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Meeting a woman I like soon - how to approach about pee play?

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So I'm meeting a woman soon, one i have known ever since I was eight years old, so she knows me really well. We've been friends with benefits a few times until she found some dude and they lived together for a few years. Now i noticed she's single and I have asked if I can meet her again after all this time and yes, yes we will meet! She's got the corona virus (!) atm so she has to get rid of that first so I have a week or two to prepare.

In the past, she has kinda hinted to maybe possibly kind of maybe having a pee fetish as she has asked several times if I want to watch her pee. Past me was really ashamed of my pee fetish so I played along by faking being reluctant. Then I got to watch that lovely stream of hers. Another time she let me listen to her peeing on a parking lot while I was on the phone with her. Delicious sound made me secretly cum, hahaha.

I'm very inexperienced sexually, which she knows. She finds that a cute part about me. Kinda teasing me about it in a nice way. Ya know like "I'll show you how it's done my little newbie".

Anyway, how to approach her about wanting to go all watersports on her? I kinda know she would probably accept it even if she doesn't have the fetish because she likes seeing me happy.

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hi Wahpow, I have no experience with ur specific situation. Just ask if she has fetishes or sexual preferences and then tell yours, be open. See were you 2 can meet and have mutual interest in. As a guy be decisive then, I often hear that girls like that in a guy. Wishing u a lot of wisdom, nice playtime and maybe u get more advice. Finally if it comes from yourself being yourself it will always workout great whatever the outcome is. Cheers:pissing:

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5 minutes ago, peelover38 said:

hi Wahpow, I have no experience with ur specific situation. Just ask if she has fetishes or sexual preferences and then tell yours, be open. See were you 2 can meet and have mutual interest in. As a guy be decisive then, I often hear that girls like that in a guy. Wishing u a lot of wisdom, nice playtime and maybe u get more advice. Finally if it comes from yourself being yourself it will always workout great whatever the outcome is. Cheers:pissing:

That's kinda how I'm thinking. Just being myself and seeing how things go. I know for a fact this girl likes trying new things, she told me that herself. I'm thinking that perhaps it should be ME asking if I can watch her pee and not the other way around as a way of telling her that I really am into this stuff. She'll probably ask it right then and there "do you like such things?" to which I have promised myself to be brutally honest.


Thanks for cheering me on! I'm really nervous about this

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Hey! I know it's easier said than done. But try not to be so nervous. It sounds like you and this girl already have lots in common. It also sounds to me like she either already knows of your fetish somehow , or you are right and she has a pee fetish. But yes, just be very honest! Maybe say something like, " ya know I really liked watching you pee those few times before" and then just keep edging your way towards it and reading her reactions. Also, like peelover said above. Ask her if she has any fetishes. A good question I have used is, " are you into anything some might consider weird" obviously using weird in a good sense! Good luck and be honest, it will happen. And of not with her than with someone else. But honesty is key and it will get easier.

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16 minutes ago, Wetforge said:

Hey! I know it's easier said than done. But try not to be so nervous. It sounds like you and this girl already have lots in common. It also sounds to me like she either already knows of your fetish somehow , or you are right and she has a pee fetish. But yes, just be very honest! Maybe say something like, " ya know I really liked watching you pee those few times before" and then just keep edging your way towards it and reading her reactions. Also, like peelover said above. Ask her if she has any fetishes. A good question I have used is, " are you into anything some might consider weird" obviously using weird in a good sense! Good luck and be honest, it will happen. And of not with her than with someone else. But honesty is key and it will get easier.

I think if I had been more sexually active when I was younger I wouldn't be so nervous now... But I've only had sex once and it was with this girl! Other times things have gotten hot and heavy but never to the point of sex, and again only with this girl. But yeah, she knows me very very well. She's an absolute pro at taking me out of my introverted shell so I can live a little. If she knows about my pee fetish though, I really wonder HOW? Maybe she saw something in my eyes whenever the subject came up, hehehe. Because I probably look really fucking horny whenever it's brought up, haha. Ya know, now that I think about it, that might be the case. She always know what kind of mood I'm in without saying anything so... huh.. Never thought about it that way before.

