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Wet Carpet magazine

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Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Anita, though I tend to use the "professional" name of Chantelle. I am an attractive blonde in my 20s with a great figure that takes a lot of effort to keep that way. Chocolate and shit like that must be kept to a minimum. And that's because keeping in shape is important to my earning potential. You see, I have always earned my living as a stripper, and the sexier I look the more I can demand in terms of payment. And I am good at what I do.

I have always found stripping easy money. I tend to be an exhibitionist anyway so I kind of like stripping off in front of cheering guys. Women too sometimes because, being bisexual, I've done the occasional lesbian venue. It's mostly guys who go in for girls stripping off, though. And it's just so much less arduous than working in some office or call centre for a living, and more lucrative.

As you might well guess with a career choice like mine, I tend to be free and easy in sexual matters. I tend to be an anything goes kind of girl. Never say no until I've tried it. And one of the more exotic interests of mine is pissing. Not really into being peed on or anything but I do love pissing on other people. And I do often find it fun in my private life to just piss anywhere and everywhere. There have been times when I've been out drinking and gone into a cubicle in the ladies' to pee, but decided to squat in front of the toilet and piss all over the floor instead. I get a buzz out of doing things like that. Sometimes even at home, when I am in the right mood, I will ignore the toilet and pee in the sink or the shower instead. Or I will pee all over the dirty clothes waiting to be washed, before throwing them into the washing machine.

Probably the most disgusting thing I ever did - if you don't include the ex-boyfriend who used to have me piss on his face, lol - was at this guy's flat. Don't even know his name. We'd been out drinking, and I'd gone back to his for a one night stand. During the night I awoke needing to pee and climbed out of bed in order to go and use his toilet. But I looked at him snoring, and knew that there was no way he was going to wake up. And I had a naughty idea. I squatted beside the bed and - with a lot of hissing and splashing - I fucking peed right there on his bedroom carpet, lol. I left pretty early in the morning before he could spot it. Mean of me I know, but it felt so damned good to just piss on the carpet like that. Besides, something for him to remember me by, lol.

Anyway, with my interests in peeing, I am an active member of two pee forums - Peesearch and WatchGirlsPeeing. And some of the stories of other girls peeing everywhere are just so erotic. Many a time I have gotten myself off whilst reading some of the literary offerings on these forums, especially some of the true accounts from other female members. Only very recently, for example, one highly sexy young lady on WGP - Sophie - wrote an awesomely sexy account of the time she peed on some carpet. Another of my favourite contributions was Sophie's true tale of the time she peed on her kitchen floor. Would love to go out with her sometime. She and I could have some quality time afterwards, squatting in my kitchen, lol. But I think I am digressing into wishful thinking.

I mentioned the pee forums - WatchGirlsPeeing in particular - for a reason. You see, another member of the forum - some guy called Steve25805 - posted something that inspired me. He brought up the subject of strippogram girls who can be hired to strip for money - I do a lot of that myself as well as stripping professionally at larger venues - but then came up with the idea of so-called "pissagram girls" who strip, but who also incorporate peeing into their performances. And I thought - what a great idea! No one else was selling such a service, so I decided to advertise myself as a stripper who'd specialise in peeing as part of the performance, either on or in front of people. I made myself known on WGP as someone who'd offer this service, and bought advertising space on Peesearch and various pee porn sites. And I began to get paying customers, who'd pay much more than I'd get for just stripping. There weren't enough such customers in any one area so I had to be prepared to travel all over the country, but the money I could command from those with the means to pay made it very worthwhile. I have pretty much trebled my earnings since I began offering such services.

Often it is stag night celebrations or other mostly male party gatherings. I tend to be paid to striptease in front of the groom or birthday boy or whoever the celebration is in aid of, before straddling him and pissing on him. Most times he is well aware of what is going to happen and is well up for it, but occasionally the "victim" will be unaware that I've been hired to piss on him until I actually doing it! On such occasions, he'll often get out from under me as quickly as he can amidst the laughter of his mates. I'd just stand there pissing wherever it was - often on the carpet - until I'd finished.

But my favourite customers don't pay me to piss on anyone at all. Instead, I am merely hired to striptease before pissing on the floor somewhere in front of my audience. Some of my favourite customers have found me via WGP and often tend to be fans of girls peeing in naughty places - a major focus of that forum. My last job was particularly good fun, and is what motivated me to write to this magazine. There were these two middle aged couples - two women and two men - all in their late 30s or early 40s - who were interested in naughty pissing, and had met each other on pee forums.

