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Interesting-Do you pee sitting down when you have to dump?

Guest UnabashedUser

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I would have thought that for most people of both sexes, if they have to both pee and poop that they would just do both in whatever position they would do #2 in. I didn't imagine many people using a different stance for the pee, either before or after.

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Definitely pee whilst sitting if I'm already sitting down - why would anyone go to the hassle of standing up, turning around and then peeing when you can do it whilst you are already there?   Also, I sometimes sit to pee if it is more convenient - e.g. At night time in the dark when I wear loose short or am naked, it is easier to sit down and pee because (a) you don't have to worry about aiming in the dark and (b) Not having any restrictive clothing means it is easy to do sitting.

I also pee sitting down sometimes when outside - just for fun really.  I sit on steps or seats and pee out of the leg of my shorts or even by unzipping and peeing from a seated position.  I often swing my legs out of the side of the car and pee onto the road or carpark.   It is a surprisingly discrete way of peeing as nobody would expect you to be peeing in that position, whereas if I go and stand facing a tree, no prizes for guessing what I'm doing.

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While it doesn't make much sense to stand up to pee when you're already sitting down on the toilet this reminds me of a hilarious internet story involving a guy who peed into bottles while pooping on the toilet for some reason and an extremely awkward date. I don't believe the pee bottle thing got explained at all. 

Warning, MS paint poop:


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I have a truly odd situation here. Of course I pee while sitting to poop but  for some weird physical reason I can not empty my bladder sitting. I naturally let out the  strong pressure if I really need to pee. Any more I have to focus to get more pee out of my bladder, but my bladder is still not empty. As mentioned it is a real pain in the ass to have to stand up, turn around and pee, but if I don't my bladder is still uncomfortable with pee in it. It has been like this for as long as I can remember.   I have no idea why. This started way before my prostate became enlarged.

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I saw a quick fact somewhere online that NASA teach International Space Station astronauts to pee separately when they take a dump so the urine can be collected and recycled separately from the solid matter.

I think I may make the perfect astronaut - it seems quite easy to sit on the toilet, let out all my pee and then release the other matter - is it not that easy?

For what it's worth I've never felt the need to separate the two activities.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I have to take a shit I’ve often gotta piss too, so I go at the same time as I shit (sometimes literally weeing as I’m shitting!)

I like to sit on the toilet like a girl when I need a wee anyway a lot of the time to make sure I’m a good boy and don’t spray the toilet seat!

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