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How do I tell my partner that I’m into pee

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So for a long time I’ve wanted to let my partner know that I’m into peeing but I just don’t know how to. So any suggestions would be much appreciated

Edited by Husky1
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I totally understand your train of thought, but I think the best advice I can think of would be to put yourself in your girlfriend's shoes and think about how you'd like to be told if you were in her position.

You'd want the ground rules laid out and limits established first, right? So make sure you're alone with her privately before discussing it gently. If you're too anxious to tell her out loud, a good, silent alternative would be texting her.

After you tell her, her reaction will be all her own, but the worst she can say is no and it's always better to be honest than to go behind her back to satisfy yourself without her.

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Very good advice about thinking firmly from your Girlfriend's perspective.  We have that habit of normalising our interest, and of course every one of us you speak to will be completely normalised too.  Hitting your Girlfriend with it could be like a bolt from the blue, worse case resulting in a 'I feel like I hardly know you any more' type negative reaction with a potential shut down and withdrawal whilst she processes what she's just learnt.

I wonder if it may help to 'adapt' the timeline a little.  What I mean is rather than suddenly coming out with 'I'm heavily into this... what do you think...', instead perhaps a 'You're going to think this is weird, but I used to be into this... and it's sort of been popping into mind again... "

That way you can judge if it's something she's seemingly open to or something she's very negative about.  If she's ok with it you can gradually ramp up your interest together, and if she's not receptive then you have the opportunity just to keep quiet and it will be like you never mentioned it.

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Or even, make out like you're just discovering it.  You don't say what aspect you're into, but could you work it into your time together?  Like pee in the shower and turn it into something fun, which could lead to asking her to pee on your feet.  Or if it's public peeing you're into, tank up then go out with her somewhere and have a pee emergency, no options.  Whatever it is, you could bring it up later as "you know this might sound weird, but I keep thinking about what happened the other day and..."

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Guest UnabashedUser

Think a good way to broach the subject would be watching a mainstream movie with a pee scene in it, seeing what her reaction might be. Suggest "Almost Famous" where Kate Hudson pees into a toilet while her admirer sits in a bathtub writing. You could say wow that looks so hot, or, ask her what she thinks of a girl just peeing with someone else watching.   Another film with a pee scene is "Eyes Wide Shut" near the beginning Nicole Kidman pees into a toilet while Tom Cruise adjusts tie in the mirror. She talks while pissing, and then wipes and flushes.  "Fun with Dick and Jane", original version with Jane Fonda, George Segal, same kind of scene there, Jane shown reaching between her legs with tissue to wipe and then flushing.

If she finds the scene interesting, or amusing, you'll know you may be on the right track.

Costume Party: Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut - Brooklyn ...

Kate Hudson :: Celebrity Movie Archive

Fun with Dick and Jane (1977) - Ted Kotcheff | Synopsis ...


Edited by UnabashedUser
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Sometimes, when she's bent over and I get a nice view of her ass, I have the urge to pee on her butt. Would that be a good way?

I'm kidding of course, but I would love to see her reaction!

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This is a difficult subject to bring up, especially if you've been in a relationship for some time.

My advice would be to bring the subject up as soon as possible, like a few have said, get her used to the idea first. Find excuses to be in the bathroom at the same time, comment on her pee saying things like "that sounded like you really needed to go" etc.. add a few compliments over time i.e "your trickle sounds really cute" and then slowly build up to asking her if you could see.

Great houses are built of strong foundations, don't go in there all guns blazing and telling her youre in to peeing and then ask her to pee on you.. it'll just put up a brick wall and you may never get the opportunity again.

Again, as a few others have said, take her thoughts and feelings in to consideration. It's a two way street so ask if theres any likes hat she has. Make her feel special and you will get a positive response for sure.. just don't rush it.

Good luck

Edited by FlyingthedreamUK
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Well I can tell you how I did it. I pretty much asked her if she had any odd fetishes. You know to start up a conversation with that topic. Of course she asked me the same thing. I said "well there is one" and I told her what is was. Let's just say we've been peeing together ever sense

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