They were all sitting upon the sofa and armchairs in one of the couple's living rooms, whilst I danced erotically in the middle of the room, slowly stripping to the tune of Madonna's Like a Virgin and songs like that - cheesy as fuck, I know. And, as required, when finally naked - by this time Sinnead O'connor's Nothing Compares to You was playing on the stereo - I kind of parted my legs with my hands on my hips and started pissing right there all over their living room carpet. I was slowly swinging my hips to the tune, spraying my piss all over the place. My audience were all grinning and laughing, commenting on how sexy it looked seeing my piss splashing down.

And I was seriously enjoying it too. I could hardly believe my good fortune actually. Here I was naked in front of these two older couples, enjoying a long piss all over their living room carpet right in front of them. And they were PAYING me to do it, lol! And not only that. Afterwards, as I got dressed before collecting my money and leaving, both women pulled down their knickers and hoisted their dresses, before squatting over the floor. Then, amidst much laughter, they both started pissing on the carpet as well!

My life is awesome right now - earning good money for pissing on someone after stripping, or else for just pissing all over the floor or carpet somewhere. I've also been paid to pee on tables and on beds. I don't care. As long as it's not at my place or on my stuff, I'll piss just about anywhere they want to pay me to. Easy money.


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  • 1 month later...

Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Julia, and I have a very naughty confession. I have just turned 40 but have had an interest in peeing in weird places for a long time. Nothing too difficult to clean up. For many years all I really did - when alone in the house - was ignore the toilet when I needed to pee and squat in the shower cubicle instead. Or else I'd just go out into our backyard and pee on the ground out there.

More recently, though, I'd been getting a little more perverse.

The first time this happened I was heading towards the shower cubicle as per normal, when upon entering the bathroom the naughtiest idea occurred to me as I looked at the tiled floor. And the very idea of it was turning me on. And so - almost unable to believe I was actually going to do this at the time but grinning with pleasure I am sure - I just squatted there over the floor. And then I just let loose, pissing all over that tiled bathroom floor, the hiss and splash of my relief filling the room. And it was just so much fun. I got a real kick out of just pissing on the floor like that.

Well that was the first time. Since then - when alone - I have often peed on the bathroom floor. And the kitchen floor too! There really is something quite delightfully dirty about just pissing all over the place in the kitchen! I've peed in the kitchen and bathroom sinks too, and have a couple of times hovered over the toilet with the lid still closed and peed there anyway. Both those times I flooded the lid and the bathroom floor all around the toilet.

When I thought about it, I could barely believe what a dirty cow I was becoming, nor how much fun it was.

Well - and here is the main motivation for writing this letter. You see, it turns out I am not the only one.

My stepdaughter by my husband's first marriage is an attractive yet buxom young 18 year old blonde called Jenny. I am brunette, by the way. Anyway, I'd always got the feeling that she slightly resented me, but was adult enough to try and hide it. Well, a couple of days ago I was heading towards her room to talk to her about something or other and she clearly never heard me coming. For some reason I didn't knock but just walked straight on in - and was stunned by what I saw.

Because there was Jenny - naked from the waste down and squatting beside her bed, gleefully pissing all over her bedroom carpet! I was shocked of course but also a little aroused - which surprised me a little when I thought about it later because I have never really had a thing for girls. Jenny herself was mortified, and so shocked at being discovered in mid-flow that it took several seconds before she thought to stop herself peeing. Her look of glee had turned to one of horror.

She stood up as we both looked in silence at each other, her with a look of absolute horror tinged with shame, me I am sure wearing an expression of stunned surprise. Then the full implications hit me. My stepdaughter was another dirty cow who loved pissing all over the place as well - and she was even doing it on the carpet which I'd never dared do. And that seemed so pervertedly sexy to me right then.

I smiled, then chuckled, which confused her at first. Then I attempted to reassure her. "It's ok Jenny. I know peeing can be fun. In fact, I'll let you into a little secret...." And I told her about all the times I'd peed on the kitchen and bathroom floors, and in the sinks.

Her look of shock disappeared to be replaced by an expression that expressed both doubt and surprise. I don't think she was fully able to believe me. Well, I did actually need a pee myself as luck would have it, so I said something like, "I do actually need a pee myself. I've never been so naughty as to pee on someone's carpet before, though, but I'd love to do it." I pointed to the floor. "Would you mind if I just peed here?"