I will definitively ask if she likes "weird stuff" and if she brings the question to me after answering, I promise here and now that I will be 100% honest. Oh man oh man, fingers crossed

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@Wahpow, I have been in situations somewhat similar to yours, more than once, over a lifetime of experience with this interest.

I think that peelover38 and Wetforge have given you some excellent advice, with one minor exception: I would not recommend the use of the word "weird" suggested by Wetforge. In my experience, "weird" has a negative connotation to many women, and there is no "good sense" in which to use it. I would use "fetishes," and "preferences," as suggested by peelover 38, and I would add "fantasies," which was popular, a number of years ago. I have used it successfully, myself, with at least one long-term girlfriend. We called my watching her pee "my fantasy," throughout our decades-long relationship.

On the other hand, I totally agree with Wetforge's analysis of this woman's interests and fetishes, and your situation with her. I also agree with peelover38 that you will need to take the initiative to get some activities started between you and her. Women tend to be uncomfortable with taking the initiative, no matter how much they may want to do it.

I think you can rest assured that this woman has a full blown pee fetish, as indicated by her straightforward, open invitation to let you watch her pee. That is extremely rare, in my long experience. Women in Western society have been strongly conditioned to believe that they should be very secretive about their peeing, for a variety of reasons, like it is dirty, disgusting to others, especially men, as well as immodest, unladylike, ugly, and borderline sinful, to the religiously inclined. Attitudes are definitely changing toward the more liberal, at present, but admitting her interest is still a big gamble for most women. The fact that she invited you to watch her, and allowed you to watch her once, then let you listen to her, on the phone, says that her interest is very strong, and she trusts you.

I think she also knows about your fetish. She probably wouldn't have given you the invitations that she did, if she hadn't figured you out. Women learn these things from the nuances of men's body language, facial expressions, and verbal reactions, to their comments, little stories, and questions, which may seem very innocent, at the time.

Wetforge has suggested a good approach for you, telling her how much you enjoyed watching and listening to her, in the past, carefully observing her reactions, and responding to her, in kind. While honesty is important, I wouldn't overwhelm her by blurting out all of your fantasies to her, at once. I would make small requests and suggestions, incrementally, a little bit at a time, and listen carefully to her responses. She may be deeply into some aspects of this fetish, but not so much into others. For example, she seems to be very much into being watched and listened to, but she may or may not not be into being licked, when she is freshly wet, or doing it in your mouth.

I'll end with two short anecdotes from my own past experience. Like you, I had always feigned disinterest, when peeing came up in conversations with women, to avoid being labeled a "perv."

In one, I had just made love to a new gf, when she said she needed to pee, and started for the bathroom. Feeling braver than usual, I asked, "Can I come with?" She took it completely in stride, although we had never discussed peeing before, in any context. She answered, "Do you want me to sit or stand?" Completely surprised, since I didn't even know that women could pee standing, at that time, I stuttered my answer, "St-st-stand?" She took my hand, pulled me into the bathroom with her, stood up straight, straddling the toilet, and peed a straight stream directly into it. I knelt on the floor, in front of the toilet, and licked the last dribble from her pussy, when she finished. "That was nice!" she commented.

In another long relationship, another gf made a habit of leaving the bathroom door about halfway open, whenever we were together, and she had to pee. So I could always hear everything. She had a very erotic style, with a very loud hiss, and lots of stops and starts. She would occasionally tallk with me through the half-open door, while she was peeing. I wanted very much to walk right into the bathroom and watch her pee, but didn't dare, since we worked together, and I didn't know what her reaction might be. If she took it badly, I was afraid she might expose me as a "perv." to our co-workers. I didn't dare ask her if I could come in, and watch her, or confide my interest to her, for the same reason. I did luck out once, when we went on a trip, staying in a motel room, together. We were about to leave for dinner, when she confided that she had to pee, before we left. She left the bathroom door halfway open, and I was able to look through the hinge gap and see her sitting on the toilet, skirt around her waist, legs open, hissing, stopping, and starting. I couldn't see her stream, though.

Best of luck with your lady friend! You're in a very favorable situation, since you know her interests, already, and believe me, she knows yours!



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6 hours ago, Dr.P said:

@Wahpow, I have been in situations somewhat similar to yours, more than once, over a lifetime of experience with this interest.

