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Alfresco Peeing

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  • 5 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Been a while since I've provided any updates.   I've done plenty of peeing outside, but not a lot different from previous reports.

This morning I had to go to a town a few miles away for a medical appointment.  I needed to pee a bit when I got there, but waited until after the appointment.   I knew I was going to pee somewhere other than a toilet, but had to decide where.   I saw that in the park, the public toilets were being refurbished and were therefore closed and therefore decided to take advantage of this as it meant that I could pee in the public park and if I did happen to get caught, I would have a reasonable excuse.   I certainly couldn't have justified what I did if the toilets had been open.   To the right of the closed toilets is a brick built shelter.  It is not in the greatest of condition, but it is a shelter none the less.  The whole front is open and visible to anyone in the park.   I walked into the shelter and stood in the back right hand corner, unzipped and peed onto the wall.  The stream ran down the wall and then started running across the floor and out to the tarmac path in front of the shelter.   There was a lady walking in the park but she was far enough away that I didn't let it worry me.   I am sure she wouldn't have had too much trouble working out what I was doing though.

Photos show the shelter and also the corner that I peed in, you can see the marks on the wall and the stream running across the floor.

Just an example of some of my other days of peeing which are fairly typical....  Yesterday I went for a walk in the morning and peed in a bin in a park (pic attached), then when I was at home I peed in the garden, peeing on the back wall of the house next to the water butt and I also peed into the "Add Wash" door of the washing machine (the little door that lets you add missed socks to the wash whilst it is running) which was full of clothes.  I had another walk later in the day and peed on the wall in a little alleyway.





Excellent! Thanks for the update - always good to see you out and about

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a nice walk in the snow on Monday.   I peed in the snow several times, but because I had drunk plenty in order to make sure that I could pee a few times, I was very hydrated and the pee was quite clear so it didn't really make yellow snow.  However, I did write "hello" a couple of times.   Here is one example.  One time I was peeing behind a gorse bush and I could hear some ladies talking as they walked past the other side of the bushes.  I don't know whether they could hear me splashing the snow, but I would be surprised if they couldn't.

Yesterday, in the morning I was doing some work in my workshop and I needed to pee, so I opened the door and peed out onto the patio.  Later, I was doing some work on my house which required me to go up on the slightly sloping roof of my neighbours single-storey extension.   Whilst I was up there I needed to pee, but nothing desperate and although I debated peeing whilst I was there, I thought it was too exposed to the road at the front and houses at the back.  However, when I'd finished the work I moved everything to the end of the roof and went to go back down the ladder which was at the higher end of the sloping roof.   As I was standing on the ladder collecting my tools together, I realised that my waist was just above the roof line and my back was towards the road, so I unzipped and peed from the ladder onto the roof and watched my puddle spread across the felt and flow away down the length of the roof.  Quite a good feeling of freedom to be stood there peeing whilst cars and people passed behind me, but they probably wouldn't imagine for a minute that the guy standing on the ladder had his dick in hand and was peeing merrily onto the roof.



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12 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

Had a nice walk in the snow on Monday.   I peed in the snow several times, but because I had drunk plenty in order to make sure that I could pee a few times, I was very hydrated and the pee was quite clear so it didn't really make yellow snow.  However, I did write "hello" a couple of times.   Here is one example.  One time I was peeing behind a gorse bush and I could hear some ladies talking as they walked past the other side of the bushes.  I don't know whether they could hear me splashing the snow, but I would be surprised if they couldn't.

Yesterday, in the morning I was doing some work in my workshop and I needed to pee, so I opened the door and peed out onto the patio.  Later, I was doing some work on my house which required me to go up on the slightly sloping roof of my neighbours single-storey extension.   Whilst I was up there I needed to pee, but nothing desperate and although I debated peeing whilst I was there, I thought it was too exposed to the road at the front and houses at the back.  However, when I'd finished the work I moved everything to the end of the roof and went to go back down the ladder which was at the higher end of the sloping roof.   As I was standing on the ladder collecting my tools together, I realised that my waist was just above the roof line and my back was towards the road, so I unzipped and peed from the ladder onto the roof and watched my puddle spread across the felt and flow away down the length of the roof.  Quite a good feeling of freedom to be stood there peeing whilst cars and people passed behind me, but they probably wouldn't imagine for a minute that the guy standing on the ladder had his dick in hand and was peeing merrily onto the roof.