Looking stunned, she managed to mumble, "Uh....yeah....sure."

And - a part of me incredulous that this was actually happening - I was soon stepping out of my own jeans and knickers and squatting in the middle of Jenny's bedroom. And then I did a long and highly pleasurable pee all over her bedroom carpet. It felt fucking fantastic, and if Jenny hadn't been there I think I would have brought myself off there and then. Dealt with that later, lol. Jenny was now grinning at me pissing there, her astonishment giving way to pleasure.

Towards the end of my pee, I urged her to finish off her own piss, which she did, squatting beside her bed again and spraying the carpet there.

Well that was the ice well and truly broken, and Jenny was soon telling me about her other exploits, which also included peeing all over the kitchen and bathroom floors and in the sinks. But she'd also enjoyed pissing all over clothes before throwing them in the washing machine - never thought of that one. She also told me she once sneaked into a bedroom and secretly peed on someone's bed at a party, lol.

We agreed that her father would never know about any of this. It was to be our secret.

And yesterday we did something even more outrageous, which was actually her idea. We both took our clothes off before getting up naked onto the large dining room table. We then squatted upon it, grinning and giggling at our naughtiness as we peed all over that table. Our pee flooded the surface and was soon pouring off the edge in several places to patter loudly onto the carpet below. But we just carried right on pissing anyway. It was brilliant fun.

Hope you enjoyed reading that as much as we enjoyed doing it, lol


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Awesomely hot contribution, Alfresco.

I'd love to spend an evening out on the town with those two girls. I'd happily buy all their drinks just to be there, lol.

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Awesomely hot contribution, Alfresco.

I'd love to spend an evening out on the town with those two girls. I'd happily buy all their drinks just to be there, lol.

Thanks Steve and yes, I'd also be happy to buy them drinks all night shame I don't know where to find them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Wet Carpet Magazine,

My name is Jane and I’ve been a long time lurker on here reading all the excellent stories, but haven’t had anything to send in as its been years since I done any naughty peeing. Many years ago as a student, I’d often nip into an alley or doorway for a sneaky pee, on the way home from the bars and clubs, that was until recently…

I hadn’t seen an old friend Julie for a while so we arranged a catch up with a day at the shops. As she lived on the way I picked her up and made our way to the town centre about 20 minutes away and parked in a multi storey car park which was connected to one of the big malls.

We had a great day with lots of gossip, a bit of shopping and a few stops for coffee and lunch along the way. I also drank a few bottles of water and soft drinks along the way as I’m sure Julie did as well but I can’t remember stopping to use the toilet. We were having such a good time that we actually stayed longer than intended and it was getting close to rush hour when we decided to head home.

We’d just left the mall into the cooler air of the car park when I realised two things, first I’d forgotten to pay for the parking which you had to do at one of the machines inside the mall and more importantly I felt the first signs of needing the loo. “Damn, I forgot to pay the parking, I’ll need to nip back in to the machine” I said to Julie. “Don’t worry about it” she replied “give me the bags and I’ll head back to the car, where are we parked?” “We’re right down at the back and round the corner in a small bay,” I replied before going back in.

I did think of nipping to the loo, but they where on another floor and it was quite busy so decided to hold on. Making my way back to the car I thought I could hear running water as I rounded the corner to the alcove where we were parked, but as I got closer also heard the distinctive hiss and splash of someone having a piss. Walking to the passenger side of the car I spotted Julie with her jeans and knickers around her knees pissing away for all she was worth, blasting a gushing pee onto the concrete, in the space between the cat and the wall. “Julie what are you doing?” I asked stupidly. “I was absolutely bursting,” she replied almost apologetically as her pee tapered off. A quick wipe later and Julie stood up slowly pulling up her red lacy knickers and then her jeans.

“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you Jane, but I didn’t think I’d last the journey home.” “Don’t be silly, I just wasn’t expecting to find you pissing in the middle of the car park” I replied before we both burst out laughing. “Stop it or you’ll have me pissing myself” I quickly followed up with as my bladder sent an urgent signal that it wanted emptying. “Well why don’t you go here as well, there’s nobody about and the relief is great” Julie taunted. “It’s been years since I peed outside, I don’t think I could. “ “Off course you can, it’ll soon come back to you.”

With that I had a quick look round and we were the only ones in this part of the car park so no one would disturb me, but where could I go as Julie’s pee had completely soaked the space between the car and the wall and was running out from under the car. Another glance and I decided I was going for it and made my way between my car and one parked beside it to the back corner on the driver’s side. “Keep a look out,” I said to Julie, “I don’t want someone coming round the corner on me!”