I think that peelover38 and Wetforge have given you some excellent advice, with one minor exception: I would not recommend the use of the word "weird" suggested by Wetforge. In my experience, "weird" has a negative connotation to many women, and there is no "good sense" in which to use it. I would use "fetishes," and "preferences," as suggested by peelover 38, and I would add "fantasies," which was popular, a number of years ago. I have used it successfully, myself, with at least one long-term girlfriend. We called my watching her pee "my fantasy," throughout our decades-long relationship.

On the other hand, I totally agree with Wetforge's analysis of this woman's interests and fetishes, and your situation with her. I also agree with peelover38 that you will need to take the initiative to get some activities started between you and her. Women tend to be uncomfortable with taking the initiative, no matter how much they may want to do it.

I think you can rest assured that this woman has a full blown pee fetish, as indicated by her straightforward, open invitation to let you watch her pee. That is extremely rare, in my long experience. Women in Western society have been strongly conditioned to believe that they should be very secretive about their peeing, for a variety of reasons, like it is dirty, disgusting to others, especially men, as well as immodest, unladylike, ugly, and borderline sinful, to the religiously inclined. Attitudes are definitely changing toward the more liberal, at present, but admitting her interest is still a big gamble for most women. The fact that she invited you to watch her, and allowed you to watch her once, then let you listen to her, on the phone, says that her interest is very strong, and she trusts you.

I think she also knows about your fetish. She probably wouldn't have given you the invitations that she did, if she hadn't figured you out. Women learn these things from the nuances of men's body language, facial expressions, and verbal reactions, to their comments, little stories, and questions, which may seem very innocent, at the time.

Wetforge has suggested a good approach for you, telling her how much you enjoyed watching and listening to her, in the past, carefully observing her reactions, and responding to her, in kind. While honesty is important, I wouldn't overwhelm her by blurting out all of your fantasies to her, at once. I would make small requests and suggestions, incrementally, a little bit at a time, and listen carefully to her responses. She may be deeply into some aspects of this fetish, but not so much into others. For example, she seems to be very much into being watched and listened to, but she may or may not not be into being licked, when she is freshly wet, or doing it in your mouth.

I'll end with two short anecdotes from my own past experience. Like you, I had always feigned disinterest, when peeing came up in conversations with women, to avoid being labeled a "perv."

In one, I had just made love to a new gf, when she said she needed to pee, and started for the bathroom. Feeling braver than usual, I asked, "Can I come with?" She took it completely in stride, although we had never discussed peeing before, in any context. She answered, "Do you want me to sit or stand?" Completely surprised, since I didn't even know that women could pee standing, at that time, I stuttered my answer, "St-st-stand?" She took my hand, pulled me into the bathroom with her, stood up straight, straddling the toilet, and peed a straight stream directly into it. I knelt on the floor, in front of the toilet, and licked the last dribble from her pussy, when she finished. "That was nice!" she commented.

In another long relationship, another gf made a habit of leaving the bathroom door about halfway open, whenever we were together, and she had to pee. So I could always hear everything. She had a very erotic style, with a very loud hiss, and lots of stops and starts. She would occasionally tallk with me through the half-open door, while she was peeing. I wanted very much to walk right into the bathroom and watch her pee, but didn't dare, since we worked together, and I didn't know what her reaction might be. If she took it badly, I was afraid she might expose me as a "perv." to our co-workers. I didn't dare ask her if I could come in, and watch her, or confide my interest to her, for the same reason. I did luck out once, when we went on a trip, staying in a motel room, together. We were about to leave for dinner, when she confided that she had to pee, before we left. She left the bathroom door halfway open, and I was able to look through the hinge gap and see her sitting on the toilet, skirt around her waist, legs open, hissing, stopping, and starting. I couldn't see her stream, though.

Best of luck with your lady friend! You're in a very favorable situation, since you know her interests, already, and believe me, she knows yours!



Oh man, I love this post so much! You gave me a nice confidence boost. The thought that she somehow knows I'm into this stuff never crossed my mind until I posted here for some reason.

