped naked from the waist down. The wife who lived there then gleefully pointed to the bed, and they all almost doubled over with laughter. Then their friend got up on the bed, adopted a semi-squatting position with her hands on her knees and did another enormously long piss right there on the couple's bed, which they all seemed to find really funny.

Then they all got dressed, laughing all the while, before leaving the room and switching the light out.

I thought, what the fuck! Did I really just see that? But I felt really horny after what I'd just witnessed, and had pangs of needing to pee, and I thought to myself, shall I be naughty too? Normally I quickly decide that it would be way too pervy and bad to do something like that. But this time I finally overcame that after what I'd just seen.

Just as I was comtemplating where to pee, the bedroom light flicked on, and the wife tumbled in again, this time with a younger couple probably in their 20s in tow. She laughingly pointed to the massive piss puddles on the floor and to the pissy bed. The young couple were laughing too, but then they all just left the room and the lights went out again. So no more pissing, least not where I could see it.

Yet somehow just the idea of this woman delightedly showing what they'd done earlier to this other couple like it was some big laugh, kind of added to my own arousal. I just had to pee somewhere pervy and disgusting.

All sorts of naughty ideas were going around in my head, but in the end I walked over to the side of the bed, took off my panties and lifted the back of my dress as I squatted. Then I just let loose and peed right there on the carpet on purpose. And it felt so awesomely erotic and such a turn on - the loud hissing, the sight and sound of it splashing down, the rapidly growing puddle. Most enjoyable piss I have ever experienced.

That was a couple of nights ago and I must be a real dirty bitch cos I just left it there - and peed there again in the morning! Then I peed there again before getting into bed last night and once again this morning, That patch of carpet is utterly soaked now and my bedroom is starting to smell a bit pissy, so sadly I will have to get the vac out and spend time cleaning it.

But I've had a lot of fun.

And I have to get to know the couple opposite. I want to get an invite to their next party, lol


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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Linda, and I'm a busty blonde lady well into my 40s, but still something of a good looker, or so I'm told. I can still pull guys half my age when I want to as well, so I must still have what it takes. I'm a fun kind of girl who drinks frequently in bars and I do end up pretty drunk quite often. And I have gained a bit of a reputation for pissy wildness, like just doing it on the floor in the ladies' when all the cubicles are in use, or stepping outside the pub to piss on the pavement outside in full view of passing traffic. If I've had enough to drink I really don't give a fuck. Though I suppose I must say that I secretly have a thing about doing this shit. Why else would I be reading a magazine like this? And when I've been drinking I guess I let me hair down and express my inner dirty bitch, lol.

When I'm really drunk, just peeing everywhere seems really funny. I guess I have a weird sense of humour. I've been known to piss in beer glasses in pubs for a laugh, and for a dare have peed in a urinal in the gents whilst the guys looked on grinning. And I have picked up one or two guys who were into the whole golden shower thing too, which was fun. Yeah, I guess I am kind of wild when I'm drunk and will piss just about anywhere.

One time me a a friend were walking back to my place with these two guys after some serious drinking, and I like needed to pee real bad. We were passing this phone box, and I laughingly said I was going to have to piss in it. Well I kind of stood up in there with my knickers removed and in my hand, pissing right there on the floor of the telephone box as my friend and the two guys holding the door open stood there watching and laughing. On a spur of the moment, I said "Watch this", and picked up the telephone receiver in mid-piss and held it under the flow. It all seemed really funny at the time.

When sober in the morning I often question such behaviour. Yeah I suppose I get a kick out of it at the time, but should a mature woman in her 40s be going around doing stuff like this? But once I've had a few drinks I really don't care anymore. I morph into this dirty bitch who'll piss anywhere for a laugh again like some drunken teenager.

Anyway, a week or so back I was in a different part of town drinking in a different pub, because I just felt like I wanted unfamiliar company. Well, I got chatting to this guy over a few drinks and gradually got more and more inebriated. I think he was getting pretty steamed too. At some point not too long before we left for his place, I needed to pee and laughingly joked about just doing it in an empty beer glass that sat on our table. The guy - don't even remember his name - just grinned and encouraged me to do it . So I reached under the table and unfastened my jeans, pulling them and my knickers down to around my knees, then grabbed the beer glass and held it between my legs. Then I grinned as I told him that I was pissing in it. When I raised it up and placed it back there on the table it was about three quarters full with my piss. I quickly pulled my jeans and knickers back up as I said, "Well we can't leave this pint of piss here. I'll just get rid of it." And, both of us laughing at the wrongness of it, I just poured it all onto the carpeted floor in front of the seat.

