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25 Excellent


About Willow

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  • Birthday 04/03/2005

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  • About Me
    Bored and thirsty uk lass mainly on here to browse other peoples stories, may upload a few myself if I feel like it

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Bed wetting
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Whenever I pee allover myself in bed when I masterbate.

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  1. This latest part is amazing, you've done a amazing job. Thought I should add my bf got me into erping not so long ago and we did something similar to this story seeing him getting peed on was rather lovely to see in story form as we did something kinda similar but with less depth. Ideas I can think of is peeing on him to wake him up, peeing on food he has at the time or even peeing on his clean clothes leaving him with little to no options in what to wear. I look forward to seeing whatever you decide to write next.
  2. Kinda what I had in mind but didn't write it
  3. If you plan on writing more maybe consider peeing on him if he's in bed if he's asleep or even if he's awake, could also go down the pee drinking route but dk if that many people like it like me
  4. I loved this, you definitely took ideas and themes from the island with no toilet but can easily say you made the story your own, I hope you decide to write more stories
  5. He knows about it and idk if he will make a account like me but I definitely know he now reads the fictional stories on here since I introduced him to the site
  6. I love peeing in rooms like that, definitely reminds me of "my room" and "my room used as toilet from sister", definitely love seeing guys peeing in stories alot, if you plan on making a sequel I'm looking forward
  7. The person I started dating is into pee almost as much as me, we talk of plans when we get our own place in 5ish so years we carpet up most of the house and pee anywhere and everywhere whilst embracing the nudist lifestyle. We've discussed getting a vax cleaner and going over the carpets once every two weeks and that should hopefully extend the carpets lifetime. We've also spoken about wairing diapers out the house and indoors depending on how we feel. Basically if it's to do with pee he is OK with it.
  8. I knew I recognised this account, once again you made a amazing story, the bit about Alice peeing in her daughters room was awesome as I love dark yellow piss and I would love to see the girls get more dairing like peeing all over the sofa or wetting clean laundry, if your dareing you could even have one pee on the others pillow or hand the other a glass of piss like it's apple juice but those sound way too far and kinda outlandish (definitely my thing tho), if you plan on going down that route I would love to see it but if not I can easily imagine you writing something amazing
  9. Ye that isn't allowed on here, I've seen some stories on here before where a scat version is posted on literotica or something. If I was to write a story I most likely would do that as sending it to people via dms isn't fair on people who don't have a account
  10. I've found myself reading this edit four times now, I am looking forward to a part three and any other story you are thinking of editing, I love this tiny genre of using a bedroom as a toilet and anything piss drinking related so your doing a great job, keep it up 👍😙👍
  11. What a great concept, I thought part 2 was a wonderful addition to this story. I am looking forward to hopefully seeing more stories from you.
  12. Earlier this year when hungry i decided to make egg fried rice and I was feeling rather naughty so I made sure the kitchen door was shut and filled the pan with rice and I let out the pee that had been building up in my bladder, it wasn't much sadly and only lasted about ten seconds or something like that but the idea drove me mad and hastily filled the pan with kettle water to compensate to my contribution, as I cooked my rice all I could smell was my pee and it made me paranoid as I don't live alone, I ended up finishing my rice, I drained it, fried a couple of eggs and mixed them together o
  13. I really liked this story, I found Anne's reasoning to peeing on her car seat rather relatable and loved the idea of Anne unknowingly sitting in her friends pee letting it soak into her dress. I look forward to reading possible future stories
  14. Amazing new chapter to this series. I've been curious for a while on how you would hypothetically end this series and/or would the brother get any revenge or some level of payback on his sister and mother as at this point masterbating with his sisters panties seems rather small compared to the treatment him and his stuff has gotten
  15. I loved this story alot, it's a real gem
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