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Is technology making you think twice?

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Technology is a double edged sword in our kink.   Sure, there is an increased risk of being caught peeing somewhere you shouldn't, but on the other hand, it gives us the chance to have sites like this to share our thoughts and experiences as well as the cameras that we are worried about are also giving us the opportunity to see many other people peeing.

I don't worry too much about the cameras on businesses and such like - as others have said, rarely does anyone sit watching them and even if someone watched it back and witnessed peeing, they would be unlikely to do anything about it.   Some may end up on the internet, but the number of cameras out there against number of videos appearing would imply that it is highly unlikely.  Also most CCTV that you see on the internet is pretty poor quality so the chances of anyone recognising you is even slimmer.

I would be more worried about peeing in sight of a council CCTV camera in a town centre.   Those cameras are often connected to a centre where people are sat watching all the screens and they have the ability to pan/tilt/zoom quite extensively.  I once got stopped by the police and they referred to me checking out a puddle that a girl had left after peeing in a side road.   I hadn't even seen the camera, so I went back the next day to check it out and the camera was at the opposite end of a car park, so they must have been able to zoom in far enough to spot the girl peeing, (which I expect they enjoyed watching) and then see me go to the puddle afterwards, AND identify that it was me, because they must have guided the police guy to me and it was at least a couple of hours later that they stopped me.

I don't worry too much about dash cams - again, they are unlikely to be checked unless the car is involved in an accident and if someone happens to review footage and see me peeing in a layby or car park, they are unlikely to do anything with it and they won't know who I am.  With luck, they enjoy the view, or if not, well they will probably move on and forget about it.


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17 hours ago, Peewee123 said:

will be very short as a cat whizzes by.

I know it's a typo, but it's such a lovely image!  Peeing in a layby, cars and lorries thundering past on the road, and a cat whizzing by, not bothered by the pee or the traffic 😊

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There is one parking garage in my city which would be perfect for peeing, however, it is right next to a complex more guarded than anything else I have ever seen, including cameras of course. That is hella annoying and I haven't been able to find another place with a layout suitable for indoor peeing anywhere else.


Other than that one place, no, I don't exactly think about cameras when I go for a pee in public, even on the rare occasions where I get the chance to do it somewhere inside the city.

I do however think about it when a location where I've peed already gets shown on tv, hoping that they didn't record it in that exact moment where I was relieving myself there. I would love to appear on one of those voyeur vids (as long as I'm not recognizable), but being broadcasted for the entire country to see seems significantly less appealing. The locations matching up happens more often than you might think, but so far, I've been lucky.

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I am of the opinion that the idea of cameras is a greater deterrent than the presence of cameras. Cameras are nearly universal but rarely actively watched, perhaps more so now with labor shortage and security guards low paid. 

If there was more pissing observations on tape there would be more uploads than currently exist online. The camera might catch you pissing in a shop doorway but no one is reviewing that recording unless the window gets broken too.

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2 hours ago, F0rester said:

there was more pissing observations on tape there would be more uploads than currently exist online

I expect most wouldn’t upload, especially as the law around doing this has changed in some places, it wouldn’t be worth the risk to upload. 

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I feel that the cameras are just a part of the game.  Yes, they clearly increase the risk, but taking a risky pee is an thrill so I just try to spot the cameras before they spot me.  It's very rare to be in an area with blanket coverage (all areas & angles monitored) so the game is to find the dead spot.  Food courts are a good example ... lots of cameras and people, but a table hides so many things 😈

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