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Pee movies...Fake audio or music

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One thing that really turns me off is finding a great watersports video only to discover that the audio is nothing but music or even worse that it is fake peeing or splashing sounds dubbed onto the tape to make

it sound louder. Another thing that I do not like is when they splice the video and replay the same part 2 or 3 times to make it look like the girl is peeing for a very long time when in fact she isn't.

Does this bother anyone else or does anyone else have any pet peeves about the pee porn they watch?


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I'm exactly the same, it's quite frustrating. I remember finding a video with a song I actually really liked, but even so it just seemed weird to be listening to it whilst watching pee porn. I don't understand why video makers feel the need to adjust the audio, I haven't seen a single person comment before to say they like that kind of thing, but hey, maybe we'll be disproved in this thread? As for the video looping, I can understand why they do this, but again it's something I hate... especially as it's so obviously fake.

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German movies, pee is spectacular, the endless "oh ya" gets me, I usually turn the damn sound off. (Or listen to Enigma sez Maigh)

The other thing, though I've not seen it for a while, is the obvious fake pee, guy holding something behind his dick out of sight.

The apparent disgust some chicks show, you're making a pee movie ffs, is it so hard to show a little enthusiasm?

Maigh wants me to add Japanese chicks too, sounds like cats getting strangled, lol


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I pretty much agree with all of the above. I too hate music in vids, and have never yet heard anyone say the opposite, certainly not insofar as pee porn is concerned. And no fan of artificial sound, either. I also find that the re-showing of the same pee on a loop to make it seem longer is chronicallly annoying, because it is always so fucking obvious!

I also seriously hate the constant click - and sometimes flash - of cameras. Seriously distracting, and totally ruining any authenticity by drawing unavoidable attention to the fact that this is just a porn shoot. That is obviously going to seriously harm the eroticism for most of us - except perhaps for anyone whose fantasy IS to watch a piss porn shoot!

And then of course are those German dudes who fill the room with an utter cacophony of loud "oh yas", utterly drowning out any natural sounds of pee. I mean, seriously dudes, do German guys actually make this kind of racket when they get their ends away? It totally detracts from the realism for me.

Why the hell can't these frigging porn producers get it into their thick skulls that we don't want music or any other artificial sound drowning out the action. We want it to look and sound as natural as possible. And enough of us keep saying it often enough that they ought to have got the fucking message by now!

And yes, the girl getting pissed on who looks totally disgusted scenario. I suppose there are some guys out there who might get off on that, the notion of pee being used to utterly degrade some girl who hates it being what floats their boat - pee porn for misogynists! But most of us are far better than that. Like everyone else I have ever seen express a view on this, the girl actually being turned on by it is essential to my pleasure. If she appears obviously disgusted, it's a massive turn off for me and I lose interest totally, no matter what the scenario. For me it is essential that the girl seems to be enjoying it, which pretty much means that she either must genuinely be into it, or at least not disgusted by it and a good enough actress to make it genuinely look like she is enjoying it.

Finally, I will add a bugbear of my own. I absolutely hate it when the cameraman is verbally directing the woman, especially when he keeps telling her to stop in order to change positions and shit like that. Just shut the fuck up and let her pee, dude! That's all I want to see and hear!

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  • 5 months later...

I totally agree with everything mentioned above.

Since I prefer only one girl at a time - no other girls, and above all no men - many types of p-videos are not on my list, anyway.

I prefer a single lady, alone, doing her thing.

No music, no talking, no unnatural sounds, no reminder that this is actually a porn shooting at all.

If she moans: ok - if she dirty talks: ok (depending on how much and if it is overdone or not).

This is why I am very fond of amateur stuff, particularly when the lady is her own camera-man. I mean woman.

There are exceptions, though. I remember one particular girl from MyDirtyHobby, which will - at the start of every of her videos - greet the audience like this:

"Hello, I am Xxxxx and today I am going to pee on/in/at [insert location or object here]."

(This is just a quick translation, as she actually speaks German. But my critique has nothing to do with the language itself.)

This is an absolute turnoff for me. Especially since where she pees is sometimes quite sexy.

It's a bit like eating really tasty food:

You don't talk about it, you don't make "hmmm" and "Aaaah"-sounds (apart from an occasional sigh, maybe, but you wont do that ALL the time while you eat).

If you enjoy it, you enjoy it. Any you do it silently.

At least I do.

All in all, the most sexy Lady when it comes to peeing (particularly naughty peeing, which I prefer), would be TamTamSouth (which is not active anymore, but you might find her videos somewhere, if you look hard enough (no pun intended)).

I am uncertain if her videos were staged, as I have seen one or two hotel rooms where she filmed herself in again: in other, more professionally made videos (most of them featuring lesbian... "action"). And she did work, as a model, for the company where those other videos were sold. But it looks very natural. (I mean the TamTam-Videos; the Lesbian stuff is just professional porn, again.)

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