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Disgusting pee experience

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Respect is the key thing there - I'm assuming there were so many things he could have done differently.

Even if he couldn't have waited until you'd finished, then at least giving you some personal space, turning to face away from you.    Can totally see how disgusting it felt.   If he'd pissed on another guy like that, or many other ladies, he'd most likely be eating soup through a hospital straw now.

I assume he must have been drunk - but that changes absolutely nothing - he is still responsible for his actions.

You are completely right to be disgusted and on behalf of gentlemen everywhere (and not just Peefans) we offer our apologies that you had to meet such a pathetic example of a penis owner.   As Takashi has said, I hope it doesn't spoil your future enjoyment of outdoor relief.

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I'll add my compassion for you and your situation.   That was definitely totally out of order on his part.   He would have absolutely no way of knowing that you were interested in pee at all and regardless of that, he had no justification for invading your personal space like that.    Sure, he may have needed to pee and may have been headed there for just that reason, but I'm sure that there was space that he could have separated himself from you.   The fact that he pulled his dick out well before he arrived also indicates that he was being invasive and inappropriately exposing himself to a stranger - especially a female who was already in a compromised position.

Don't get me wrong, I love to see a lady peeing outside, but I would never invade their space like that and I totally respect any girl who I do see.  For the vast majority of girls peeing outside, they are doing it out of simple need, they don't want to be exposing themselves and they certainly don't want strangers imposing on them.   I might have turned into the area to pee, but I would have apologised for walking in on you and I would have kept my distance and either retreated or would have said something to you from a distance, maybe saying that I was also desperate and did you mind if I peed where I was (but not right next to you).  Your reaction at that point would either send me on my way or allow me to pee at a suitable distance.

Interestingly, I have found that by giving respect, allowing space and being polite and apologetic, ladies have actually not minded at all if I have enjoyed the view, but I'm sure that most ladies would be horrified if someone came in close and unannounced like that.

So sorry that you had to endure that experience and I agree with the other comments that I hope you can still continue to enjoy peeing outdoors, but hopefully without any future encounters that are so close and offensive.

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3 minutes ago, Lena R said:

Huge thanks to all of you for your kind words. It really means a lot to me right now

It's who we are - we may be pee perverts, freaks and weirdos.   But we're compassionate human beings first and foremost.

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Yeah, that's super fucked up. Even if most of us here might have fantasies that the majority of people would consider "disgusting", consent should always be a precondition for them. And in that situation it clearly wasn't present.

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That is really fucked up behaviour, way too many lines were crossed. A-hole move. Respect and empathy is important, especially in situations like this. Drunk, horny, no excuse for that. 

If you walk to a secluded spot and walk in on someone that you didn't notice before you apologize, turn around, step back and wait until its done. If you notice beforehand you just wait in a respecful manner and distance until its time to change the shift. A swift "sorry for waiting here, i have to pee too" or something like that on her way out and the situation is clear.

There is a lack of empathy in general these days. Spending a quick few thoughts on trying to see things from the other persons perspective is becoming a lost art. 'Could my action make this person feel uncomfortable?' With just a little hint of common sense this guy could have avoided creating such an uncomfortable situation for you. You just don't purposely put others in akward and, from the standpoint of an unsuspecting girl, possibly threatening situations. You don't know the person, what they've been through. I guess some would have gotten physical when he lost balance and aim. This was more than akward, this was disrespectful. 

I hope you can keep enjoying some outdoor peeing and that you never encounter such an ass again ✌


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On 3/10/2023 at 11:24 AM, Lena R said:

Huge thanks to all of you for your kind words. It really means a lot to me right now

As a still fairly new member I can definitely say that most people here (at least for the regularly active one) are extremely well-intentioned and benevolent. I believe this goes also for me and just as as the others said I hope you'll never encounter such asses like this upon peeing. If I had been the guy needless to say I would've apologized and stated that I was desperate as well before keeping a distance as large as possible before peeing as well to ensure privacy for both of us.

My guess is that this guy was either drunk, high or both at the same time (explaining why he lost balance), but in any case he clearly behaved like an ass

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