What very neat, err, handwriting you have! Very impressive indeed @Alfresco

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20 hours ago, Kupar said:

What very neat, err, handwriting you have! Very impressive indeed @Alfresco

Why thank you!  Takes a bit of patience.   I find the biggest issue is that sometimes my stream splits or causes splatter in which case I can't get clean lettering.   That was the best of 3 attempts that day.  Sometimes, if I write slowly to help define the letters,  I can run out of "ink" before I finish what I'm trying to write.   Then I end up leaving the word "hell", which is not the intention!  You can see that on this occasion, I had sufficient "ink" left to do a couple of lines underneath just for good measure. 

Reminds me of a joke:

     Father looks out the window on a snowy evening.

     He gets furious and turns red.

     "What's the matter, dear," his wife asks.

     "It's our daughter's new boyfriend. He's written his name in the snow with pee."

     "Oh. That's not so bad."

     "Yeah, but it's in her handwriting......


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22 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Had a nice walk in the snow on Monday.   I peed in the snow several times, but because I had drunk plenty in order to make sure that I could pee a few times, I was very hydrated and the pee was quite clear so it didn't really make yellow snow.  However, I did write "hello" a couple of times.   Here is one example.  One time I was peeing behind a gorse bush and I could hear some ladies talking as they walked past the other side of the bushes.  I don't know whether they could hear me splashing the snow, but I would be surprised if they couldn't.

Yesterday, in the morning I was doing some work in my workshop and I needed to pee, so I opened the door and peed out onto the patio.  Later, I was doing some work on my house which required me to go up on the slightly sloping roof of my neighbours single-storey extension.   Whilst I was up there I needed to pee, but nothing desperate and although I debated peeing whilst I was there, I thought it was too exposed to the road at the front and houses at the back.  However, when I'd finished the work I moved everything to the end of the roof and went to go back down the ladder which was at the higher end of the sloping roof.   As I was standing on the ladder collecting my tools together, I realised that my waist was just above the roof line and my back was towards the road, so I unzipped and peed from the ladder onto the roof and watched my puddle spread across the felt and flow away down the length of the roof.  Quite a good feeling of freedom to be stood there peeing whilst cars and people passed behind me, but they probably wouldn't imagine for a minute that the guy standing on the ladder had his dick in hand and was peeing merrily onto the roof.



There was a late evening conversation in the chatroom a couple of weeks ago about handwriting and neatness...  examples being posted of writing with a graphics tablet...  (the people involved will remember it).

And I have to say, your handwriting is exceptionally neat @Alfresco

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2 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

And I have to say, your handwriting is exceptionally neat @Alfresco

My handwriting varies considerably.  I can do beautiful calligraphy, but my day to day writing if I write more than a few words deteriorates quite a bit.   It is OK, but certainly wouldn't be classed as neat.   However, if I take my time and write deliberately then I can make it very neat - just that in most cases when writing I rattle it out quickly and lose that neatness.

Of course these days I type a lot more than I write anyway.

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15 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

My handwriting varies considerably.  I can do beautiful calligraphy, but my day to day writing if I write more than a few words deteriorates quite a bit.   It is OK, but certainly wouldn't be classed as neat.   However, if I take my time and write deliberately then I can make it very neat - just that in most cases when writing I rattle it out quickly and lose that neatness.

Of course these days I type a lot more than I write anyway.

Do I remember you saying you do sign writing, and lining for your engines? Or am I thinking of someone  / something else? (Memory like a sieve these days 😞)

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1 hour ago, Kupar said:

Do I remember you saying you do sign writing, and lining for your engines? Or am I thinking of someone  / something else? (Memory like a sieve these days 😞)

Nothing wrong with your memory.  You are correct.  Yes.  In fact I was just working on one this morning.

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Just a couple of additions.   Yesterday I went the whole day without peeing in a toilet, but I got caught out twice....

