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The Reliever - An Experimental In-Flight Relief Device

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5 hours ago, gyrate said:

Includes male and female pissing scenes, public nonchalant urination, and public masturbation. The protagonist is a man.


The Reliever

A ten hour overseas flight. I remember thinking it was unusual, the way the airline had said my seat would be in the "experimental adults only section" when I was booking my ticket online. But, I didn't read too much into it. I had assumed it was purely a new way they were organizing the passengers, and I wasn't about to turn down the chance at some extra peace and quiet. Besides, it didn't cost anything extra. So I agreed without bothering to read the fine print, and here I was - making my way down the crowded, stuffy airplane aisle, past dozens of tired-looking people settling into their seats. Outside, the sun was setting, so most of the interior illumination came from the overhead and floor-inlaid electric lights.

Ahead of me, the entrance to the adults-only section caught my eye. It was gated by a windowless door and seemed to be totally separated from the rest of the passengers, though the door was open at the moment to let us through. As I entered, a dark-skinned stewardess nodded at me and welcomed me inside. Other than the door, the section seemed to be totally unremarkable. More rows of cramped seating, windows, overhead bins. Nothing that really stood out.

Each row of seats in this section consisted of seven seats - two by the window on one side, three in the center, and two on the other side. I found my way to my seat, which was near to the back. I was in an aisle seat on the lefthand window side, which was a nice get, considering I would have a good enough view of outside and, more importantly, not have to worry about being hemmed in by others when I needed to stretch my legs or use the restroom.

I gave a polite hello to the delicate-looking passenger in the window seat next to me. She was in her mid-to-late 20s, with long blonde hair, fair skin, wide-brimmed glasses, and a small nose. She was wearing a dignified black blazer-and-skirt combo and, to be honest, was eye-catchingly pretty, but didn't seem overly interested in talking. That was fine by me. We exchanged our names (hers was Simone), a few pleasantries (she was on a business meeting; I was just on vacation), and then lapsed into a comfortable silence as we waited for takeoff.

Fifteen minutes later, the stewardess who had welcomed me into the adults-only section began the usual pre-flight safety demonstration as the engines began to warm up. As usual, I didn't pay it much attention, and idly gazed out the window past Simone at the runway outside. But then I heard something new:

"Folks, as you know, you are seated in the adults-only section of the aircraft. We are shutting the doors to the rest of the aircraft now and kindly ask that you *do not* open them during flight, except in the event of an emergency. We thank you for your participation in the trial run of this new and exciting feature. I will now explain the benefits specific to this section."

I turned my attention back the stewardess, definitely curious about what she was about to say next. Next to me, Simone had done the same. The stewardess continued: "Below your seat you will find an extendable tube made of soft gel. This is the Reliever: cutting-edge technology which will fulfill a variety of functions during our flight. You may retrieve it at any time you wish." I reached down and sure enough, my hand quickly met a squishy material. I pulled at it, and it smoothly extended like a hose. I brought it up and made eye contact with Simone. She cocked her head, just as curious as I was. The hose was translucent, half a foot wide, and hollow, and the gel inside quickly narrowed to a thin tunnel.

"First and foremost, if you feel the urge to urinate during the flight, you may do so into the Reliever. The gel is a sterile nanostructure and will automatically create a seal at your groin to prevent leakage." I suddenly realized what she was saying and literally dropped the tube in shock. It calmly and silently retracted back down into the seat. Simone's eyes had gone wide too; she quickly averted her gaze from me to stare at the stewardess again. "Privacy blankets are below the seat as well if you would like to cover up while urinating. Additionally, please note the presence of a single conventional lavatory at the very back of the plane, if you are particularly inclined to your privacy, or if you need to defecate." She was saying all this so matter-of-factly, I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing. I might not have if it weren't for Simone's equally perturbed reaction.

It got worse. "Second," the stewardess continued, "the Reliever is equipped to take care of your sexual urges, which we recognize may naturally occur if you witness the genitalia of your fellow passengers. On the underside of your armrests you will find three buttons. The rightmost button will shape the interior nanogel into a vibrator for use in stimulating your clitoris. The left button will shrink the nanogel around your penis and automatically masturbate it via stroking and suction. The middle button will return the Reliever back to its original state. If needed, after use of the Reliever for any of its functions, you may wipe yourself clean using its tip."

