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Sucking out pee

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Lately I've been wondering if it's possible to suck out someone's pee from their bladder whilst they're trying to hold it, its something that I would love to try with a female, is that even possible? 

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It seems like it would be a lot easier to suck on a guy that way than on a woman (though I imagine it would feel really weird, and maybe painful, to have that kind of vacuum in the urethra). The opening of the female urethra is deeply enough buried in folds of skin that it's just possible to see it if you spread things the right way--I can't imagine you could make any kind of seal on the flesh around it with your mouth, especially if it's at all wet, given how smooth it is. 

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The urethra is sealed shut by muscles, so it would be like trying to suck beer out of a bottle with the cap on.  Probably not going to succeed unless she deliberately relaxes and lets it flow.

The area around the urethra and labia is delicate and sensitive. I would be careful about sucking too hard as you might bruise her and make her sore.  ( Any women reading this, please correct me if I am wrong.)

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As previously pointed out, due to muscles, it would be almost impossible to "suck" out a womens/man's piss. The closest you could probably get to this experience would involve what is called sounding. Sounding is the practice of inserting objects into the urethra. They do make "tools" (sounding rods) for this activity. Some of which are hollow for the main purpose of releasing urine. You could probably lightly suck on said hallow tool. 

I have tried sounding a few times and it is pleasurable, but, a different kind of pleasurable. 

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So does a hollow sounding rod bypass the muscles giving you access directly to the bladder allowing you to suck the pee out without the woman being able to stop you doing so. I'm just curious. 

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15 minutes ago, peeter said:

So does a hollow sounding rod bypass the muscles giving you access directly to the bladder allowing you to suck the pee out without the woman being able to stop you doing so. I'm just curious. 

Also known in medical terms as a catheter - where depending on gravity you wouldn’t need to suck. 

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23 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Also known in medical terms as a catheter - where depending on gravity you wouldn’t need to suck. 

@gldenwetgoose is correct. A hollow sounding rod is very similar to a catheter. 

@peeter you can insert a rod past the muscles directly into the bladder. Like GWG said though, gravity basically takes control. You may be able to prevent that and actually suck it out of her bladder if she were on her shoulders with her ass in the air. Basically the same position if she were trying to piss on her own face. Don't quote me on that though. I'm sure there is some kind of pressure that builds up inside the bladder. 🤷‍♂️

I would consider sounding even more uncommon the watersports. Not to sound like a Negative Nancy, but, good luck finding a women that is into sounding.

Edited by RocknCpl
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I guess there’s a difference though that a catheter inserted correctly (ie by a medical professional) will follow the curves of the urethra. 

A rigid sounding rod could (I imagine) easily pierce the wall of the urethra causing serious injury or death due to peritonitis if urine leaks into the abdomen (similar to a burst bladder). 

As I say, I’m no expert but I do know enough to say it sounds a really bad idea. 

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I can see why you would think that. Sounding is actually a medical treatment, not sure it uses the same name though. When done carefully, with proper equipment and lube, it is safe. Actual sounding rods have a curved edge, not a point. I have not read anything on serious injury caused by it, but, if stretched to much (using sounding rods that are to big) you can damage the muscles controlling your bladder and loose all control of your urine flow. 

Granted, anything can happen. So, you aren't wrong.

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  • 1 year later...

I’m super late to this conversation,  just wanted to let you guys know that it’s super easy to cath your girl and suck it right out of her. I’ve done it many times with a little soft hollow toy or just a regular cath. She can easily be on her back. There’s nothing like a back pressure like sucking out of a glass bottle like I think I saw someone mention. Clearly, I’ve never sucked really hard. Would not recommend. Gentle is the key. It’s super sensual and very yum. Have fun. 

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On 6/8/2021 at 5:55 AM, likesToLick said:

... deliberately relaxes and lets it flow.


This got me thinking. If the giver is full and holding, the reciever has a strong suck already going... the deliberate relaxing might be a great experience for both🤷‍♂️🤔🤯🥴

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