Nervously I hitched up my skirt and pulled my black silky thong down to my knees and then dropped into a squat. At first nothing happened as the butterflies in my tummy were holding things back, but then a few drops of pee started coming out of my pussy. Very quickly the floodgates opened and a jet of piss shout out from between my lips, forming a frothy puddle in front of me, hissing nicely as it went. I soon relaxed into it and was starting to enjoy the sensation of peeing in the open again. The thrill was broken when I heard “You needed that more than I did,” from a giggling Julie. I was still going strong after about a minute when things started slowing down and with a couple of spurts I was done. Julie reached me a tissue and after a few wipes I eased my knickers up and smoothed my skirt down. “I know I shouldn’t but I actually enjoyed that” I replied as I came out between the cars.

The sound of another car coming down from another level quickly brought us back to the real world and we quickly loaded up the car before pulling out of the bay leaving behind two huge puddles of pee behind. On the way home we had a good laugh about our naughty pees and as I left Julie off, mentioned we should arrange a night out sometime to do it again.:wink:


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Dear Wet Carpet

I am a 28 year old blonde girl with a great figure, and guys always seem to find me sexy. I work as an escort, charging good money to well off clients. Some of them have their weird fetishes which I can charge more for. One of my favourites is watersports. Guys into that will pay a lot just to get peed on. It's just easy money really. I've had quite a few clients who have wanted me to pee on them, and others who have paid for me to let them pee on me. A couple of times, their wives were part of the deal. They peed on me too, which I didn't mind. I got paid a lot for it and am not really bothered about being peed on by other women anyway. If it's the right woman it's even kind of fun.

I do occasionally read this magazine - I regard it as good for business to keep informed about all sorts of fetishes and kinks. When still at school I myself went through a brief phase when it seemed like good fun to pee on floors and carpets - until my mother caught me and the shit hit the fan. Of course, I grew out of that. And I find it amusing today to read in this magazine accounts of grown women pissing all over the place for fun. I suppose - when I am in the right mood - reading about this stuff is a bit of a turn on as well, though.

Anyway, I was hired the other night for the weirdest one yet, and I immediately thought afterwards of this magazine. So here is my first letter.

You see, I was one of three escorts hired by this middle aged guy and his wife. They lived in a large secluded house with top notch furniture, luxurious beds, plush carpets, and that sort of thing. All three of us were supplied with endless bottles of fine champagne, and encouraged to drink as much as we liked and have a laugh about what we were doing. You see, the couple who hired us had this joint fantasy about girls drinking and having fun, getting naked, and pissing all over their home for a laugh. And satisfying this fantasy was what we were all being paid and signed up for.

It was fun too actually, all three of us laughing as we just peed anywhere. I was the first to do it, semi-squatting in the middle of the living room as I peed on the plush carpet in front of the others. And although a part of me felt it a bit odd to be doing this as a fully grown woman, it was also quite a good laugh and quite good fun actually. And I also realised that it was turning me on to piss on someone's carpet in front of an audience. The fact that it was so wrong and not something that adult women generally go around doing is actually what made it so sexy, I think. I definitely got a buzz out of it. And it wasn't my carpet anyway, so I just let go and had fun with it all night.

The other escorts joined in with apparent enthusiasm too. The next one to pee squatted upon an armchair, and pissed all over it. The third member of our trio stood facing the wall and pissed against that, laughing as her pee flowed down it onto the carpet below.

And so it continued, all three of us drinking finest champagne and growing ever more tipsy. We all must have peed at least another half dozen times each before we left. And by the end we really had peed just about everywhere. The dining room table got peed on, likewise the carpet. The kitchen floor was covered in piss. One time, in the bathroom I just ignored the toilet and squatted and peed on the floor right in front of it. Another escort decided she was actually going to use the toilet and stood over it - without lifting the lid! Amidst much laughter, she then just peed there anyway, most of which obviously ended up on the floor.

There were several bedrooms with double beds, and every one of those beds got peed on, as did some of the carpets. Walls got peed against, clothes drawers full of clothes were peed in. One girl even opened the fridge door in the kitchen, and stood there pissing in it for a laugh!

The couple who were paying us to piss all around their house like this mostly just enjoyed watching us with broad grins. They really didn't seem to mind us pissing on their carpets and stuff. And it was very liberating to just be naked and free to piss absolutely anywhere. I've never experienced that before. It was actually good fun once I really let go.

