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Question for Pee vandals

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Let's say you happen across a small single seater restroom. You go inside, soak down the walls, floor whatever and when you go to leave someone is waiting to go in. Do you just walk away, proud of your work, say it was like that when you went in, how do you handle it?

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I've never done this but I've thought about it.

Honestly I'm such a squish Id probably try to clean it up lol. If that for whatever reason isn't an option then I'd just leave and hope no one noticed. I'd bee too scared someone would have me on camera going in and coming out so I'd try to make my presence not so known. 

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Why do it? It’s about the thrill of it. The rush of doing something your not supposed to knowing you could get caught. Regarding the question about what to do when someone is coming in after you... just walk away. People aren’t confrontational. You have about 10 seconds before realize the naughty mess you’ve made and by that point you will already be out the door.


Some tips: There are high traffic restrooms at damn near every off ramp on the highway. Just find one you don’t intend on going back to. Walk in and if you don’t like the restroom just go the the next one.

Once you find one you like, go crazy, make a mess! Just try to make the biggest mess within your comfort level. Do this as quickly as possible.

take a picture for memory’s sake and walk out to your car as confident as you can. 

Edited by Naughtypeelover
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I'm only offering personal preference here rather than criticism, if I walked into a public facility that was already in a dire condition and I was in a naughty mood, then I may be tempted to add to flooding already on the floor as an example.  I think though that would be the limit of my waywardness.

Creating a mess which would affect the next person such as soaking the toilet paper or even leaving a mess on the seat wouldn't be my thing, nor making a mess in a fresh and clean toilet which the next person could report and incur extra work for the cleaner.  Not being holier than thou, just I wouldn't get any sexual gratification or satisfaction from that.

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10 minutes ago, Rider028 said:

I posted the question mainly out of curiosity. I've never done it, not since elementary school at least. I'm more an anywhere but that bathroom type. The thought has crossed my mind though.

Nothing wrong with any of that - and a great scenario to discuss.  I was conscious of sounding critical which certainly wasn't the intent.

It's also a really good point that fantasies can often go much further than we would in real life, so just by thinking and talking about something isn't an admission of guilt by any means.

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On 12/1/2020 at 4:10 PM, Rider028 said:

Let's say you happen across a small single seater restroom. You go inside, soak down the walls, floor whatever and when you go to leave someone is waiting to go in. Do you just walk away, proud of your work, say it was like that when you went in, how do you handle it?

I just walk out and say nothing 🤭 There's not much the next person can do about it. By the time they notice, I'm already out the door. I especially love going wild and messing up squeaky clean restrooms with my piss, and getting the toilet paper too if possible. If my pee is yellow, even better still! Personally, knowing that someone else has to clean up after me turns me on even more. I love being naughty, what can I say? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The person after me would be more likely to find some fresh cum on the wall and - I learned to do this from 88mphArtist - a soaked roll of toilet paper. And I'd be long gone. 

I usually confine my naughty pissing to restrooms with more than one stall. A few weeks ago, I needed to piss. I went into a stall, and rather than piss in the toilet, I soaked a couple of rolls of toilet paper with my piss. Someone came in to use a urinal. I flushed the unused toilet, walked out of the stall, even exchanged pleasantries with the man at the urinal, washed my hands, and left. He had no idea how naughty I had been.

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If it was a quiet public lavatory where I'm not likely to be disturbed, I would be straight in the gents' to soak the urinal down with some female pee. I don't think I'd want to make a huge mess, though. Partly because I've been on the receiving end of that, having to clean it up, but also, it's not really my thing. I actually enjoy getting all my stream into the urinal, bang on target, without a penis more thsn I would making a mess.

Having said that, if I were in a park, I wouldn't use the loos at all. That's what trees and bushes are for. 

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Interesting question indeed

Of it's a single stall bathroom then I will not mess it up, if I did the clean freak in me would clean it up lol

If there are multiple stalls then most definitely I will likely piss all over the stall. I leave the toilet paper in touched and concentrate on the floor, walls and toilet. Same goes for a row of urinals, I will definitely piss all over one if there are multiple ones to choose lol

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