I actually forgot to mention one other thing she did when I was a teenager. In school, we had some group task and I was paired with her. I said "I'll be back in two minutes, I gotta go take a leak" to which she playfully responded with "do you want me to hold it for you and help you aim?". Me, being an idiot back then said "no" and walked away (totally blushing though, no way she didn't see that, I was as red as a tomato). Hm, could that have been when she figured it out?? Knowing her, she actually meant it. There have been other times when we've been out in the forest and such when I stopped to take a leak where she wondered why I was trying to walk away and do it in private. Wow, now that I lay out all the past scenarios like this, it really is quite obvious what she likes isn't it? Damn. How did I miss this? I must have been too ashamed of my own fetish to think clearly. Well, that is no more! I don't mind being labelled "perv" no more. At least not with her!

Anyway yeah, I'll take it slow for sure. I will try to hint at it, and if the conversation comes up, instead of using "weird", I can use things words like "different" or "not vanilla". Explain how I have always liked when she allowed me to watch/listen/be watched/helped aim. I think I might have this one in the bag! Wow, I'm getting hot and blushing just typing about it here. It also helps how she has always been very free spirited with a great sense of humor. She loves how I can pull her down to earth and I love how she can help me live a little. They say that opposites attract isn't true, but I think that here it actually is true. Truth be told, I've been helplessly in love with this girl for decades now, something she knows full well. Sometimes it really looks like we'll become a couple, sometimes I even think we are... But then something always happens.

Love your hot anecdotes and they do indeed remind me of this girl's mannerisms. When I read that you were asked "sitting or standing", before I finished reading the paragraph I was like "he better say standing", hahaha.

Thanks again for your wonderful post. "You're in a very favorable situation" you say. Welp, I realize that I really am, now. This is my chance. I can do this! <3

Now, if only she could stop being sick from Corona...


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@Wahpow, I'm very happy that my experiences were so helpful to you. You're very welcome, and I wish you the best. Hope she gets over the Corona virus, with no trouble, or permanent damage.

Prevailing social attitudes toward our fetish often distort our perceptions of reality, so we don't recognize opportunities which are right in front of our eyes. As you pointed out, we are so ashamed of our desires that we put all of our energy into concealing them, and fail to notice what the ladies are trying to communicate to us.

That was the intent of my second anecdote, about the lady who always peed with the door half open, when we were together. I was so paralyzed by anxiety, that I never even tried to bring the matter up with her, in conversation. So I probably missed out on one of the greatest opportunities of a lifetime, finding out if she shared our fetish, and wanted to have some bathroom fun with me.

I have written about that anecdote, in much greater detail, and have related it to women friends, asking their opinions about her. All have said that she was either testing me for interest in her peeing, or actually teasing me, hoping that I would make a move, and express my interest, by initiating some activity, or an intimate conversation, at the very least. Since we worked in the same place, she was subject to the same pressures and anxieties as I was, possibly even stronger, because she was a woman, not knowing how I might react to an invitation from her, to follow her into the bathroom, if she were to give it. So she left the door half open, leaving the decision up to me.

These situations are often complicated and difficult, because we can't read the mind of the other person, and she can't read our minds. Your situation with this particular woman is very different, and much simpler, since you have some good indications of her attitudes, and she certainly is aware of yours. She is a rare gem, and a "keeper." You are very fortunate to know her. Take good care of her! 🙂

Hope all goes well for both of you. Looking forward to reading future posts from you, describing your activities with this lovely lady.

Dr. P


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16 minutes ago, Dr.P said:

@Wahpow, I'm very happy that my experiences were so helpful to you. You're very welcome, and I wish you the best. Hope she gets over the Corona virus, with no trouble, or permanent damage.

Prevailing social attitudes toward our fetish often distort our perceptions of reality, so we don't recognize opportunities which are right in front of our eyes. As you pointed out, we are so ashamed of our desires that we put all of our energy into concealing them, and fail to notice what the ladies are trying to communicate to us.

That was the intent of my second anecdote, about the lady who always peed with the door half open, when we were together. I was so paralyzed by anxiety, that I never even tried to bring the matter up with her, in conversation. So I probably missed out on one of the greatest opportunities of a lifetime, finding out if she shared our fetish, and wanted to have some bathroom fun with me.

I have written about that anecdote, in much greater detail, and have related it to women friends, asking their opinions about her. All have said that she was either testing me for interest in her peeing, or actually teasing me, hoping that I would make a move, and express my interest, by initiating some activity, or an intimate conversation, at the very least. Since we worked in the same place, she was subject to the same pressures and anxieties as I was, possibly even stronger, because she was a woman, not knowing how I might react to an invitation from her, to follow her into the bathroom, if she were to give it. So she left the door half open, leaving the decision up to me.

