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Your favourite piss experiences!

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Some of mine: pissing against a wall or somewhere that will leave a mark. Peeing into natural bodies of water, or peeing underwater when I’m swimming. Being encouraged to pee somewhere unusual, or overhearing other people having that conversation. Having a gf watching me pee, or seeing her pee. Uploading pee vids and knowing people are getting off on them 🍆💦. The whole voyeur/exhibitionist thing where knowing they’re enjoying being watched is turning you on, which is turning them on, and so on… 🥰


Edited by oliver2
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Whilst I was on a bike ride dressed in lycra, I was desperate for a piss so I stopped by a wood and nipped in. I enjoy wetting my lycra shorts so I started off by pissing in my shorts then half way through, I pulled out my dick and pissed all ocer my hands, this got me horny as hell so I decided to have a play too. It felt so good playing with myself in the open right after peeing that my knees started shaking and legs went to jelly. This was the best cum shot I've ever had. 

The only problem was I had to try and ride home after that with my legs still like jelly lol

Peeing and cumming in the wild is awesome 

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1 hour ago, LovesToWet said:

Peeing and cumming in the wild is awesome 

Oh, man. I’d do that more if I wasn’t too timid. I’ve got off outdoors a few times but not often, always put off by what-if-someone-sees-me-doing-it

(That, and I have better orgasms when I’m lying on something soft and can roll around with muscles stretching without falling over)


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1 hour ago, oliver2 said:

Oh, man. I’d do that more if I wasn’t too timid. I’ve got off outdoors a few times but not often, always put off by what-if-someone-sees-me-doing-it

(That, and I have better orgasms when I’m lying on something soft and can roll around with muscles stretching without falling over)


It's the only time I have done it, I usually just enjoy wetting when I'm out for a ride

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Where do I start, lol. This will probably gross a few people out, but here goes.

First, I need to tell you about M, my other half. She has a medical (psychological?) condition, up until a while ago they called it 'nymphomania'. Our local doctor, a charming young girl, calls it a 'sexual dysfunction'

If you have ever seen Black Snake Moan, with Christina Ricci and Samuel Jackson, you'll have a fair idea. She gets quite horny, at the most inconvenient moments, and I have to hustle her out of public places before a major embarrassment occurs.

There is medication for this, works quite well, basically turns her into a starfish in bed, and she hates it. Never takes it, doesn't want to get 'dumbed down' as she calls it. If I can get her into the car, she has rubber gloves and baby wipes on hand, yes, it is really that bad.

Now add her love of pee into this picture, and you can guess the rest.


Pee fantasies?

M will get me in the shower, early in the morning, loves morning pee, unhappy gagging noises included.

After a night out, on her pretty knees in the bathroom in a cocktail dress and shoes, will hold me as I pee all over her face, her running mascara turning her into Alice Cooper.

Another favorite is her hair, she loves it wet, you can guess from where.

I get my share too, she will sit on potty, get me kneeling in front of her, and spray away. Seeing me wet with her earthy smelling pee, from neck to knees drives her nuts.

She will push me to the floor in the shower, lift a shapely leg, prop a foot on my shoulder and hiss all over me. This also drives her crazy, her right hand and index finger goes into automagic mode with the desired results.


This is only a few things that has happened in our 17 years, it's been a wild ride.

Her condition caused the breakup of her first marriage, and the loss of her only child. She was 3 when her husband walked out, taking the baby.

Complications from the birth messed her up inside, unable to have any more kids. Our lovely young Dr indicated that this has caused her 'illness' but it's indeterminate.


The last 2 years have been a nightmare, we had people live with us, lack of privacy affected M greatly.

We are slowly getting our lives back together, but it's been a difficult time.


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I don’t get to do anything others might consider wild. My wife had surgery and has to sleep on the recliner downstairs for a while. I had time the other night to have a few drinks and fill my bladder up. So I’m in the bedroom looking at pictures on this site, and realize I really have to take a leak. The few times I am able to get in that mode, I try to let a little bit out until I’m done. I grabbed a bottle and started pissing into it, but I couldn’t stop. Every time I stopped, the pressure was too great so I let a little more out, but I couldn’t control it. I let out a lot more than I planed on before I got it under control. That’s the best I’ve been able to do for a while.

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