A couple of times the wife did hold her husband's dick as he peed - once against the wall in the hallway and another time on one of the beds upstairs. She too peed a couple of times. Once by squatting upon the kitchen counter and pissing there. The other time, she squatted upon their obviously expensive sofa and pissed all over it!

There was no sex involved at all - though they probably fucked each other's brains out after we left. It was just a case of all three hired escorts spending an evening getting drunk on fine champagne and pissing everywhere! And it really was great fun being such a dirty cow as well, lol.

Easy money!


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Well done, Steve. Rebecca's story is another hot addition. I love it when girls need to go and just do it right where they are. And I'm glad you decided to continue the story of Lindsay and Maeby. Thanks for posting.

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Dear Wet Carpet Magazine,

I am such a lucky girl. Thanks to my mom, Lindsay, I am now Internet famous. All of Wet Carpet knows me as Maeby, and as you know my mom and I have been wetting in very naughty places since she caught me pissing on my bedroom carpet a little over a year ago. Since then, as she told you in a letter before, we’ve kept our wettings a secret from my dad by being really careful when and where we pee and always cleaning up our mess after we’re done. Recently, though, I’ve started something that I don’t want to stop and I’m not sure I could do it without my dad finding out unless my mom helps me out. And it’s not something where I can keep cleaning up the mess every time it happens because if I have anything to say about it, it will happen a lot.

The last thing my mom and I discovered was how amazing and naughty it felt to piss all over my bed. With a big grin, I squatted over my bed and just let it go, soaking my blankets, sheets and mattress. Mom was a little bit shocked, worried that I wouldn’t be able to clean it up. Luckily, though, as soon as I was done I jumped up, got some towels from the bathroom, and did my best to sop up my pee. Most of it got on my blankets, but there were a few spots that soaked through the sheets and to the mattress.

“I’m so sorry, Mom,” I said as she shook her head later. She was smiling, though, and I knew she wasn’t angry.

Later that night, my dad had to work late and I was in bed, watching a movie. I felt a slight urge to pee, but I ignored it and kept watching. I probably could have easily got up and peed on my floor again, but my bed is really comfortable. I sat there, thinking about my options. I reached an arm out to the area where I had soaked my bed earlier and realized it was still a little damp.

“Mom,” I yelled, “could you come here?” I waited to hear her footsteps and then she finally opened my bedroom door.

“What is it, sweetie?” she asked.

“I really want to try something, but I didn’t want to do it without telling you or asking you.”

“Honey, you’re an adult. You can make decisions without me. But what is it?”

“I really want to pee in my bed again.” She laughed and shook her head.

“Well, if you want, but you’ll have to clean it up.”

“That’s what I wanted to ask you. This might not be the last time I want to do this. Do you think you could get me something to keep from ruining the mattress?” She smiled again, the same kind of smile I saw when she first caught me peeing, once she got over the shock, anyway.

“I suppose I can buy you a mattress protector. But for now…” She left my room and at first I wasn’t sure what she was doing. Then, she returned with a small stack of thick towels and tossed them to me.

“Thank you so much, Mom.” I took a few of the towels and slid them under my bottom. She watched me, seeming a little confused, until I realized she was expecting me to squat over my bed like I did before. “I’m just gonna lay here and do it,” I said. “My bed is so comfortable, I just don’t want to get up.” I sighed and let go. Right away, my pee sprayed out of me, soaking through my panties and warming my bottom and legs. I could feel it soaking into the towels. “Ohh, that feels good,” I said. “Thank you, Mom. This feels amazing.”

She laughed. “You’re making me wish I could try it,” she said.

“You should,” I said. “It’s incredible. Ohhh.” My pee was finally becoming a trickle that tickled my crotch and I closed my eyes to relish every drop.

“Maybe someday,” she said. “But for now…” I opened my eyes just as she lifted her dress and squatted over my bedroom carpet right at the foot of my bed. I laughed and she laughed as she pulled her panties aside and started to pee full force, soaking the carpet and making a big stain. She sighed and her flow increased so much I could hear it hissing from her and splashing onto the floor. I tossed her a towel and when she finished she dropped it onto the floor over the stain.

“I’ll get you that mattress protector,” she said, as she stood up.

“Hey Mom?” I said. She turned to me. “You could buy two. We have a guest bedroom, remember?”

She smiled.


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