Both Simone and I were blushing furiously at this point. Some of the others around us were just as embarrassed, but many seemed to have already known about "the Reliever." The woman in front of me was flipping through a magazine without a care in the world. I leaned back and whispered to Simone, "This must have been mentioned during booking, but I super didn't read the details. Don't worry, I'm not planning on doing any of that."

"I didn't read the fine print either," Simone said. "I did think 'adults-only' sounded a bit... um... questionable, but..." Her cheeks were bright red. "You can, uh, use it if you want. Don't feel like you have to hold yourself back because of me."

"Are you sure?" I said. "I don't even know if I'll feel up to it."

She nodded, seeming to regain a bit of her composure. Only a bit. "Yes, don't worry. It sounds like... really innovative tech. It will probably be included in a lot more flights in the future. I'll need to get used to it eventually." She bit her lip in nervous thought. "I think I'll still get up to go, for now, though."

I laughed. "Yeah, I mean, me too. Maybe. Who knows." I was a little giddy with nerves. At this point, the flight attendant had finished up her spiel. As she walked past, I couldn't help but notice her hand subconsciously touch her crotch, subtly, but firmly. Despite her professional demeanor, she must have gotten a little flustered by the reality of what she was saying too. She disappeared back behind a curtain.

And with that unusual beginning out of the way, the flight began. Simone and I watched the traces of sunset out the window, and soon the plane was almost completely dark. I turned on my overhead lamp and read a book for a couple hours, then turned it off and, eventually, nodded to sleep.

When I came to, I felt a twinge in my bladder. I had drunk a cup of cranberry juice a little while ago (Simone had drunk water), and it was apparently ready to leave me. Sleepily, I looked around. Most of the passengers around me were asleep too, but my movement had roused Simone, who yawned and checked her phone. "What time is it?" I whispered.

"A little past midnight," she replied, clearing strands of her elegant blonde hair from her tired eyes, and yawned again. "Mm."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "I'm going to use the restroom. I'll be right back."

But before I could stand, she replied in a bleary voice, "You're not going to use the... thing?"

"The relief thing?" I asked, a little taken aback. "Oh, uh." Truth be told, I hadn't even considered it. Did she *want* me to use it?

Suddenly she looked a lot more awake, and in the dull blue glow of the cabin, I could see horror creep into her expression as she realized what she had just said. "Oh my goodness, I didn't mean - I just thought you were going to - I didn't dream all that, did I?"

"No no no!" I quickly reassured her. "No, you know what, I think I will." I stirred up my courage and retrieved the Reliever from where it waited below the seat. I stared at it for a moment. "Uh, here goes." I unbuttoned my pants and undid my belt. It felt a little emasculating, but I lifted my ass up off the seat and pulled down my pants and underwear before I could chicken out. My cock flopped onto the cool, clean seat below me. Simone looked away, but only after a half-second. Even without the light, I knew she was turning red again. I could practically feel the heat coming off her. Thank god for my own nervousness or I'm sure I would have had a raging hard-on, exposing myself to someone so beautiful.

I spread my legs and with one hand, brought the tube up to my dick. It created a seal immediately, just as advertised - interestingly, where the gel touched my skin, it felt soft, closer to velvet than anything else. The seal also encompassed my balls, which rested gently on the soft inside of the Reliever. Slowly, after around a half-minute of convincing my body that it was okay to do so - I started to piss. I could feel the pulse in my dick as I did it, threatening to become a boner. I watched as the urine filled up the inside of the tube and ran down the narrow chute, down back under the seat.

After another forty seconds of my slow, horny pissing, I saw Simone shift as if to turn around again. She was breathing a little heavily. "Is it okay if I... look?" she asked. I murmured my consent, trying not to give away how much more excited that made me. "Thanks," she said, and looked down at my cock in the device. "Just really curious if it, uh, actually works." She stared at the scene in front of her. My flow was starting to trickle off, with not a single drop spilled outside the machine.