I got up about 7am and had to deliver some things for work.  I had a mug of tea before I went out, but I avoided taking my morning pee.   I was going to stop at some public toilets that are closed and pee in the doorway, but as I was approaching I saw that there was a council park keeper parked there, so I decided not to risk it.   I drove past and pulled into a carpark where I stepped out of the car and released my morning pee onto the tarmac.  It ran down the slope of the carpark leaving a trail across the carpark.  The ground was already wet from rain so the evidence would soon not be obvious (which is a shame).

Late morning I had to take my wife to work, so on the way back I stopped by a public footpath, walked down it for a little way and then faced to the side and peed into the bushes.

Mid afternoon, I needed to pee whilst I was working, but I also needed a mug of tea, so I went down to the kitchen and peed in the sink whilst I was making the tea.  A quick rinse with the tap is a lot less water than flushing the toilet and it saved time because I did it in parallel with making a brew.

At the end of the day I had to pick my wife up from work and this time there was no council van near the toilets, so I parked up, stood in the entrance to the ladies (it is slightly more secluded than the gents) and peed on the wall.  There is the street, then the pavement, then a grassed area with paths running from the street to the park and the car park.  I had my back to the street, turned about 45 degrees to pee into the corner between the back wall and the door on the left.  If anyone passed by it would be immediately obvious what I was doing and whilst they probably couldn't see my dick, they would see the stream impacting the wall.  I finished and turned away from the corner to see a man with his dog who had just passed by on the path towards the car park.  He was no more than 5 metres away.   He must have seen me and known what I was doing, but he didn't say anything.

As a side note, there was a tissue in the entrance, so looks like a woman used the facilities earlier in the day.

I peed in the sink at home during the evening when I was clearing up dinner things and then my last pee of the day was in the bathroom sink whilst cleaning my teeth.   

My wife used the upstairs toilet before bed and commented that it had not been flushed since the morning (we don't flush if someone uses it in the night and she had done and her pee was still there).  She asked why I hadn't flushed it in the day.   I simply said I hadn't used the upstairs toilet (not a lie) and hadn't noticed it.   She thought it was odd considering I work in the office which is upstairs, but she didn't pursue the questions.  I guess she thought I had peed in the downstairs toilet when I went down to make tea.


Edited by Alfresco
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A few days ago I was near some flats which have a covered parking area for four cars that is built into the ground level of the flats.  This is the same area as the ones I mentioned above, but a different block.   I was going to pee in the parking area but when I got there there was a car opposite in the outdoor parking spaces facing towards the covered parking and although it was dark, they had their headlights facing into the covered area and the security lights came on when I walked past.   There where two men and a women at the car.  A man sat in the driver's seat, the other man stood next to the driver's side and the woman stood on the passenger side.  I couldn't blatantly go and pee right in front of them, so I walked around the building thinking I may be able to just pee behind the building.

I saw that it had a bin store with a key coded entry that was locked, but then right round the back there was another key coded door which didn't look fully shut.  I tried it and I was right.  The door had swollen with the wet weather and wasn't closing properly.  It was quite tight, but a quick tug opened it.  I stepped inside and the lights came on immediately.  I shut the door behind me.  IT was a bike store, with various bikes locked to rails.  I went to the back, between a couple of bikes and just in front of where were some folded garden chairs leant up against the back wall.  I started peeing on the floor in between the bikes, then the light went off.  I was now in darkness, continuing to pee with the noise of it splattering on the floor sounding even louder in the dark.  I moved a bit and the noise changed and I realised I was peeing on the garden chairs.  I finished up and as I turned around to leave the light came back on having detected my movement.   There was a large puddle on the concrete floor and a bit of pee dripping from the folded chairs.   I made my exit and closed the door behind me.

