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Conspiracy Theories

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Has anyone got any?

Anyone heard of something so stupid that it makes you wonder why someone thought of it in the first place?

Try this:

Airliners leave vapor trails, usually called contrails, caused by basic physics on the mechanics of a wing. Some people believe that these are in fact, chemtrails, chemicals dumped in the air to dumb us down, poison us all. These people cannot tell me how an airplane (carrying 300 people, each with a bag or two) can carry such chemicals. You can see them, they must be doing it is the explanation I get.

Or this:

The ISS (International Space Station) is a fake, made in a movie studio using special effects. Again, when you hit them with logic, they cant answer you, making them look even more stupid. One argument that shuts them up, is the fact that making such an elaborate fake would cost more than a current flight from Star City in Russia.

The missing Malaysian Airliner is another, what did happen to MH-370?

So, what have you got, any weirdness you can add?

Scot_Lover, M and M

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When it comes to conspiracy theories, this one surely takes the biscuit -


Apparently every human being of prominence - from George W Bush to Bob Hope and from the British Royal Family to Bill and Hillary Clinton - are all really reptilian aliens disguised as humans, here to enslave us all!!!

Compared to this, even those who think the moon landings were fake or Elvis Presley is still alive look sane. :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I generally dont believe in conspiracy theories,like the USA destroyed the twin towers for a developer to buy the land etc..I do believe in smaller scale ones though,how Govts manipulate things like crime figures,immigration etc,they make their own criteria to fit their own circumstances..

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  • 1 month later...

I heard that the plane that was shot down (I am not meaning the missing Malaysian Airliner) contained all of the worlds leading Scientists who were experts in HIV/Aids, and that they had developed a cure. Not sure if I believe this or not it's just what I heard. If it's true then I wouldn't be surprised if a large pharmaceutical company engineered this so that they wouldn't lose money. Think about it though if a cure was developed how much money these companies would lose.

I really enjoy conspiracy theories even though some of them are amusing.

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I enjoy "conspiracy theories" but as long as people dont believe the more outrageous ones,that defy all evidence,like that 9/11 was done by rich property developers in order to develop the site of the world trade centre!

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I won't get too much into my own views on some of the more out there conspiracies. But I do think the world is a pretty wacky place that's largely ruled by VERY evil and greedy scumbags across the globe. And I wouldn't really put anything passed these people.

Even if we put aside the more far-fetched stuff. I think it's pretty likely that world governments across the whole planet are working together more than they let on to the public eye. And that none of them really care about the working class of the world. I think their real interest and goals are basically just to maintain their wealth and power and they really wouldn't think twice about murdering people en masse if it meant more wealth and power for them. And that this kind of mentality can lead to some pretty shady and evil stuff.

So even if the world governments aren't really run by shape-shifting reptiles, they're most definitely a bunch of lying sacks of crap that only care about themselves and their rich business partners. And we probably shouldn't really trust much of anything they say.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quote of the Millenium :- By Dr Alan Sabrosky former Director of studies at the Strategic Studies Institute ( U.S. Military)

. . . . . . . . . . if the American people ever know that Israel did this, (911) they're going to scrub them off the earth, and they're not going to give a rats arse what the cost is, they are not going to care . . . . . .

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

Can't stand conspiracy theories. Like the anti-vaccination crowd, claiming vaccines cause autism or cancer, such things. Disgusting, makes me sick.

Or how sharks that were biting tourists in Sharm-el-Sheikh (Egypt) were trained by the Mossad.

And of course the hundreds of conspiracy theories blaming Israel / the Zionists / the Jews (all the same, for those who support this) for 9/11. People like "Lickher2" that is... The kind that come up with these idiotic lies claiming no Jews died in the Twin Towers etc.

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Ill believe anything provided sufficient documentary evidence is shown.Its like those "holocaust deniers".I wasn't around in WW2,so I only have documentary film to prove it.Ive seen enough footage of places like Auschwitz,Belsen etc,to form the opinion that I'm pretty sure SOMETHING happened during this time,known as WW2,and I believe what I see.How people can deny it took place,i don't know?But ive yet to see any evidence that Bush directed an attack on his own people.