Well, when we got to his place, we both ended up naked, fooling around on the bed in his bedroom. We were both pretty well steamed. And before crashing out I needed another pee pretty badly. I got up off the bed heading towards his bedroom door, then turned around and asked him if he wanted to watch. He said "Sure", so in response both to that and to the naughtiest flash of inspiration, I lowered myself into a semi-squat right there with my hands on my knees in an unmistakeable "about to pee" stance. He thought this was funny as I asked him again if he was sure he wanted to watch, the obvious inference being that if he said "yes", I'd do it right there on his carpet. Well, he said "Sure" again, so I fucking did it, pissing right there on his fucking carpet! Both of us were still drunk enough to be laughing hysterically at the sheer wrongness and naughtiness of what I was doing, my piss splashing down for ages and making a massive wet puddle slowly soaking into the fabric. I must have peed for at least a minute. And yeah, I got quite a buzz out of it too. I'd never deliberately peed on some guy's carpet right in front of him before. I got quite a thrill out of it.

When I finally finished and straightened up, stepping away, I glanced over my shoulder at the enormous puddle and laughed. I fell onto the bed again, both of us pointing at that massive puddle and giggling like kids. But eventually we crashed out.

In the morning I awoke, my head feeling like a car crash had occurred inside of it, but groggily remembered pissing on his carpet. Or at least I thought I did. Couldn't be sure if I'd dreamed it. But it was daylight by now so I looked towards the middle of the room and audibly groaned as I spotted the still very obvious huge wet patch. I struggled to believe that I'd actually done that, but I obviously had. The guy was still sleeping soundly, fortunately, but when he woke up sober he might not have been quite so amused by the fact that I'd deliberately pissed on his carpet. In fact he might have been seriously pissed off. I decided not to hang around and find out, intending to get dressed as quickly as possible and get the hell out of there while he slept.

But I had woken needing another pee, and the carpet had been peed on already anyway, right? So what difference would it make if I peed on it again? So with a grin, I simply walked over to the large wet patch and squatted down in the middle of it. And within moments I let loose. The hissing sound and the sound of it splashing down onto the already wet carpet sounded really loud in that quiet room but he never woke up. And my morning piss was much more golden than the previous evening's probably would have been, so probably more damaging. But this realisation just sent an added frisson of pleasure through me. Just squatting there and pissing on that guy's carpet really was a lot of fun.

Afterwards, I grinned at what I'd just done as I quickly dressed and quietly slipped out.

I guess this sort of shit makes me just the kind of dirty bitch this magazine likes to hear from, right? Lol


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Dear Wet Carpet

Last year I went out to a great New Year's Eve party at the local pub, but it was packed out and the queue for the ladies' loos was terrible. Yet typically, there didn't seem to be any queue at all for the men's loos. Quite a lot of girls were going outside beside the main road and pissing in full public view on the pavement, which I myself did later. But earlier in the evening I was not quite drunk enough for that.

Anyway, I waited until I could wait no longer, and decided to use the men's toilets. But although there was no queue outside, turned out there was a small one inside, with every cubicle and urinal in use, and some guys even peeing in the sinks (it turned me on to see that). I really couldn't wait, so I just squatted in the corner and peed all over the floor as the guys stared at me, some astonished, some amused, some clearly turned on. It was actually pretty good fun.



Dear Wet Carpet

I just love being naughty. In the past I have peed on boyfriends' carpets whilst they slept and things like that. But until now I haven't really done it that often, and in my own house I only really peed in the sink or the shower because I didn't want to make a mess that I had to clean up.

But last weekend was different. This monday I had workmen coming around to remove the old carpets from throughout the house and fit new ones. So I decided to have some fun on the weekend beforehand. I spent much of the time naked, drinking lots of fluids and peeing regularly. I stood in the middle of the living room and peed all over the carpet there.....several times! I peed in the hallway. I squatted beside my bed and peed allover the carpet in the bedroom. But the naughtiest thing that I did was to get up onto the glass dining room table, squat upon it, and start pissing there! A rapidly growing puddle formed beneath and in front of me, and my piss was soon flowing off the edge of the table onto the carpet below. By the time that I had finished, the surface of the table was covered in piss, which broke my golden rule somewhat about not making a mess, because unlike the throwaway carpets I had to clean that up afterwards. But what the hell, it was great fun at the time.

I sometimes dream about how good it would be to be able to afford to employ an army of cleaners to clean up after me, so that I could just piss anywhere, anytime. Alternatively, I am seriously considering turning one of my rooms into a secret "piss room", fully carpeted and furnished, which I would only enter when I wanted to piss somewhere naughty. I would have to keep it locked, though, so that no guests ever discovered it. Hmmmm yes, I like that idea.