These situations are often complicated and difficult, because we can't read the mind of the other person, and she can't read our minds. Your situation with this particular woman is very different, and much simpler, since you have some good indications of her attitudes, and she certainly is aware of yours. She is a rare gem, and a "keeper." You are very fortunate to know her. Take good care of her! 🙂

Hope all goes well for both of you. Looking forward to reading future posts from you, describing your activities with this lovely lady.

Dr. P


OH I love the optimism! And I really feel for you about that sad anecdote. We can no longer be ashamed of what we are, we need to embrace it and good things will happen. The worst thing that can happen is that we just get a "no". People like you have made me see that!

I get so happy and filled with hope from the future from this thread. I feel the only way that nothing happens is if I go there and find out she has a boyfriend and strictly want to meet me as a friend without benefits. I find that unlikely! I look forward to telling you all about what happened, big or small. I'm a happy camper if I just get to watch again, because this time I can look as closely as I want as to I'm no longer gonna try to hide who I am!  Fingers crossed thi gs get way more raunchy than that though, hehehe.

I love hearing how she is a keeper because I agree so much. I know all her weaknesses and strengths, and she knows mine. Apparently she knows much more than that even. I love her and even if she doesn't share the fetish I want to spend the rest of my life with her... But apparently we probably DO share the fetish.

One thing seriously bothering me is that the talk of watersports came up once when we were both super drunk. I do not remember what I said at all. Only thing I remember was that it was her who brought it up. I hope I didn't appear disgusted and instead intrigued, but I can't remember. It was but one fetisch we discussed that night. Oh well that was 10 years ago.

sorry if this post is a little messy. I'm at work writing this in segments when I get the chance. Might try to write something more coherent later

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She's feeling much better now! I will call her later. She said she was going to drink tonight and if she does and she says she's gonna pee... I will be the one to ask to listen in on it this time. 😳

I hope we can arrange what date I'm going there as well.

Edit... No call today because things did not go my way and I'm a little upset. However, tomorrow it is instead.

Edited by Wahpow
Situation changed
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so uhh... Wow... I just found out she is living with someone. Another girl! I don't know if this is good, bad or fucking awesome. I mean, what if all three of us...

Okay, brain, please stop fantasizing.


Still waiting for her to call....

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Ooookay.. I was just in a call with her. It went very well I feel. A date for when we're going to meet is set! Pleeeaaase cross all the fingers you can for me. It's in a few weeks so unless I get Corona or some weird quarantine is going on, I will go.

Interestingly she was half-serious talking about moving in with me because I live fairly close to a University she wants to study in. If that happens... Wow. WOW.

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Guest UnabashedUser
On 3/18/2020 at 5:58 PM, Dr.P said:

I think you can rest assured that this woman has a full blown pee fetish, as indicated by her straightforward, open invitation to let you watch her pee. That is extremely rare, in my long experience. Women in Western society have been strongly conditioned to believe that they should be very secretive about their peeing, for a variety of reasons, like it is dirty, disgusting to others, especially men, as well as immodest, unladylike, ugly, and borderline sinful, to the religiously inclined. Attitudes are definitely changing toward the more liberal, at present, but admitting her interest is still a big gamble for most women. The fact that she invited you to watch her, and allowed you to watch her once, then let you listen to her, on the phone, says that her interest is very strong, and she trusts you.

This I agree with totally. It's very risky to propose any kink of pee activity until you've been to bed with her a few times and she's gotton very comfortable with your nakedness and sexuality. Usually she has to like you very much to be comfortable shaking off the chains of society and taboo that has inhibited her all her life. 

If you go too fast she'll turn off completely. Slow slow slow does it.  The best time to ask though is in the afterglow of a screaming orgasm when you lie in each other's arms satisfied. 

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39 minutes ago, UnabashedUser said:

This I agree with totally. It's very risky to propose any kink of pee activity until you've been to bed with her a few times and she's gotton very comfortable with your nakedness and sexuality. Usually she has to like you very much to be comfortable shaking off the chains of society and taboo that has inhibited her all her life. 