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Quote of the Millenium :- By Dr Alan Sabrosky former Director of studies at the Strategic Studies Institute ( U.S. Military)

. . . . . . . . . . if the American people ever know that Israel did this, (911) they're going to scrub them off the earth, and they're not going to give a rats arse what the cost is, they are not going to care . . . . . .

How exactly DID Israel carry out this attack?Why would Muslims want to help Israel,to start a war,in which their OWN people,not Israelis would be killed?Surely Israel values having the USA as an ally..Im of the view,and most people are,that ISLAM is the root cause of all this trouble,not the Jewish people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:frown: seriously, . . . I think the non believers need to sift carefully through the evidence, ON BOTH SIDES, 911 in particular because although is isn't the worlds largest "terrorist" event, it is probably the most researched, now 14 years after there is NO remaining "evidence" that supports the official line of twaddle and Proof Absolute that it was an inside job. AE911 truth have produced all the maths & physics that disprove the official story, and after 9 years of careful research Sabrosky's people have named the people involved and their part in it.

there are a lot of basic logic questions that are still not answered :~ for example

In 100+ years of steel framed buildings none have collapsed by fire (and none since) yet we are expected to believe that on 911 there were 3, even if you still believe that the towers were hit by an aircraft, even the official story says that building seven wasn't (normal office fires according to NIST)

Rock that had melted and resolidified, molten steel in the rubble 6-8 weeks after the event, caused by jet fuel ? ? ?

Seismograph readings that indicate thermo nuclear activity (micro nukes) just before the towers collapsed (this fits with witness statements and other forensic evidence)

Shipped the steel off to china (Evidence) instead of preserving the crime scene as required by law

Nano Thermite in the dust (can't make that in a cave in Afghanistan)

IF all the so-called "Conspiracy Theorists" (and I'm not, I'm a Conspiracy Realist) have it so wrong WHY do they resist having an OPEN PUBLIC INQUIRY, surely this would be a perfect opportunity to make us all look stupid, and then everyone could get on with their lives

Why are there so many Truth organisations led by eminent experts in their fields, do they all have it wrong ? ? ?

Why are there so many Military & Int people speaking out . . . . do they all have it wrong too ? ? ?

Mossad/Israel has a track record, . . . . the Lavon Affair (caught red handed false flagging as "Arab Terrorists") . . . . shooting up of the USS Liberty (NSA has captured radio traffic PROVING that they knew it was an American ship) . . . . . . just to name two events, there are others

Mossad has been involved in terrorist events in this part of the world, Port Arthur (massacre) /Bali Bombing /Aceh Bombing, and, in the first two, we were on the public record BEFORE the events . (so no doubt there). . . Gov't failed to act, . . is still failing to act . . . . and is still resisting an Open Public Inquiry (or a coronial inquiry - as required by law) (Yep, Israel controls the Gov't here too)

Why do they attack the messengers instead of answering the hard questions ?

Why so many "missing" witnesses ?

Why did Mossad agents say on live tv, . . . "we were just here to document the event" . . . oh really, how did they know ?

Why are there so many converts who no longer believe the official story and few, if any, who concede ,. . .oh yeah, well, damn, it was actually a bunch of Towel Heads in a cave in Afghanistan who pulled this off

Who profited . . . . . . and who lost ?

this is just a small sample of the hundreds of unanswered questions (and not just related to 911)

Seriously, research BOTH sides, and the holes in the official storyline will become apparent

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:frown: seriously, . . . I think the non believers need to sift carefully through the evidence, ON BOTH SIDES, 911 in particular because although is isn't the worlds largest "terrorist" event, it is probably the most researched, now 14 years after there is NO remaining "evidence" that supports the official line of twaddle and Proof Absolute that it was an inside job. AE911 truth have produced all the maths & physics that disprove the official story, and after 9 years of careful research Sabrosky's people have named the people involved and their part in it.

there are a lot of basic logic questions that are still not answered :~ for example

In 100+ years of steel framed buildings none have collapsed by fire (and none since) yet we are expected to believe that on 911 there were 3, even if you still believe that the towers were hit by an aircraft, even the official story says that building seven wasn't (normal office fires according to NIST)

Rock that had melted and resolidified, molten steel in the rubble 6-8 weeks after the event, caused by jet fuel ? ? ?