I really hope you a made the (pissroom) I love pissing naughty I do in in my house

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Dear Wet Carpet.

My name is Rhona, and I am 30 years old. And I work as a trained therapist helping people overcome psychological traumas. I appear to all and sundry as a perfectly respectable professional woman, and am good at what I do.

But what I am going to tell you will probably shock even many regular readers of this magazine. You see, behind closed doors I am probably just about the dirtiest bitch you will ever hear from, and get a buzz out of knowing that. I'll get a bigger buzz out of sharing this with you. You see, when it comes to pissing everywhere I have no limits. I tend not to do it where I might get into trouble, so it's mostly my own house that gets messed up. And I generally just walk away and leave it afterwards. I don't see the point in cleaning it up when I'm only going to piss all over the place for the rest of the day, and the next, and the one after that, and so on.

So if I piss on the kitchen floor, I'll just leave it there to eventually dry of it's own accord. I might well piss there again before it does anyway. And I piss just about anywhere else - all over the carpets, against the walls, on the floors and tables, anywhere I feel like really. Then I just leave it. And the fact that my house stinks of piss? So fucking what! I actually don't care! Just turns me on even more, and acts as an ever present reminder of my own pissing fun. I am almost always in a state of arousal when I am at home.

Of course, I rarely ever invite anyone into my home. The only exception are guys I meet on pee fetish sites who are into naughty pissing themselves, yet even they are often shocked. Seeing their heads so completely done in as they enter my home just amuses and arouses me. They'll immediately notice the aroma of course, but will generally also see obvious large wet patches here and there, piss all over the kitchen floor and on the kitchen counters and stuff like that, or piss stains against the walls. And the first thing I'll do just to maximise it all in their heads is take a nonchalant piss somewhere outrageous right in front of them. For example, with the last guy I brought home, I just stood astride my own living room coffee table, lifted my skirt - I tend not to wear any knickers on days I am meeting guys - and just started pissing all over it right in front of him as he watched with a grin. Their initial shock gives way to excitement soon enough when I put on performances like that.

I give them carte blanche to piss wherever the hell they like too. And more often than not the first place they'll piss is all over my living room carpet in front of me. And guys who like pissing places often love to aim their dicks all over so that they really do piss all over the place. Real fun watching them do that all over my carpets and other shit. If I really like them we might have sex, but it is never a guaranteed part of the deal. Pissing is the main thing.

One time, I brought another girl back who'd expressed an interest. She grinned as she saw the mess on the kitchen floor and made some comment about piss being all over the floor. So I just laughed and immediately started pissing all over the floor right there in front of her where I stood. She looked agape but soon laughed herself. I got to see her pissing all over the place on that visit, including what she admitted was her first ever attempt at a standing piss against a wall. This was in my living room, and she did a pretty good job of it for a first time effort. Got a bit on her legs, but most of it sprayed against the wall before flowing down onto the carpet below.

Thing is, not only do I love pissing everywhere, the dirtier and more outrageous I am the more I love it. And just leaving it laying around gets me off too. And of course I love watching others piss all over the place as well. Also, I delight in shocking people. In fact I get a real sexual thrill out of doing something so outrageous that I get a shocked reaction. If necessary, if me pissing everywhere doesn't achieve that to my satisfaction, I'll take a fucking shit on the floor in front of them, lol. Done that more than once, haha.

Trust me, I'm the dirtiest, most disgusting bitch you'll ever meet. And I fucking LOVE knowing that!


Your my type of woman I would love to see your piss allover your house and you leave it to dry I have a friend that piss like you her and her daughter piss on anything they want to she does it on the kitchen table

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Shauna, married to my office manager called Andy. We are both in our mid 30s and been married for a decade now. We still have no children but are thinking about it..

Anyway, we both of course have an interest in peeing. In our dirtiest moments we do love the whole golden shower thing. There is something wildly erotic about just pissing all over each other.

But we also get a buzz out of just pissing all over the place for fun. Like the time we came home from the pub and, instead of heading up to the loo, decided to go into the kitchen and do it all over the floor there instead just for fun. I peeled off my jeans and knickers before squatting as he got his dick out.....and we just peed all over that floor, the sound of our piss splashing down filling the room.

My husband loves watching me piss all over the kitchen floor, so I do it quite a lot for him. And he has taken pics. Maybe one day we'll send one into your reader's pics section, lol. I also like holding his dick for him as he pees all over the floor.

The tiled bathroom floor is another favoured pissing location. There is something quite erotic about the deliberate naughtiness involved in ignoring the toilet that is right there, and instead deliberately pissing on the floor a couple of feet away. Or actually pissing on the toilet without bothering to lift the lid, lol. Our piss ends up all over the floor then anyway, of course. 

