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Been awhile let’s catch up


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Hi everyone. I’ve been trying to pop in ever couple days to catch up on things.   Sorry I haven’t been post much lately.  I thought I would just let you know what’s been going on with me. And see how everyone else is doing there is a lot of new people like to say hey and welcome.   I was pretty active on here before covid hit. It’s been crazy this past year and half.  There is always something  new and fucked up with work.  Here lately I’ve  being short handed like every other place in the US.  Not only have I been managing shifts but delivering too.  Yesterday I opened as the manager ended up with no closing drivers so I closed as a driver 🤦‍♀️   Then opened today worked an 11 hour shift.  So pretty beat already to start my weekend.   I did manage to take a long hot bath.  Relaxed and pissed in the bath while soaking.   I use peppermint soap on my bath so when you stop peeing it makes everything cool and tingly.   

i did manage to take a vacation in June. Went to Nashville  Tennessee for the week.  A friend let me and my daughter stay at his house. We did a lot of site seeing, country music hall of fame, Johnny Cash Museum, alittle drinking in some honky-tonks,  Spend a day in Memphis, went to Graceland.   We even went hiking.  We made some great memories.  My daughter been working about 2 hours away so she comes down on weekend.  I even hired her so when I can’t get away from work she comes to work with me so we can still spend time together.   So that pretty much catches everyone up with me.   Tell me what you have been up to this summer.   I would like to hear from all of u.  

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Hey @Sweets - great to hear from you, and ace idea creating the topic.  Like @Kupar says, hope things get a little normal soon.  The tingly peppermint bath sounds lovely though.

Life for me has been pretty stable I guess.  At the start of UK lockdown I found myself 'working' from home (even though that was impossible with my job, so my garage has never been so tidy!).  Over the summer though my normal pattern of day job is that I go into the office two or maybe three days a week.  The other two or three days I work from home in my little study, work laptop just in front of me and PF usually open on the desktop just to the side - which is why I seem to be online all the time.

Wife has been working throughout in her office and is a little stressed, so I do what I can (and where she'll let me) to help - although that often means she just wants to go to bed early on her own.  Sometimes feels like drifting apart, but I'm sure it's not.  Son was at college (UK sixth form) residentially until July, has been working over the summer on various days and times, and is about to go to Uni next weekend. We'll miss him of course, although we're used to him being away.

I finally managed to get to my 'other' house a few weeks ago - the UK government eased travel restrictions with various conditions, but meaning I didn't have to isolate - or find time to schedule in isolation. It ended up as a weeklong trip and was incredibly valuable in retrospect...  Getting some legal formalities done, taking care of some house maintenance, keeping in contact with a few people out there but less tangibly in experimenting a little, trying a few new things and opening up in ways I've kept locked away up until then.  (You can read about some of it in Challenge Goose).

Finally, the summer has seen a return to some normality - being able to take son to the British F1 Grand Prix for a long weekend mask free, more recently being able to get back to photographing a few events including my favourite music tribute festival of the year.   There've been some darker days, but overall I feel like I've been dealt lightly by this whole thing... privileged to remain so and here if anyone needs help to talk through their less positive outcomes. 

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I miss you on this site and miss talking to you but I understand job is more important then this site. Glad to see you are working a lot and took a vacation. I  can we are all working more in the last year or so. I hope for all people on here work gets back to some normal. Jobs are short handed but still need time to relax and take a vacation. 

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Hi @Sweetsgood to hear from you, sounds like you have had a hectic time of late. Hope things start getting better for you. I’ve been working full time in the office and working different shifts  so I haven’t had much time for much else. I agree it fucks up your time for other things. Good to hear of your bathroom experience. I often piss when I have a shower as is the norm for most people I imagine. Keep in touch. 

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