If I get a chance to go there again then I will try and take pics - I didn't have my phone with me that time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I also added a video of me peeing in a lift to the same album last week, but didn't include the background or write up, so here it is:

I had to drive to a nearby town for a medical appointment.   I parked in a carpark, which has two levels next to a supermarket.  The top level is open air and is adjacent to the supermarket.  The lower level is obviously covered by the parking level above.   Most shoppers use the upper level because it is easier for accessing the supermarket.  A few people use the lower level, but mostly for accessing the rest of town on foot, which you can do by direct pedestrian access from that level.  There are two lifts between the levels, which are old and slow.  They are large enough to take a few people and a couple of shopping trolleys.   It was about 8:15 in the morning when I arrived and of course I needed a pee because I deliberately hadn't used the toilet before I left home.   I parked the car and walked over to the lifts.   The lift indicators showed one lift as being on the Basement Level where I was, and the other being on the Upper level where the supermarket was.  This was ideal as if anyone wanted to us the lift to descend back to their car with their trolley, they would get the one that was already up by the shop.   I pressed the call button.  The door rumbled open and I walked inside.  It was a bit of a dirty lift without too much emphasis placed on maintenance.  There was a bit of rubbish in the back right corner.  I didn't press any floor buttons.   After about a minute, the doors rumbled closed again.  I unzipped and listened carefully for any sound of footsteps approaching (they would echo a bit in the carpark).  Hearing nothing, I proceeded to pee onto the floor of the lift, the puddle gradually growing was accompanied by a nice splatter sound from the impact on the hard floor.   I continued until I was done, then zipped up, took a couple of photos, pressed the B button and the doors opened allowing me to make my exit and head to the medical appointment.

I did wonder whether a lady may have used the facilities before me, possibly the previous evening, as if you look at the photo below, you can see that there is a discarded tissue and I'm not sure if it is my wishful thinking, but that does look like the remnants of a puddle in the back corner, with a small lighter dry patch where the tissue is - possibly indicating that the tissue had been discarded into the puddle and absorbed the bit of pee right next to it.   Unfortunately, at the time, I was more interested in peeing and escaping and I didn't actually investigate it.  I've posted a cropped image of that area of the photo.  What do you think?

Video is here: https://www.erome.com/a/TgdAWE0K - the second one down.




Lift 3.jpg

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4 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

I was on a conference call and needed a pee, but the call was nearly finished so I thought I'd wait and pee after the call.  However, no sooner than I put the phone down from the call, a guy in finance who had been wanting to speak to me saw that I'd become available and immediately rang me.   I answered the call anyway, but it turned out that it was a convoluted discussion and it went on for ages.   I had an empty pint mug on my desk from having finished drinking the tea that was responsible for my aching bladder.   So whilst I was talking to him, I stood up, unzipped, placed the mug under my penis and angled it slightly.  I peed down the side of the mug to minimise splashing noises.  As the mug started to fill, it got to the stage where it reached the tip of my penis, thus allowing me to pee faster without any sound as I was effectively peeing under water (well, under pee).   The mug rapidly filled and further engulfed my penis in the warmth.  I stopped peeing with about half an inch to spare.  I put the mug on the desk and allowed the wetness to drip off my penis into the mug (still holding a conversation).   I then opened my window and poured the mug out onto the sloped roof of our porch, immediately below the window.   It spread out and made a large pattern over the tiles as you can see from the photo.



Resourceful ... and satisfying I should imagine! More than makes up for having a long conversation with a guy from finance. Possibly 🙂 

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This one is from a couple of weeks ago.   I stopped near some flats that I've used a few times before when needing a pee.   I walked into the bottom of the stairwell, checked nobody was about and peed onto the wall, with the pee spreading over the wall and running down onto the carpet below.  It left a fairly wide mark on the wall and a puddle on the carpet against the wall.  I'm sure it would dry fairly quickly and become invisible, but anyone coming past in the next hour or so would definitely know what had occurred there.

I've included a photo taken from the top of the stairs to the flats looking down, so you get a better idea of the setting.






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2 minutes ago, Kupar said:

Resourceful ... and satisfying I should imagine! More than makes up for having a long conversation with a guy from finance. Possibly 🙂 

Well actually, I'd been trying to get him to do something for me for a few days, so I wasn't going to pass up on the opportunity when he did call.   I finally managed to get him to place some orders and submit some financial details for me so the call was beneficial to me as well as me enjoying the fact that I had peed whilst talking with him.   It is even more fun when I pee whilst there is a female customer on the other end of the phone.

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  • 1 month later...

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