Seismograph readings that indicate thermo nuclear activity (micro nukes) just before the towers collapsed (this fits with witness statements and other forensic evidence)

Shipped the steel off to china (Evidence) instead of preserving the crime scene as required by law

Nano Thermite in the dust (can't make that in a cave in Afghanistan)

IF all the so-called "Conspiracy Theorists" (and I'm not, I'm a Conspiracy Realist) have it so wrong WHY do they resist having an OPEN PUBLIC INQUIRY, surely this would be a perfect opportunity to make us all look stupid, and then everyone could get on with their lives

Why are there so many Truth organisations led by eminent experts in their fields, do they all have it wrong ? ? ?

Why are there so many Military & Int people speaking out . . . . do they all have it wrong too ? ? ?

Mossad/Israel has a track record, . . . . the Lavon Affair (caught red handed false flagging as "Arab Terrorists") . . . . shooting up of the USS Liberty (NSA has captured radio traffic PROVING that they knew it was an American ship) . . . . . . just to name two events, there are others

Mossad has been involved in terrorist events in this part of the world, Port Arthur (massacre) /Bali Bombing /Aceh Bombing, and, in the first two, we were on the public record BEFORE the events . (so no doubt there). . . Gov't failed to act, . . is still failing to act . . . . and is still resisting an Open Public Inquiry (or a coronial inquiry - as required by law) (Yep, Israel controls the Gov't here too)

Why do they attack the messengers instead of answering the hard questions ?

Why so many "missing" witnesses ?

Why did Mossad agents say on live tv, . . . "we were just here to document the event" . . . oh really, how did they know ?

Why are there so many converts who no longer believe the official story and few, if any, who concede ,. . .oh yeah, well, damn, it was actually a bunch of Towel Heads in a cave in Afghanistan who pulled this off

Who profited . . . . . . and who lost ?

this is just a small sample of the hundreds of unanswered questions (and not just related to 911)

Seriously, research BOTH sides, and the holes in the official storyline will become apparent

It was Islamic terrorists.I never understand why people try to debunk the notion that Islam is a violent cult.Try to blame the existence of Israel for all the worlds ills.The 7/7 London bombings-was that Tony Blairs fault?The Madrid bombings-was that the EU fault?If it was,then maybe its significant that that Islamic people were involved in the actual detonations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh yes,some guys put some crap out on you tube and thats the truth?It was Saudi terrorists..end of.If a war ensued that killed a few thousand of these scum,then thats a fair result.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its how in Europe nowadays,there are thousands of Muslim "migrants"(my view,is i have NO sympathy whatever for these),and via facebook etc,news is getting out that in many places there are riots,battles with police,law enforcement etc.Or mass demonstrations against letting them settle in N.Europe,Germany etc.Yet in the mainstream news like BBC,there have been virtually no such reports.Instead we are spoon fed stories on how poor,and pathetic they are,how we MUST take them to our hearts.Things like this,news manipulation,are open for a conspiracy theory,as Govts love to bring in more potential voters..

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All 3 of us went to Marsille maybe 2 years ago, spur of the moment thing, and we found out that we are getting a little old to do things quickly.

While we were lining up to go through the screening we were amazed that the people in full Burkas were just waved passed the X-ray scanners, while everyone else was practically cavity searched in comparison. Maigh commented on this to the girl who X rayed our carry ons and was basically told that they can't do a thing. It could be anyone under that and not allowed to touch them. When the body pat down was being done, and Mary embarrassed the poor chick who did it (oh yeah, feels good, more here, mmmm, you left a bit, god yes) we were kind of glad that none of these people were on our flight.

In London, we saw many of these walking about, but Paris had none, didn't see any, not even in Marsille which is fairly close to countries in that region, so someone in France is doing something right.

There is already mutterings of Sharia Law being introduced here, quiet at the moment, but the Islam community, who were given a second chance in our country, is attemtping to force their views on the Aussie Spirit.

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