If you go too fast she'll turn off completely. Slow slow slow does it.  The best time to ask though is in the afterglow of a screaming orgasm when you lie in each other's arms satisfied. 

Oh for sure. 🙂 I've known her for over 20 years and have been in bed with her... But even then, even in my situation, I will take it slow. I want to hint at it and see reactions. Not like


More like, if I go to the bathroom I can "joke" and ask if she wants to hold it to help me aim, to continue from where we left off as teenagers when SHE asked me that question. If she agrees, I will continue to hint at it, more and more until she gets the picture.

If she actually moves in with me like she was half-serious about doing, well in that case I can take it even slower.


EDIT: If I hear nothing more about her moving in before I go visit her in a few weeks, I will try and let it be known during the weekend I'll stay there. That's 2.5 days that I can use to ease her into it. If she actually is serious about moving in, then I will not purposefully attempt to go yellow with her that weekend, in that case whatever happens, happens. 😉

I'll update y'all every step of the way.

Edited by Wahpow
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Hmmm. HMMM. So I was out for a walk today snapping pictures sending them to her. I snapped a picture of a thing (I don't know what it's called in any language or what it's even for lol) where this girl once peed when she was with me when we were teenagers.

Chat looked exactly like this but in Swedish (emoticons and all)

Me: "You peed behind this thing one day during PE 😳"

Her: "You remember exciting things ^^"

Me: "Some things are etched into my brain 😋"


Now, was that sarcasm from her or....?

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2 hours ago, Metalcrue said:

Doesn't sound like sarcasm.. Sarcasm is very difficult to convey in a message. 

I'd be tempted to think it was a genuine response and another little hint. 

Ohhhh I hope you're right. This is all so exciting!

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1 hour ago, PissingBlonde said:

Yay for peeing behind things and having exciting things etched into your brain!  😛

I'm intrigued about this 'indescribable thing'... could you give us any clues -

shape, size, structure?  animal, mineral, vegetable?

Lol.. It's like a small 1.5 meter tall metal/silver-colored pyramid-shaped thing that's near water reserves and rivers.

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4 hours ago, PissingBlonde said:

See your point - I don't know what that is either!

But like most things I bet it's improved by having a girl peeing next to it.

Anything and everything is improved by having a girl pee next to/on/in. 

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On 3/23/2020 at 12:19 PM, Wahpow said:

Hmmm. HMMM. So I was out for a walk today snapping pictures sending them to her. I snapped a picture of a thing (I don't know what it's called in any language or what it's even for lol) where this girl once peed when she was with me when we were teenagers.

Chat looked exactly like this but in Swedish (emoticons and all)

Me: "You peed behind this thing one day during PE 😳"

Her: "You remember exciting things ^^"

Me: "Some things are etched into my brain 😋"


Now, was that sarcasm from her or....?

I don't see that as sarcasm at all, more that she found it exciting. I would ask her if she enjoyed you watching her if the conversation continues in hopefully a positive way, tell her the truth, you find it a turn on but were too shy to admit it at the time.

You can always exchange a few pics/vids in the meantime before you are able to mee up in person.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Loads of great suggestions here already! If you not fully comfortable talking to her about it yet you can go with the opportunistic approach.. 

Essentially you want to have a few drinks and switch on the charm. Wait until she has been for a pee at least once or twice, get her a refill and wait a short time. Basically you want to be eating her pussy before she needs to pee again but will want to go whilst your eating her out. Make sure she is super comfortable and doesn't want to move. Start sucking her pee hole and use extra slobber and make her pussy really wet. Some soft gentle blowing can ease things along. 

If you time this well you will both be in a sexual frenzy when she moans she needs to pee... "just go". Take this one on the chin like a man and swallow every last drop and don't spill any! Wank yourself off and finish whilst this is happening.

You will both be on the same level now, next time you can plan and have a towel ready to spit it out. 

It's worked for me more than once, if you know roughly how much she drinks before peeing you can get the timing right, and is the most important step. 

I have also had great luck with eating her out after she's been pee and commenting how fucking sexy her pee tastes and say you want more. 

Much less chance of a negative reaction or refusal if your mid mango in already pleasuring each other and it's not talked about. 

Hope this helps


Edited by Beardless
Auto correct
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