"I guess it does," I said, smiling.

"I... kind of want to try it now, too," she said. "And I have to pee. I'm going to do it. I'll do it under the blanket, though." She bent down, her head almost on the level of my cock, her hair brushing my leg, which she didn't seem to notice. This pushed me over the edge, and I stopped fighting the hard-on. My prick swelled inside the Reliever to a full erection. Still seeming not to notice the state I was in, she straightened back up holding a blank white blanket and tossed it over her lap, and then reached underneath it, fiddling with what must have been her skirt, her underwear, and her own tube. She swallowed heavily. "Okay, it's on me. Oh - that feels kind of nice, actually, I didn't realize it would be so soft."

"Yeah, it's nice," I said. "Something to do with how the gel works?"

"Maybe," she said, one hand still under the blanket at her crotch. "They mentioned it was a nanostructure, right? Maybe the gel rearranges itself on a molecular level to create the sensation of - oh shit," she said, cutting herself off midthought. "I'm peeing. Holy shit." She giggled in disbelief and then clapped her free hand over her mouth. "Oh god, I had to go so bad. I didn't want to bother you and make you get up." She gave a short, quick exhalation. "This is *so* convenient. I'm never pissing in a plane bathroom ever again. I'm just going to go in the seat. I mean, in the Reliever."

I laughed at her sudden change in mood. "Are you still peeing?" I asked. My dick throbbed, watching this pretty blonde woman basically piss herself right next to me. She nodded and closed her eyes in relief.

Finally, after nearly a full minute, she moved her hand under the blanket up and down in a wiping motion, then let go of the Reliever as she took the blanket off. She was still wearing her black dress skirt, but I could see a pair of striped underwear around her ankles. "Oops," she said, bending down to pull them up. Something about my lack of response must have tipped her off, because she suddenly looked back at my cock. I still hadn't taken it out of the tube, and even through the translucent material it was obvious how horny and hard I was. Her mouth fell open. "Oh no, did me peeing turn you on?" she asked.

It would be stupid to try and lie. "Uh, yeah. That and you staring at my dick. Sorry, is that creepy? I can -"

"No," she whispered hurriedly, "don't worry! The stewardess said that might happen, after all." She bit her lip, but unlike before, it didn't seem to only be out of nervousness. "Um. I think I'm a little turned on too."

"Do you want to, you know..." I gestured at the armrest, where the sex toy buttons were hidden.

She paused and seemed to seriously consider it. "I don't think I'm ready to do that yet. But..." She trailed off, and her gaze drifted back to my erect member. Feeling more and more confident by the second, I took it out of the Reliever for her to see. It was visibly pulsing. A thin bead of precum emerged from the tip and ran down the shaft. She raised her eyebrows. "Fuck, alright. I do need to cum. I'm going to go do it in the bathroom. You can do whatever." She stood up, clasping between her legs with a hand. I scrunched in to let her past; she stepped over me and my Reliever. As she did so, her skirt (and just underneath, I knew, her pussy) passed directly in front of my face for a blessed moment.

As soon as she was past, I hit the masturbator button on the armrest. There was a very faint hum as the Reliever kicked into life below me, and I yanked it up and immediately penetrated it with my throbbing hard cock. It didn't quite match a person, but it still felt like getting a *really* good blowjob. The gel inside contracted and sucked and shifted around me. I sighed in sheer relief as the machine began to milk me. I figured that Simone would be masturbating in the bathroom for at least five or ten minutes, so I had time to enjoy myself without her seeing me. The thought of her touching herself spurred me to even hornier heights, and I began to gently move my hips back and forth, humping the soft fuckhole of the Reliever, imagining I was thrusting into Simone's fuckhole instead.

Then I heard a gasp behind me - Simone was back, standing in the aisle behind me, but it had only been two or three minutes! I nearly pulled out, but the Reliever felt too good to stop. "Oh," I managed, "I didn't think - you would be back - so soon." I looked back at her, panting. I could barely make out a faint blush lingering on her cheeks, along with a faint sheen of sweat, and her skirt and blazer were visibly askew.