Sometimes, we place a protective cover over our mattress so we can enjoy wetting the bed together.. The sheets can be thrown in the wash in the morning.

But we don't tend to go around pissing all over our own carpets or furniture, vandalising our own home by fucking it all up with piss, as some of your contributors do. We love reading their letters and admire them for it, and get off on it. We just don't fancy living in a house full of pissy carpets ourselves. And we have moral qualms about pissing on other people's property - usually. Some of the girls who write in piss all over the carpets in pubs and hotels and all sorts just for kicks without giving a shit about it, which is kind of wildly erotic to read about. But we just can't bring ourselves to behave that way ourselves due to moral qualms - usually.

In our own home I guess the naughtiest thing we ever did was take the opportunity to deliberately piss all over our old living room sofa before throwing it out, after the new one had arrived. Just standing there, naked from the waist down, swinging my hips as I pissed all over it, my husband standing beside me, aiming his dick around, was outrageously naughty and unbelievably erotic. But we only did that because the damned thing was being thrown out anyway.

Anyway, you may have noticed that when I talked about not pissing on other people's stuff I qualified those statements with the word "usually". Because last weekend very much became an exception.

We'd booked a weekend in this hotel, to be paid on arrival. We'd used false names in case we changed our mind. But when we got there the place looked run down, with peeling paint on the walls. The sea view room we'd been promised turned out to have most of the view blocked by a building under construction, with constant drilling and banging going on even over the weekend. We knew there were no toilet facilities in the room but were led to believe that clean and pristine facilities were available along our corridor. But these turned out to be out of order and we were told we'd have to use the ones on the floor above, which themselves turned out to anything but pristine. We kind of expected at least a shower unit to be readily available, but there wasn't even a sink of any kind, let alone a shower. That too was all on the floor above.

We were extremely pissed off, but there was nowhere else to stay at such short notice. And they refused to offer a discount or move us to another room. So we decided we'd pay for one night only and find somewhere else in the morning, which they weren't happy about, but what the fuck did they expect?

Anyway, we went out to the pub and got very tipsy, then grabbed some cans and wine on the way back. Once in our shitty room, Andy cracked open a can as I opened a bottle of wine. We soon both needed a pee. And immediately faced the problem of having to go all the way up to the next landing, pissed off by the fact that we didn't even have a sink to piss in. I was angry - we both were - as well as tipsy, and said, "Maybe we should just piss on the fucking carpet. It's what they deserve."

And we both realised that we'd paid in cash under false names, and that they didn't have a clue who we really were or where we lived. So a flippant angry suggestion not really intended to me taken seriously did actually quickly morph into a definite intent. My husband encouraged me. "Yeah, just do it Shauna. Like you said, they are just asking for it!"

A thrill rose up within me as I contemplated the naughtiness of that, and any moral qualms disappeared at the realisation of how we were being short-changed. We felt that the management actually deserved what I was about to do.

Because I did indeed step out of my footwear, jeans and panties, and crouched down in the middle if the room. And I started pissing. Right there on the fucking carpet, lol. The loud hissing of my relief filled the room, along with the soft patter of piss hitting carpet. This morphed into a louder splashing sound as the growing puddle became saturated with pee, a pool forming upon it as my piss splashed down faster than it could be absorbed. Created quite a mess by the time I was done.

Andy then strode over to the wall beside our bed, unzipped his trousers and took his penis out. And within moments he was pissing right there against the wall. I immediately laid down upon the bed and faced towards him, relishing the sight of his piss spraying out of his dick and splashing against the wallpaper. Several rivulets were flowing down the wall onto the carpet at it's base. He peed for ages as well, making another huge puddle on the carpet at the base of the wall.

Then like teenagers we just high fived each other and commented on how much fun that was and upon how these fuckers deserved it.

Wasn't the end of our fun, though. He carried on drinking his lager as I drank more wine. Just before crashing out, I ended up squatting beside my side of the bed, and pissed all over the carpet there. Andy stood there admiring the show, before himself again pissing against the wall, this time near one corner of the room. I had to go over and gaze at his pissing dick as he sprayed the wall, admiring the erotic spectacle.

In the middle of the night I had to get out of bed and piss on the carpet beside it again.

In the morning we both laughed at what we'd done, not feeling at all bad because we felt that  they got what was coming to them. Indeed, just for naughty fun, before exiting the room and sneaking out of the hotel, we both decided to enjoy pissing all over the bed with our morning pee, soaking the sheets and mattress with piss. What do you think about that, fuckers? Lol

Was the best naughty pissing fun I've had to date, I must say. 


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