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Any Enbys or Gender Fluid people on here?

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Hello! Long time lurker introducing myself.

I'm genderfluid and rotate between presentation depending on the day, and depending on how I look, I will use different gendered public bathrooms and haven't really ever had an issue with being unwelcome on that front (thank god) 

If there's any other gender nonconforming people, or just queer people, who are on here, let me know! One thing is I want a tip on how not to get turned on by the sounds of peeing no matter what bathroom I'm in. It's hot as a pee kink person but it just makes me feel like a perv as an NB


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Hi @dpsbiggestfan and a huge welcome to the community - we are definitely welcoming of all and you'll have no issues here either.  I'll apologise in advance if some of our categories seem a bit binary, but please bear with us and just join in as seems best.

I can't help I'm afraid on the getting turned on by pee sounds - you make it sound like it's a problem...

Seriously though - a huge welcome.

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I am, sort of. Like, I’m used to being referred to as a man because that’s what people see me as, but… that’s what people see me as. I personally never felt a strong connection to maleness or masculinity or anything like that. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Gender-fluid, right here! Been questioning my identity a lot as of late but nevertheless I feel comfortable with that title rn. Also in regards to the initial question about the sound of pee, I get it. It feels kinda pervy and invasive when in a public space like a bathroom. But so long as it's not to the detriment or harm of others, it's nothing to be ashamed of! I know I sometimes get aroused when looking at people in swimwear but obviously I don't act upon it and I avoid lingering on the person or feeling for too long. Simply a part of being allosexual. But keep on being compassionate, empathetic, and respectful @dpsbiggestfan, and I hope you're doing great!  

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I’m nonbinary I lean towards feminine presentation because of anxiety and I know that’s how people are going to assume I identify living in a conservative area, I wish I was brave enough to dress to reflect how I feel like you do op.

Peenicks is absolutely right there are plenty of other people in the world who are arroused or attracted to strangers, as long as you don’t do anything to violate their privacy or purposely place others in situations for your pleasure, you aren’t doing anything wrong.

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