"I was way hornier than I thought," she explained breathlessly. "I came really quickly." She didn't move, she just kept watching. "Don't stop what you're doing." I groaned and slumped back, letting the Reliever do its dirty work.

After a couple minutes of getting my dick sucked while Simone watched, I said, "God, I'm close. I'm almost over the edge."

She moved forward, more into my line of sight. "Wait," she said suddenly. "Do you want a visual aid?" I nodded immediately, trying to hold back my cum for whatever she had planned. She put one leg over my lap so that her belly was close to my head and hiked up her skirt, then shoved her striped, soaked underwear to the side, revealing her pink snatch, dripping with arousal, directly in front of my face. I moaned and thrusted harder into the Reliever, barely caring that the commotion was waking up passengers around us.

"Fuck," she said, "put a finger in me." I obliged, and as my index finger slipped inside her wet, hot pussy, I came, pumping my load into the Receiver. Simone swore again and rocked her hips back and forth on my hand, almost banging into my nose. As I came, she started fingering her clit at the same time, and it only took a minute before she came again, too, her feminine cum running down my wrist and onto my arm. She slowed her rocking to a halt, and with one hand still inside her, I used the other to remove the Reliever from my softening dick, which promptly dribbled some cum onto the seat between my legs. I became aware of a faint hum and sucking noise from the center aisle and realized that the man next to us had begun openly masturbating with his Reliever too. He had been asleep ten minutes ago - he must have woken up to quite the scene.

Simone extricated herself from the standing straddle she was in and collapsed back into her seat beside me, breathing hard. "I guess I used you as the Reliever instead," she said.

I chuckled breathlessly. "Next time you get in the mood, you should probably use your own. If this device takes off, I don't know if other passengers are going to be as willing as I am to help you."

She snorted. "I don't know about that." To my surprise, she unbuttoned her skirt and pulled it down, along with her underwear, leaving her bare vagina (crowned by a faint, thin layer of pubic hair) out on the cushion, exposed. She seemed like a totally different woman than the shy person I had introduced myself to hours earlier. "I need to take another leak. Do you mind?"

"Definitely not," I said.

"Great." She pulled her tube up and placed it around her pussy. "You can watch if you want." And I did - I had a full, unobstructed view as she started to piss. Her pee, while faintly yellow, was almost completely clear, and it trickled easily down into the Reliever. I felt myself growing hard again and didn't bother to fight it. She sighed in bliss and closed her eyes, almost like she was drifting off to sleep again, even while she urinated. Beside us, I heard the masturbating man grunt loudly, probably cumming at the sight of Simone's nonchalance. I saw the corner of Simone's mouth quirk up in a slight grin at the sound. She really wasn't bashful at all, at least not after her public orgasm.

"I think I'll just leave this on me," she said, opening one eye to look down at her lap as the urine stopped flowing out of her. "That way I can piss whenever I need to without even having to move. I don't even need to wake up. I can just let go as soon as I feel like it."

I nodded, impressed, my own private parts still out as well. "That's a good idea. If I notice you doing that, though, I'm probably going to need to cum again."

She shrugged. "Go right ahead, whenever you want to. Maybe I'll take the chance to try out the vibrator when you do." She snuggled up to me and placed her head on my shoulder; her long hair fell into my lap, some of it resting around my half-mast cock in the cum she had helped me spurt out minutes before. "Do you mind if I sleep like this? Feel free to move me whenever you need to jack off." The Reliever still stuck out lewdly from between her naked thighs.

I smiled. "Totally fine with me."

This was going to be a good flight.

That is awesome!

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Thanks for the kind reception! I've never written anything explicitly sexual before so this was a big leap for me 🙂 I definitely have some things in mind for a part 2 or 3 so there's a good chance I'll write more

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Very original and sexy idea @gyrate. I hope you do write more! I would be curious what the stewardesses are doing behind the curtain! And does the pilot perhaps also have his own reliever? Just some ideas for expanding this story even more!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Excellent story - especially as it is an original idea and something which is believable, even if the technology and the openness may be a little in the future yet.

I'd certainly enjoy flying on that plane.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 6 months later...

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